El Ahorcado de la Iglesia

Tusquets Editores, 1994 - 184 páginas
Un hombre de aspecto miserable se suicida en la habitacion de un hotel de Bremen y Maigret, que iba siguiendole la pista, teme haber inducido al desgraciado a cometer ese acto fatal. Todo parece irreal en este caso: los billetes chamuscados, el paquete de ropa vieja y ensangrentada, los innumerables dibujos de ahorcados? Que habia ocurrido en Lieja un 15 de febrero, hace ya diez anos ? El comisario Maigret, un poco como un sonambulo, se lanza a investigar el entorno del difunto. Descubrira a unos anarquistas, a unos falsificadores, a una banda internacional, o, pura y simplemente, a una pandilla de adolescentes ?

Acerca del autor (1994)

The prolific Belgian-born writer Georges Simenon produced hundreds of fictional works under his own name and 17 pseudonyms, in addition to more than 70 books about Inspector Maigret, long "the favorite sleuth of highbrow detective-story readers" (SR). More than 50 "Simenons" have been made into films. In addition to his mystery stories, he wrote what he called "hard" books, the serious psychological novels numbering well over 100. The autobiographical Pedigree, set in his native town of Liege, is perhaps his finest work. The publication of Simenon's intimate memoirs also attracted considerable attention. Simenon himself once said that he would never write a "great novel." Yet Gide called him "a great novelist, perhaps the greatest and truest novelist we have in French literature today," and Thornton Wilder (see Vol. 1) found that Simenon's narrative gift extends "to the tips of his fingers." The following are some of Simenon's novels, exclusive of the Maigret detective stories, that are in print.

Información bibliográfica