Oraciones Catolicas

Tan Books, 2011 - 156 páginas
Oraciones Catolicas le ayudara a elevar su mente y corazan a Dios y de esta forma, crecer espiritualmente en santidad. Oraciones Catolicas llenara una necesidad que muchos catolicos tienen porque contiene oraciones basicas y bien conocidas que todo catolico deberia saber de memoria. Ademas, incluye oraciones poderosas que la gente puede usar cuando necesite ayuda divina rapidamente. Este librito contiene tambien oraciones favoritas de naturaleza general y oraciones especiales para necesidades especificas. Todas estas oraciones han sido cuidadosamente seleccionadas para que aquellos que las usen, se santifiquen y mas efectivamente soliciten el favor y la gracia de Dios, la Virgen Sanisima, los Santos y los angeles en el cielo.

Catholic Prayers will help you elevate your mind and heart to God, and therefore, grow in holiness. It will fill in the need that a lot of Catholics have because if has basic, well known prayers that every Catholic should know by heart. It includes powerful prayers that can be used for immediate help. It contains favorite prayers of general matter and special prayers for specific needs. All these prayers have been carefully recompiled so that those that use can be sanctified and effectively obtain the graces and favors of God, the Blessed Mother, the Saints and Angels in Heaven.

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Acerca del autor (2011)

Thomas A. Nelson is the author of Catholic Prayers and Pious Practices for Lent, two spiritual works. The former, dedicated the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Model in Prayer, was originally published in 2006 through TAN. A compilation of beloved and powerful Catholic prayers, Mr. Nelson 's work was designed to assist the faithful in obtaining the graces and favors of God. It was also given the Imprimatur a year later by the Rev. Msgr. David D. Kagan, J.C.L.

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