Imágenes de páginas

puede cuando guste comenzar sus hostilidades, á que corresponderé debidamente.

Respecto de prisioneros Americanos, dicé á V. S. que solo existen en este cuartel general los siete, de que le acompaño lista nominal; y confiado en lo que V. S. me manifestá de haber puesto en libertad á varios Mexicanos, he determinado para corresponder á su generosidad hacerlo proprio con los siete referidos, y que la comisaria de este egercito los socorra con setenta pesos para sus alimentos en el camino.

Dice V. S., que cuando se verificó en Monterey el convenio citado, tenia la esperanza de que los terminos en que se concibió abririan un camino para que entre ambas republicas se celebrate una paz honorosa. Prescindiendo de si ese convenio fue efecto de la necesidad, ó dela noble mira que V. S. indica, me reduciré á decirle, que por el espiritu y decision que advierto en todos los Mejicanos, debe V. S. desechár toda idéa de paz entretanto un solo Norte Americano pise armado el territorio de esta republica, y subsistan al frente de sus puertos, las escuadras que los hostilizan. Sin embargo, el Congreso estraordinario debe reunirse en la capital, á fines del presente mes; y este augusto cuerpo resolvera lo que juzgue mas conveniente al honor y á los intereres de la nacion.

El Mayor Graham no ha llegado hasta este cuartel general, y si lo hubiera hecho, le habria attendido como lo ecsigen su caracter y empleo, obsequiando á la vez la recomendacion que V. S. se sirve hacerme. Mando esta communicacion por estraordinario al Saltillo, para que de la misma manera se remità á V. S.

Tengo el honor, con este motivo, de ofrecer á V. S. las seguridades de mi distinguida consideración.

Dios y libertad! Cuartel general de San Luis Potosi, á 10 de Noviembre de 1846.


Señor Mayor General D. Z. TAYLOR,

General-in-gefe del ejercito de los Estados Unidos

del norte, Monterey de N. Leon.

Lista de los prisioneros que condujo á la ciudad de San Luis Potosi el sargento Mars. Hernandez y echan puesto en libertad de orden del E. S. General-en-gefe D. Anto. Lopez de Santa Anna.

Charles W. Tufts,

Thomas Gellespey,

Edward J. Feeney,

John Harrisman,"

Saltillo, Setiembre 23 de 1846.

Henry P. Lyon,
Elisha Puett,
James J. Read.

Son copias.-S. Luis Potosi, Oct. 23 de 1846.



Es copia.-Cuartel general de S. Luis Potosi, Nov. 10 de 1846.

MANUEL M. GEL, Secretario.


GENERAL: At 10 o'clock this morning (under cover of a despatch from his excellency the governor of the State of Coahuila of the 8th instant) I received yours of the 5th, in which you inform me that by order of your government you intend to break the convention agreed upon at Monterey on the 24th September last, and consequently on the 13th of the present month to pass the line then established, by which date you suppose I will have received your note on the subject.

Believing that the terms stipulated in said convention ought to be religiously observed by both parties, I had taken no measures whatever which might tend to a violation of them; but in view of the obligation under which you consider yourself in consequence - of the order of your government, I limit myself to this reply, that you may commence hostilities when you please, and that I shall duly correspond to them.

With respect to American prisoners, I have to say that there are but seven of them at head-quarters, of which I send you a list by their names; and satisfied, as you state, that you have liberated a number of Mexicans, I have determined, in order to meet your generosity with a like spirit, to do the same in regard to the seven referred to, and have directed the commissariat of this army to supply them with seventy dollars to pay their expenses on the road.

You say that when the convention above cited was entered into at Monterey, you entertained the hope that the terms in which it was conceived might open a way to an honorable peace between the two republics. Leaving out of view the question whether this convention was the result of necessity, or of the noble sentiments you express, I will content myself with saying that, from the spirit and decision which I observe in all Mexicans, you ought to discard every idea of peace while a single North American treads in arms the territory of this republic, or while hostile squadrons remain in front of her ports. However, the extraordinary congress is to assemble in the capital about the end of the present month, and that august body will determine what it may judge best for the honor and interest of the nation.

Major Graham has not arrived at these head-quarters. If he had come, I would have received him with the attentions which his character and rank demand; showing at the same time my regard to your recommendation on the subject. I send this communication to Saltillo by courier, whence it will be forwarded in the same way to you.

I have the honor to offer you the assurance of my distinguished consideration.

God and liberty! Head-quarters, San Luis Potosi, 10th November, 1846.


Major General Z. TAYLOR,

General-in-chief of the army of the United States of the north.

No. 3.

Saltillo, November 20, 1846.

SIR: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of the 10th instant, and beg leave to return my thanks for your humane attention in ordering the release of the prisoners referred to in my letter of November 5. I shall not fail to report to my government this generous proceeding; and I am sure that it will be justly appreciated, as tending to alleviate the rigors necessarily attending a state of war, and which it becomes enlightened nations to reduce as far as circumstances will permit.

In regard to the convention of Monterey, I need hardly invite your attention to the provision of that convention which limited the cessation of hostilities to eight weeks, or, until the orders or instructions of the respective governments should be received; plainly leaving it to either government to prescribe a termination to said cessation when it might deem proper. I mention this subject because your communication seems to imply the imputation of a want of faith on the part of the government of the United Statesan imputation which, in my judgment, is not warranted by the terms of the convention or the facts of the case.

In conclusion, permit me still to express the hope that the august Mexican congress, soon to assemble in the capital, will find it for the interest and honor of the great people which they represent to accept the offer of the United States, to enter upon an amicable negotiation of the difficulties, and thus to establish permanent relations of good will and friendship between the republics.

I have the honor to be, with the highest respect, sir, your obedient servant,


Major General U. S. Army, commanding.

Commanding in chief the Mexican army,

San Luis Potosi.

[No. 118.]

HEAD-QUARTERS, ARMY OF OCCUPATION, Camp near Monterey, December 3, 1846. SIR: It becomes my melancholy duty to report the death of Brigadier General Hamar, of the volunteer service, who expired last evening, (2d,) after a short illness.

The order to the army announcing this sudden dispensation expresses but feebly the high estimation in which the deceased was held by all who knew him. In council, I found him clear and judicious; and in the administration of his command, though kind, yet always impartial and just. He was an active participant in the operations before Monterey, and since had commanded the vol

unteer division. His loss to the army at this time cannot be supplied, and the experience which he daily acquired in a new profession rendered his services continually more valuable. I had. looked forward with confidence to the benefit of his abilities and judgment in the service which yet lies before us, and feel most sensibly the privation of them.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major General U. S. A., commanding.


Washington, D. C.

[No. 119.]

Camp near Monterey, December 4, 1846.

SIR: I respectfully enclose, herewith, a letter received on the 30th ultimo, from General Santa Anna, with a copy of my reply, (Nos. 1 and 2.)

If General Vega has been exchanged, as I do not doubt, it is to be regretted that I was not officially in possession of the fact, as, in that case, I could have addressed a much more satisfactory reply to General Santa Anna. It is quite unnecessary for me to invite the attention of the department to the request of that general.

The news brought by the messenger from San Luis is not very important. 20,000 troops are said to be in the city, and a large cavalry force scattered through the country for forage and subsist-ence. Their cavalry parties are thrown forward some 100 miles, or more, on the road to Saltillo, as far as water and supplies extend. From all the information I have obtained, it is, at this time, quite impossible for a large column to move on that route, from a want of water.

I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Z. TAYLOR, Major General U. S. A., commanding.



Washington, D. C.

No. 1.

SOR. GENERAL: Hé recibido la comunicacion de V. S. fecha 20 del corriente, en que contesta á la mia del dia 10, referente á la cesacion del armisticio estipulado en el convenio de Monterey, y hechome cargo de la observacion que me hace V. S. para destruir el concepto que talvez pudiera formarse contra la buena fé del gobierno de los E. Unidos por haber principiado los hostilidades antes del vencimiento de las ocho semanas, tengo el honor de de

cirle, que me conformo con el juicio que há formado sobre el particular.

Agradesco á V. S. la honorosa calificacion que hizo de mi procedimiento en favor de los prisioneros Americanos que se contraban en este cuartel general, y aguardo por parte de V. S. en los casos que puedan ocurrir igual correspondencia. Con este motivo le manifestaré, que el gefe, oficiales, y tripulacion del bergantin Truxton que se perdio frente á la barra de Tuzpan fueran hecho prisioneros de guerra por las tropas Mexicanas; y á peticion del Comodoro Connor, se pusieron en absoluta libertad, con la condicion de verificarse un cange por el General Diaz de la Vega y los tres oficiales Mexicanos que le acompañan, lo cual fué aceptado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos, segun comunicó el mismo comodoro al comandante general de Vera Cruz con fecha 7 de Octubre último. Pero, como hasta el dia 24 del mismo mes exista el General Diaz de la Vega en Nueva Orleans en el mismo estado en que lo colocó el exito de la batalla del dia 9 de Mayo, me veo en el caso de reclamar á V. S. el cumplimiento de lo acordado entre el gobierno Mexicano y el de los Estados Unidos, respecto al cange de todos los prisioneros del Truxton por el General Vega y los tres oficiales citados; esperando que V. S. hará a su gobierno la comunicacion que corresponde, para que aquello tenga efecto segun lo exige el honor, y la buena fé empeñada.

Concluire esta nota asegurando á V. S. que yo tambien tengo esperanza de que el soberano Congreso nacional, que quevá á instalarse procsimamente, acordará lo que mas convenga á los intereses de la Republica; pero creo que no me equivoco al asegurar á V. S., que ni el Congreso, ni ningun Mexicano, podrán jamas oir propuestas de paz sin que el territorio nacional sea evacuado por las fuerzas de los Estados Unidos, y desaparesca la actitud hostil de sus buques de guerra: ese há de sér sin duda el preliminar de cualquiera negociacion que se abra; y seame licito expresar á V. S. que con movida la nacion por un sentimiento de patriotismo, y dispuesta á defender á todo trance palmo a palmo su territoria, nunca dejará de calificar como merece, y como lo há el hecho yá el mundo civilizado, la conducta de los Estados Unidos, y hara cuanto puede y debe por merecer dignamente el titulo que lleva de independiente y libre.

Tengo el honor de asegurar á V. S. mi atenta consideracion. Dios y libartad! Cuartel General de San Luis Potosi, Noviembre 24 de 1846.


Sor. Mayor Gen. Z. TAYLOR,

General-en-gefe del Egercito de los Estados Unidos.


GENERAL: I have received your communication of the 20th instant, in which you reply to mine of the 10th, in relation to the

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