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and Kings, and Children of Ifrael. Act. 11. v. 15. În a Word, St Peter and St Paul, and the other Apostles as well as they, had Jurifdiction over all Chriftian Churches, whether of converted Jews or Gentiles; tho their Labours were divided, according as Occasion required, or as they were directed by the Divine Spirit. All which is no Proof, that St Peter was not the Head of the Apostles.

» G. St Paul's bold Withstanding him to the Face » before the whole Church of Antioch in behalf of » the Gentiles, whom he had misled, fearing them who » were of the Circumcifion, shews the Care St Paul took » of thofe, who were more particularly his Charge; » and feems a Behaviour not very fuitable to the » fupreme Head of the Church both Jews and Gen» tiles, if St Paul had known any Thing of St Pe ter's being fo conftituted by Chrift. pag. 6.

L. Sr, his bold Withstanding is a Mark indeed of his Zeal; but neither of his Superiority, nor Equality to St Peter in the College of the Apoftles. Is not the Council bound to withstand the King, if he proposes any Thing contrary to Law, or the natural Liberties and Properties of the Subject: And will infer from thence, that the King has no Supeyou riority or Authority over his Council? Suppofe the Bifhop of Canterbury should preach or write any Thing to the Prejudice of the Church of England, would a private Doctor think it a Prefumption to withstand his Superiour, and write boldly against him?

But let St Austin anfwer for me. St Peter (fays he) in whom the Primacy of the Apostles appear'd with fe Surpaffing a Grace, was reprehended by a latter Apoftle L. 2. de Bap. C. 1. And tho St Paul's Zeal is to be admired, St Peter's Humility in this Occafion is far more extoll'd by fome of the Fathers. St Gregory's Words are remarkable. He became (fays St Greg.)


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the Follower of one less than himself, that even here he
might go before him to the End, that he, who was first.
in the higheft Dignity of the Apostleship, might also be
the first in humility. In Latin thus. Atque in eadem re
fatus eft fequens MINORIS SUI, etiam ut in hoc prairer.
Quatenus qui PRIMUS erat in Apoftolatus culmine, effet
primus in Humilitate. Hom. 18. in Ezek. tom. 2.
pag. 1180. This puts it beyond Difpute, what these
two Fathers thought of St Peter's Supremacy, and
makes it plain that a Superiour may be reprehended
by an Inferiour without Prejudice to his Authority.

G. Methinks, My Lord, it did not become the «
other Apoftles to fend their Soveraign upon Bufi- «
nefs, as they fent Peter to Samaria. Act. 8. V. 14. ce
pag. 6. «

L. Indeed, Sr, your Stock of Arguments grows very low, when this muft ferve for one. Is it fuch an unusual Thing for the whole Body to depute their Superiour upon Bufinefs, wherein the common Caufa is concern'd? A Bishop may be deputed by his Diouß, a Chancellor by the University, and even a Prince by the Senate. As the Jews fent their high Priest mael with other Embaffadors to Nero. Jof. L. 20. Ant. C. 7.

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G. If it be true, as fome fay, that St Peter was «e Bishop of the Jewish Convert's at Rome, and St Pant « of the Gentiles there, St Paul would have had a « much greater Flock than St Peter, and the Succeffors of St Paul and not of St Peter, must have been « Bishops there; because the Church of Rome is now, « and has long been all of the Gentiles. pag. 7. «

L. All of the Gentiles, Sr? How do yow know that But let that be as it will, tho the perfonal Application, or immediate Infpection of the two + Apoftles was perhaps divided, whilft they were together, their Jurifdiction was not: And it is nothing E

5.5. to the Purpose, which of the two had the greater Number to inftruct: For the whole Flock belong'd to them both in Quality of Apostles. But let us fuppofe St Paul was alfo Bishop of Rome, all that will follow from it, is, that the Popes fucceeded both St Peter and St Paul in the Government of the Roman Dioceß; which will not hinder their Succeeding St Peter alone in the Government of the whole Church. However it was a Thing unknown to Antiquity to call the Bishop of Rome, the Succeffor of St Paul.

» G. My Lord, the fureft Way to find out the » Truth is by Fact, and not ftraining Expreffions, » which may have feveral Meanings. The Eaftern » Monarchs have used to give themselves mighty » Titles, as Son of the Sun, and Brother of the » Stars, and King of all the Kings of the Earth, » &c. But will any believe, that any of them was » the Univerfal Monarch for all this contrary to » plain Fact? pag. 7.

L. No, Sr, what then?

» G. Then let me ask you, do you think one » could write the Hiftory of a King, fuppofe of

King Charles the ad, and in all the Hiftory nei»ther call him King, mention his Restoration, Co»ronation, or tell one Regal Act, he ever did, as »Calling a Parliament, or Prefiding in it, Sending,

or Receiving an Embaffador, or Granting a Com» miffion, &c. And fo of a Pope, could his Hiftory be wrote without Calling him Pope, or Telling of » one Papal Act of his? pag. 7.

L. No, Sr, no more than St Paul's Life can be writ without Calling him Paul. But the Life of St Paul may be writ without a Recital of the Particu. lars of St Peter's Life.

» G. Pray, My Lord, let me apply what I have faid. We have the Hiftory of the Acts of the


Apostles in which St Peter has a great Share, tho not fo much as St Paul, a

And there is a Council. pag. 7. 8.

L. Hold, Sr, you shall tell your Story out immediately. But I defire you to answer me first. Are the Acts a Hiftory of all the Apostles?

G. No, My Lord. But St Peter has a great Share in them, as I told you.

L. And I shall let you know how great a Share he has. St Luke, the Author of the Alts, was St Paul's Difciple; and the Ads are properly a Hiftory of his Life from his Converfion till his Coming to Rome, where St Luke alfo takes Leave of him. Nay many of the Apoftles, as St Andrew, St Thomas, St Bartholomew, &c. Are but once named before the Descent of the Holy Ghoft, and never after. And St Peter's Life and Actions are no farther related than was neceffary to give a fuccinct Account of the first Planting of the Gospel, and the Progrefs it made in the first Year after our Saviour's Paffion; in which indeed St Peter had the greateft Share, and acted on all Occafions like the Mafter-Workman; particularly in the Election of St Mathias, as St Chryfoftom has obferved, Hom. 3. in Act. So that we have but one Year of St Peter's Life in the Ads. After the 12th Chapter St Luke fpeaks no more of him but occafionally in the 15th, because the Hiftory of his Maf ter St Paul required it; whofe Labours and Sufferings are the whole Subject of the laft 16 Chapters of the Acts. And fo it is no greater Wonder that we know no more of St Peter than that we know nothing at all of the greatest Part of the Apostles. And the Reason of both is, becaufe St Luke's principal Defign was to relate the Apoftolical Labours of St Paul, whofe Life was very inftructive, because he had been a violent Perfecutor of the Church E a

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Now, Sr, you may make your Application, if you please. But your Market is pretty well foreftall'd.

§. 6.

The Objections from the Council of Jerufalem answer'd.

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was going to tell you, My Lord, that there is a Council mention'd, wherein both »St Peter and St Paul were prefent: and there is not a Tittle of any Superiority of St Peter over St '' Paul, or any of the other Apostles, either in that Council, or any where elfe throughout the whole Hiftory; which is impoffible, if St Peter had that » Supremacy, which the Popes have claim'd as his Succeffors. This is fo demonftrative a Proof, that the Writers on your Side think it neceffary for them to endeavour fome Solution to it. But the Weakness of their Anfwer is a yet greater Confirmation on our Side. pag. 8.

LOL. It feems however the Writers on our Side do not think it infolvable; and I am of their Mind. But, Sr, your Memory fails you in Telling me, there is not any Thing concerning St Peter's Superiority over the Apostles throughout the whole Hiftory of the Acts. For I told you just now of the Election of St Mar thias, which was the first Thing done by the Apostles after our Saviours Afcenfion; and wherein St Peter acted as Head according to St Chryfoftom's Obfervation And I do not find it mention'd in the Alts, that when St Paul was call'd to the Apostleship, St Peter either abdicated, or was depofed by his FellowApofties,


» G. My Lord, your Divines can find no other 3 Way to get fome Superiority to St Peter in this Council than to fuppofe that he open'd it, because,

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