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Job to be ignorant in the other World of what they loved inordinately in this. Hoc beatus Job nefcire eos poftmodum afferit, quod hic vehementius amaverunt. But, Sr, why should the Saints be kept in Ignorance of what paffes in this World any more than the Angels, of whom it is faid, that they rejoice over a Sinner that repenteth? For both are upon the fame Foot, as Proteftants themselves own.

» G. That is, when it pleaseth God to let them know it, or that the Sinner comes thither. But that they know of every Penitent upon Earth is no » where faid; nor do I know it afferted by any, $ pag. 115.

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L. What wretched Shifts are you here put to, to answer this plain Text! First, the Angels know it, when it pleafes God to let them know it. Very right, Sr; for to be fure, they would not know it, unless it pleafed God to let them know it. But being confcious to yourself that this will not do your Bufinefs, your answer 2dly, that perhaps the Angels only know it, when the Sinner comes to Heaven. But here the Text is plainly against you, which speaks of their Rejoycing over a finner repenting, or doing Penance; which has a manifeft Reference to this Life. However if this will not do, then you come upon me with your Corps de Réserve, and answer me. 3dly, that it is no where faid, that the Angels know of every Penitent upon Earth. But do's Chrift make any Exception? And if he do's not, why will you prefume to do it for him?


St Paul to the Coloff. 2. V. 18. 19. grosfly misinterpreted by the Gentleman,

Y Lord, instead of the Shoolmen's Loo- «

G. Mking-glas, and their vain Philosophy, if we «

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would look into the plain Directions of Scriptures, a we should fettle ourselves upon a much furer « foundation. See then what the Apostle fays upon « the very Cafe in Hand. Let no Man beguile you of ce your Reward in a voluntary Humility, and Worshipping of Angels, intruding into thofe Things, which he « has not feen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly Mind, and « not holding the Head, from which all the Body by joints and Bands having Nourishment minifter'd encreaseth « with the Encrease of God. Coloff. 2. ¥. 18. 19. And « after fays, V. 23. which Things have indeed a Shew « of Wisdom in Will-worship and Humility. ---- Here « is a full Answer to all your Pretenfions for this « Wil-worship of Saints and Angels. For both go upon ce the fame Foot. It is call'd intruding into Things we « have not feen, of which we are altogether uncertain, « and therefore finful in the Practice by the Apoftles Rule. Rom. 14. Y. 23. that whatsoever is not of Faith is Sin. This was fpoke in refpect of Meats, « but is much more fo as to our Worship, and fo- « lemn Devotions of God. «



Your Comparison of Access to an Eartly King is ce here call'd a fleshly or Carnal Thought Measuring God after the Manner of Men. ----བ--


L. Hold, Sr, I told you just now, that the Com parifon you speak of, is a Pig of your own Sow. So let it be as fleshly and Carnal as you pleafe.

G. And the Refult of this is no less than Lofing

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our Reward, that is, Heaven. Fot it is Forfaking the » Head, which is Chrift, whofe Members we are, and receive Nourishment from him; Not fo from Saints and Angels. pag. 115. 116.


L. That's very true, Sr; All our Spiritual Nouvishment comes from Chrift our Head, and not from Saints or Angels. But I never could fufpect, that the Prayers of Saints and Angels (for pray remember they both go upon the fame Foot) should hinder Chriftians from Receiving Nourishment from Jefus-Chrift their Head, any more than the joint-prayers of their Fellow-Members upon Earth. Unless either Praying in Heaven be a Crime, which obftructs the Flowings of God's Grace upon the Members of his Church Militant, or Defiring a Share in thofe Prayers deftroys the Fruit, and Efficacy, they would otherwife have.


But, before I give a direct Answer to St Paul's Words, I must do you the Juftice to own, you are in no Danger of Wronging your Caufe for Want of a Good Affurance. For when talk of Setling ourselves upon a fure Foundation, and conclude the Text of St Paul with these big Words, that it is a full Answer to all our Pretenfions for our Will worship (as you call it) of Saints and Angels, who would imagine any Thing lefs, than that the Invocation of Saints and Angels, that is, Defiring a Part in their Prayers, is fa clearly condemn'd by St Paul, that his Words are utterly incapable of any other Meaning, than as you pretend to understand them.

Now, Sr, to let you fee, how notoriously you impofe upon the Credulity of ignorant People, I shall endeavour to prove, that your Interpretation of the foremention'd Words of St Paul is both abfurd and impious. I prove it to be abfurd from a Principle, which I think cannot be contested, viz. that the Saints and Angels in Heaven pray to God for us. But

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fince Experience has taught me, that you make no fcruple to question the very cleareft Truths, I shall give myself the Trouble to prove it.

First, from Zachary C. 1. V. 12. where an Angel prays thus for Jerufalem, and the Cities of Judah. Then the Angel of the Lord answer'd and faid, O Lord of Hofts, how long will't thou not have Mercy on ferufalem, and on the Cities of Judah against which thou haft had Indignation these threescore and ten Years.

2dly, from this Maxim of St Paul, viz. that Charity never ceaseth. 1. Cor. 13. V. 8. That is, thô Faith, and many other Virtues cease in Heaven, as being inconsistent with the State of Blifs, yet Charity, by which we love God above all Things, and our Neigh bour as ourselves, not only remains, but is undoubtedly encreased in Heaven. And therefore if Charity even in this World obliges us to be folicitous, and pray for one another's Salvation, furely the Angels and Saints in Heaven, whofe Charity furpaffes ours by many Degrees, cannot fail of Performing their Part in Sending up their Prayers to the Throne of Grace for those, who are yet Combating in the Warfare of this mortal Life, and uncertain of their future State.

This Argument is admirably well handled by Mr Thorndike an eminent Proteftant Writer in his just Weights and Measures, C. 16. pag. 107. where he dif courses thus. All Members, fays he, of the Church Triumphant in Heaven according to their Degree of Fa vour with God abound alfo with Love to his Church Militant on Earth. Therefore it is certain, both that THEY OFFER CONTINUAL PRAYERS TO GOD for it's Neceffiries, and that their Prayers must be of great Force and Effect with God for the Affiftance of the Church Militant in this Warfare. Which if it be true, the Communion of Saints will neceffarily require, first, that all, &c. adly, THAT THE LIVING BEG OF GOD A PART

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3dly. From Pfalm 91. V. 11. 12. He shall give his Angels Charge over thee in all thy Ways. They shall bear thee up in their Hands, leaft thou dash thy Foot against a Stone. Now furely thofe Divine Spirits, whom God has appointed to take Care of us, and who always fee the Face of the Father, which is in Heaven (Math. 18. V. 10.) cannot be fo unconcern'd for the Perfons under their Charge, as not to offer up their Prayers for them. Nay it is exprefly writ, that the Smoke of the Incense of the Prayers of the Saints afcended up before God out of the Angel's Hands. Rev. 8. v. 4.

4thly. 'Tis beyond Difpute, that this was the Belief of the Ancient Church in her pureft Times. Whe doubts, fays Origen, that all the Saints both help us by their Prayers, and encourage us by their Example? And again. We all dare confidently fay, that Millions of holy Angels join themselves with Men of good Will when they pray and intercede for us, and are (as it were ) Fellowlabourers with us in our fpiritual Warfare. L. 8. contra Celfum. Edit. Huet. pag. 949.

The Centurifts acknowledge this to be the Doc trine of St Cyprian, of whom they write thus. Verily Cyprian do's not obfcurely think, that Martyrs and Saints departed do pray for the Living. Cent. 3. Coll. 84.

St Hilary writes thus. There are according to St Johnt Angels deputed for the Churches of Afia ---- And in the Doctrine of our Saviour, the Angels of little ones do always fee the Face of God. There are (according to Raphael Speaking to Tobias) Angels attending before the Divine Majefty, and offering up to God the Prayers of fuch as call upon them. Comment, in Pf. 129.


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