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he will teach us these three confiderable Truths First, that the Body and Blood of Christ are in the Sacred Weffels.

2dly, that the Body of Chrift is at the fame Time in Heaven and upon Earth.

And 3dly, that we must not truft our Senfes in this Mystery: tho you told me but a while ago, and were pofitive in it, that God never faid, nor did any Thing to contradict Man's Senfes.

The firft Truth is deliver'd in the following Words, The Apostle (fays St Chryfoftom) tells us, that what is in the CHALICE is the fame as that, which flow'd from his Side. And the wife Men ddored that Body even Lying in the Manger: but you do not fee it in a Manger, but upon the ALTAR. Hom. 24. in 1. Cor. C. 10. V. 16.

The second Truth is deliver'd by the fame Father in the two following Paffages. O Miracle! O Divine Bounty! He, who fits above at the Right Hand of the Father, is at the very same Inftant in all Men's Hands. E. 3. de Sacerdotio, C. 4.

And again; This Mystery here changes for Thee Earth into Heaven - For I will shew thee here placed uport Earth even that, which is most precious and Adorable in Heaven ---- The Body of [ Chrift], the King is the most magnificent Thing in Heaven; but you may now fee it upor Earth. Hom. de fancto Philogonio.

The 3d Truth is thus fet forth at large by St Chry foftom. Let us always believe God, and not contradict him, THO THAT, WHICH HE SAYS, SEEMS TO CONTRADICT BOTH OUR THOUGHTS, AND OUR SENSES.-For his Words cannot deceive us, but OUR SENSES MAY BE EASILY DECEIVED. He never errs, but THESE ARE OFTEN MISTAKEN. Since therefore he fays, This is my Body, let us be fully perfuaded of it. - How many fay now, O that I could fee him in his own Shape ! Or his Cloaths, or any Thing about him! Believe me You SES

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HIM, YOU TOUCH HIM, YOU EAT HIM. You would be content to fee his Cloaths, and he lets you not only fee him, but also tonch him, and eat him, and receive him within you. Hom. 83. in S. Math.

And in the fame Homily he tells us, the Prieft's Office is only Minifterial, but that the Elements arė Sanctified and CHANGED by Chrift.

Here we have both Tranfubftantiation clearly taught, and the grand Proteftant Objection from it's Contradiction to our Senfes fully anfwer'd. And had I not Reason to tell you, it would go badly with you, if either St Austin, or St Chryfoftom were to give Verdict. Believe me, Sr, whenever you appeal to the Fathers, whether Greek or Latin, you put yourself into the Hands of Enemies, and muft expect to fucceed accordingly.


§. 27.

The Gentlemans unfeasonable Boafting.

Y Lord, to trouble you with more «

MQuotations, I refer you to Bishop Cofin's

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Hiftory of Tranfubftantiation: where beginning at « the Inftitution, he fets down in every Century the « Words of the Fathers upon this Point. A little « Book long finee printed both in English and Latin, « not yet anfwer'd (that I hear) and I believe unan- « fwerable. Wherein you will fee a Cloud of Wit- ce neffes, through the firft Ages of the Church, and fo a downwards in perfect Contradiction to this new « Article of your Faith. «

And as the Scriptures, primitive Church, and Fa- « thers are all against you, fo have you Nothing but « an unintelligible Jargon of Metaphyficks, upon which the Schoolmen ring Changes, till the Noife «

II. Part.


» of their Bells have deafen'd common Senfe and


Reason. Such are their Subtilties upon Substance, » Accidents, Subfiftence, Moduffes, and Modalities, " and many more fuch Quiddities; and their Dif» tinctions of Materialiter and formaliter, per fe, and » per Accidens, and a thousand more to folve all Difficulties, and reconcile Contradictions, No Abfurdity » can be named out of the Reach of a Diftinction. » And when we understand it not, it operates most effectually, because then we may fuppofe there is fomething in it. pag. 150.


L. Truly, Sr, to hear you fwagger at this wild Rate, one would think you had an Adversary at your Feet begging for Quarter. But if you be in this Gafcona ding Humor, when you ought to be fenfible, that you just come from being driven out of all your Entrenchments, how would you proclaim your Victory with Beat of Drum, and Sound of Trumpet, had the Advantage of any one Argument been visibly on your Side?


You began the Attack with Arguments from Scrip ture but finding your own Artillery turn'd against you, you made Haft to call the Senfes to your tance, and these you bragg'd of as an invincible Hoft. But they were unable to ftand their Ground against plain Scriptural Facts; common Experience and Reafon. Laftly, you hall'd into the Field fome Fathers; the greatest Part of them moft wretchedly disguised or mangled and you would needs force them to maintain a Caufe, against which they all folemnly proteft, when they are allow'd to speak their own Minds. Yet you have the Confidence to tell me with a serious Air, that Scriptures, primitive Church and Fathers are all against me, and that I have Nothing in the World on my Side but an unintelligible Jargon of Metaphyficks, with a Deal more of fuch Rodomontado-Stuff,

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However I must own you have managed the Fathers with most exquifite Skill, fometimes by the most strain'd and contradictory Interpretations, and other Times by Suppreffing fome Material Part of the Text, which might ferve as a Key to open the true Senfe and Meaning of the Author. By the Help of these ingenious Artifices the Fathers may be made meer Punchinella's, or fpeaking Trumpets, and in Spite of their great Age be taught the modern Proteftant Language, which they were utter Strangers to 1200 Years ago.

But you refer me to Dr Cofin's unanswerable Hiftory of Tranjubftantiation, and particularly to his Quotations from the Fathers; out of which you thought fit to choose to the Number of feven. And I prefume I may be allow'd to have that good Opinion both of your Judgment, and zeal for the Cause, as not to doubt, but that out of the numerous Quotations, with which Dr Cofin has cramm'd his Book, you have pick'd the very Choiceft. For 'tis not reasonable to fuppofe, that a judicious Collector, who had fo much Choice before him, would leave the beft, and take the worst. Whence it is obvious to guess, what Sort of Lumber you have left behind, when the wretched ones, you have made Choice of, are the very beft of the Bunch. One of your Quotations, is taken from an Heretick instead of an Orthodox Father. Your Mentioning St Chryfoftom, and St Austin have ferved for no other Purpose than to give me a fair Occasion to shew how flatly thofe two Fathers are against you three other Fathers are downright falfified. For Origen's Words are clipp'd to conceal their true Meaning; and in your Quotations from Theodoret and Gelafius you have practifed the Art both of Clipping and Coining. Thus, after all your Boaf ting, your Quotations turn only to your Confufion &

And if thefe be the most felect ones of your unanswe rable Doctor, it will be no Rashness to Judge, that the rest of his Quotations are either nothing to the Purpose, or that he has taken Care to cook and drefs them with the fame exquifite Skill, as fome of those you have already entertain'd me with,

§. 28.

Some Animadverfions upon Dr Colin's Hiftory of

come to a clofer Examination of that

BAuthor, I perceive it is his Example has encou

raged you to that wild and defencelefs Affertion, viz. that the whole primitive Church, and all the Fathers are against us. For I find him under the fame Sort of Delirium, pag. 159. where he tells us, that Tranfubftantiation is a meer Novelty, invented about the Middle of the twelfth Century, and confirm'd by no Ecclefiaftical or Papal Decree before the Year 1215. This I own is Laying the Ax to the Root, if the Doctor can make Good what he fays. For, if he can prove, that the Doctrine of Tranfubftantiation is a Novelty invented about the Middle of the twelfth Century, he certainly gains his Caufe: But, inftead of that, he has deprived himfelf of the very Poffibility of Proving it by what he writes, pag. 137. which is a flat Contradiction to it. His Words are thefe. At last a new Form of Retracta» tion was impofed on Berengarius, whereby he was henceforth to confes under Pain of the Pope's high Difpleasure, that the Myftick Bread is fubftantially turn'd into the true and proper Flesh of Christ.

Here, Sr, if you can bring off your unanswerable 'Author, you will do him a Signal Piece of Service, Berengarius began to broach his new Doctrine concer

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