Imágenes de páginas


Statement showing the number of notes and amount of fractional currency and United States notes examined, counted, canceled, and destroyed, for the year ending June 30, 1869.

[blocks in formation]

There are fifty-three ladies employed in this division.


In this division the title records of the documented vessels of the United States are preserved, and the annual statements of navigation are prepared.

These statements show the number and tonnage of vessels of the Atlantic and Gulf coast, of the Pacific coast, of the northern lakes, and of the western rivers, stating separately vessels in the foreign trade, coasting trade, and fisheries; also sailing vessels, ocean steamers, river steamers, yachts, barges, and canal boats; vessels built, lost at sea, abandoned, and sold to foreigners.

The work of supplying blanks and blank books for the custom-houses in relation to marine accounts has been fully inaugurated; 765 books have been ordered, and 570 received, from the Congressional Printer. During the year ending June 30th, 312 books and 54,268 blanks were

sent out.

This work has been delayed by the insufficiency of the force and machinery employed at the Government Bindery.

A thorough revision of the tonnage accounts of the country has been made, and the alphabetical indexes have been prepared for the first time.

During the year 3,096 quarterly abstracts, and 615 other abstracts, have been examined.

The tonnage of the country on the 30th of June, 1869, as compared with the tonnage on the 30th of June, 1868, is as follows:

[blocks in formation]

There has, however, been no actual loss. The reduction of the total tonnage is attributable entirely to the fact that during the past year a large amount of obsolete tonnage, representing vessels lost at sea, and abandoned during previous years, has been stricken from the accounts. In the future an annual revision of the tonnage will be required, and vessels not in service will be promptly credited on the books.

There are five male and five female clerks in this division, on the rolls of this office.

In closing the report I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the ability and efficiency of the several gentlemen who fill the positions of subordinate officers in this bureau, and also to the faithfulness and general good conduct of the corps of clerks employed.

I remain, with great respect, your obedient servant,


Secretary of the Treasury.

Statement of payments made during the year ending June 30, 1869, out of the appropriation for "claims not otherwise provided for," rendered in pursuance of act of March 3, 1809.

[blocks in formation]

Name and object.

H. H. Heath, Secretary of the Territory of New Mexico, and acting
Superintendent of Public Buildings, &c., on account of salary from
July 27 to September 30, 1868..

H. H. Heath, on account of salary for fourth quarter 1868..
H. H. Heath, on account of salary for first quarter 1869..
B. C. Whiting, United States attorney for the southern district of Cali-
fornia, for services in cases of De Graw et al. vs. Harris, keeper of
Point Pinos light-house, and services in the matter of S. Conover for
site of the custom-house at Monterey

C. Cushing, et al., for professional services and expenses incurred in the
case of Kimberly vs. Butler, as follows:

To Caleb Cushing...

To Wm. Schley.



$170 38 237 50

237 50

650 00

..$2,586 75

[blocks in formation]

Statement of the revenue collected from the beginning of the government to the 30th of June, Lands, and Miscellaneous sources, with the receipts

[blocks in formation]

1869, under the several heads of Customs, Internal Revenue, Direct Tax, Postage, Public from loans and treasury notes, and the total receipts.

[blocks in formation]

15, 559, 931 07

48, 897 71

15, 608, 828 78

34,935 69

21,802 35

1, 822 16

23,638 51

443 75 167, 726 06 188,628 02 165, 675 69 487,526 79 540, 193 80 765,245 73 466, 163 27 647, 939 06

442, 252 33

696, 548 82

1,040, 237 53 710, 427 78 835, 655 14 1, 135, 971 09 1,287, 959 28 1,717,985 03 1,991, 226 06 2,606, 564 77 3,274, 422 78 1,635, 871 61 1,212, 966 46

[blocks in formation]

16, 398, 019 26 17,060, 661 93 7,773, 473 12 9,384, 214 28 14, 423, 529 09 9, 801, 132 76 14,340, 409 95 11, 181, 625 16 15,696, 916 82 47, 676, 985 66 33,099, 049 74 21, 585, 180 04 24, 603, 374 37 17,840, 669 55 14,573, 379 72 20, 232, 427 94 20, 540, 666 26 19, 381, 212 79 21, 840, 858 02 25, 260, 434 21

1,803, 581 54 916, 523 10 984, 418 15 1,216,090 56 1,393, 785 09 1,495, 845 26 1, 018, 308 75 1, 517, 175 13 2,329, 356 14

3, 210, 815 48

105, 000 00 297, 500 00 350, 000 00 350,000 00 367, 500 00 402, 500 00 420, 000 00 455, 000 00 490, 000 00 490, 000 00 490, 000 00

1,315, 621 83

22, 966, 363 96

2,623, 381 03

65, 106 34 112,561 95 73, 172 64 583,563 03 101, 165 66

334,796 67

3, 967, 682 55 4,857, 600 69 14,757, 600 75 24, 877, 179 86 6,776, 236 52 3,081, 939 47 7,076, 447 35 3,292, 683 29 1,365, 627 42 1,335, 797 52 897, 818 11

2,059, 939 80

659, 000 00 610, 285 00 586,649 50 569, 280 82 328,674 67 1,375, 965 44 4,542,102 22

1,744, 513 80 672, 769 38

[blocks in formation]

128, 412 32 696, 279 13 2,209, 891 32 5,625, 479 15 2, 517, 252 42 1,265, 088 91 911, 733 82 331, 285 57 440, 807 97 296, 235 99 1,075, 419 70 333,201 78 274, 139 44 284, 444 36 627, 021 13

338, 233 70

706, 059 12 921, 933 24 438,580 76

1, 188, 104 07 1, 105, 352 74

827, 731 40 1, 116, 190 81 1,259, 920 88 1,352, 029 13 2, 163, 953 96 1,088, 530 25 1,023, 515 31 931, 787 64 4,344, 139 82 51, 505, 502 26

3,829, 486 64

3,513, 715 87

1,756, 687 30

1,778, 557 71

870, 658 54

152, 203 77

167, 617 17

583, 333 29

996, 553 31

37, 125, 002 89

[blocks in formation]

24, 763, 629 23
24, 827, 627 38
24, 844, 116 51
28, 526, 820 82

31, 867, 450 66 33, 948, 426 25 21, 791, 935 55 35, 430, 087 10 50,826, 796 08 24, 954, 153 04 26, 302, 561 74 31, 482, 749 61 19, 480, 115 33 16,860, 160 27 19,965, 009 25 8, 241, 001 26 29, 320, 707 78 29,941, 853 90 29,684, 157 05 26, 531, 039 22 35, 713, 109 65 30, 374, 307 07 42, 234, 639 79 52, 557, 878 55 49, 822, 168 30 61, 787, 054 58 73, 800, 341 40 65, 350, 574 68 74, 056, 699 24 68, 965, 312 57 46, 655, 365 96 53,486, 465 64 56,054, 599 83 41, 476, 299 49 51, 935, 720 76 112, 687, 290 95 264, 026, 771 60 333, 714, 605 08 558, 032, 620 06 490, 634, 010 27 405, 638, 083 32 370, 943, 747 21

[blocks in formation]

28,870, 765 36 21, 293, 780 00 29, 422, 585 91 5,435, 126 96 203, 400 00 46,300 00 16, 350 00 1,950 00 800 00 200 00 3,900 00

23, 717, 300 00 28, 287, 500 00 20, 786, 808 00 41, 895, 340 65 529, 692, 460 50 776, 682, 361 57 1, 121, 131, 842 98

1, 472, 224, 740 85

712, 851, 553 05 640, 426, 910 29 625, 111, 433 20 238, 678, 081 06

20, 881, 493 68 19, 573, 703 72 20, 232, 427 94 20,540, 666 26 24, 381, 212 79 26,840, 858 02 25, 260, 434 21 22, 966, 363 96 24,763, 629 23 24, 827, 627 38 24,844, 116 51 28, 526, 820 82 31,867, 450 66 33,948, 426 25 21, 791, 935 55 35, 430, 087 10 50,826, 796 08 27, 947, 142 19 39, 019, 382 60 35, 340, 025 82 25, 069, 662 84 20,519, 477 65

34, 773, 744 89 20, 782, 410 45 31, 198, 555 73 29, 941, 853 90 29, 684, 157 05 55, 401, 804 58 57, 006, 889 65 59,796, 892 98 47, 669, 766 75 52, 761, 278 55 49, 868, 468 30 61, 803, 404 58 73,802, 291 40

65, 351, 374 68

74, 056, 899 24 68, 969, 212 57 70, 372, 665 96 81,773, 965 64 76, 841, 407 83 83, 371, 640 13 581, 628, 181 26

889, 379, 652 52 1,385, 758, 614 58 1,805, 939, 345 93 1, 270, 884, 173 11 1, 131, 060, 920 16 1,030,749, 516 52 609, 621, 828 27

Statement of expenditures from the beginning of the government to June 30, 1869, under the Indian Department, and Miscellaneous, with [The year 1862, and subsequent, are from the account of warrants on the Treasurer

[blocks in formation]

358, 241 08

89, 500 00

[blocks in formation]

146, 403 51

[blocks in formation]

912, 685 12


447, 139 05

184, 859 64


483, 233 70

[blocks in formation]

699, 788 54 457, 428 74 271, 374 11 395, 288 18

[blocks in formation]

295, 676 73 550, 925 93 1, 110, 834 77 1, 186, 655 57 2, 798, 028 77 1,760, 421 30

[blocks in formation]

1, 142, 180 41
























1843 (six months ending June 30) 1844 (fiscal year ending June 30)









1852-'53. 1853-54. 1854-'55. 1855-'56. 1856-157.. 1857-'58..












577, 826 34 304, 992 83 166, 306 04 81,367 48 264, 904 47 347, 703 29 209, 941 01 177, 179 97 290, 892 04 364, 620 40 281,995 97 420, 429 90 284, 113 94 253, 370 04. 207, 110 75 164,879 51 292, 118 56 t5, 140, 099 83 371, 666 25 232, 719 08 659, 211 87 1, 001, 193 66 207, 765 85 294, 067 27 298, 554 00 325, 181 07 955, 395 88 241, 562 35 774, 750 28 533, 382 65 4, 603, 905 40 1, 215, 095 52 987, 667 92 683, 278 15 428, 410 57 563, 191 41 400, 564 04 636, 079 66 702, 637 22 409, 292 55 405, 079 10 448, 593 01

61, 408 97 410, 562 03 274, 784 04 382, 631 89 1,381, 347 76 2,858, 081 84 3, 448, 716 03 2, 111, 424 00 915, 561 87 1, 215, 230 53 1, 189, 832 75 1,597, 500 00 1, 649, 641 44 1,722, 064 47 1, 884, 067 80 2,427, 758 80 1,654, 244 20 1,965, 566 39 3,959, 365 15 6, 446, 600 10 7,311, 290 60 8, 660,000 25 3,908, 278 30 3, 314, 598 49 2, 953, 695 00 3,847, 640 42 4,387, 990 00 3, 319, 243 06 2,224, 458 98 2,503, 765 83 2,904, 581 56 3,094, 083 86 4, 218, 902 45 4, 263, 877 45 3,918, 786 44 3, 308, 745 47 3, 239, 428 63 3,856, 183 07 3, 956, 370 29 3,901, 356 75 3, 956, 260 42 3, 864, 939 06 5, 807, 718 23 6,646, 914 53 6, 131, 580 53 6, 182, 294 25 6, 113, 896 89 6, 001, 076 97 8,397, 242 95 3,727, 711 53 6, 498, 199 11 6, 297, 177 89 6, 455, 013 92 7, 900, 635 76 9, 408, 476 02 9,786, 705 92 7,904, 724 66 8,880, 581 38 8,918, 842 10 11, 067, 789 53 10, 790, 096 32 13, 327, 095 11 14,074, 834 64 12, 651, 694 61 14,053, 264 64 14, 690, 927 90 11,514, 649 83 12, 387, 156 52 42, 674, 569 69 63, 211, 105 27 85, 733, 292 77 122, 567, 776 121, 43, 324, 118 52 31, 034, 011 04 25,775, 502 72 20,000, 757 97

1, 248, 310 05 1, 112, 292 64 1, 158, 131 58 1,058, 911, 65 1, 336, 266 24 1, 330, 747 21 1,256, 745 48 1, 228, 141 04 1, 455, 490 58 1, 327, 069 36 1, 579, 724 64 1,373, 755 99 1, 800, 757 74 1, 562, 758 28 2,080, 601 60 1,905, 551 51 2, 110, 175 47 2,357, 035 94 2, 688, 708 56 2, 116, 982 77 2,736, 769 31 2,556, 471 79 2,905, 041 65 1, 222, 422 48 2, 454, 958 15 2, 369, 652 79 2,532, 232 92 2,570, 338 44 2, 645, 802 87 2,865, 196 916, 908, 996 72 3,027, 454 39 5, 990, 858 81 3, 481, 219 51 6, 256, 427 16 3, 439, 923 22 4, 196, 321 59 4, 265, 861 68 950, 871 30 4, 621, 492 24 §7, 763, 812 31 6, 350, 875 88 997, 007 26 6, 452, 256 35 642, 615 39 7,611, 547 27 999, 177 65 7, 116, 339 04 1,396, 508 72 5,913, 281 50 981, 946 87 6, 077, 008 95 1, 146, 143 79 6, 074, 141 83 1, 147, 786 91 5, 939, 009 29 1,339, 710 35 6, 350, 618 78 1, 231, 413 06 8,059, 177 23 1, 290, 691 92 10, 833, 944 87 1, 260, 818 08 12, 287, 828 55 1, 338, 388 18 15, 585, 489 55 1,548, 589 26 11, 950, 156 58 1, 441, 344 05 12, 443, 712 078, 365, 416 77

*The first Revolutionary pensions.

[blocks in formation]

242, 817 25 1, 948, 199 40 1, 780, 588 52 1, 498, 326 59| 1, 308, 810 57 1, 556, 593 83

976, 148 86) 850, 573 57 949, 594 47 1, 363, 297 31 1, 170, 665 14 1, 184, 422 40 4, 589, 152 40 3, 364, 285 30 1, 954, 711 32 2,882, 797 96 2, 672, 162 45 2, 156, 057 29 3, 142, 750 50 2, 603, 562 17 2, 388, 434 51

1,378, 931 33

6, 506, 300 372, 415, 939 85 2, 630, 392 31 3, 208, 376 31 4, 461, 291 78 3, 111, 981 48 3,096, 924 43 3,340, 939 85 3, 659, 913 18 3, 943, 194 37 3,938, 977 88 4, 145, 544 56 6, 250, 230 28 6,752, 688 66 4,846, 405 61 5, 446, 131 23 6,705, 022 95 5,698, 517 51 5,827, 948 57 11, 791, 208 02 13, 731, 172 31 13, 088, 169 69 9, 227, 045 90 7, 155, 204 99 9,042, 749 92 6,658, 137 16 3, 104, 638 48 5, 192, 445 05 5,819, 888 50 10, 362, 374 36 35, 776 495 72 27,838, 374 80 16, 563, 543 33 9, 687, 924 58 12, 161, 965 11 8, 521, 506 19 9, 910, 498 49 11, 722, 282 97 14, 648, 074 07 16,963, 160 51 19, 159, 150 87 25, 679, 121 63 23, 154, 720 53 14, 472, 202 72 23, 001, 530 67 394, 468, 407 36 879, 583 23 599, 298, 600 83 3, 140, 194 44 690, 791, 842 97 4,979, 633 17 031 323, 360 79 9,291, 610 48 284, 449, 701 82 15, 605, 352 35 95, 224, 415 63 20, 936, 551 71 123, 246, 648 62 23, 782, 386 78 78, 501, 990 61 28, 476, 621 78

839, 041 12 2,032, 008 99 2, 398, 867 29 1, 809, 739 62 1,742, 820 85 1,226, 500 92

193, 695 87 1,866, 886 02 2,293, 377 22 2, 401, 858 78 1,736, 262 45 1, 369, 009 47 1, 542, 255 40 1,344, 027 70 1, 423, 770 85 1, 221, 163 14

161, 190 66 1, 100, 802 32 1, 034, 599 73

Actual payments

seven millions of Mexican indemnity. The years 1849 to 1852 also embrace large sums paid to Mexico.

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