READING LIST ON NEW YORK NEW York City and the Development of Trade" is the title of a reading list published by the Library in connection with the Commercial Tercentenary Celebration. It contains references to books and to articles in periodicals. Many of the entries are annotated. The compiler was Elsie Gansevoort Seymour. NEWS OF THE MONTH GIFTS THE HE following gifts of especial interest were received by the Library during the month of September: From the Century Company came a collection of 59 wood engravings by Timothy Cole, including a set of the French and Spanish masterpieces in American galleries. The National Shorthand Reporters' Association presented 10 volumes and 16 pamphlets relating to shorthand; Sir William Osler of Oxford, England, sent us "The deeper causes of the war," by Dr. Sanday, Oxford, 1914; Mr. Clarence A. Pitman was the donor of 28 volumes and 9 pamphlets of works on shorthand, as a contribution to the Pitman Centenary Collection; Prof. John W. Stimson of Redding Centre, Conn., gave us a copy of his work "The gate beautiful, being principles and methods in vital art education," Trenton, N. J. 1903. From the estate of Kate Warner the Library received a collection of 57 prints, 4 pamphlets, and 3 circulars, including prints by Asher B. Durand and Aug. de St. Aubin. The following authors presented the Library with copies of their works: Mr. William Raimond Baird of South Orange, N. J.; Mrs. Howard M. Chapin of Providence, R. I.; Mr. Arthur Kyle Davis, Petersburg, Va.; Miss Carolyn Gorham Dickerman of New York; Mr. Edward C. Farnsworth of Portland, Me.; Mrs. Elijah Atwood Gove of Watertown, S. D.; Mr. Sadakichi Hartmann of South Aurora, N. Y.; Mr. Leroy F. Jackson of Pullman, Washington; Prof. Maurice Parmelee of the College of the City of New York; Mr. P. E. Pieris of Ceylon, Dr. Denton J. Snider of St. Louis, Mo.; Mr. Lee A. White of Seattle, Wash.; and Mr. Earl M. Wilbur of Berkeley, Cal. Important additions to our genealogical collection were received from the following: Dr. Samuel Omar Barwick of Elk hart, Ind.; Mr. Henry W. Belknap of Salem, Mass.; the Nebraska Society, Daughters of the American Revolution; the Samuel Ashley Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Claremont, N. H.; Mrs. Isaac Roberts Davis of Penllyn, Pa; Dr. Horace M. Du Bose of Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. Levi H. Elwell of Amherst, Mass.; Mrs. Harriet Munby of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, England; Mrs. John Ruckman of Chevy Chase, Md.; Mr. John Columbia Scantling of Washington, D. C.; Mrs. S. G. Stoney of Charleston, S. C.; Mr. S. Townsend of New York; and Mr. Bayard Tuckerman of New York. The following interesting miscellaneous gifts were received: From Mr. Charles A. Boston of New York a collection of periodicals, reports of various SOcieties, etc., consisting of 64 volumes, 224 pamphlets, and 34 circulars; from Mrs. S. Buchhalter 9 Hebrew prayer books published in Roedelheim, 1827-1832; from Miss Alice R. Burt of Brooklyn 20 engraving tools and 2 rollers, which belonged to Charles Burt, also 1 gelatine tracing and 1 tintype, both portraits of James Russell Lowell; from Mr. Campbell Dodgson of the Prints and Drawings Department of the British Museum, 3 photographs of the New Wing of the British Museum; from Mr. Beall Hempstead of New York a copy of "Uniform and dress of the Army of the Confederate States as prescribed by General Orders in June 1861 and article 47 of Army Regulations, published by R. E. Lee Camp No. 1, Confederate Veterans, Richmond, Va." [June 2, 19111; from Miss Eleanor G. Hewitt of New York, English government publications relating to the present war; from Mr. Harry P. Kreiner of New York 10 copies of "Eugenie Lineiff's folk songs" in two volumes, also a copy of the "Songs of the Oukraine," all in Russian text; from Mr. H. R. Kuhardt of New York volumes 1-6 of "La costume historique...recueil publié sous la direction de M. A. Racinet," Paris, 1888; and from Mr. J. S. Schlussel of New York a collection of 52 volumes and 48 pamphlets consisting of Poor's Manual of Railroads, and various periodicals. SEPTEMBER WORK DURING the month of September there were received at the Library 16,028 volumes and 3,874 pamphlets, of which 3,017 volumes and 3,740 pamphlets were credited to the reference department and 13,011 volumes and 134 pamphlets to the circulation department. Of the reference department receipts 1,549 volumes and 381 pamphlets were purchases, 1,457 volumes and 3,354 pamphlets were gifts, and 11 volumes and 5 pamphlets were exchanges. For the circulation department 12,824 volumes were purchases and 187 volumes and 134 pamphlets were gifts. The reference department catalogued 3,787 volumes and 1,693 pamphlets; for this work were written 5,711 cards, and 4,078 copy slips were made for the printer. Cataloguing of 1,052 volumes and 450 pamphlets was completed by addition to 1,420 cards. In the printing office 3,759 titles were set, from which 37,509 cards were printed. The circulation department cataloguing force wrote 651 cards for the union catalogue, entered 3,737 volumes in the union catalogue and shelf list, and classified 585 volumes. At the branches 4,724 cards were written. Through the interbranch loan system 7,595 books were asked for and 5,001 were supplied. READERS, AND VISITORS DURING September the total number of readers in the Central Building was 53,320. They consulted 142,916 volumes. Visitors to the building numbered 170,914. EXHIBITIONS THE exhibition of etchings by Haden, the selection of prints from the Cadwalader Collection, and the recent additions to the print collection have remained on view in Room 321, Room 322, and the Stuart Gallery, respectively. The case of instruments illustrating the making of an etching is displayed in Room 308. In honor of the meeting of the United Typothetae in New York City, the Library has held an exhibition of books illustrative of early printing and of the history of printing. The books were displayed in the Exhibition Room during the first weeks of October. In connection with the Commercial Tercentenary Celebration the Library put on display, in the Exhibition Room, on October 24, a large number of manuscripts, books, and pictures. Early Dutch and English books dealing with the settlement of Manhattan and the establishment of a trading post, early accounts of important events in the history of New York, autograph manuscripts or signatures of many of the Dutch and English governors, formed part of the exhibition. The original Dongan and Montgomery charters were shown, as well as various other items of interest, dating for the most part before 1800. A number of early views of New York City were also displayed. LIST OF WORKS IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY COMPILED BY THE DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY The arrangement is chronological by date of publication. For references to acetylene other than in its relation to welding the reader should consult the various periodicals related to the industry, also the indexes of the Journal of the "Society of Chemical Industry" (VOA). For patent abstracts, reports of the Deutscher Acetylen Verein, and for various German decrees, see the files of "Carbid und Acetylen" (VGA), and of the "Zeitschrift für Calcium Carbid Fabrikation" (VGA). Tho patents are not as a rule cited, indexes and text may be consulted in the Patents room, Number 121. Abstracted in Metal worker, New York, v. 60, July 11, 1903, p. 48, VIA. Comparison with oxy-hydric, electric, and other systems. Costs. Correspondence between Binet and Emile Demenge regarding this article appears in ibid., July 4, 1903, p. 157. 9. Fouché, Ed. L'acétylène; ses applications domestiques et industrielles. illus. (Bulletin technologique, Paris, Nov., 1903, p. [1288,-1331.) VA Properties of acetylene. Generators. Portable acetylene. Lighting, heating, and power applications. First experiments in welding. The flame and its operation. 10. Le chalumeau oxy-acétylènique. illus. (Le génie civil, Paris, v. 43, Sept. 26, 1903, p. 341-343.) VA 11. Janet, A. L'acétylène dissous et ses principales applications. Eclairage portatifs; chalumeaux oxyacétylèniques. illus. (Le génie civil, Paris, v. 43, July 18, 1903, p. 180-182.) VA Method of the Compagnie française de l'acétylène for transporting dissolved acetylene. 12. Leroyer, L. Soudure autogène des métaux. illus. (Bulletin technologique, Paris, Dec., 1903, p. [13411-1352.) VA Autogenous welding in general with cost comparisons. 1904 13. Azetylen-Sauerstoffflame zu schweissen. illus. (Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, Bd. 48, Jan. 30, 1904, p. 182-183.) VDA Refers to successful results in France. Comparison with water gas. 1905 14. Arnoux, R. Procédés de soudure autogène des métaux. (Mémoires et compte rendu des travaux de la Société des ingénieurs civils de France. Bulletin, October, 1905, p. 442-443.) VDA Reply to communication of M. Dumesnil. 15. Autogene Schweissung. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Düsseldorf, v. 25, Aug. 1, 1905, p. 880-886.) VIA Refers mainly to oxy-hydrogen welding. Gas costs in comparison with acetylene. 16. Bone, W. A., and G. W. ANDREW. The combustion of acetylene. (Journal of the Chemical Society, London, v. 87, PKA 1905, p. 1232-1248.) Abstracted in Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, v. 24, 1905, p. 1005, VOA. Detailed results of experiments on different oxyacetylene mixtures under varying conditions. 17. Bureau Veritas. Rapport sur le chalumeau oxy-acétylènique de la Compagnie universelle de acétylène. illus. La revue technique, Paris, v. 26, Nov. 25, 1905, p. 856-859.) Results of tests at the Laboratoire national du Conservatoire des arts et métiers. 18. Cutler, F. C. Autogenous welding. illus. (Cassier's magazine, v. 32, Sept., 1907, VDA 441-447.) p. General article on welding and cutting. 19. Dumesnil, P. Procédés de soudure autogène des métaux. (Mémoires et compte rendu des travaux de la Société des ingénieurs civil de France. Bulletin, October, 1905, p. 438-439.) VDA Very general in scope. 20. Fouché, Ed. [Procédés de soudure autogène des métaux.] (Mémoires et compte rendu des travaux de la Société des ingénieurs civils de France. Bulletin, Nov.-Dec., 1905, p. 609-611.) VDA Discussion of letters of Dumesnil and Arnoux, which see. 21. The use of acetylene for self welding. (Iron age, New York, v. 76, Dec. 7, 1905. p. 1561-1562.) VDA Abstract of paper read before the Liege Congress of Mining and Metallurgy, July, 1905. 22. Fraubel, S. Die Anwendung des Azetylens zum Schweissen von Eisen und Stahl mittels Sauerstoff. (Schilling's Journal für Gasbeleuchtung u.s.w., München, v. 48, Dec. 2, 1905, p. 1069-1070.) VOA Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 4, Jan., 1906, p. 28, VIA; also in Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, v. 24, Dec. 30, 1905, p. 1308, VOA. Data as to required volume and pressure of gas and also as to cost. 23. Nemmo. Welding of metals with acetylene. (Electrical review, London, v. 3, Dec. 29, 1905, p. 1061-1062.) Also in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 4, Feb., 1906, p. 70, VIA. Abstracted from Bulletin of Italian Engineers and Architects. Gives practical working details. 1906 24. Acetylene for high-temperature work in laboratory and workshop. illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 4, Feb., 1906, p. 75-76.) VIA Description of welding devices of Harris Calorific Co., Cleveland, O., and of an acetylene genera tor. 25. Beltzer, Andre. Autogenous welding of metals by the oxy-acetylene blowpipe and a new method of generating oxygen. illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 4, July, 1906, p. 284286.) VIA Abstracted in Metal worker, New York, v. 66, Nov. 10, 1906, p. 67, VIA; in Machinery, New York, (Eng'ng ed.), v. 15, Sept., 1906, p. 27-28, VFA; and in Iron age, New York, v. 78, Nov. 1, 1906, p. 1149, VDA. Discusses advantages of oxy-acetylene process, "epurite" (oxygen-powder), and method of welding. 4°. New York, 1906.1 2 1. illus. † VBA p.v.7, no.19 Reprint of the preceding article. 26. Burr, S. D. V. Autogenous welding with the oxy-acetylene flame. (Iron age, New York, v. 78, Nov. 29, 1906. p. 1437.) Refers to "Epurite" generator. 27. Michaelis, L. Ueber das Schweissen mit der Sauerstoff-Azetylen flamme (unter Benutzung eines Vortrages des Eduard Fouché). 15 illus. (Schiffbau, Berlin, v. 8, Nov. 28, 1906, p. 120-123 and Dec. 12, p. 168-172.) + VXA A description of the apparatus and discussion of costs. 28. Rush, J. K. Acetylene for the laboratory. illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 4, May, VIA 1906, p. 197-198.) Gives relative cost compared with coal-gas, etc. KompElek 29. Schneider, Ernst. Autogene Schweissung der Metalle. Allgemeines. romierter Wasserstoff-Sauerstoff. trolytisch gewonnener Wasserstoff-Sauerstof. Acetylen-Sauerstoff, System Fouché. (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 10, June 1, 1906, p. 166-172.) VGA 30. Schweissverfahren mittels der Sauerstoff-Azetylenflamme. illus. (Zeitschrift für Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 29, Feb. 28, 1906, p. 79-82.) VFA General article with table showing gas consumption and cost for varying plate thicknesses. 31. Wiss, E. Die autogene Schweissung der Metalle. illus. (Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 50, Jan. 13, 1906, p. 47-53.) VDA English abstract in Engineering magazine, New York, v. 30, March, 1906, p. 900-902, VDA. Discusses principally the oxy-hydric process. Brief comparison with oxy-acetylene on P. 53. For discussion with L. Michaelis, see Zeitschrift for May, 1906, p. 707-708. 1907 32. Autogenous welding of steel. (Foundry, Cleveland, v. 30, March, 1907, p. 65.) VIA Brief reference to "epurite" plant of Worcester Pressed Steel Co. 33. Autogenous welding. Use of the oxyacetylene blowpipe in repair work. illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 80, July 11, 1907, p. 88.) VDA General article citing typical jobs completed by the Worcester Pressed Steel Company, Worcester, Mass. 34. Autogenous welding with the oxyacetylene blowpipe. illus. (Engineering news, New York, v. 57, June 27, 1907, p. 706-707.) VDA A detailed description of the process of the Worcester Pressed Steel Company. 35. Autogenous welding with the oxyacetylene high pressure blowpipe. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 96, March 23, 1907, p. 225.) VA New process of the Acetylene Illuminating Company of Lambeth, London. Time and gas consumption according to the French Bureau Veritas. 36. Booth, W. H. Oxy-acetylene blowpipe welding. illus. (American machinist, v. 30, part 2, July 11, 1907, p. 44-46.) VFA Making reinforced tubes for automobile work. Its possibilities for boilers and the reasons for its intense heat. 37. Brazing and welding. (American machinist, New York, v. 30, part 2, Nov. 7. 1907, p. 740.) VFA Contains a brief reference to oxy-acetylene pro cess. 38. C., F. H. Welding steel with a blowpipe. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 30, part 1, May 23, 1907, p. 734735.) VFA Practice of the Worcester Pressed Steel Com pany. 39. Cutting and welding steel with the oxy-acetylene blowpipe. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 7, Dec., 1907. p. 370.) VFA 40. Davis, Augustine. Autogenous welding by the oxy-acetylene process. (International Acetylene Association. [Proceedings, tenth annual meeting, Washington, D.C. Chicago, 1907, p. 60-64.) VOKA Also in Metal worker, New York, v. 68, July 20, 1907, p. 60-61, VIA. General in scope with table showing speed and cost of operation.. 41. Gauthier, E., and C. RODRIGUES-ELY. Special oxy-acetylene burner for cutting metals. U. S. patent 874666, Dec. 24, 1907. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, March, 1908, p. 121.) VIA 42. Heraeus, W. C. Zur Schweissung des Aluminiums. (Chemiker-Zeitung, Cöthen, v. 31, Aug. 3, 1907, p. 773.) VOA Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, March, 1908, p. 121, VIA. Concerning the priority of invention between Heraeus and Schoop. 43. Knappich, Jac. Autogene AcetylenSauerstoffschweissung. illus. (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylenund Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 11, Jan. VGA 11, 1907, p. 8-12.) General descriptive article with table showing amount of gas, cost, etc., for varying plate thick Describes the plant of the Worcester Pressed Steel Company used in the manufacture of steel parts for automobiles, bicycles, etc. 46. Peter. Schweissen und Löten. Elektrische Schweissmaschinen für Massenfabrikation. illus. (Glasers Annalen für Gewerbe und Bauwesen, Berlin, v. 60, 1907, p. 41-49, 61-65, 121-125.) VDA Abstracted in Zeitschrift für Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 30, p. 79-80, 91, VFA. Refers mainly to electric welding. Brief comparison with oxy-acetylene. 47. Ruck-Keene, Harry. New methods of effecting boiler repairs. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 7, Dec., 1907, p. 363-366.) VFA Abstracted in Iron and coal trades review, London, v. 75, Nov. 8, 1907, p. 1752, illus, VIA. Also in Railway and engineering review, Chicago, v. 47, Dec. 7, 1907, p. 1050-1052, VIA. Description of the oxy-acetylene and electric processes of welding. |