48. Safe blowing in Germany by use of oxy-acetylene burner. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 5, Sept., 1907, p. 381-382.) VIA Account of an actual burglary. 49. Schneider, Ernest. Autogenous welding of metals; applications of the oxyhydrogen and oxy-acetylene flames. (Scientific American supplement, v. 64, July 20, 1907, p. 38-39.) VA Abstracted in Engineering magazine, New York, v. 34, Oct., 1907, p. 192-194, VDA. Abstract from a paper read at Chemnitz, Germany. Gives cost data, and comparison of processes. 50. Schoop, M. U. Die autogene Schweisillus. sung von Aluminum. (Chemiker Zeitung, Cöthen, v. 31, July 27, 1907, p. 749750.) VOA Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, March, 1908, p. 95-96, VIA. A brief account with tabulated data. 51. The autogenous soldering of metals. illus. (Scientific American, New York, v. 96, March 2, 1907, p. 189-190.) VA Industries for which it is suitable, and special application to soldering aluminum. 52. A burner for cutting metals. illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 5, August, 1907, p. 308-309.) VIA 53. Steel cutting with the oxy-acetylene flame. (Iron age, New York, v. 79, June 20, 1907, p. 1871.) VDA Demonstration by the Davis-Bournonville Acetylene Development Company, New York City. 54. Thomas, R. La soudure autogène des métaux. illus. (Bulletin technologique, Paris, Sept., 1907, p. [5751-628.) VA 59. Bayer Revisions-Verein. Anweisung. (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beluchtung, Berlin, v. 12, July 15, 1908, p. 162.) Instructions to inspectors, May 31, 1908. 60. Bennett, Charles F. A welded boiler. illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, April, 1908, p. 95-96.) VFA 61. Bernier, L. L. Application of autogenous welding to boiler shop work. illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, July, 1908, p. 230-235.) VFA 62. Interesting cost data. Autogenous welding of metals. High temperatures for industrial purposes obtained by means of burners. illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, June, 1908, p. [165]-169.) VFA Interesting comparisons of the various types of blowpipes: oxy-acetylene, oxy-hydric, and oxy-gas. 63. Bournonville, Eugene. Autogenous welding by the oxy-acetylene flame. (Metal worker, New York, v. 70, Dec. 19, 1908, VIA p. 50.) Also in Iron age, New York, v. 82, Nov. 26, 1908, p. 1507, VDA. Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, Feb., 1909, p. 85-86, VIA; Railroad age gazette, New York, v. 46, Jan. 8, 1909, p. 94-95, TPB. Paper read before the Technology Club of Syracuse N. Y., Nov., 1908. Historical data. Comparisons of oxy-hydrogen, oxygen-coal gas and oxyacetylene processes. Describes high, low, and medium pressure torches. 64. Cave, Henry. The application of autogenous welding to automobile repairs. illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 15, Dec., 1908, p. 266-267.) VFA Also in Railway machinery, New York, v. 8, Dec., 1908, p. 266-267, VFA. 65. Cutting steel structures with the oxyacetylene burner. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, April, 1908, p. 164.) Abstracted from Acetylen für Wissenschaft und Industrie, Jan. 15, 1908. Rapid work in taking down a bridge. 66. Das "autogene Schneiden" in patentrechtlicher Beziehung. (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, May 15, 1908, p. 111.) VGA Discusses the Köln-Müsener patent and its conflicts. Reply to same in issue of Aug. 15, p. 186-187. 67. Davis, Augustine. The history and present status of the oxy-acetylene process in America. (International Acetylene Association, [Proceedings, eleventh annual meeting, Chicago. Chicago, 1908, p. 109-117.) VOKA Abstracted in American engineer & railroad journal, New York, v. 82, Sept., 1908, p. 360-361, TPB (Acetylene journal, Chicago, VOA v. 10, Oct., 1908, p. 140-143.) 68. Delcampe, C. Mechanical details of oxy-acetylene blowpipe. U. S. patent and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, Jan., 1908, p. 34.) VIA 69. Diegel, C. Das Schweissen und Hartlöten mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Blechschweissung. illus. (Verhandlung des Vereins zur Beförderung des Gewerbfleisses, Berlin, v. 87, 1908, p. 323-346, 355374, 441-460.) VA Abstracted in Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 53, March 13, 1909, p. 401406, VDA; Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, v. 324, 1909, p. 3-7, 19-24, 41-43, VA; Glasers Annalen für Gewerbe und Bauwesen, Berlin, v. 69, 1909, p. 71-76, 133-138, VDA; Stahl und Eisen, Düsseldorf, v. 29, May 26, 1909, p. 776-784, VI. Deals largely with water-gas practice at the works of Julius Pintsch. Tables show detailed results of tests by electric, water-gas and oxy-acetylene processes. Illustrations are noteworthy. Berlin: L. Simion Nf., 1909. Abstracted in Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, Oct., 1908, p. 332-333, VFA. Includes tables of comparative cost and of gas consumption. 72. Francis, S. A. Effect of autogenous welding on the metal in the joint. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 2, Dec. 3, 1908, p. 824.) Refers to report in Stahl und Eisen. 73. Harris, John. Air-acetylene burner. U. S. patent 878461, Feb. 4, 1908. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, March, 1908, p. 121.) VIA Patent covers auxiliary supply of oxygen. 74. Hilpert, A. Anwendung der autogenen Schweissung zur Ausbesserung von Dampfkesseln. (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und KleinBeleuchtung, v. 12, Aug. 15, 1908, p. 185186.) VGA Comparison of electric and autogenous processes. 75. Die autogene Schweissung in ihrer Anwendung auf Kesselreparaturen. illus. (Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, v. 323, June 13, 1908, p. 371-374.) VA Influence of varying conditions shown by curves. Conditions for the most successful welding. 76. Kesselreparaturen mittels autogener Schweissung. illus. (Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, Berlin, v. 323, 1908, p. 161-165, 185-186, 200-204.) VA Account of welding operations upon boilers of several French vessels. 77. Ist eine Reinigung des zur autogenen Schweissung zu verwendenden Acetylens erforderlich? (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und KleinBeleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, Sept. 15, 1908, VGA p. 206-210.) Includes replies from several firms. 78. Knappich, J. Die autogene Schweissung. illus. (Zeitschrift für CalciumcarbidFabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, March 1, 1908, p. 49-52.) VGA 79. Kommission zur Beratung von Aenderungsvorschlägen für die Polizeiverordung betreffend die Herstellung, Aufbewahrung und Verwendung von Azetylen sowie die Lagerung von Karbid. Bericht, Oct., 1907. (Zeitschrift für Dampfkessel und Maschinenbetrieb, Berlin, v. 31, March 20, 1908, p. 105-107.) VFA 80. Lake, Edwin F. Cutting steel with the oxy-acetylene blowpipe. By E. F. L. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 2, Nov. 5, 1908, p. 685.) 81. Report of exhibition at Columbia University. A handy autogenous welding apparatus. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 2, Aug. 13, 1908, p. 236-237.) VFA Portable outfit using a "Prest-o-lite" tank. 82. Portable oxy-acetylene welding outfit. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 2, Nov. 5, 1908, p. 668-670.) VFA Apparatus manufactured by the F. C. Sanford Mfg. Co., of Bridgeport, Conn. 83. Lightfoot, Cecil. The influence of oxygen in extending the use of the oxyacetylene blowpipe. (International Acetylene Association, [Proceedings, eleventh annual meeting, Chicago. Chicago, 1908, p. 35-38.) VOKA Refers to portable cylinders made by the Linde Air Products Company. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 10, Oct., 1908, p. 143-144.) VOA 84. Michaelis, L. Die Acetylen-Sauerstoff-Schweissung. (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, June 15, 1908, p. 142-144.) VGA Caustic remarks concerning firms that do inferior work. Ostermann und Flüs reply on page 155 of the July 1st issue. 85. Benutzung von gelöstem Acetylen für autogene Schweissung. (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, Aug., 1908, p. 169-172.) VGA With replies of several firms on p. 172-177, 202. Abstracted in Dinglers polytechnisches Journal, v. 323, Sept. 12, 1908, p. 590, VA. 86. Oxy-acetylene methods of welding and cutting metals. illus. (American engineer and railroad journal, New York, v. 82, Jan., 1908, p. 28-29.) TPB Industrial Oxygen Company's process as used by the Worcester Pressed Steel Co. 87. Oxy-acetylene process of cutting and welding. (Engineering news, New York, v. 60, Nov. 19, 1908, p. 547-548.) VDA Abstracted in Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, Feb., 1909, p. 85-86, VIA. Description of different types of gas generators and burners. 88. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting. (Railroad age gazette, New York, v. 45, June 20, 1908, p. 265-266.) TPB Davis-Bournonville process. 89. Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting tool. illus. (Railroad age gazette, v. 45, Sept. 18, 1908, p. 967-968.) TPB General discussion with special reference to the Davis-Bournonville process. Costs of welding and cutting are given. 90. Oxy-acetylene welding apparatus. illus. (Boiler maker, New York, v. 8, Dec., VFA 1908, p. 395.) Davis-Bournonville apparatus. 91. Oxy-acetylene welding process. illus. (Marine engineer and naval architect, London, v. 31, Oct. 1, 1908, p. 70.) VXA Account of boiler repairs on the steamship Indraghiri. 92. Oxygenite and its use in autogenous welding. illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 6, Oct., 1908, p. 431-432.) VIA A compound, introduced by the Industrial Oxygen Co., which, when heated, supplies oxygen for oxy-acetylene welding. 93. Portable oxy-acetylene welding and cutting machine. illus. (Metal worker, New York, v. 70, Aug. 8, 1908, p. 62-63.) VIA Beltzer-Delcamp apparatus. Weighs 750 pounds including generators. Data showing time and expense incurred in cutting steel plate of various thicknesses. illus. (Iron age, New York, v. 82, July 16, 1908, p. 176-177.) VDA 94. R., F. E. Oxy-acetylene process of metal cutting and autogenous welding. illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 15, Oct., 1908, p. 126-127.) Manufacture of the gases. Brief description of Davis-Bournonville torches. Illustrations of a few typical operations. VFA 95. Reich, W. I. Autogenous welding. (Metal worker, New York, v. 69, March 21, 1908, p. 60.) VIA Interesting curves showing cost and gas consumption for oxy-acetylene and oxy-hydrogen pro cesses. (Iron age, New York, v. 81, Feb. 13, 1908, p. 506.) VDA 96. Some applications of autogenous welding. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 1, Feb. 27, 1908, p. 316.) VFA 97. Reischle, J. Anwendung der autogenen Schweissung zur Herstellung und Ausbesserung von Dampfkesseln. (Zeit schrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, May 1, 1908, p. 97-102.) 98. Sauerstoff-Acetylen-Gebläse. schrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, June 15, 1908, p. 140-141.) Account of bridge wrecking. 99. Schulze. Autogene Schweissung. (Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 52, Jan. 11, 1908, p. 6667.) VDA Comparisons of oxy-hydric and oxy-acetylene especially as to cost. zur 100. Van Brussel, J. B. New process for metal cutting and autogenous welding. illus. (Engineering magazine, New York, v. 35, July, 1908, p. 545-557.) VDA 101. Verfahren Ausbesserung von Schienenköpfen mit Hilfe des AcetylenSauerstoff-Gebläses. (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, June 1, 1908, p. 130.) Refers to the Rosenthal patent for welding rail heads. 102. Vogel, J. H. Welche Anforderungen sind an die Reinheit des zur autogenen Schweissung zu benutzenden Acetylens zu stellen? (Zeitschrift für CalciumcarbidFabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, Nov. 1, 1908, p. 243-245.) Discusses necessity for approved generators and burners, also for mechanical and chemical purification of acetylene. 103. Welche Anforderungen sind an Acetylen Apparate zu stellen, die zur autogenen Schweissung benutzt werden? (Zeitschrift für Calciumcarbid-Fabrikation, Acetylen- und Klein-Beleuchtung, Berlin, v. 12, Nov. 1, 1908, p. 242-243.) Discusses gas delivery, burners, and portability of apparatus. 104. Welding. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 31, part 1, March 26, 1908, p. 514-516.) VFA General principles, with comparative merits of electric and autogenous processes. 105. Welding, The, of steam boilers. (Power, New York, v. 28, Jan. 21, 1908, p. 105.) VFA 106. Zur Frage der autogenen Schweissung von Blechen. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Düsseldorf, v. 28, July 22, 1908, p. 1063-1065.) VIA Metallographic investigation of welded material. English translation in Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 10, Dec., 1908, p. 219-220, VOA. 1909 107. Acetylenexplosion beim Schweissen von Strassenbahnschienen in Hamburg. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, May 15, 1909, p. 118.) VGA 108 Aiken, Claude. Flanging, punching and welding. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, March 18, 1909, p. 421-424.) Oxy-acetylene process used. VFA 109 Anwendung der autogenen Schweissung auf Dampfkesselausbesserungen. illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Dec. 1, 1909, p. 273-274.) VGA From Zeitschrift des Bayerischen Dampfkessel Revisions-Vereins, v. 13, no. 18. 110. Auel, C. B. Autogenous welding, with special reference to the use of the oxy-acetylene process. illus. (Electric journal, Pittsburgh, v. 6, Aug., 1909, p. 453471.) VGA Lengthy general article describing apparatus, manufacture of gases, welding of iron, brass, and aluminum. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 2, Nov. 18, 1909, p. 858-865.) 111. Autogenous welding. VFA illus. (Mar ine engineer and naval architect, London, V. 31, Jan. 1, 1909, p. 181-183.) Illustrates repairs on marine boilers. 112. Autogenous welding equipment for light work. illus. (Machinery, New York, Eng'ng ed., v. 15, July, 1909, p. 906-907.) VFA Repair of machine tool parts by the high pressure oxy-acetylene torch. illus. (American machinist, v. 32, part 2, VFA Sept. 2, 1909, p. 434-435.) 123. Welding boilers. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, June 3, 1909, p. 940.) VFA Criticizes cost figures by E. A. Dixie in American machinist, v. 32, part 1, p. 291. 127. Comparison between [oxy-acetylene, oxy-hydrogen and electric welding systems. illus. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, May, 1909, p. 226-228.) VIA Abstracted in American engineer and railroad journal, New York, v. 84, Feb., 1910, p. 46-47, TPB. 128. Convenient, A, welding table. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 2, July 8, 1909, p. 92-93.) VFA Design of the Autogenous Equipment Company. of Springfield, Mass. 132. Das autogene Schweissen durch die Sauerstoff-Acetylenflamme. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Dec. 15, 1909, p. 290.) VGA Table printed originally in "Acetylen," showing comparative heat values in different autogenous processes. 133. Davis, Augustine. Progress of autogenous welding. (Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, New York, v. 7, May, 1909, p. 233-234.) VIA Brief statement of commercial applications of oxy-acetylene process. 134. Deutscher Acetylenverein Betriebsprüfung transportabler Acetylenapparate für Zwecke der autogenen Metallbearbeiturfg. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, June 1, 1909, p. 125-126.) VGA Several points of the ministerial decree of April 25 are construed. 135. Fachgruppe für autogene Metallbearbeitung. Bericht über die Sitzung für autogene Metallbearbeitung in München am 20. Februar 1909. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, March 15, 1909, p. 61-70.) VGA Contain amended suggestions for regulations covering movable apparatus and testing. 137. Dixie, E. A. boiler shop. illus. New York, v. 32, p. 291-297.) Electric welding in the (American machinist, part 1, Feb. 25, 1909, VFA Shows comparative costs of electric and gas welding. 138. Flux for autogenous welding of aluminum by oxy-acetylene flame. (Metallurgical and chemical engineering, New York, v. 7, June, 1909, p. 284; v. 8, Jan., 1910, p. 49.) Schoop (U. S.) patents, 922523, May 25, 1909, and 943164, Dec. 14, 1909. 139. Fowler, William. Fusion welding a link. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, June 24, 1909, p. 1065.) VFA Describes repair job on a Standard locomotive. 140. Hammond, A. Newton. Use of oxyacetylene torch in drilling hard spots in cast iron. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, April 1, 1909, p. 550.) VFA 141. Hilbert, A. Ausbesserungen an Schiffskesseln mittels Azetylen-SauerstoffSchweissung. (Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, Berlin, v. 53, Jan. 2, 1909, p. 33-34.) Practice in several European ports. Requirements for successful welding. Comments by J. Reischle are printed in Zeitschrift des Vereines deutscher Ingenieure, v. 53, Jan. 23, 1909, p. 159. 142. Jaeger. Ueber autogenes Schweis(Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Nov. 15, 1909, p. 257-263.) sen. VGA Results of an investigating tour in France, Germany and Italy. 143. Knappich, J. Die Anwendung von Schweissmitteln und Zugabmaterial bei der autogenen Schweissung. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, June 1, 1909, p. 126-127.) VGA Discusses welding powders and metal welding pencils. 144. Die Gefahrenmöglichkeiten bei der autogen Metallbearbeitung und deren Ausschaltung. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, May 15, 1909, p. 114-117.) 145. Welche Gefahren beitet die autogene Metallbearbeitung? illus. (Carbid und Acetylen*, Berlin, v. 13, Dec. 15, 1909, p. 281-288.) VGA Consideration of apparatus to prevent backfiring, also of precautions in the use of portable apparatus. 146. Lake, E. F. Fusion welding apparatus and work. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 2, Dec. 9, 1909, p. 988-993.) VFA Portable welding outfit (Oxy-Carbi Company). Description of stationary gas generators, welding and cutting torches. Welding automobile parts, punch-press frames, etc. Illustrations are numerous and interesting. 147. Welding with the oxygenite process. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 32, part 1, March 18, 1909, p. 437440.) VFA Each pound of oxygenite gives off about 5 cubic feet of oxygen which at same time stores itself under pressure of from 150 to 200 pounds. Experience of the Fore River Ship Building Company. 148. Lamberton, E. Ueber das Schweissen des Gusseisens. illus. (Stahl und Eisen, Düsseldorf, v. 29, 1909, p. 20552061.) VIA Abstracted in full in Metallurgical and chemical engineering, New York, v. 8, Feb., 1910, p. 102-106, illus. VIA. Discusses the oxy-acetylene and other processes. Abstract adds an account of the principal American manufacturers of oxy-acetylene apparatus. 149. Le Chatelier, André. The repair of marine boilers by autogenous welding. (Engineering magazine, New York, v. 36, Feb., 1909, p. 848-850.) VDA Abstract of paper in Revue de métallurgie, Nov. 1908. |