Imágenes de páginas

478a. Using oxy-acetylene methods for sheet plate work. illus. (American machinist, New York, v. 40, April 30, 1914, p. 757-759.) VFA Describes the manufacture of steel mangle rollers, steam headers, and coil pipes.

479. Oxy-acetylene welding failure. (Practical engineer, London. v. 49, Jan. 8, 1914, VDA p. 26.)

Refers to boiler explosion due to insecure weld. Claims that best results are obtained only by fire and pressure.

480. Oxy-acetylene welding practice. (Practical engineer, London, v. 49, Jan. 22, 1914, p. 75.) VDA

Editorial comment on reply of Mr. Robert Young to leading article in issue of Jan. 8.

481. Oxy-acetylene welding rods. (Practical engineer, London, v. 49, April 2, 1914, p. 325.) VDA

Use of vanadium steel wire for the purpose.

482. Perkins, Frank C. Obtention de températures plus éléves que celles de l'arc électrique. illus. (L'électricien, Paris, v. 47, Feb. 21, 1914, p. Ì17-121.) VGA

High temperatures from combination electric arc and gas.

483. Richardson, D. Defective oxy-acetylene welds. illus. (Practical engineer, London, v. 49, Feb. 26, 1914, p. 196-197.) VDA

484. Richter, H. Advances in copper welding. illus. (Engineering news, New VDA York, v. 40, Jan. 1, 1914, p. 23-25.)

Refers to filling material and welding paste made by Carl Canzler, Duren, Germany.

485. Surface hardening by oxy-acetylene; new application. (Acetylene journal, Chicago, v. 15, April, 1914, p. 394.) VOA


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Numbers refer to individual entries. Author references are printed in italics.

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Bermann, Max, 323.
Bernier, L. L., 61, 62.
Binet, André, 8.

"Blaugas" process, 396, 435.
Blow-pipe. See Burner.

Boiler repairs, 47, 60, 61, 75, 76, 91, 105, 109,
111, 123, 129, 131, 137, 149, 150, 159, 160,
195, 198, 212, 216, 219, 225, 248, 251, 282,
286, 303, 319, 331, 352, 380, 404, 406, 412,
475, 478, 479, 487. See also, Locomotive
and machinery repairs.
Boiler-scale, removing, 410.

Bone, W. A., and G. W. Andrew, 16.

Bone, W. A., and J. C. Cain, 4.

Books, 25a, 69, 125, 178, 217, 234, 261, 300a,
305, 345a, 347, 357, 385, 424, 473a.

Booth, W. H., 36.

Bournonville, Eugene, 63.

Brandt, H., 325.

Brass welding. See Copper welding.

British Oxygen Company, 175, 252, 270.

Bubbles, overcoming, in cast iron work, 360.
Bureau Veritas, 17.

Burglary, used for, 48, 452.

Burkhart, L. H., 326, 327, 328.

Burners, 10, 17, 41, 52, 54, 63, 68, 73, 87, 94,

146, 152, 157, 162, 203, 207, 224, 225, 226,
227, 242, 270, 351, 354, 372, 377, 411, 423,

[blocks in formation]

Colvin, Fred H., 335. Combination of electric arc and gas flame, 482.

Compact welding plant, 249, 414. Compagnie Française de l'Acétylène, 11. Comparison of different processes, 46, 54, 62, 63, 74, 95, 99, 104, 127, 132, 137, 148, 172, 223, 245, 250, 267, 339, 350, 365, 380, 392, 396, 415, 435, 460, 461. Competitions, Welding, 325, 462, 468. Concrete cutting, 333, 416, 439. Copony, A., 250.

Copper welding, 179, 183, 311, 318, 329, 385, 386, 441, 455, 458, 459, 484.

Cost data, 15, 27, 28, 30, 40, 43, 49, 54, 58, 61, 71, 89, 93, 95, 99, 114, 129, 137, 199, 201, 202, 288, 293, 299, 375, 436, 437, 461, 470, 478.

Courtney, M. S., 130. Courtney, W. F., 251. Crombie, James, 131. Culin, G. A. A., 415. Cutler, F. C., 18.

Cutting, 41, 52, 53, 65, 80, 114, 126, 151, 169, 186, 187, 196, 199, 211, 276, 294, 295, 299, 303, 311, 322, 332, 333, 341, 349, 356, 357, 368, 387, 452, 454, 473. See also Concrete cutting; Wrecking.

Cutting, injurious to metal, 383, 385, 388.
"Cyclone" process. See Matthews and

Davis, Augustine, 40, 67, 133, 188.
Davis-Bournanville Acetylene Development
Company, 53, 88, 89, 90, 94, 169, 226, 239,
253, 278 292, 297 298, 299, 321, 363.
Davis, J. M., 189.

Defective welds. See Failure of welds.
Delcampe, C., 68.

Desch, Cecil B., 472.

Deutscher Acetylenverein, 134 135, 136, 182, 190, 243, 254, 255, 256, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 417.

Deutscher Oxyhydric Co., 302.

Deverell, E. C., 191.

Diegel, C., 69, 192, 193, 257.

Dissolved acetylene, 11.

Dixie, E. A., 137.

Dixon, Harold B., 1.

Drilling, 140, 422.

Dumesnil, P., 19.

Economy Welding Machine Company, 258, 274.

Effect of flame on welded material, 203 330, 405.

Emann cutting device, 356.

Electric welding, comparison with oxyacetylene, 46.

Elliott, Louis, 259.

English welding firms, 464.
Epurite, 26, 32.
Explosibility of gases, 1, 4.
Explosions. See Accidents.
Fackler, C. J., 343.

Failure of weld, 479, 483.
Fairlie portable outfit, 420.
Faron, Leon, 421.

Flare-back. See Flash-back.

Flash-back, Prevention of, 233, 236, 310, 430, 443, 450. See also, Water seals. Flue welding, 129, 150. See also, Boiler repairs.

Foljambe, E. S., 71.

Fouché, Ed., 9, 10, 20, 21.

Fouché patents, 164, 173, 306. Fowler, William, 139.

Fraenkel, A., 344.

France, History of autogenous welding in,


Francis, S. A., 72.

Fraubel, S., 22.

Friedmann, Immanuel, 198.

Ganthier, E., and Rodrigues-Ely, C.

Gas Consumption, 470.

Gas pressure, 120, 184, 309, 416, 448, 466. Gas purification, 102, 203, 206, 223, 304. See also, Comparison of processes. Gas pipe welding, see Pipe welding. Gaudet und Bigand process, 302. Generators, 24, 25, 87, 242, 277, 308, 309, 418, 425, 442, 453.

Gillespie, Robert M., 473.

Granjon, R., and P. Rosenberg, 424.
Groth, Lorenz Albert, 345a.
Hammond, A. Newton, 140.

Hanseatic Acetylen-Gas-Industrie, 286.
Hardening of welded material, 203, 330, 465.
Hardening, Surface, 485.

Harris Calorific Co., Cleveland, 24.

Harris, John, 73, 425.

Hart, Richard N., 473a.

Hartline, George, 199.

Heaton, T. T., 474.

Heraeus, W. C., 42.


Herzfeld, Hans, 200.

"Hesperus" welding apparatus, 342.

Hilpert, A., 74, 75, 76, 141..
Hobart, James F., 426,427.
Hopfer, 201.

Horn, August, 261..

Impurities, Gas. See Purification of gas. Industrial Oxygen Co. process, 86, 92. International Acetylen Association, 263, 346. International Oxygen Company, 277, 442.

Jacobs, H. W., 202, 264, 429.

Jaejer, 142.

Janet, A., 11.

Joints, Tests on. See Tests on welds. Johnston, E., 430.

Jones, L. B., 431.

Kautny, Theodor, 265, 347, 475.

Kautny's kineomatagraph method, 406.
Keller und Knappich process, 302.
Keppelmann, D. E., 432, 476.
Kirchberger, W., 348.

Klindworth, J. L., 433.

Knappich, Jac., 43, 78, 143, 144, 145, 349.

Knappich patent, 235.
Köln-Müsener patent, 66.

Lake, E. F., 80, 81, 82, 146, 147, 203.
Lamberton, E., 148.

Lauer, W. T., 204.

Lavinder, P. T., 205, 266.

Lavoisite, 269.

Law, E. F., 267.

Lawrence, S. E., 350.

Lead welding, 179, 457.

Le Chatelier, Henri L., 2, 3, 149, 351.

Leeds, F. H., and W. J. A. Butterfield, 206.

Leroyer, L., 12.

Lester, C. E., 150, 352.

Levy, Anton, 151.
Lewes, Vivian B., 353.
Lightfoot, Cecil, 44, 83.

Linde Air Products Company, 44, 83, 282.
Liquid gas, 5.

Locomotive and machinery repairs, 264, 280, 283, 316, 317, 320, 327, 328, 381, 401, 407, 433, 469, 475. See also Boiler repairs. Ludwig, Hans, 354.

McDonald, A. J., 207.

McGowan, Wild and Company, 249.

Machine cutting and welding, 321, 363, 366, 385. See also Oxygraph.

McKelway, G. H., 355.

Matthews and Yates, Cyclone Works, 241. Mauran, Max, 269.

Mawson, Robert, 477, 478, 478a.

Memmo, 23.

Michaelis, L., 27, 84, 85.

Michaelis, Max, 208.

Morehead, J. M., 271, 272, 435.

Morrison, A. Cressy, 209.

Murray, Kenneth, 357.

National Board of Fire Underwriters, 210.

Navy, Use in, 454.

Nichols, Edward L., 6, 7.

Nickel welding, 179, 457. Niess, 153.

Nyquist, C. J., 359.

Ostermann and Flüs automatic apparatus, 268.

"Oxweld" Acetylene Company, 436, 437. Oxy-Benz process, 254, 337, 339, 365. Oxy-carbi Company, portable outfit, 146, 273, 284.

process, 212.

Oxygenite, 92, 147.

"Oxygraph", The, 321, 363, 366.

Oxy-hydrogen welding, comparison of cost, 15, 31, 49.

Perkins, Frank C., 215, 216, 482.
Peter, 46.

Pintsch gas works, tests at, 69.

Pipe welding, 159 213, 259, 268, 279, 314, 326, 345, 384, 389, 409, 431, 463, 471, 476. Pleiss, Paul, 367, 443.

Plumley, M. S., 368.

Portable outfits, 81, 82, 93, 114, 145, 146, 218, 232, 273, 274, 284, 420.

Preheating, 226, 385, 444.

Pressue of gas, see: Gas pressure.

Prest-o-lite Company, 370, 438, 440.

Prussia, Minister für Handel und Gewerbe, 154, 155, 285, 445.

Punde, F., 371.

Purification of gas. See Gas Purification. Ragno, S., 217.

Rasch, H., 446.

Razing, see: Wrecking.
Regulation of flame, 448.

Reich, W. I., 95, 96, 157, 158, 218, 372.
Reischle, J., 97.

Repairs. See Automobile repairs, Boiler repairs, Locomotive and machinery repai... ́.... Restrictions. See: Rules.

Reyer, William C., and R. W. Clark, 219.
Richardson, D., 483.

Richter, Hermann, 286, 373, 450, 484.
Rinne, H., 159, 220.

Rodrigues-Ely, C. See Ganthier, E., and
Rodrigues-Ely, C.

[blocks in formation]

Sauerstofffabrik, 302.

"Schemmel" welding outfit, 414.
Schmitz tube welding machine, 384.
Schneider, 379.

Schneider, Alfred, 289, 378, 451.
Schneider, Ernst, 29, 49.

Schools, welding, 272, 286, 429, 464.
Schoop, M. V., 50, 51, 52, 161.
Schoop process, 56.

Schultz-Knault Company process, 159.

Schulze, 99.

Schwarz, Rudolf, 222.

Seliger, P., 380.

Setz, H. R., 381.

Sheet metal work, 291, 292, 298, 303, 385,
386, 400, 455, 478a.

Silicon used in welding, 382.

Smith, H. S., 223.

Société l'Oxy-hydrique, 167.

Springer, J. F., 163, 224, 225, 226, 227, 292,
293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 383, 384, 385,
386, 454, 455.
Stavenhagen, A., 387.

Steelmann, James, 389.

Strength of welds. See Tests on welds.
Surface hardening, 485.
Suscipi, L. G., 228.

Syo, E. de, 229, 300, 390, 391, 392, 393, 457,
458, 459, 460, 461.

Temperature of flame, 6, 7, 62, 166, 344, 482.
Tests on welds, 158, 178, 223, 234, 245, 257,
267, 311, 343, 359, 462. See also Failure of

Thermit welding, 350.

Thoma, Leo, 164, 301, 302, 463.
Thomas, R., 54, 303.
"Three-License system," 412.
Torches. See Burners.
Treiber, E., 230.

Tube welding. See Pipe welding.
Tucker, Alexander E., 304, 395.
Union de la Soudure, 318, 324, 325.
Van Brussel, J. B., 100.

Vogel, J. H., 102, 168, 233, 305.
Warfel, J. A., 397.

Water seals, 233, 235, 236, 243, 256, 285, 289,
324, 338, 340, 378. See also Flash-back.
Welding powers, 143.

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