Language and Literature, continued. The home of Robert Burns. (Lip- WILSON, James R. Notes from original sources on the erection of the Burns Mausoleum and the origin of the Dumfries Burns Club. (Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society. Transactions. Dumfries, 1890. 8°. 1887-90, p. 220-235.) *EC WILSON, John. The genius, and character of Burns. New York: Wiley and Putnam, 1845. 2 p.l., 222 p. 12°. (Wiley and Putnam's library of choice reading. xxi.) no. NCI Philadelphia: A. Hart, 1854. 1 p.l., 222 p. 12°. AN Printed from same plates as Wiley and Putnam's ed. of 1845. the Can: Kil: [Canongate Kilwinning Lodge of Freemasons]. Edinburgh: Peter Brown, printer, 1846. vi, 7-173 p., 1 fac., 1 pl. 12. AN Dedication signed J. M. WYLIE, William Michael. Ayrshire and the land of Burns. 1 pl. illus. (In: The land we live in. A pictorial and literary sketch-book of the British Empire. London, n.d. 4°. v. 3, p. 153-184.) ZENKER, Rudolf. Heines achtes Traumbild und Burns' Jolly Beggars. (Zeitschrift für vergleichende Litteraturgeschichte. Weimar, 1894. 8°. N. F. Bd. 7, p. 245-251.) NAA Burton, John Hill. The book-hunter, etc. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1862. viii, 384 p. 12°. Stuart 1961 Edinburgh: Wm. Blackwood & Sons, 1863. viii, 408 p. 2. ed. 12°. *GAH Reviewed in the Eclectic review, new series, v. 3, p. 142-147, London, 1862. With additional notes by Richard Grant White. New York: Sheldon & Co., 1863. xii, 411 p. 12°. * GAH (To be continued) WINTER, A, with Robert Burns, being annals of his patrons and associates in Edinburgh during the year 1786-7, and details of his inauguration as poet-laureate of RECENT BOOKS OF INTEREST ADDED TO THE LIBRARY ECONOMICS, SOCIOLOGY, AND POLITICAL SCIENCE Abbott, Howard Strickland. A treatise on the law of public securities. Chicago: Callaghan and Co., 1913. xx, 1280 p. 8°. TIE Ajam, Maurice. Le problème économique franco-allemand. Par Maurice Ajam Paris: Perrin et Cie, 1914. 250 p., 1 1. 12°. TLH Babson, Roger Ward. The future method of investing money; economic facts for corporations and investors, by Roger W. Babson... Based on certain lectures delivered by the author. Boston: Babson's Statistical Organization, Inc., 1914. 107 p., 2 1. 12°. TG The future of the railroads; historic and economic facts for railroad men, shippers, and investors, by Roger W. Babson Based on various reports and letters issued by the author. Boston: Babson's Statistical Organization, Inc., 1914. 129(1) p. Amer. ed. 12°. TPG Cabot, Fannie Fern Andrews, Fanny E. Coe, Mabel Hill, Mary McSkimmon; with an introduction by William Howard Taft. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. [cop. 1914.1 xxiv, 386 p. 12°. SEB Introduction, by William Howard Taft. To the teacher, by Ella Lyman Cabot. Home, by Mary McSkimmon. School and playground, by Mary McSkimmon. The neighborhood, by Ella Lyman Cabot. Town and city, by Mabel Hill. The nation, by Ella Lyman Cabot. American ideals, by Fanny E. Coe. The United States and the world, by Fannie Fern Andrews. The world family, by Fannie Fern Andrews. Chief Publishing Company. The customs service; complete course of instructions, with questions and answers. New York: Chief Pub. Co. [1914.] 333 p., 1 1. sq. 16°. SEO Daniels, Harriet McDoual. The girl and her chance; a study of conditions surrounding the young girl between fourteen and eighteen years of age in New York City. Prepared for the Association of Neighborhood Workers of New York City, by Harriet McDoual Daniels, Union Settlement. [Foreword by Mrs. V. G. Simkhovitch. New York: F. H. Revell Co. [cop. 1914., 95 p. illus. 12°. SOK Darrach, Charles Gobrecht-. Valuation of the properties of public utility corporations, by Charles Gobrecht-Darrach... Philadelphia: Bradford Press, 1913. 61 p., 7 pl. 8°. ΤΝΗ Davis, Roy, and C. H. LINGHAM. Business English and correspondence. By Roy Davis...and Clarence H. Lingham. Boston: Ginn and Co. [1914. viii, 310 p. 12°. TM Day, Clive. A history of commerce. New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1914. 4 p.l., xliv, 640 p. 8°. TL 228 Dearle, Norman Burrell. Industrial training, with special reference to the conditions prevailing in London. London: P. S. King & Son, 1914. xiii, 596 p. 8°. (Studies in economics and political science. no. 39.) SSM Eisler, Max. Die Geschichte eines holländischen Stadtbildes [Haarlem,, (Kultur und Kunst), von Dr. M. 2 Karten und 61 Abbildungen. Haag: M. Nijhoff, 1914. 289 p., 2 plans, 2 pl. illus. 4°. (Vienna. Universität: Königlich Kaiserliches kunsthistorisches Institut. Bd. 1.) SER Freie, Die, Generation. Jahrbuch der Freien Generation... Volkskalender und Economics, etc., continued. Dokumente der Weltanschauung des Anarchismus-Sozialismus. Redigiert von P. Ramus. Bd. 5 (1914). Zürich [1914]. SFK Gallichan, Catherine Gasquoine Hartley. The age of mother-power; the position of woman in primitive society, by C. Gasquoine Hartley (Mrs. Walter M. Gallichan)... New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1914. 5 p.l., 356 p. 12°. SNW Gallichan, Walter M. Women under polygamy, by Walter M. Gallichan... London: Holden & Hardingham, 1914. ix, 11-335(1) p., 2 1., 15 pl. 8°. SNW Ghitescu, Jon. Agrarfrage und Genossenschaftswesen in Rumänien. Göttingen: E. A. Huth, 1913. 2 p.l., 53 (1) p. 8°. TE Graham, Stephen. With poor immigrants to America, by Stephen Graham. New York: The Macmillan Co., .1914. xviii p., 1 1., 306 p., 27 pl. 8°. SEV Higgs, Henry. The financial system of the United Kingdom, by Henry Higgs... London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1914. x, 218 p. 8°. TIF Key, Ellen Karolina Sofia. The younger generation. By Ellen Key. Translated from the Swedish by Arthur G. Chater. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1914. v, 270 p. 12°. SB Leeson, Cecil. The probation system by Cecil Leeson... With an introduction by J. H. Muirhead... London: P. S. King & Son, 1914. ix p., 2 1., (1)4-191 p. 12°. SLO Liverpool Council of Voluntary Aid. Liverpool social workers' handbook... Prepared for the Liverpool Council of Voluntary Aid by Frederic G. D'Aeth.. Liverpool: D. Marples & Co., 1913. vii, 223 p. 12°. SHN Lyon, Walter Hastings. Principles of taxation. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company cop. 1914]. v p., 1 1., 133 p. 12°. TIK McFarlane, John. Economic geography, by John McFarlane... London: Sir I. Pitman & Sons, Ltd. [1914. viii, 560 p. illus. 8°. TLB McMurry, Charles Alexander. Conflicting principles in teaching... Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. [1914. vi, 290 p. 12°. SSI Marot, Helen. American labor unions, by a member, Helen Marot... New York: H. Holt and Co., 1914. ix p., 1 1., 275 p. 12°. TDR Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace. Annals of the Scottish Widows' Fund Life Assurance Society during one hundred years, 1815-1914; compiled by the Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell... Edinburgh: printed for the society by R. & R. Clark, Ltd., 1914. vii, 132 p., 1 pl., 8 port. 8°. SII Maxwell, William. Salesmanship. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1914. 3 p.l., 233(1) p., 1 1. 12°. TM Money, Leone George Chiozza. The future of work, and other essays, by L. G. Chiozza Money... London: T. F. Unwin [1914]. xvii, 302 p. 8°. TB Monroe, Paul. A brief course in the history of education, by Paul Monroe. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1914. xvii P., 1 1., 409, iv p., 12 pl., 2 tables. 8°. SSB New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co. Rules for the government of the operating department of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad and Central New England Railway companies... Bridgeport, Conn.: Conn. Press, Inc., 1914. 333 p. illus. 16°. TPS Neystrom, Paul H. Retail selling and store management, prepared in the extension division of the University of Wisconsin, by Paul H. Neystrom... New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1914. xxi(i) p., 1 l., 279(1) p., 1 table. illus. 12°. (CommerTM cial education series.) Pasquet, D. Londres et les ouvriers de Londres. Paris: A. Colin, 1914. 3 p.1., 762 p., 1 1., 1 fold. plan. illus. 4°. TDI Perris, George Herbert. The industrial history of modern England, by George Herbert Perris... London: K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd., 1914. xix, 603 (1) p. 12°. TAH Bibliography, p. 583-593. Pixley, Francis William. Clubs and their management, by Francis W. Pixley. London: Sir I. Pitman & Sons, Ltd., 1914. 234 p. 8°. v, Poole, George William, and J. J. BuzZELL, editors. Letters that make good; a desk book for business men; edited by George William Poole [and] Jonathan John Buzzell... Boston: American Business Book Co., 1914. xxiii (i), 492 p. illus. [2. ed.] 4°. TM Price, George Moses. The modern factory; safety, sanitation and welfare, by George M. Price... New York: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1914. xx, 574 p. illus. 1. ed. TDI 8°. Quelch, Henry. Harry Quelch; literary remains, edited with a biographical introduction by E. Belfort Bax. London: Grant Richards, Ltd., 1914. 256 p. 12°. Racine, Samuel Frederick. Guide to the study of auditing, by Samuel F. Racine. [Seattle: The Western Institute of Ac Economics, etc., continued. countancy, Commerce and Finance,, 1914. 63 p. 12°. (Accounting students' series.) TM Rogers, Edward S. Good will, trademarks, and unfair trading, by Edward S. Rogers... Chicago: A. W. Shaw Co. [1914.1 TM 288 p. illus. 8°. Ross, Edward Alsworth. The Old World in the New; the significance of past and present immigration to the American people, by Edward Alsworth Ross... New York: Century Co., 1914. 7 p.l., 3327 p., 7 maps, 25 pl. 8°. SEV The original make-up of the American people. The Celtic Irish. The Germans. The Scandinavians. The Italians. The Slavs. The East European Hebrews. The lesser immigrant groups. Economic consequences of immigration. Social effects of immigration. Immigrants in politics. American blood and immigrant blood. Appendix. Index. Russell Smith, Hugh Francis. Harrington and his Oceana; a study of a 17th century Utopia and its influence in America, by H. F. Russell Smith... Cambridge: University Press, 1914. xi, 223(1) p. 8°. SE Shryer, William A. Collecting by letter, by William A. Shryer. Detroit, Mich. : Business Service Corporation, 1913. 2 v. 2. ed. 12°. TM INDUSTRIES AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS Adam, Hugh M., and J. H. EVANS. Metal-work; a handbook for teachers and students, by Hugh M. Adam and James H. Evans. New York: Longmans, Green, & VND Co., 1914. xii, 336 p. illus. 12°. Appendix: City and guilds of London Institute examination papers. Glossary of technical terms. Atkinson, John Clayton. A B C of the army; an illustrated guide to military knowledge for those who seek a general acquaintance with elementary matters pertaining to the British army, compiled by Captain J. Atkinson. With foreword by Field-Marshal Sir H. Evelyn Wood... London: Gale & Polden, Ltd. [1914.] x p.. 1 1., 117(1) p., 12 pl. diagr., tables. illus. sq. 12°. VWZH Brown & Sharpe Manufacturing Company, Providence, R. I. Formulas in gearing. With practical suggestions. Providence, R. I., 1913. 225 p., I pl. illus. 6. ed. 8°. VFG Brunton, David William, and J. A. DAVIS. Modern tunneling; with special reference to mine and water-supply tunnels, by David W. Brunton and John A. Davis. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1914. vi, 450 p. illus. 8°. VDF Buehler, F. A. Filters and filter presses for the separation of liquids and solids, from the German of F. A. Bühler. With additional matter relating to the theory of filtration and filtration in sugar factories and refineries, by John Joseph Eastick London: N. Rodger, 1914. viii, 184 p. VOF illus. 8°. Coste, John Henry, and E. R. ANDREWS. The examination and thermal value of fuel: gaseous, liquid and solid, by J. H. Coste and E. R. Andrews. London: C. Griffin & Co., Ltd., 1914. xiv p., 1 1., 278 VEW p., 8 pl. illus. 12°. Dana, Richard T. Handbook of construction plant; its cost and efficiency, by Richard T. Dana... Chicago: M. C. Clark Pub. Co., 1914. 1 p.1., 702 p. illus. 12°. Davey, Norman. London: Constable & 248 p., 9 diagr., 2 pl. minster" series.) Desk-Tech. Div. The gas turbine. Co., Ltd., 1914. xiv, illus. 8°. ("West VDM Industries and Industrial Arts, continued. Day, Harry A. Spade-craft; or, How to be a gardener, by Harry A. Day... London: Methuen & Co., Ltd. [1914. x p., 1 1., 137(1) p. 12°. VQD Ellis, Carleton. The hydrogenation of oils, catalyzers and catalysis, and the generation of hydrogen, by Carleton Ellis... New York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1914. x, 340 p. illus. 8°. VON Freeman, Nat H. Baumé and specific gravity tables for liquids lighter than water, by Nat H. Freeman. London: E. & F. N. Spon, Ltd., 1914. 26 p., 1 1. 16°. Desk-Tech. Div. Fritsch, J. Fabrication et raffinage des huiles végétales; manuel à l'usage des fabricants, raffineurs, courtiers et négociants en huiles, par J. Fritsch... Paris: H. Desforges, 1914. vi, 710 p. illus. 2. ed. 4°. VON Housden, Charles Edward. Scales for ascertaining the dimensions__ of pipes, drains and sewers, by C. E. Housden... London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1914. 3 p.1., 16 p., 1 diagr. 12°. Desk - Tech. Div. Howe, Malverd Abijah. Foundations; a short text-book on ordinary foundations, including a brief description of the methods used for difficult foundations, by Malverd A. Howe... New York: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1914. vii, 110 p. illus. 8°. VEF Jones, E. Horton. Unit construction costs from the new smelter of the Arizona Copper Co., Ltd., by E. Horton Jones. New York: republished by the McGrawHill Book Co., Inc., 1914. 1 p.l., (1)14981649 p. illus. 1. ed. 8°. VIT Repr.: American Institute of Mining Engineers. Bulletin. July, 1914. Jones, J. H. The tinplate industry with special reference to its relations with the iron and steel industries; a study in economic organisation, by J. H. Jones... London: P. S. King & Son, 1914. xx p., 1 1., 280 p. 8°. VNK Lovejoy, Ellis. Economies in brickyard construction and operation. By Ellis Lovejoy... Indianapolis: T. A. Randall & Co. (cop. 1913. 72 p. 12. VEO Noyes, William. Design and construction in wood, by William Noyes... Peoria, Ill.: Manual Arts Press [1913]. 3 p.l., 9-159 p. illus. 8°. VEN Peck, F. C. The valuation of rubber estates for valuers, investors and planters. By F. C. Peck... Singapore: Kelly & Walsh, Ltd., 1914. 2 p.1., iv p., 1 1., 181 p. 8°. VMV Record, Samuel James. The mechanical properties of wood; including a discussion of the factors affecting the mechanical properties, and methods of timber testing, by Samuel J. Record. New York: J. Wiley & Sons, 1914. xi, 165 p., 1 pl. illus. 8°. VQY Rodet, Joseph. Equilibre automatique de l'aéroplane, par Joseph Rodet... Lyon: A. Rey, 1914. 30 p. illus. 8°. (Société d'agriculture, sciences et industrie de Lyon.) VDY Smith, Arthur Whitmore. Principles of electrical measurements, by Arthur Whitmore Smith... New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1914. xiv, 243 p. illus. 1. ed. 12°. VGK Spur and bevel gearing; a treatise on the principles, dimensions, calculations, design and strength of spur and bevel gearing, together with chapters on special tooth forms and methods of cutting gear teeth. New York: Industrial Press, 1914. xi, 306 p. 1. ed. 8°. VFG Uren, Frederick C. Waterworks engineering; a practical treatise on the construction of waterworks, for the use of engineers and students of engineering, by Fred. C. Uren...with... reports, specifications, and tables of water charges. Bristol: Castle Litho Ltd., 1914. 5 p.l., 268 p., 1 1., 3 fold. diagr. illus. 8°. VDL Wagner, Frederick H. Cleaning of blast-furnace gases. By Frederick H. Wagner... New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1914. 4 p.1., 168 p., 1 chart. 1. ed. 8°. Blasdale, Walter Charles. Principles of quantitative analysis; an introductory course, by Walter C. Blasdale... York: D. Van Nostrand Co., 1914. x, 394 p. 12°. PMI Crabtree, Harold. An elementary treatment of the theory of spinning tops and gyroscopic motion. London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1914. xv, 193 p., 5 pl. 2. ed. 8°. PBK Dickson, Leonard Eugene. Elementary theory of equations, by Leonard Eugene Dickson... New York: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1914. v, 184 p. 8°. OGN Hughes, Arthur Llewelyn. Photo-electricity, by Arthur Llewelyn Hughes... Cambridge: University Press. 1914. viii, 144 p. 8°. (Cambridge natural science manuals. Physical series.) Jaques, Arthur. Complex ions in aqueous solutions, by Arthur Jaques... London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1914. vi, 151(1) PLD p. 8°. Kingscott, P. C. R., and R. S. G. KNIGHT. Methods of quantitative organic analysis, |