Imágenes de páginas
[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]
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ries, 20

distribution of the brachial

sounds in the heart and arte-

Abortion, obstetric, 430

spontaneous, 429

Abscess of the bladder, 96

........ and inflammation of the uterine
appendages, 333

Abscesses, dry-seated, and cysts, incision
of, 360

which precede fistula in ano, 428
Absorption of chyle, 409

Abuse and use of chloroform, 347
Academy of Medicine, 19, 35, 51, 78, 94,
119, 137, 155, 175, 197, 213, 238, 259, 276,
294, 332, 360, 408, 446, 505

Sciences, 35, 55, 78, 137, 155,
175, 213, 237, 276, 294, 312, 359, 360, 408,

Accidents brought to the London Hospital

Accomplished artist, Dr. Robert Lee's, 349
Acconcheurs, ratio of instrumental deli-
veries by, 80

Acetate of lead in tympanitis, 377

Acid, sulphuric, fatal case of poisoning by,

Acute articular rheumatism, treatment, 57
glanders in a female mattress-maker,


hydrocephalus, and inflammation of
the ventricular serous membrane, 361
mania, treatment of, 360

Address, inaugural, by N. Simon, 169
Adherent iris and cataract, 358

Administration of chloroform, request for
information on, 483

Adult, pervious urachus in, 428
Advance of the cholera westward, 68

Affection, cancerous, spontaneous cure of,

Affections, carcinomatous, of the spine, 461
cerebral, 132

....... paralytic, strychnine in, 92
Africa, west coast of, 167

....... climate of, 506

Age, at what, does menstruation com-
mence, 498

Aged, frequency of pulse and respiration
in, 20

Agents, disinfecting, and their virtues, 263
Air-passages, foreign bodies in, 429
Albuminous nephritis, 332

.... urine after the application of
blisters, 155
Albuminuria in the puerperal state, 20
Alderman Davis, the late, 206

Aliment, beans as a strengthening, 56
Alleged case of death from chloroform, 325
neglect of a medical officer, 266
specific for hydrophobia, 167

Allnutt, case of the boy, 243

Alterations, quarantine, 228

Alteration of animal heat under the in-
fluence of chloroform or ether, 360
Alveolar hemorrhage compress, Dr. Reid's,

American statistics in midwifery, 80
private obstetric practice, sta-
tistics of, 56

Amputation above the shoulder-joint, 80
of the foot, Chopart's, 4.7

Amputations, chloroform in, 276

Amussat, M., on treatment of strictures,

Anesthetic agent more efficient than sul-
phuric ether, 90, 143

Analysis of cases of delirium tremens, 447
the lymph of a horse, 36
"Provincial Medical Direc-

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tory," 382

Anatomical normal appearances of the in-
testinal mucous membrane in the infant
at the breast, 35

.... results of acute and chronic
rheumatism, 376



Burmese, 435

morbid, of cholera, 378

..... of the spheno-palatine ganglion,

Andover union, 46

Andral, Professor, general pathology by, 138
on signs furnished by the


Andral, Professor, symptoms furnished
by disturbance of the arterial circulation,
signs derived from in-
vestigation of the venous circulation, 269
investigation of the capillaries, 269
amination of the spleen, 270

respiratory organs, 289, 323



furnished by the
expectoration, 311
semeiotic signs fur-
nished by the organs of secretion, 341
semeiology of the nerv.
ous system, 355

.. convulsion and pain,


[blocks in formation]

Bandage for fracture, sea-moss as a, 68
Basford board of guardians, 47

Beales, Mr., on puerperal convulsions after
delivery, 174

Beans as a strengthening aliment, 56
Bedsteads, tub, and madhouse fractures, 23
Belfast, fever in, 88

Belladonna, injections of, in rigidity of os
uteri, 429

Belper, Bakewell, and Ashbourne unions,

Beneficial effects of proteine in caries, 490
Berkshire Hospital, the Royal, 234, 356
Berncastle, Dr., and the Croydon case, 366,

Angina pectoris, 155
Aneurisms about the root of the neck, dif- Bill, Lord Morpeth's, 346
ficulties of diagnosis in, 20
Aneurism of the arch of the aorta, 377

..... of the arteria innominata spon-
taneously cured, 394

at the bend of the arm,

[blocks in formation]

Arsenic, poisoning by, 79
Artery, femoral, irregularity of the, 176
Arthritis, 79

chronic, treated by nitrate of silver
ointment, 214
Arrangement, important, between the Go-
vernment and medical corporations, 361
...... new, Mr. Stanley and the,
Arts, insalubrious, 312
Ashbourne, Bakewell, and Belper unions,



Ashley, Lord, his resolutions, 362, 415
Ashton-under-Lyne union, 64
Asiatic cholera, ile, 6, 217, 316
...... treatment of, 458
in the stage of

collapse, 196
Asphyxia and convulsions produced by
chloroform, 174
Assistants, medical, 87, 104
Assizes, Kingston, 498


Quackery, 315

for Suppression of


Asthma, periodical, checked by quinine, 313
Asylum for Idiots, 483

investigations of the digestive organs, 155
dyspepsia, gastralgia,
and vomiting, 175
signs furnished by ex-
ploration of the intestincs, 193
alvine evacuations, 193
investigation of the circulation, 209
semeiology of diseases
the circulation.-Auscultation of the
229, 249

Asylums, lunatic, non-restraint in, 105,
154, 222

Auscultation, a word on, 221

of the heart, 229, 249
Authoritative recognition of quackery, 264
Autoplastic operations, 360

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foreign body in, 361

... introductions of foreign bodies
into the, 36

irritable, and stricture of the
urethra, depending on tapeworm, 360
of a cow, pedunculated tumour
Blane, medals, the, 480
Blighted foetus, 392

on, 177

Blisters, albuminous urine after the appli-
cation of, 155

Blood, composition of the, 276

... new mode of separating fibrine from,


of the spleen and venæ portarum,
researches on, 294

...... and urine, pathological conditions of
in gout, rheumatism, &c., 378
Blunder, the fatal, 247

Blunderer, stethoscopic, another, in Mr.
Liston's case, 285
Bone, nerves of, 278

Botanical Society of London, 127

Brachial artery, abnormal distribution of,

Brady, Mr., on medical education, 224
Braid, Mr., and Dr. Elliotson, 106

and Mr. Wakley, 163

Brain, anterior lobes of, localization of
speech in, 276

Brain in insanity, state of, 312
Brandy in childbirth, 240

...... and meninges in puerperal women,
phlebitis of, 393

... treatment of inflammatory affections
of, 121
"British and Foreign Medico-Chirurgical
Review" and Mr. Markwick, 261
Brodie, Sir Benjamin, at St. Stephen's, 179
Bromide and iodide of potassium in the
secondary and tertiary forms of syphilis,


Bronchitis, chronic, strychnine in, 56
Brown, Mr. Thos., on spasma glottidis,


Dr. W. H., on the brain and nervous
system, 403

Buboes, syphilitic, 56

Buller, Mr., interview with, 511
Bulley, Mr., on dislocation of the elbow,

laceration and contusion

of the hand, 234

partial dislocation of the

ankle-joint, 356
Burmese anatomy, 435
Burn, case of, 223
Burns, treatment of, 259
Burrows, Dr., 200

and his class, 162
Bushnan, Dr., on the anatomical results of
acute and chronic rheumatism, 376; on
the etiology of puerperal fever-puerperal
peritonitis, 376. On the development of
ozone the
the Graatian vesicle, 460;
cause of catarrhal diseases, 461; carcino-
matous affections of the spine, 461; laws
regulating the labour of children in fac-
tories, 461
progress of German
medical science, 236
remarks on the polariscope,
visit to Dieffenbach, 135
Butler, Mr. Henry, report of caries of the
tarsus, 407
... on secondary syphilis,
with unusual characters, 424
retention of urine
from stricture, and enlargement of the
prostate, 493
Bust of Mr. Green, 500


Calculus, nasal, 36

Camphor, poisoning by, 451
Canada, emigrant fever in, 47, 68

and Ireland. Government medical
remuneration in, 297
Cancer-cells, proper, 157

Cancer, gelatiniform, of the peritoneum, 461
of the os uteri, 492

Cancerous tumours, utility of microscopic
observations in, 260

of the breast, micro-

scopic examination of, 97
Capsule, Glisson's, use of, 377
Carcinomatous affections of the spine, 46
Cardiac nerves, Dr. Robert Lee's, 285, 317,

Caries, effects of proteine in, 477

...... of the tarsus, Chopart's amputation
of foot in, 407

beneficial effects of proteine in, 490
Carotids, ligature of both, 20

Cartilages of the larynx, ossification of, 278
Case of burn, 223

.... the Croydon, 282

of diffused aneurism at the bend of
the arm, 135

enormous calculus in the colon,
producing death by perforation of the
intestine, 78

glanders in a man, 493

in which two fœtuses were united at
the sternum, 92

.... of laryngitis accompanied by the for-
mation of false membrane in the trachea
and bronchi, in which tracheotomy was
successfully performed, 216

[blocks in formation]

puerperal fever, 122

Central Criminal Court, 204

Caustic as a remedy for vesico-vaginal fis-
tula, 460

Cauterization, superficial treatment of neu-

ralgia by,


Cerebral affections, 132

Cervix uteri, incision of the, 240

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preternatural elongation of,
Characters of urine in pregnancy, 139
Charter, the projected, of the College of
Physicians, 465

Chemistry, application of, to the detection
of crime, and to the preservation of the
public health, 91

190, 270

organic, by Dumas, 78, 109,

Chemists, practice of, 68

Chesterfield union, 159, 183

Childbirth, brandy in, 240

Children, new-born, icterus of, 238

clinical observations on diseases

of, 30, 111, 130, 150, 189, 211, 250, 372,

China, pharmacy in, 68

Chinese method of applying manure,

opium, 295


testing the purity of

nutgalls, 239

Chirurgical and Medical Society, 83, 122,

177, 216, 313

Chloride of gold in granular lids, 429
.......... lime, oxygen from, 313
and phthisis, 66
Chloroform, 126, 138, 145, 148, 155, 162, 167,
175, 176, 184, 213, 237, 247, 276, 294
administration of, request for
information on, 483

action, 196

appearing to suspend uterine

in amputations, 276
asphyxia and


employed at Constantinople,

alteration of ani-

produced by, 174


and ether, 359
mal heat under, 360

extraordinary application of,
failure of, 345

fatal case from, 317, 349, 363
first case of, in Irish obstetric


use of, and
in midwifery, 224, 278, 479
the new anesthetic agent, 143

[blocks in formation]

practice, 152
quackery, 264


Chloroform, new instrument for inhalation | Consumption treated by inhalations of
of, 224


probable antiquity of, 318
in puerperal convulsions, 335,

Dr. Rigby on, 151

Dr. Simpson's remarks on al-

leged case of death from, 325

a substitute for ether in sur-

gery and midwifery, 145

195, 236, 390

in surgical operations, 145,

............ in typhus fever, 276

.... use and abuse of, 347

Cholera, 48, 66, 79, 87, 107, 128, 147, 148,
166, 197, 207, 247, 316, 367

Asiatic, the, 6

of collapse, 196

treatment of, 458

in the stage

........ in China, treatment of, 361

cured by ether, 247

history of, at Constantinople in

1847, 458, 480

infantilis, 294

and influenza, 180

..... at Kurrachee, report on, 326, 374,

381, 388

morbid anatomy of, 378

notice of, as it appeared at Co-

lombo in, 1847, 32

the, 125


payment of medical men during

and quarantine, 198

........ in Russia, 166, 287, 303

Chorea St. Viti, rheumatism and its con-


westward, advance of, 68

nection with, 116, 163

treatment of, 79

Chronic arthritis treated by nitrate of
silver ointment, 214

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bronchitis, strychnine in, 56

....... cystitis, treatment of, by injections
of nitrate of silver, 120


farcy, 35

. lippitudo, 429

Churchyard, Huddersfield, 166

Chyle, absorption of, 409

Clarke, Mr., on chloroform in amputations,


Clavicle, fracture of, 377

Clay, Dr., on the removal of a large stea-
tomatous tumour from the lower jaw, 422
Climate of Africa, 506

Clinical lectures, by Mr. South, 2, 27, 308,

....... notes, by Dr. Daunt, 344, 476

.... observations on some of the more
frequent diseases of children, by Dr.
Willshire, 30, 111, 130, 150, 189, 211, 250,
372. 441, 474

Clitoris, malignant disease of the, 238
Cod-liver oil and phthisis, 36

Coghlan, Dr., case of burn, 223

Coition and debauch, fatal apoplectic col-
lapse after, 239

Cold water in fever, 295

... intermittents, 359

College charters and the profession, 450
modest, in Pall-mall, 83
.. of Physiciaus, 314, 398

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chlorine, 359
Contemporary eulogy, 8

obligations, 415
Contractions of the heart, influences of the
spinal nerves on, 213

Contributions to the medical topography of
the Mediterranean, 31, 75, 445
Contusion and laceration of the hand, 234
Convention, the, 5, 22, 25, 37, 298, 397
medical poor-law, 8, 83,

197, 240, 464
cers, 39, 62
Convocation of poor-law doctors, 9
Convulsions depending on tapeworm, 360
puerperal, after delivery, 174
Cooper, Professor Saml., Lectures on Sur-
gery by, 4, 69, 89, 129, 149, 169, 210, 290,

of poor-law union off-

[blocks in formation]

391, 406, 423

thoracic derangement, 253,

emaciation of the frame, 443
Corneitis, treatment of, 296
Coronary artery, the left, aneurism of, 278
Coroners' juries, liberality and justice of,

..... and medical men, 262
and medical witnesses; a friend
in court, 199
Corporations, medical, and sanitary reform,
important arrangements between, 361
education, 241
what have they
done for the profession? 509
Correspondents, 5, 22, 37, 59, 88, 108, 128,
148, 168, 188, 208, 228, 248, 268, 2-8, 304,
320, 336, 351, 368, 384, 400, 416, 436, 452,
468, 484, 500, 512

Corroding ulcer of the uterus, 140
Country inquest, a, 184

Cow and human female, duration of preg-
nancy in, 394

pedunculated tumour on the bladder
of the, 177

Cox's femoral ankylosis, by M. Maison-
neuve, 137

Cramming and its cure, 179

Craniotomy, new instrument for, 505
Cretinism, 214

disease analogous to, in the
west of England, 257

Crime and insanity, case of the boy Allnutt,

Croton oil in tuberculization of the lungs, 20
Croup, nitrate of silver in, 429

Croydon case, the, and Dr. Berncastle, 366,

Cumberland Infirmary reports, 493
Cure of diseases, electricity in, 392
.... spontaneous, of a cancerous affection,

Curious fact of natural history, 94

feature of yellow fever, 214
Cysts, and dry-seated abscesses, incision
of, 360
Cystotomy and lithotrity, 35


Dalrymple, the late William, 206
Dalston German Hospital, 201
Daunt, Dr., clinical notes by, 344, 476
Davis, the late Aldermam, 206

Deafness in scarlatina and measles, 157
Death, alleged case of, from chloroform,


among the doctors, 396
...... causes of, after surgical operations,
49, 114

from bite of a rattlesnake, 319
ethereal inhalation, 96
suffocation, 168

Deaths by fever, 207, 267

Debauch and coition, fatal apoplectic col-

lapse after, 239

Defences, the two, 296

Deficiency of the stylo-hyoideus muscle,


Definition of yellow fever, 459

Deformity of the pelvis, turning in, 215
Degraded state, present, of medical profes-
sion, 46

Delirium in pneumonia, 294

tremens, analysis of cases of, 447

[blocks in formation]

the cause of paraplegia, 214
Drs. Watson and Williams
in the case of Mr. Liston, 219
Diagnostic sign of disorder of the diges-
tive function, 278

Diaphraghm, rheumatism of the, 177
Dieffenbach, Dr. Bushnan's visit to, 135
..... death of, 108, 127, 135

Difficulties of diagnosis in aneurisms about
the root of the neck, 20

Diffused aneurism at the bend of the arm,
case of, 135

Digestive organs, signs furnished by, 155
Directory, Provincial Medical," analysis
of, 382

Disarticulation of the femur, 119
Discharge, catarrhal, ozone the cause of,


Discovery of a new anesthetic agent more
efficient than sulphuric ether, by J. Y.
Simpson, M.D., 90

Disease analogous to cretinism in the west
of England, 257
........ causes of, 332

follicular, of the tonsils, and
phthisis, 260

laryngeal, treatment of, by the ni-
trate of silver, 121

malignant, of the clitoris, 238

..... thoracic, new treatment of, 259
Discases of children, clinical observations
by Dr. Willshire, 30, 111, 130, 150, 189,
211, 250, 372, 441, 474, 489

the Heart, announcement of a
work by Wardrop, 240

electricity in the cure of, 392
........ exhausting, ice in, 392
of females, reports on, by Dr.
Rigby, 173, 272, 324, 420

the hip-joint, nature and treat-
ment of, 477, 490

physiognomy of, 17, 112, 152, 194,
212, 253, 273, 292, 329, 391, 406, 423, 443
.... various observations on, 105
Disinfections agents and their virtues, 263
Dislocation of the ankle-joint, partial, 356
the elbow, 357
the hip-joint, on the reduc-

[blocks in formation]

Dumas on fabrication of manures, 76, 109,

Duration of pregnancy in the human female
and cow, 394

Dyer, Mr., on intermittent fever in an in-
fant, 479

Dyspnoea, onions in, caused by rarefaction
of the atmosphere, 56
Dystocia, 480


Early struggles of sanitary reform, 201
Edinburgh, fever in, 67
Education, medical, on, 224

reform of, 364
..... and medical apprentice-
ship, 121
professional, and medical cor-
porations, 241

medical, 496, 509
Effects of proteine in caries, 477

Efficacy of ox-gall in removing impacted
fæces, 215

Effusions, serous, in the theca of the me-
dulla spinalis, 409

Elbow, dislocation of, 357

.... and forearm, gunshot wound of, 238
Election of office-bearers, 213
...... of a surgeon, 218

Elections, French medical, 500


Electricity in the cure of disease, 392
Electro-puncture, treatment of varices by,


Elliotson, Dr., and Mr. Braid, 106
Embryology, 19

Emigrant fever in Canada, 47, 68

ships and typhus fever, 39

vessel, awful mortality on board
of, and ship fever, 126

vessels, 364
Encephaloid tumour of the lungs, 139
Encephalous monster, 428
England and Wales, lunatics in, 312
Enema, ether, in operations, 97
tion, 260
Enlargement of the ovary from inflamma-

Enormous calculus in the colon, 78
Enterocele, voluminous, through fundus
uteri, 260

Entrance of air into the jugular vein, sud-
den death from, 139

Entropium, operation for, 261
Epidemic influenza, 346

in the north of Scotland, 166

treatment of, by strong solution

Erysipelas and tobacco, 57

of nitrate of silver, 77

Eruptions on the organs of generation
produced by tartar emetic rubbed into
other parts of the body, 426

Ethereal inhalation-death, 96

Ether and chloroform, 359

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

in tetanus, 258

Ethnological Society, 216

Etiology of puerperal fever-puerperal peri-
tonitis, 376

Eulogy, contemporary, 8

Extra-urbem licentiates of the College [of
Physicians, 498

Evidence taken before the select com-
mittee of medical legislation, 10, 27, 43,
164, 185, 202, 226, 243, 265, 286, 299, 318,

Examination of the ear, 214

microscopic, of nasal polypi, 97
tumour of the
breast, 97
Excision of the whole genital organs, 57
Exhausting diseases, ice in, 392
Exoneration, professional, 381

Experience Life-assurance Company and
Dr. McCulloch, 433

Extirpation of both ovaries, 56

External condyle of the femur, compound
fracture of, 410

Extract of secale cornutum in internal
hemorrhage, 360

Extraordinary application of chloroform,

Extra-uterine fœtation within the Fallopian
tube, 56

Eye, rheumatic inflammation of, 393

Fact, curious, in natural history, 94
Faculty of Medicine, 94, 138, 155, 175, 446
Physicians and Surgeons of
Glasgow, 201

Failure of chloroform, 345
Fairbrother, Dr., on chloroform in typhus
fever, 276


Fallopian tube, fœtation within, 56
rupture of, 392
Famine fever, 238
Fatal blunder, the, 247

..... case from chloroform, 317, 319, 363
Farcy, chronic, 35

Fee, relation of, to a summons, 161
Fawkes, Guy, at the medical schools, 22
450, 466
Fees, medical, and life-assurance societies,

Female mattress-maker, acute glanders in,

Females, diseases of, by Dr. Rigby, 173, 272,
324, 420

Femoral aneurism, 360

ankylosis (Cox's), by M. Maison-
neuve, 137

artery, irregularity of the, 176
hernia, strangulated, 407
Femur, disarticulation of the, 119
Fergusson, Mr., 145, 168
Fever in Belfast, 88

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