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Relating principally to the FOREIGN MISSIONS carried on under the Direction of the METHODIST CONFERENCE.



HAVING taken an affecting leave of my family and friends, I went on board the "Triton." At six P. M. we weighed anchor, and arrived at Port-Arthur next morning at ten.

29th. I availed myself of the kindness of Captain Booth, the Commandant, and Mr. Lempricre, the officer next in charge, and visited all the places. This penal-settlement is delightfully situated, and the natural scenery varied and romantic; ornamented with a beautiful church, where our Missionary officiates. Captain Booth is a man possessing qualifications of a high order for such a situation. He was very anxious that I should see the whole department, both there and at Point-Puer; and accompanied me, explaining, as we went, the whole system; than which I can conceive nothing (subordinate to the Gospel) better calculated to reform the vicious, especially under the judicious management of Captain Booth. The two officers abovenamed, with the ladies, visited the "Triton," and expressed themselves much pleased with the accommodations, fittings-up, &c.; but Mrs. Booth seemed most interested in the portraits of the Ministers which hang in the cabin, and especially in that of the Rev. John Fletcher. I took occasion, from this circumstance, to recommend a perusal of his Life; Mr. Manton engaging to supply her with it. At seven P. M. I dined with the Commandant and officers at his house; and at half-past nine, proposed, respectfully, the reading of the Scriptures and prayer, which, though a new thing to

• The entire Missionary Notices for the present month contain two sheets, while our arrangements only allow us to give one. But while we have endeavoured to retain the most important portions, we earnestly recommend our readers to procure the Notice in its complete form; and carefully to read the whole. They will find the omitted portions, to be only a little less interesting than those which we have inserted.-EDIT.

them, was cheerfully complied with. I was induced especially to do this as an example to our Missionaries on such occasions, they being the only Pastors of the place. At ten o'clock we took leave of our hospitable friends, and were conducted to the vessel, accompanied by a soldier under arms, according to the custom of the place.

30th. At day-dawn the wind became a little more favourable than it had been; and, having weighed anchor, in a few hours the wide ocean was our tossingplace; and most of the party soon became unwell.

Nov. 6th. We arrived at Sydney, met with a hearty welcome at the Missionhouse from Mr. and Mrs. Schofield, and proceeded immediately to make preparations for our voyage to the islands.

10th. The Rev. Mr. Cowper, Chaplain, of St. Philip's church, waited on me, to converse on the subject of Christian Missions; and especially to know whether we allowed our Missionaries to engage in land or commercial speculations. I told him, that they were imperatively prohibited. I reminded him of the time when I sat under his ministry at Rawden, in my native land. He said, "Well, I trust you see me the same man, only nearer heaven, I hope, in prospect and foretaste: and as for you, you have reached the highest point of ecclesiastical dignity." I availed myself of the opportunity of hearing him; and seldom have I heard a more faithful, heart-stirring sermon. It was a feast, to hear a Minister venerable through age, preach with all the zeal and energy of a young man,

16th. We held a Missionary Meeting, H. H. M'Arthur, Esq., Member of Council, being in the chair. The chapel was crowded, and intense interest was manifested. The collections amounted to £50.

18th. We held a valedictory service in Macquarie-street chapel, Sydney. The VOL. XXIII. Third Series. FEBRUARY, 1844. N

Rev. D. Ross, Independent, and the Rev. M. Saunders, Baptist, took part in the service with our own Ministers.

20th. At six A. M. we weighed anchor, and set sail with the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Webb for Tonga, viá New-Zealand. I have received the greatest kindness from the brethren and friends in Sydney and Paramatta; but am especially pleased with the interest they take in Missions so dear to me.

25th. I have had incessant sickness, with violent head-ache, from the time when we left Sydney till this morning, owing, in part, to the uncomfortable motion of our vessel; which is sadly out of trim, in consequence of every nook and corner being filled with stores. Nearly all the sailors have been ill. I am much enfeebled; but it is all well.

29th. We arrived in safety at Kawia, New-Zealand, after a short but uncomfortable passage; about four o'clock P. M. we were welcomed at the Missionstation; at five o'clock I preached to the Europeans.

December 1st.-About four o'clock this morning we had a slight shock of an earthquake, similar to what I felt on my last visit. Last Friday there were two powerful shocks, extending to Aotea and Waingaroa; on which occasion the houses shook, and nature seemed convulsed in such a manner as our Missionaries had never before witnessed. entire aspect of this part of the land is that of former eruptions.


2d. The wind being unfavourable for getting out, I determined to go with the brethren overland to Waingaroa, and to meet them in the District-Committee, leaving the "Triton" till the wind should be favourable. We finished the first day's journey to Aotea, the Rev. Mr. Turton's station, where a hearty welcome was given us. Having taken some refreshment, we spent half an hour in surveying the country; and were much pleased with the manner in which their lands had been cultivated, the promising crops of potatoes and kumeras, &c. A greater display of industry I had not seen in this land. The shades of evening coming upon us, we retired to the chapel, and by a rude drum or bell called the natives together, when I gave a short account of my visit to other islands, told them what God had done at Vavau, &c., and urged them to embrace the Gospel, and give their hearts to God; telling them we wanted to see them happy in their souls, clean in their persons, industrious in their habits, comfortable in their houses, and showing love to their Mis

sionaries. importance.

This station is one of great

3d. We set out early through the bush to Waingaroa. Some of the natives had gone before, to light a fire about half-way, and boil us some potatoes. On reaching the spot we threw ourselves on nature's carpet, wiping the perspiration from our brows. They brought what they call a "go-ashore" (an iron pot) filled with hot potatoes; and, having a little salt, each man made free, by put ting his hand into the pot and helping himself. Having had a hearty meal, we returned thanks, and again girt our loins. But such bush-work as now presented itself I had never seen before. Now we climbed the steep, catching at any thing to prevent a fall; then we descended precipices frightful to the eye;-jumping over fallen trees, leaping over bogs, entangled by shrubs, calculating on torn clothes, thankful for a cap instead of a hat;-until at last all the muscles and joints of our bodies called for rest. Thus, after eight hours' hard travelling, we reached the Mission-station, and were comforted with a pleasing welcome and wholesome food, sharing with the labouring man at night refreshing sleep.

4th and 5th.-I met the brethren in the District-Committee; and on the evening of the latter day held several interesting conversations with the natives. Aporo, (Apollos,) a native Teacher, said: "In our heathen state we sat like beasts in ignorance; and as dogs, seeing others with something good in their mouths, snatch it from them and fight, so we fought and killed each other. When a woman was found guilty of adultery, the tribes to which the parties concerned belonged made war and killed the innocent as well as the guilty. When any one broke the tapu, murder was committed; when our women were confined, we put up a sort of tapu, and if any man approached, we allowed him to come near, and when he retired, we pursued and killed him. In our wars in former times, we were not satisfied with the death of a few of our enemies, but sought for the entire destruction of the tribe to which they belonged, that we might take possession of their land. If murder was committed, we sought revenge for generations on the children and children's children of the murderers. If our friends and children died, we considered them as gods, and looked to them for support in war, and supposed they came and whistled to us. Our Priests said they could see these gods, and from their appearance could tell whether we

should be successful. We used to make as many mounds of earth as we wished to represent tribes, over which the Priests prayed; and at night they said the gods came, and so marked them as to inform us what would be the fate of each tribe. Those who were slain in battle were cut up, as we cut up pigs; to each man was given his share: we then made a fire, burned off the skin, and when the flesh was cooked, beat it with a stick to make it soft, and ate it with potatoes. The heads we stuck upon posts." I asked him if he had eaten any. He replied, "Yes; and we used to think it sweet, like pork." Pursuing his narrative, he said, "Our attention was first drawn from these things by European articles. This commenced at the north, and afterwards found its way down here. The articles were axes, guns, spades, and pipes. We supposed the musket to be a god, and were much delighted when we got one. We thought it would go off by blowing into the touch-hole; but when we found it would not, we applied a piece of burning stick. It went off immediately; and we were sure it was a god. When the mus. kets came, we began fighting with them from this place to Kawia and Taranaki, killing all we met with. As the thing just named came from the north, so did the good things. We heard that while we were fighting, Missionaries and their followers were praying. By and by Mr. W. came here, went to Kawia, and returned by way of Waipa, leaving two native Teachers. Another Teacher came from Mangungu. Through their instructions a young Chief embraced Christianity; and at length a number of others. Afterwards Mr. Woon came, and then Mr. Whiteley and Mr. Wallis; and by their means a great number embraced the Gospel. Then the Missionaries left. I did not turn Christian when they were here; but I went to look on, while a native Teacher was addressing the people. I saw myself a sinner, and thought I should be left behind, as many were turning to God. I felt sorry on account of my sins, and had great distress of mind. I thought of my friends long since dead, and prayed to God, and said, Though my friends are hidden or lost, God shall be my friend.' I found relief, not by going back to my old practices, but by looking constantly to God, and remembering that Christ, the Son of God, made the payment for my sins. Then peace was made between God and my heart, as peace is made between two tribes who have been at war. They break a stick in two pieces, and lay them

down between the tribes; then two of the principal men lay their hands on them, and peace is made. My peace is of the same kind; but it is liable to interruptions. If old things come upon me and throw me down, my peace will be broken; but if they do not, my peace will not be broken, and I shall get to heaven."

Hoani Piha (John Fisher) said: "I was first led to the house of God by two native Teachers, who were left at Waipa by Mr. W. When I heard them preach, it deeply affected my heart, and made me weep much. I heard a great deal about repentance. My heart was very dark, and I was very unhappy. I wept, and prayed to God to forgive me my sins, for the sake of Jesus Christ. After I had prayed a long time, I felt joy spring up in my heart, and it was all light. By the living word of God I first found pain of mind and darkness of heart, and then the Spirit of God came to my heart, and gave me peace and joy. By the living word of Christ I was born again."

Hori Mori (George Morley) said: "Formerly I was in another road, and bore another likeness. When the new road was pointed out to us by the Missionaries, I paid no attention to it. But after these stations were broken up, I began to think about it, and my sins were discovered to me about four thousand " (meaning an immense number). "They were like an army come against me to kill me, to slay me, to murder me; they fought against me, and caused me great pain, as two men fight against and beat each other, and cause pain. I then began to think of taking to the new religion, and fleeing to Christ. In doing so, I found relief. The Spirit the Comforter came to my heart, and I felt love, goodness, joy, and peace. I now love Christ. I cannot say that the outside man loves Jesus Christ; but the man inside loves him."

December 6th, Sunday.—I held native service in the morning and afternoon. The number was so great that the chapel would not hold them; consequently they assembled in the spacious yard connected with the Mission-house. They were very serious and attentive, while, through Mr. Whiteley, I called on them to repent of their sins, to believe on Christ Jesus, to show their faith by a becoming conduct, and to cultivate habits of industry and cleanliness, which, with attention to their houses, would greatly add to their comfort.

8th. After the sittings of the District-Meeting this day, William Naylor,

the leading Chief of this place, a Christian, came to inform me that he had liberated all his slaves, and wished to know if I thought it good. I told him that it pleased me much; that God's book required them to let the oppressed go free; and that in this instance I should set him as an example to the other Chiefs. I also told him, how much it had delighted me to see his land so well cultivated; and, using a few words in the New-Zealand language, expressed my thanks for the potatoes which we had eaten at his village. He expressed his pleasure at this, coupled with a hope that by the time I came again I should be able to preach in their language. 9th. Wind still unfavourable. I visited another native settlement, where the grounds were well cultivated, and crops promising. The natives all accost

me by name, and are anxious to shake hands.

10th. I went with the brethren and their families by boat, thinking that a little excursion up one of the rivers would do them good. At length, we landed at the foot of a high hill, and climbed up to two or three native huts on the summit. On entering one of them, we found a solitary female reading the Scriptures. After a little conversation, she hastened to boil us some potatoes, which, with the cold meat we had taken, were eaten with relish.


11th. Wind still unfavourable. urged the same Missionary party to accompany me to the village of William Naylor, the liberator of the slaves, who had been led to that act by a sermon preached by our Missionary, the Rev. J. Wallis, on restitution for wrong done. Here we enjoyed our dinners, which were provided as on the former days. I expressed to this Chief my pleasure in eating their excellent potatoes, and seeing him and his people so comfortable. I addressed the tribe, and urged them to give themselves to God, and serve him, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, and making the Scriptures their study; for then they would be happy and useful. He replied, that they were much obliged by our sending Missionaries to them. Before, they delighted in war; but the Missionaries had taught them better, the good book taught them better, and they were endeavouring to live as it directed them, and were now happy. I gave him a razor. He said, it was not of much use to him when he shaved, the beard grew again; he therefore preferred pulling his beard up by the roots with pippy (cockle) shells, and then it took a long

time to grow. He showed me the process; but I have no inclination to adopt his plan.

While we were sitting, an interesting man came with his Testament, and read St. Paul's words to Timothy: "This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a Bishop, he desireth a good work." Then, pointing to me, he said that I had desired a good work; and my office was to teach the Missionaries, that they might teach the natives.

Another, as he carried my cloak through the bush, said that he was now doing as Paul directed Timothy to do, when he said, "The cloak that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee." Another gathered a few wild berries, and gave them to me, saying, "Do you think them like the food which John ate in the wilderness?" These remarks led me to say to Mr. Wallis, "They seem to make themselves conversant with what they read." He replied, in the language of all the Missionaries on these stations, "They love to read, and make what they read their own; but we cannot get books for them."

13th, Sunday.-I went with Mr. Wallis to Horea. As we approached the village, we heard the sound of two hoes, instead of a bell, calling the natives together. Their responses at prayer, and their great attention while I addressed them on the necessity of experi mental and practical religion, were very pleasing. On retiring, each vied with the other to shake hands with me. We returned to the station to dine, and at three o'clock went to the chapel, where Mr. Wallis catechised the adults for two

hours. It was an interesting sight. They answered with great readiness, and evidently understood what they said. At six o'clock I preached to the Europeans, and at eight o'clock I went to the native service. A young Chief commenced by reading the Confession and the Lord's Prayer: he then prayed with great ease and fervour. After a few verses had been sung, and a chapter read, William Naylor, the principal Chief, read and commented on St. Peter's words: "As new-born babes, desire the sincere milk of the word," &c. He showed, that as their babes had the mothers' milk, and were a long time before they could eat kumeras and potatoes; so the babes in Christ could not do with strong meat at first. They had been babes at one time, when they could only do with promises, &c.; but now they could bear a little stronger meat, and it might be con

sidered in part their duty to do something towards the support of their Ministers. The service closed at ten.

14th. I met William Naylor and several other Christian Chiefs, at their own request. We went to the chapel. The natives formed a semicircle. William, who was formerly a great warrior, rose and addressed me, saying: "We are greatly indebted to the Missionaries. Before they came, our delight was in killing and devouring one another; but now we love to read the book, (New Testament,) and live in peace, cultivating our lands. We found the book to be the truth, and that the Missionaries had never deceived us; and from that book we learn, that those who have received the Gospel should contribute towards its support. From 1 Cor. xvi., I learn," (here he read it,)" that collections were made. But we have no money. We must, therefore, give of our substance, kumeras and potatoes. What we give this way must be considered sacred, expecting nothing again. When crops are good, we must give plentifully; when poor, moderately. White men have tried to deceive us, saying, - Missionaries are to have great riches on their return to England, according to the number of converts they have made;' but their riches are in heaven, not on earth."

Another Chief said, that his mind and that of his people had been spoken by William.

15th. Accompanied by Messrs. Whiteley and Wallis, we weighed anchor; and, the day being remarkably fine, we dropped out as the tide began to


19th. I went to the Mission-station at Waima, accompanied by the Rev. Messrs. Hobbs, Whiteley, and Wallis : we found Mr. and Mrs. Warren well, and the place greatly improved since my last visit. Mr. Warren promises to be a valuable Missionary.

20th, Sunday. Having made arrangements for this day's work on the preceding evening, and communicated them to the natives, we held morningservice on a hill near the station, there being no chapel. A large company of natives assembled, and were addressed by Mr. Whiteley and myself. After dinner we walked five miles through the bush, the natives taking me on their backs across the rivers. It was oppressively hot. At length we came to the top of a hill which gave us a command. ing view of the beautifully-situated village belonging to Moses Tawhai, the

Christian Chief, and his people. Moses sat on this mount, and, with a countenance indicating the finest feelings of a warm heart, said, pointing with his finger, "There I was born; and there I wish to die, and leave my children to inherit my land." Having surveyed the lovely spot, we hastened to it, when men, women, and children flocked around us, many of them having a copy of the New Testament. I asked the wife of Moses to read me a chapter out of St. Paul's Epistle to Timothy. She turned to it immediately, thus showing her acquaintance with the order in which the Epistles are placed. I preached to them, Mr. Hobbs interpreting. We afterwards ate a few boiled potatoes; but the establishment could not supply us with salt. We had, however, excellent water; and, our wants being supplied, we returned home, where, after a ten miles' walk and other exercises, a mattress on the floor was welcomed as a bed.

24th. I returned early to Mangungu, and after dinner commenced the business of the District-Meeting, which was continued in sittings from six to eight o'clock daily on financial matters; from nine o'clock to two, and from half-past two to eight o'clock, on general subjects. Close work in hot weather!

December 25th, Christmas-Day.-In the afternoon, three Christian Chiefs, Class-Leaders, waited on me, and asked, "Did the eunuch meet in class before he was baptized ?" I said, "No; he was reading the word of God, when Philip joined him, and, having instructed him in the will of God more fully, and satisfied himself that he was a fit subject for baptism by ascertaining his faith in Christ, administered to him that sacrament." They then said, that there were three Chiefs in circumstances similar to those of the eunuch, and they wished to be baptized, if I thought proper. I wished them to meet me at Mr. Woon's, where I was going to tea in the interval of public worship. The first whom I questioned was a powerful, eloquent Chief, about fifty years of age, called Ko-te-Hika, (literally, "Fire-rubber,") who said: "I was urged by the Missionaries in former times to turn to God; but I was deaf to their advice, and have only now begun to seek the Lord. In the days of my obstinacy I refused to be saved. I was assured God knew every thing about me. I have now begun to seek the bread and water of life, and, after great thought, have determined to serve God. I cannot read the good book;

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