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those persons must have been Missionaries sent out by that body of people, for the express purpose of preaching to the Heathen; whereas, they were neither so sent, nor was their Mission so immediately to preach, as to form a Christian colony."

This colonizing scheme was not entertained by the Methodists alone; for no sooner had the ship "Duff" sailed for the South Seas in September, 1796, than " a Mission to Africa is announced as probably the next object of the London Missionary Society. In the Foulah country, about two hundred and fifty miles from Sierra-Leone, there appears to be a favourable opening for the Gospel, and a Committee is appointed by the Directors to procure intelligence, with a view to the most speedy commencement of their operations. Mechanics, particularly carpenters, will be wanted for this Mission; and we have no doubt but the churches of Christ can supply the Society with many men of this description, highly qualified for the undertaking." (Ibid., p. 190.)

In the Minutes of Conference for 1796, we find the first appointment of "Missionaries for Africa, namely, Archibald Murdock, and William Patten," with the following note at the bottom of the page :-" Dr. Coke laid before the Conference an account of the failure of the colony intended to be established in the Foulah country in Africa; and, after prayer and mature consideration, the Conference unanimously judged, that a trial should be made, in that part of Africa, on the proper Missionary plan. The two brethren above mentioned having voluntarily offered themselves for this important work, the Conference solemnly appointed them for it, and earnestly recommended them and their great

undertaking to the public and private prayers of the Methodist society." (Vol. i., p. 335.)

"About this period the Edinburgh Missionary Society agreed to cooperate with the London Missionary Society in the intended Mission to the Foulah country, wherein six Missionaries were to be employed, furnished by either or both of the Societies. Two, at least, of these were to be persons of education and abilities, capable of contending with the Mahometan Priests; and one or both of them, it was much wished, might be possessed of medical and surgical knowledge, to recommend them among the natives." (Heptinstall's Christian Pocket Mag., pp. 43, 44.)


The "practical" result of the failure of this colonizing scheme was the formation of a Society for Missions to Africa and the East, as will be seen by the following extracts from Wilberforce's Life :-" July 20th, 1797. Dined at Henry Thornton's with Simeon and Grant, to talk over Mission-scheme." (Vol. ii., p. 225.) Nov. 9th, 1797. Dined and slept at Battersea-Rise; for Missionary Meeting, Simeon, Charles Grant, Venn. Something, but not much, done. Simeon in earnest." (Page 251.) "This," add his sons, 66 was the first commencement of a plan for promoting enlarged Missionary exertion, to which he had recourse upon the failure of his efforts to obtain by vote of Parlia ment some national provision for Christianizing India. It occupied his attention for the two following years, and issued, in the year 1800, in the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East."



April 11th, 1844.


(To the Editor of the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine.)

THE "Remarks on SundaySchools," by the Rev. George Marsden, in your Magazine for November last, together with a conversation which I have since had with that respected Minister on the subject, induce me to offer you a few

observations in reference to the management of those institutions. The interesting position which they occupy in these days of educational movement, and especially their importance to us as a Connexion, make it unnecessary for me to offer any further apology for addressing you. The object of Mr. Marsden's communication was, "to try whether some plan could be devised to be a connecting link between the time of a youth leaving the school, and the age of eighteen or twenty;" and his suggestions relate principally to the establishment of Bibleclasses on the week evenings, to the desirableness of young persons who have left school continuing to attend the place of worship to which they have been accustomed, and of some inducement being held out to them to become seat-holders, and to a regular visitation of such persons, at their own homes, by proper individuals, for the purpose of friendly counsel and direction.

Viewing Sunday-schools as "nurseries for the church," it is extremely desirable that there should be no interval between the time of young persons leaving the school, and that of their joining the church; and the main question is,-How are Sunday-schools to be conducted so as to secure this object?

In reference to Mr. Marsden's suggestions, we may observe :

1. The most effectual means of insuring the attendance of young persons at a place of worship, after leaving the school, is, to bring them up in the habit of it at school. Wherever it is practicable, every Sunday-scholar should be taken to the house of God at least once every Lord's day. The great thing

required, next to a present blessing under the influence of the word, (which ought to be sought and expected, as well for children as for adults,) is the creation of a proper feeling of respect for the house of God as such, and the formation of the habit of regular attendance there. We may urge the importance of this duty upon the minds of the children; but except we teach them to perform it, while they are under our care, how can we expect them to attend to it afterwards? A beautiful simile, which the President of the Conference made use of at the late Educational Meeting in Manchester, strikes me as peculiarly applicable to this subject. "When," said he,

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we have planted a tree by the wallside, we do not content ourselves with marking on the wall the particular direction which we wish the branches to take; no, we train up' the branches, lead them onwards, and fix them as they grow, in the direction we require.' So, in reference to the habit of attendance at the house of God. We may give line upon line, and precept upon precept; we may show the reasonableness, propriety, and beauty of the service; but except we lead those whom we teach, in the way "wherein they should walk," and direct their steps ourselves to the Lord's house, how can we expect our teaching to succeed? "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

The necessity of this will appear from a consideration of the hostile influences to which young persons are exposed after leaving the school. Their parents are, in many cases, indifferent to their spiritual welfare, and, if their conduct be not troublesome, even to their moral character. Some regard the education which their children receive at the Sundayschool, however little they may have profited by it, as all that is necessary to fit them for this world and

for that which is to come. I know instances of individuals serving their customers and reading their Bibles with equal regularity on Sunday afternoons, and of their children, who have been brought up in a Sunday-school and are now established in life, following precisely the same course. Ungodly companions, too, surround them, who have no other idea of the Sabbath than that of a day of recreation or amusement, and among whom, if the welldisposed speak of what they have learned at school, they are ridiculed and laughed at. Compare the probable influence of such circumstances upon two youths, equally exposed to them, but differently educated at the Sunday-school, one having been taken but occasionally to the house of God, and the other brought up in the regular habit of attending there. The former, free from the restraints of school, and without any tie of duty or affection to any particular place of worship, not favoured perhaps with a single word of exhortation or warning, is almost certain to give way before the torrent of evil which sets in upon him, and from regarding the public worship of Almighty God as a duty which may occasionally be performed, as opportunity may offer or inclination dictate, soon ceases to think of it altogether. Entangled in folly and wickedness, the probability is, that he grows up a discouragement to Sunday-school efforts, and a reproach to them that do well. The latter, though no longer an attendant at school, feels, on the returning Sabbath, that the house of God is his place, and as much so as ever. He goes because he has been accustomed to it, if from no higher motive; and he cannot break off the habit without a struggle. As he continues to attend, his presence is noticed, his character among men rises; the word comes at length, perhaps, with power to his heart; he yields himself up to its influence, and says, "This people shall be my people, and their God shall be my God." Or, if unfortunately induced by ungodly companions to neglect, on any

occasion, the house of God, and to accompany them on their excursion of pleasure or of sin, he is conscious, as he passes by the sanctuary, that he is doing wrong; his earlier sympathies are with the place; and as the well-known tune reverberates through the air, and the voices of the congregation fall on his ear, he feels that he should have been happier within. The voice of conscience and the force of habit join to remind him of his duty; and it may be, that the influences of the Spirit of God, operating upon a mind already moved by early associations, induce him to snap the cords which lead him astray, and say,

"I have been there, and still will go ;
'Tis like a little heaven below;
Not all my pleasures, nor my play,
Shall tempt me to forget that day."

2. Where circumstances permit it, it is no doubt of advantage to allow young persons connected with the school, and who will properly esti mate the privilege, to occupy unlet pews, or to let them to them at a reduced rent. The latter is the better plan, as it induces a greater interest in the place, and leads them to regard themselves as part of the regular congregation.

3. The establishment of classes among Teachers and elder scholars for biblical instruction, by the Minister or others, on the week evenings, is no doubt a valuable adjunct to Sunday-school exercises, where it can be accomplished. The habits of an exclusively manufacturing population prevent its being adopted extensively among them; but mutualinstruction classes, comprising a few of the most intelligent who could make it convenient to meet regularly, have been attended with much good. Young persons may be more closely connected with the school, and considerable mental improvement may be effected by this means. Many pious and intelligent officebearers in the church owe the position which they occupy, and the advancement which they have made, in temporal things as well as spiritual, to such classes in connexion with Sunday-schools.

To the foregoing suggestions I would add,

1. The necessity of a regular system of catechetical instruction. Whatever tends to fix scriptural truths in the mind is important; and if the memories of the scholars are well stored with scriptural facts and precepts, though they may leave the school, they cannot leave the knowledge of those truths behind them. It is of little importance, comparatively, how many hours are spent in the school, or how many books are read, if something is not learned. And there is little probability of the youth whose mind has become familiarized with the scriptural facts and reasoning contained in the Conference Catechism, and especially in the third part of it, being ever after unfavourably influenced by sceptical insinuations, or infidel assertions. Let those lessons be once firmly fixed in the memory, and the youth is comparatively safe. Each class, from the highest to the lowest, should spend some part of every Sunday in catechetical exercises; and there should be an afternoon set apart, once a quarter, for publicly catechising the classes in the presence of each other, and of their parents and friends. With us, this is called the Quarterday; and in some places it is thought of sufficient importance to be held in the chapel, the children assembling in the gallery, and the congregation below.

2. The desirableness of having, in each school, a select and wellconducted library, both for Teachers and scholars. No Sunday-school is complete without this. A number of books are to be found in our Book-Room catalogue, and in that of the Religious Tract Society, admirably adapted for the purpose; and care should be taken to select such as are lively and interesting, as well as instructive. Twenty shillings spent in this way will do more good than a score or two of old books begged from friends, whose only service will generally be found to be the occupation of the libraryshelves. Religious biography, and especially memoirs of pious young

persons, Mr. Wesley's Life, and other publications illustrative of the history of our Connexion, Missionary anecdotes, &c., ought to have a place in every Wesleyan Sundayschool. The scholars should be constantly urged to avail themselves of the privilege of reading; and the perusal of such books will be found, not only to inform the mind, but also to awaken an interest in the work of God, and in his instruments and agents.


3. Every facility should be given to Teachers and scholars for the purchase of suitable books for their own use. Young persons are apt to value more highly what they have paid for out of their own means, than that which has cost them nothing; and this feeling might be taken advantage of, to supply them with books, not only to assist their devotions, but also to form the nucleus of a Christian library at home. Let a small stock of wellselected books be kept in the school, to be on sale, at cost price, on a certain evening in the week. own Catechism and Hymn-books, as well as neatly got-up Bibles and Testaments, which may be procured from the Bible Society at a very low rate for the purpose, should be always on hand. Many scholars will purchase school-books in order to pursue their studies at home; and some will show a commendable pride in possessing those which are necessary for our public services. In one of our schools this institution is called the "Book-room;" and a great number of Bibles, Testaments, and Hymn-books, besides tracts, &c., have been disposed of through it.

The importance of putting proper books into the hands of young persons need not be dwelt upon. If not furnished with good reading, many, it is to be feared, and perhaps among them the most promising in the school, will be supplied with bad. Books are now so cheap, that any form of error may be propagated at a little expense; and every infidel upstart, even among the operative classes, has tracts at command to second his views. Sunday newspapers, too, and the

wretched trash of the low periodical press, exercise a most pernicious influence; and every possible means is taken to make them attractive to the young. At the same time there never were so many sensible and excellent productions of a contrary tendency. Juvenile literature is an instrument which may be worked with advantage to the church; religion has nothing to fear from the march of intellect; all that is necessary is, that there should be the same exertions used for the spread of intelligent piety, as there are for the spread of infidel vice.

4. An additional tie to the school may with propriety be formed, by the establishment of societies for mutual relief in cases of sickness and death. These, if conducted on right principles, may be the means of doing much good. I need scarcely say, that if not so conducted, they are sure to be mischievous, if not destructive. Exact calculations, great judgment, and strict integrity, are necessary to their prosperity. We have two such institutions, "The Wesleyan Sunday-school Male Philanthropic Society," and "The Wesleyan Sunday-school Female Philanthropic Society;" besides one on a smaller scale for scholars only. The following is the introduction to the printed copy of the rules of the former :

"In unison with that Christian benevolence which has united them in the great work of gratuitously instructing the rising generation, the Managers and Teachers of the Methodist Sunday-school have resolved to form amongst themselves a society, for their mutual relief in seasons of sickness, decrepitude, and death; and thus still more to confirm that bond of Christian affection in which, as fellow-labourers of the Lord, they are joined." * The persons eligible to enter, are, (1.) Those who are actually engaged in the Wesleyan Sunday-schools, as members of the Committee, Visitors, or Teachers. (2.) Regular scholars, whose moral conduct will bear the

* I shall be glad to supply a copy of the rules to any who may wish it and will address a note to the Superintendent of this Circuit.

strictest investigation. (3.) Members of any orthodox Christian church, of twelve months' standing, who can, if required, bring a certificate of their membership signed by their Minister. There are, of course, many conditions in reference to age, state of health, moral character, &c. The females pay 1s. per month, and receive 5s. per week in case of sickness, and their families £5 in case of death. The males pay 1s. 4d. per month, and receive 8s. per week in case of sickness, and their families £5 in case of death. The latter Society has been in existence twentytwo years; it has now sixty-eight members, and its funds in hand amount to £737, or £10. 16s. 7d. per member. The rates of payment and allowances have been carefully revised by a professional man, and are upon such a scale, as to insure the satisfactory fulfilment of its engagements. The direct advantages of such a Society, in comparison with others of the same order, are, the superior character of its officers, the fewer claims on its funds on account of sickness brought on by immorality, and the absence of dissipation and its attendant evils at the meetings of the members. Of course all the business is transacted on the week-days. The Annual Meeting, which is held in the school, and is generally attended by one of the Ministers and other friends, some of whom are honorary members, partakes of the character of a religious anniversary. Among the indirect advantages is "the additional bond of union" already referred to, which it forms among the members, and between them and the school. There are instances of individuals having been induced to renew their connexion with the people of God, after having been separated from them for years, by the influence of early associations, and of continued intercourse with its officers, rendered necessary by their connexion with this Society.

The preceding suggestions point to means which are, to some extent, mechanical and artificial. I come now to what are more important by far, the purely spiritual and reli

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