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breaking of bread. I was much pleased to know that all the members of the society were present, with the exception of one. "This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes."

The young men in the Institution are getting on exceedingly well: they are making great proficiency in the different branches of literature and theology. This Institution is the greatest ornament to the place; and ere long there will be sent forth both far and wide, those who shall become instructers of their own countrymen, and, through the blessing of God, become the instrument of good to thousands.

I was sorry to find that there was not any provision made for the females, and that there had not been any since Mrs. Shipman left. The people have again and again been invited to send their children to school, but in every case they objected; and their objection was, that there was no schoolmistress to take care of them. Finding this to be the case, I wrote to Mr. Freeman on the subject, requesting him to send a mistress down; and it gives me great pleasure to inform you, that Mr. Freeman arrived here on the 11th of April, on his way to Badagry, with Miss De Graft, sister to Mr. W. De Graft, in order to commence a school at once.

On the 14th instant, I, together with F. Grant, the Schoolmaster, and Mr. Hanson, canvassed the British and Dutch towns. I entered the humble dwellings of the natives, and was much pleased to find them all engaged in habits of industry. They appeared surprised at my going into their huts: they did not expect it of "white man.' After I had some conversation with them, and had told them, my object in calling upon them was to inform them that we were going to commence a girls' school, and that I was very anxious they should be

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acquainted with it, and that they should send their children, that they might be taught the great truths of the Gospel, they many times called me Ouipa, that is, "Great man," and again Brumpou, that is, "Gentleman," or "Rich man." I endeavoured to show them the advantage which they would derive from it; and one and all exclaimed, Ojeba, that is, "Very good."

On Monday, 15th, we commenced the school; and I was much pleased with the number we had, the first day, thirteen and they continue to attend ; and, to encourage them, I have given them a frock each. I find they need such things to be given them; and I am sure there are many of our friends who would be kind enough to help us here in this way, and we shall be most happy to receive any common prints, pins, needles, and cotton, for the use of this school. I believe this is the first-fruits of a great and glorious harvest.

This Mission is in a most prosperous state, and we have every thing to encou rage us in this work of faith and labour of love; and if we are only faithful, we shall even see better days than these. It is true, that we have to contend with difficulties, such as domestic slavery and the pawn-system, which it will be a work of time to remove. Still, I say, that better days for this place are coming: they are sure. It is the subject of covenant between the Father, Son, and Spirit. It is ratified and sealed by the blood of Christ, This is the promise to the Son: "Ask of me, and I will give thee the Heathen for thine inheritance." It is made to him as the anointed "Mediator between God and man." On his throne he sits he holds the sceptre, and shall break his enemies with a rod of iron. The cause of our Jesus must prevail, and every tongue shall call him LORD. My prayer is, "Lord, hasten the time !"

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Extract of a Letter from the Rev. William Allen, 3d, dated Cape-Coast,
May 1st, 1844.

IT is with unspeakable pleasure I announce the safe arrival of our muchesteemed brother, Mr. Brooking, and his partner, on the 20th of March. They stayed at Cape-Coast a fortnight; and on the 3d of April they proceeded to Anamabu, their destination; where I hope they both will be made the honoured instruments, in the hands of Almighty God, in winning many of the sable sons and daughters of Ham to Jesus. The feelings of our long-neglected friends

at Anamabu were better felt than described, when they knew they had got a Missionary to reside with them.

Since my last communication I have been up to Dix-Cove, and was much delighted with my visit. I stayed the first night at Commenda, where we have an interesting society. In this place we have met with much opposition, on account of its being a great fetish place; and many times we have been afraid we should be obliged to give it up alto

gether. We could neither succeed in convincing the people of the error of their ways, nor obtain children for the schools; but that God who can make our enemies be at peace with us, has been pouring out his convincing Spirit, and many have been constrained to cry out, "What must I do to be saved?" A revival has been the result. We have now in this place (although it is the seat of idolatry) nineteen members, and four on trial, and upwards of thirty children - in the school. "Not unto us, not unto

us, O Lord, but unto thee would we ascribe all honour and praise." In the evening I preached to the people. Although there was a fetish-play going on in the town at the time when I was holding divine service, there were hundreds assembled together to hear words whereby they might be saved. After the service I baptized fifteen adults, whom I had previously examined, and eighteen children. The people appeared to be much affected: the event I leave with Him who alone can give the increase. The next night I reached Seccondi: here, you are aware, we have a school which was commenced about eighteen months since under very pleasing circumstances. We have now upwards of thirty boys and girls in the school, who manifest great aptitude for learning. While I was staying in this krume, which was only one night, eight or ten men came to visit me, to inquire of me about the religion of Jesus: they thought it superior to their own. They were evidently convinced of sin, and asked me to tell them what God disap

proved of, so that they might do it no more; and what he approved of, that they would endeavour to do. I was much affected to hear Heathens asking questions of this kind. I trust the conversation I had with them will prove profitable. They requested me to form a society, and to let them have regular services. I hope this request will soon be attended to. We have no preaching

in this place at present.

The next day I reached Dix-Cove, and was equally gratified with the state of things I found there. During my stay, which was only three days, I preached twice, and administered the sacrament of the Lord's supper to the members of the society. Here also I baptized two adults. Before I left this place I met the society for the renewal of their tickets, and was much pleased to find that they could testify that God had power upon earth to forgive sins. I embraced the opportunity of showing them the importance of giving, to the utmost of their abilities, toward the spread of the Gospel among their countrymen. I have the happiness to know that the hints I gave were not lost upon them; for, in a few days after I reached Cape-Coast, I received £5. 15s., currency, which they had collected among themselves for the furtherance of the Gospel. Who will despise the day of small things?

On the 10th of April, Mr. Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Annear, Mr. Martin, and Mr. De Graft, sailed from Anamabu for Badagry, in a Sierra-Leone vessel called the "Little Grace."


Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Robert Brooking, dated Anamabu,
April 25th, 1844.

I CANNOT conclude this letter without entreating you to send us more help. We are only five of us in the GoldCoast District, including Ashanti; and our duties are more than we can possibly attend to; and as Mr. Allen will be leaving for England early next year, we shall then be reduced to four. To give you some idea of the extent of my labours, I would just say, that my Circuit extends to Winnebah. This in Icludes a line of coast of fifty miles, embracing several large towns, which have a united population of about thirtyfive thousand. We have establishments at only a few of these places; but, had we the means, we might occupy the whole. Then, again, I have to extend my visits as far into the interior as

Mansue, which also is fifty miles; within which space we have, as you are aware, several stations; and many other places are anxiously waiting to have Teachers sent. Now, in order that all these places which we already occupy may be visited as they ought to be, it would be necessary for me to spend three-fourths of my time in travelling; for although we have several excellent young men in our employ, yet circumstances prove that too much must not be left to them; and I am quite convinced, that if we had a sufficient number of European brethren to work the ground which we already occupy, a great deal more in every way might be done.

I will thank you to acknowledge in

the "Missionary Notices," the receipt of a box containing children's dresses from the friends in Lynn, Newbury, and Dartmouth, and a parcel from Miss Lucy Chubb; all of which were very acceptable, and the greater part of which are already distributed, and have satisfied the children. Mrs. Brooking, on our arrival at Anamabu, brought the girls belonging to the school up into the large room, and supplied each of them with a frock, apron, and work-bag. On the

Sunday following they all appeared at the chapel, dressed in their new clothes; and a very interesting sight it was.

If our friends in England knew how much good they did by sending out such things as the above, I am sure we should never want them. They would also do us great service by sending us some boys' dresses, of similar materials, or of coarse brown Irish; just a jacket and trousers, made in a very plain manner, and of different sizes.



In the extensive region embraced by our Missions in this part of the world, the aspect of the work will necessarily vary, in some measure, as the means of grace have been for a longer or shorter time afforded to those whom we seek to benefit. At Shawbury heathenish practices exist; but, to some extent, they have been overcome by the Gospel : at Bathurst the way of the Lord is prepared; while at Clarkebury there are many conversions and a great enlargement of the work. Under the head of "Miscellaneous," on a subsequent page, will be found other communications, describing the state of the Missions at Graham's-Town, Haslope-Hills, and Colesberg. They all afford evidence that God has not been unmindful of our work of faith; and furnish motives for enlarged exertion, and the exercise of earnest prayer to God for a more copious effusion of the Holy Ghost.


Extract of a Letter from the Rev. W. H. Garner, dated Shawbury,
January 10th, 1844.

You will have seen by the District Reports, that we have a small increase in our numbers in this Circuit during the past year: our Schedule for this section of the District gives a total increase of fifty-six members, and forty-five on trial. On comparing this with other Missions, it will appear but small; but when you are acquainted with our difficulties, and consider that this is larger than any former year, doubtless you will rejoice with us. Praise the Lord! we trust the work is reviving. We anticipate yet greater things.

"Lo, the promise of a shower

Drops already from above."

The past year has been one of no ordinary interest to this tribe. Ncapai, you are aware, is the Regent for his nephew Dushani, son of Sonyanga, who was killed in war by Umdingi, Chief of the Amabele, about fourteen or fifteen years ago; which tribe was shortly after destroyed by Ncapai. Sonyanga left only two children, of the ages of four

and two years, the elder of whom is now declared of age, and takes the Chieftainship. In former years, many would have trembled on this occasion, and much blood would have been spilled. But, blessed be God, there is a great change. For the circumcision of the young Chief the custom of the tribe is, an assagai, and cattle for his food, during the months of separation, which must be obtained from the enemy. This has not been done; but Ncapai directed a new assagai to be made for the purpose, on his assuming the Chieftainship. The nearest male relative on the mother's side (her father, if alive) is killed, and his skull is preserved in the house of the young Chief as a wash-bowl, to make him strong, and he is anointed with the blood or fat. This ceremony is called te gorma. In the case of Madikan it was performed; but not in the case of Sonyanga, in consequence of his mother's relatives living with a powerful tribe. On Dushani coming of age, a question arose whether it should be

performed or not: one part of the tribe was against it, saying, "We have a Teacher. The word of God is with us. We cannot do it." Another part (with whom, I believe, was Dushani's mother) said, "We must perform it. It was done to Madikan, who lived to be an old man, and was a great warrior. It was not done to Sonyanga: he was killed young, and did nothing. Now we love Dushani, and do not wish him to die young; and his mother's father and relatives are with us." On hearing this, they fled, the father to a distant part of the tribe, and the next male relative came to this station. I spoke to Ncapai about it several times: he said, "They have nothing to fear. I am his father, and will never agree to it. My word is, We are to sit still. All the petty Chiefs must make him great by giving him cattle, according to their ability." This has been done; the relatives have returned, and nearly two hundred oxen, of various ages, have been given to him. Another circumstance I will notice, and conclude. Some time ago, Ncapai had a violent bilious attack, which caused great alarm. All the councillors were assembled, and two oxen killed. Ncapai's mother and one of his wives sent to the Doctor, to know what was killing Ncapai; but Ncapai sent to inform me he was ill, and wished me to visit him and give him medicine. After the morningservice on the Sabbath, I rode off to his place. Whilst I was giving him medicine, the messengers returned, and said, "Ncapai is killed by the spirits of his friends. They are contending:

why does he not give Dushani corn ?" (that is, "Why does he not plunder some rich man, and give him the cattle?") "There has been a long contention between the spirits of his father, uncle, and brother: but they determined to go to him. He must first kill two large oxen at two great kraals; and then, at his great kraal, kill the fattest ox." Ncapai was lying on the floor, and would listen to no more of this nonsense; but cried out, "The Doctor is a liar! I will kill the ox when Dushani visits me, but not for the Doctor's lies!" His great men began to expostulate with him, saying, "If you do not kill now, you will die." He called out, "Do not talk any more! I will not listen to his lies. I will take Garner's medicine: that will make me well." Afterwards they came to me, and begged I would try to help him, and pray to God to make him well. I spoke a few words, and rode home after praying; and then sent him more medicine, and visited him again; and, by the blessing of God on these means, he was restored. When he saw me again, he said, "That fellow " (the Doctor) "wanted meat; but he lied: I would not believe him." Now, whenever Ncapai is unwell, he says, "I will go to Garner for medicine;" or else he sends; but refuses the native drugs, except such as are applied externally.

I trust that this event will not be in vain, but will be overruled for the downfal of their superstitions; and that many, ere long, will acknowledge Him "in whom we live, and move, and have our being."

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. J. Smith, dated Bathurst,
March 12th, 1844.

HAVING just closed our Missionary anniversay in this place, I feel it to be my duty to send you a few particulars respecting it. Preparatory sermons were preached on Sunday, February 25th, by the Rev. W. Davis, and the Rev. H. H. Dugmore. A public Meeting was held at Bathurst on the following day in the afternoon, when the chair was taken by William Cock, Esq., who opened the Meeting with some appropriate remarks on the important nature of Christian Missions generally, and the duty of all to support them to the utmost of their ability. A Report was then read, containing a brief notice of all the great branches of the Society's Mis


sions in every part of the world. had a good Meeting: several very powerful speeches were made, which were listened to attentively, and with much interest. We were favoured with the assistance of the Rev. Mr. Chalmers, one of the Ministers in connexion with the Glasgow Missionary Society, who enumerated many facts, which had come under his own observation, of the conversion of Kaffers to the faith and experience of the Gospel. One very striking case was mentioned, tending to show the power of divine truth, when applied to the heart by the agency of the Holy Spirit, to enlighten the darkest mind, to soften the hardest heart, and to con

vert the most degraded, and the most depraved, of the human race. It was the case of a Kaffer. He was a fine, tall, athletic young man, addicted to all the debasing and demoralizing customs of his nation. One night he resolved to go into the colony for the purpose of stealing a horse, which is a common practice with them. He immediately left home, came into the colony, and watched for an opportunity of accomplishing his purpose, which soon presented itself. He found two horses grazing in a sheltered situation near a bush, and he instantly seized one of them, and made off with it as fast as he could. Elated with his success, and rejoicing in the prospect of securing his prize without being detected, he proceeded towards Kafferland, when all at once the thought struck him, "Thou shalt not steal." He could go no farther: he immediately drew up the horse, and said to himself, "What is this? I have frequently heard these words before in the church; but I never felt as I do now.


must be the word of God." He dismounted, and held the bridle in his hand, hesitating whether to go forward with the horse, or to return back with it, and restore it to its owner. In this position he continued for upwards of an hour. At last he resolved to take the horse back again, which he accordingly did, and returned home a true penitent, determined to serve God. When he reached his dwelling, he could not rest; sleep had departed from him; the arrows of conviction stuck fast in his conscience, and he could not shake them off. The next day he took an ox out of his kraal, (or cattle place,) and went to the nearest village to sell it, in order that he might buy European clothing with the money, and attend the house of God like a Christian. When he returned with his clothes, he went to the Minister's house, told him all that had taken place, and requested to be admitted on trial as a church member. The Minister, cheered with his statement, gladly received him; and, after keeping him on trial the appointed time, and finding him consistent in his conduct, a short time ago baptized him; and he is now a full member of the Christian church, and adorning his Christian profession, What a proof is this of the divinity of the Gospel of Christ! It is the power of God to the salvation of the deeplyfallen and depraved Kaffir.

The following day we held a Missionary Meeting, for the first time, among the natives. I had previously taken the


opportunity of reminding them of what the Gospel had done for them, and of urging upon them the necessity of sending the same word to their countrymen who had never heard it, and who are perishing without a knowledge of Christ and his salvation. Several of them spoke with great effect. One of them, when speaking of the word of God, said, "This word which has been brought to us by the Teachers, is an old word: it is as old as the foundation of the world, and therefore we can trust to it; we can make it our guide, and it will not deceive us. If it had been a new word, that had just come into the world, and that no one had ever heard of before, then it might not be true, it might deceive us, and lead us into a wrong path." In another part of his speech, when describing the sweetness of the word of God, he said, "You all know that honey is sweet, and you like to eat it. what is honey? I can eat honey till I am full, and satisfied, and sick; but the word of God is sweeter than honey, and I can never eat too much of that. I can never eat of it till I am full, and satisfied, and sick." How forcibly was I reminded of the beautiful language of the Psalmist: "O how I love thy law! It is sweeter to me than honey or the honey-comb." Another, when urging the people to give toward the support of the cause of God, said, "Some of you say you cannot give any money because you have not got any; but when you were in your heathen state, before the word of God came to you, if you were sick, and the witch-doctor was sent for, you never told him that you had not anything to give him. You knew he would do nothing for you unless you gave him what he asked for; and if you had only one cow, you made no hesita tion to give it to him, And now the word of God has come to you, and you are asked to give something towards sending this word to those who have not heard of it, you must not say you cannot give; because you have goats, and oxen, and cows; and if you have not money, you can give one of them." Their subscriptions at the close of the Meeting were very good, far beyond any. thing I expected; affording a proof that they have not received the grace of God in vain; for wherever the religion of Christ is felt and enjoyed, it destroys the natural selfishness of the human heart. Our contributions in this Circuit, this year, exceed those of last year; although last year we almost doubled the amount raised during the previous year. This

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