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handled that has come to us just now, shows that God is working through my husband. I thank you for the booklets you sent. I find they are just what I need and I know that your recompense will come. -Mrs. W. T.

Wailuku, Hawaii-About a month ago I wrote you for help in disposing of our business, and before my letter reached you the sale had been made. The Spirit goes perpetually before me and makes easy the way.—Mrs. C. J. S.

Dallas, Texas-Inclosed please find love-offering for the Unity building fund. Prosperity is certainly with us. I wish I could tell you of the many blessings which have come to us since writing you last. We demonstrate over so many obstacles. Daughter and I often wonder what would we do without the knowledge of the true character of God. -Mrs. J. A. C.

Vancouver, B. C.-My son-in-law has found work, the first he has had for over four months. We are very grateful. I thank you very much for booklets inclosed in your letter; they cheered and comforted me very much.-Mrs. S. J. U.

Claremont, Ill.-I wrote you sometime past for prosperity treatment, and while nothing startling has taken place it seems as if everything is better and brighter. About the time you received my letter I had such a joyous feeling come over me. I felt so light hearted and tears of deep gratitude and thankfulness flowed from my eyes.-V. L.

Rocky River, Ohio-I received prosperity bank and instructions last week. You will be glad to know that the treatment is already manifesting itself spiritually. Never have I had such spiritual feasts as this last week, and I know for absolute truth that God's abundance is mine. I thank you for your help.-Mrs. F. G.

Detroit, Mich.—I thank you very much for your kind and loving ministrations in our behalf, and for your kind letter and inclosed booklets. I have studied them and shall continue to do so. Soon after I received them my son got work and he drew his first pay yesterday. We thank God for his goodness, and ask his richest blessings on you and your work. May your helpful influence and power be multiplied a hundredfold. Please accept my gift in the spirit in which it is sent. -M. A. T.

Washington, D. C.—I have received your letter in reply to my appeal for your help and prayers, and am happy to tell you that my affairs are adjusting themselves nicely.—Mrs. M. B. G.


Los Angeles, Cal.-I have so much to be glad for. During the dreadful storms in February my youngest son, who is an engineer, was swept over into the dreadful roaring water of the ocean, which was filled with broken timbers and spars, from the wrecked pier. It was

at night, and he was directing the men and helping them. They had to lasso him and draw him in and lift him out, because he had his overcoat on, and could not help himself. If you had seen and heard the awful force of those waves and those timbers, you would know as I do that it was God's mercy and care that saved him. I wrote you concerning him some months ago, and that was all cleared up, and his employer said to him, “I want you to know, Mr. G., what a real satisfaction your work, and you yourself have been to us since you have been in our employ."-Mrs. H. R. G.

Hadlyme, Conn.-Although I am out of work at this writing, I know God will find another place for me. As I go looking for work I repeat in my mind, "The fearless power of the Spirit goes before me, making easy and successful the way." Thoughts of Truth and the realization of Divine Love have helped me wonderfully in the past. I have been brought to friends who are in sympathy with Truth. It is a fine thing to begin the day with thanks to God for his many blessings and his direction in my affairs. For the past few months I have had so many beautiful demonstrations that it would require some time for me to write about them.-H. B.

Chadbourn, N. C.-I am happy to say that old things are passing away, and behold all things are becoming new. I have had several demonstrations since I have begun to learn more of the Holy Spirit and its laws. I will mention one. I was working in a mill and was grinding a knife for a machine on an emery wheel, when a fraction of dust struck me in my right eye. It gave me much pain for ten years, until it was beginning to affect my eyesight, but since I have begun to learn of the Truth the pain is all gone, and I can see as clearly out of my eye as I ever could. I have given up all my old belief, although I have been called an infidel, but none of these things move me.-A. A. W.

Grand Junction, Colo.-Life to me is becoming one beautiful revelation. The law has been fulfilled, the good running over-just waiting for me to claim and take possession.-Mrs. S. M. J.

San Francisco, Cal.-I am feeling much better in body, and am not nearly so nervous. As for the prosperity thought, it has brought me much pleasure and has been a big blessing. I have more peace of mind, and I find myself turning over to God those things which worry me, and am looking on the bright side and leaving him to regulate them for me.-F. S.

Auburndale, Fla.-Inclosed find love-offering, as a contribution to the building fund and in grateful appreciation of the great good I have derived from the Unity teaching, spiritually, physically and financially. For just one year I have been studying the teachings of the weekly and monthly UNITY, and the result is that I have finally grasped the meaning of its limitless possibilities. At first I waited for

results and the results did not come. Now I affirm and believe and the results are coming. Whereas a year ago there existed doubt, debt and despair, there now exists peace, power and plenty.—Mrs. E. M.

Charlotte, Mich.-My letter to you had hardly left before my cold began to get better. I am improving mentally also. All the old rebellious feeling is leaving. I am trying so hard to see and understand and it has all been so new to me. One thing I have found out is that I shall have to improve myself before I can help my husband. I was so anxious in regard to him that I lost all sight of my own need. Now I am sure things will be all right.-G. H.

Memphis, Tenn.-I am reading your literature which means so much to me. I never knew how to trust God, and my burdens were becoming so numerous I was sinking beneath them. I have worked so long, and now I see a blessing everywhere. The Father has given me a home, and a pretty room which I did not have before.-S. K.


Victor, Colo.-My husband hasn't taken a drink of intoxicating liquor since the first of January. You don't know how thankful I m.-Mrs. G. E. S.

San Jose, Cal.-Mr. R. has not touched a drop of liquor since I wrote to you, and I no longer have to work. I am so thankful for these blessings.-Mrs. R.

Venice, Cal. Since I wrote you two weeks ago my boy has left off drinking, gambling and nearly all smoking. No words can express my thanks to God.-Mrs. G. P.

Renton, Wash.-I have good news to tell you. The treatment you gave me for my son has done wonders. He does not get drunk any more.—Mrs. E. D. J.

Springfield, Mass.-I wrote you a little over a month ago, requesting treatments for the liquor habit for my husband. Since that time we have been wonderfully blessed. Our home is more harmonious. I haven't known such peace and contentment for years as I have experienced since I wrote you for help.-Mrs. R. B.

Mt. Vernon, N. Y.-Hope you have not forgotten me, though I have been remiss in writing you of the peace and happiness that reigns in our home. My husband was entirely freed of the drink habit almost three years ago, not having the slightest lapse since then. As I think of and realize the wonderful and happy change, I thank God.-Mrs. E. D. R.

Everett, Wash.-I can see a change in my affairs already. My husband was a drinking man, but a few nights ago he came home and said he was through drinking, and so far has kept his word. I have all faith in God, and know that he can do all things.-Mrs. J. D.


Mrs. Marcellene Webb Burbridge, one of the teachers at Unity Headquarters, has been in the East for two months visiting the various Truth Centers, lecturing and teaching, and giving the healing ministry to all who came to her in their need. Her work completed, she will return to Kansas City about the first of September.

Mrs. Sarah F. Connley, of Selma, Cal., has removed from 1957 Wilson street, to the Hotel Selma, where she will teach and practice Christian healing. Her meetings have been discontinued until further notice.

The Unity Study Class of Denver, Colo., meets every Thursday at 2:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. A. E. Anderson, 940 South Logan street. Phone, South 4284.

We would call the attention of our readers in Chicago to the work of Mrs. S. A. McMahon, 1714 Sunnyside avenue. Many years of experience as a teacher of Truth has fitted her for the splendid work she is doing in that line, and there are many testimonials as to the healing done through her efforts.

Indianapolis, Ind., has a "First Unity Center" which holds meetings on the second and fourth Fridays of each month, at the home of Mrs. Anna Lambur, 4849 Central avenue. Mr. Fred Elias Andrews is leader. For treatments and lessons see Mr. Andrews, 1209 N. Tacoma avenue. Phone, Woodruff 294.

Mrs. Elizabeth A. Whiteside has moved from Portland, Oregon, to Seattle, Washington, and is living at The Washington Apartments. This address will reach her for present or absent healing.

"The Metaphysical Reading Room" has just opened its doors in Atlanta, Georgia. The address is Room 518, Grand Opera Bldg. Mrs. Mathilde Hoehn Tyner is in charge.

The summer school in Divine Science is being held at Blythedale, Croton-on-Hudson, New York. Terms for tuition and accommodation may be had by writing the secretary, 113 West 87th street, New York City.


UNITY is published on the 15th of every month by UNITY SCHOOL OF CHRISTIANITY (Incorporated) 913-925 TRACY AVE. (Unity Building) KANSAS CITY, Mo.

Entered as second-class matter July 15, 1891, at the Post Office at Kansas City, Missouri, under the act of March 3, 1879.


Single subscriptions, $1 a year, excepting Canadian and Kansas City, Mo., which are $1.25, and foreign countries, $1.35. Two months' trial (including Weekly Unity and Wisdom), 25 cents.


One three-years' subscription to any one name, $2, excepting Canadian and Kansas City, Mo., which are $2.75, and foreign countries, $3. Three subscriptions one year, whether new or renewal, when sent together, terms as above.



When writing for change of address, please be sure to give your name just as it appears on the UNITY wrapper, and also state the old address as well as new. Subscribers are requested to send their change of address so that it will reach us before the 5th of the month. UNITY is mailed from the 12th to the 15th of each month, but as it requires several days to correct our list, we should have notice of change by the 5th. We shall appreciate having the changes of address at an early date.


"The Bulletin," a Directory of Christian Teachers, Healers and Truth Centers in all parts of the world, will be sent free on application to Unity School of Christianity, 913 Tracy Ave., Kansas City, Mo.

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