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TABLE 113.-Per cent of employees 20 years of age or over in each conjugal condition, by sex and general nativity and race-Continued.

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Of the 4,185 males who are included in the above table, 67.6 per cent are married, 1.9 per cent are widowed, and 30.5 per cent are single. The proportion of married males is almost double the proportion of married females, while the latter report many more widowed persons than do the former. The males who are native-born of foreign father show a much smaller proportion of married persons than do the foreign-born. Among the foreign-born races the Germans and Magyars each report over 80 per cent as married. These are the highest proportions. The Poles report the largest proportion of single males.

While 40.2 per cent of the foreign-born females are married, only 9.5 per cent of the native-born of foreign father are in that conjugal condition. Among the foreign-born races, none of the Russian females are married, 85.2 per cent being single and 14.8 per cent being widowed. The North Italians show the largest proportion of married females, 61.3 per cent. The South Italians show a proportion that is almost as large, 56.8 per cent. The Poles show the largest proportion of widowed persons, or 15 per cent.

Almost 6,000 persons, male and female, reported complete data for the foregoing table. Of that number slightly more than half, or 58.8 per cent, are married, less than 5 per cent are widowed, and 37.7 per cent are single. When compared with the native-born of foreign father, the foreign-born show a much larger proportion of married persons and a smaller proportion of persons who are widowed. Nearly 55 per cent of the native-born of foreign father are single, as compared with 35.5 per cent of the foreign-born. Slightly more than 50 per cent of the whites native-born of native father are single and only 5 per cent are widowed. Among the foreign-born races, the Poles show the smallest proportion of married persons. The proportion is 49 per cent. Over 60 per cent each of the Germans, Russian Hebrews, Hebrews other than Russian, North Italians, and Magyars are married. The Germans show the largest proportion of widowed

persons, 8.1 per cent. The Russian Hebrews show the smallest proportion of widowed persons.

The following table divides the data of the preceding table, and shows, by sex and age groups and by general nativity and race, the per cent of employees in each conjugal condition:

TABLE 114.-Per cent of employees in each conjugal condition, by sex, age groups, and general nativity and race.


[This table includes only races with 200 or more persons reporting. The totals, however, are for all races.]

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The preceding table includes data for a total of 5,781 persons, male and female, who are 20 years of age or over. Of that total number, 58.8 per cent are married, 3.5 per cent are widowed, and 37.7 per cent are single. The native-born show a much smaller proportion of married persons and a larger proportion of widowed persons than do the foreign-born. The proportion of married persons is greater among those who are 45 years of age or over than in any other age group. The males show a much larger proportion of married persons than do the females, the proportion of the former who are in that conjugal condition being 67.6 per cent and of the latter 35.5 per cent.

The following table shows by race of husband the per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife in the United States and the per cent who report wife abroad:

TABLE 115.-Per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife in the United States and per cent who report wife abroad, by race of husband.


[This table includes only races with 40 or more husbands reporting. The total, however, is for all foreign

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Of 2,403 husbands 88.2 per cent report wife in the United States and 11.8 per cent report wife abroad. All the Germans report wives in the United States, while only 76.1 per cent of the Polish wives are here and 23.9 per cent are abroad. Next to the Poles comes the Russians, with 76.8 per cent of wives in the United States and 23.2 per cent abroad. The South Italians show 17.3 per cent and the Russian Hebrews, Lithuanians, North Italians, and Hebrews. other than Russian show about 10 per cent of wives abroad.

The tendency on the part of married male employees who came without their wives to send for them after specified periods of residence in this country is set forth in the table next presented. It shows by race of husband and by years husband has been in the United States the percentage of foreign-born husbands who report wife abroad.

TABLE 116.-Per cent of foreign-born husbands who report wife abroad, by race of husband and by years husband has been in the United States.


[By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. This table includes only races with 100 or more husbands reporting.]

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This table shows that of the total number of Russian Hebrews, Hebrews other than Russian, North Italian, and South Italian, much larger proportions in each race are shown to have wife abroad among those who have been here under five years than is the case with those who have been here during either five to nine years or ten years or over, the smallest proportion of wives abroad in each race being found in the ten years or over group.


The table next presented shows by sex, years in the United States, and race the visits abroad made by foreign-born employees:

TABLE 117.—Visits abroad made by foreign-born employees, by sex, years in the United States, and race.


[By years in the United States is meant years since first arrival in the United States. This table includes only races with 200 or more persons reporting. The total, however, is for all foreign-born.]

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TABLE 117.-Visits abroad made by foreign-born employees, by sex, years in the United States, and race-Continued.

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This table gives a report from 5,137 persons, of whom 3,554 are males and 1,583 females. Of the grand total, 7.7 per cent are reported as having made one or more visits abroad since coming to the United States. Those who have been in the United States under five years report 3.2 per cent having made one or more visits abroad, those here from five to nine years report 8.6 per cent and those here ten years or over report 11.2 per cent. The North and South Italians report the greatest proportion, regardless of time of residence in the United States, who have made one or more trips abroad, while considerably smaller proportions are shown for the Russian and other Hebrews. A larger proportion of males than of females are reported as having made one or more trips abroad. The Russian Hebrews exhibit the least tendency to return to their native land. Unlike the others, this race reports more visits abroad made by persons from five to nine years in the United States than by persons ten or more years in this country. No Russian Hebrew females as much as ten years in the United States have ever returned to Russia, and 98.6 per cent of the entire number reporting have made no visits to their native land. The North Italians seem more inclined than the South Italians to revisit Italy during the first five years of their residence here, but the two races report almost identical per cents for the five to nine year period, and the South Italian per cent exceeds the North Italian for those in the country as much as ten years.


The age characteristics of the employees are set forth in the following table which shows by sex and general nativity and race the percentage of employees who were within each specified age group.

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