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"Unless the whole series of things which may be alleged in this argument, and every particular thing in it, can reasonably be supposed so have been by accident, then is the truth of it proved."--Bishop Butler.

THE Identity of JUNIUS with Sir PHILIP FRANCIS, has been so well established, in the estimation of many who are the best qualified to decide, that we shall no longer consider it a question of fact, but of degree:-Was Sir PHILIP the only person concerned in the production of the Letters?-It is proved that the sentiments and style are his: they pervade every letter to such an extent, as to make it visible that at least some part of it was derived from him; and since, in none of the genuine letters, are there any peculiarities either of thought or expression, but such as may be found in his acknowledged productions, we are bound to believe that

he alone was engaged in their composition*. Assistance therefore, if he received any, must have been given him in the mechanical part,-in transcribing, or in conveying the Letters.

The latter of these is an office of so little moment that singly it is not worth speaking about; though it may be remarked, that if the author did not employ the pen of another, he would most likely undertake it himself. By means of chairmen and ticket-porters, the danger of discovery was eluded, so that to extricate himself from this trifling risk, it is not probable that JUNIUS would encounter the much greater one of confiding his secret to another person. When, therefore, he writes to Woodfall that "the gentleman who transacts the conveyancing department of our correspondence tells me there was much difficulty last night,” he most probably uses the phrase with reference to himself in the capacity of messenger;-or, what amounts to the same thing, he applies the term with an excess of courtesy, and perhaps by way of blind, to the porter or chairman whom he happened to employ. The truth however is told at the commencement of the correspondence. In his fifth private letter to Woodfall (July 21, 1769.)

• We have formerly stated our opinion that JUNIUS occasionally interspersed throughout his Letters, maxims, phrases, and figures, thrown out by Lord CHATHAM and others, viva voce. The circumstance, if true, by no means affects the present conclusion.

+ JUNIUS, Private Letter, No. 51.

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