Imágenes de páginas

Campbell, Robert A., describes legis-
lative reference work in California
state library, 218.

Cards, Printed catalog, recent de-
velopment of, and com. to co-
operate in, 193.

Carnegie foundation, The academic
standing of college library assist-
ants and their relation to the
(Henry), 258-62.

Carr, Henry J., presides third general

session, 130, 154-64; discusses pro-
posed amendment to constitution,

Cataloging, see A. L. A. Catalog sec-

Censorship, "Is library c. desirable?"
(Wright), 59-60.

Chamberlain, Arthur H., "Increasing

the efficiency of the library as an
educational factor, 154-63.
Chapin, Artena M., "Cataloging in a
small city library," 218-20; mem-
ber nominating com. Catalog sec-
tion, 224.

Chicago, A. L. A. headquarters in.
See A. L. A. headquarters.
Children's books, Exhibit of, by Car-
negie library of Pittsburgh, 251.
Children's librarians' section. See
A. L. A.

Chivers, Cedric, "Materials and
methods in bookbinding" (illus-
trated), 164-78.

Civic clubs, 213.

Civil service, "Municipal, as affect-

ing libraries" (Jennings), 119-26,
163; (Hume), 127-9.
Classification, resolution respecting

code for, 192-3; Expansive classi-
fication (Cutter), 224-7; Decimal
(Seymour), 227-30; Library of
Congress (Martell), 230-2; prob-
lems of, and an A. L. A. code (Mer-
rill), 232-4.

Clowdsley, W. F., discusses training
classes, 270.

College and reference section. See
A. L. A.

College libraries, rpt. of com, on co-
ordination of (Lane), 75.
Commission plan of city government,
Effect of, on public libraries
(Ty,er), 98-103; (Wood), 103-4;
(Gil is), 104; (Hamilton), 105.
Commlunity and the library, "What
the community owes the library"
(Wyer), 55-9.

Conard, Jane, describes library work
in Pittsburgh playgrounds, 247.
Conger, E. L., 51.

Constitution, amendment to, pro-
posed (Ahern), 188; debated and
lost, 189-91.

Co-ordination, Rpt. of com. on
(Gould, Hodges, Gillis), 71-5;
com. on, 192.

Co-ordination among college libraries,
Rpt. of com. on (Lane), 75; com.

on, 192.

County libraries.

California c. free
1. (Eddy), 138-44; c. 1. in Oregon
(Isom), 144-6; an Ohio c. library
(Metz), 146-8.
Cragin, Emma F., member com. on
catalog rules for small libraries,

[blocks in formation]

Davison, Mrs. H. P., addresses public
documents round table, 272.
Dawley, F. F., member finance com.,

Delfino, Emma R., rpt. of com. on

work with blind, 97-8; member
com. on work with blind, 192.
Dickinson, Asa D., resigns from com.
on work with blind, 69.
Donath, August, letter read from,

Donnelly, June R., membership com.

Professional training section, 271.
Douglass, Matthew H., member
nominating com. Catalog section,

Downey, Mary E., member publica-
tions committee League of library
commissions, 214; discusses paper
by Gillis, 216.
Dudgeon, Matthew S., "Administra-
tive units in library extension,"
130-8; reads rpt. publications com.
League of library commissions, 211;
rpt. of com. on plans for study out-
lines, 213; rpt. of com. on revision
of constitution, League of library
commissions, 214; member of pub-
lications com. League of library
commissions, 214; chairman Pro-
fessional training section, 270; ad-
dresses Trustees' section, 271.
Duplicates, Exchange of (Hodges),

Eastman, Linda A., member Exe-
cutive board, 195.

Eddy, Harriet G., "California county
free libraries," 138-44.
Efficient life, Books and the (Scherer),

Election of officers. See American
library association.
Elmendorf, Mrs. H. L., represents
A. L. A. at Michigan library con-
ference, 69; resigns as non-official
member executive board, 69; mem-
ber program com., 192; president
A. L. A., 195.

Exploitation of the public library
(Bostwick), 60-5.

Extension, library, see Library ex-

Faxon, Frederick W., member travel

com., 192; describes special li-
braries in Boston, 217.

Feazel, E. A., paper on Ohio reports,

Federal and state relations, rpt. of

com. on (Steiner), 79; com. on, 192.
Ferguson, M. J., teller of election, 195.
Field, O. J., history and functions of

the Dep't of Justice, 204; rpt. of
com. on bibliog. of Latin-American
laws, 204.

Finance, rpt. of com. on (Andrews),
90; com. on, 192.
Foote, Frances R., "Cataloging for
small college libraries," 220-4.
Foss, Sam Walter, died, 70.
Fox, D. F., address of welcome, 51.
Fraser, A. H. R., died, 205.
Galbreath, C. B., resolution respect-
ing removal of, 217.
Giffen, George M., addresses Trus-
tees' section, 271.
Gillis, James L., member com. on
work with blind, 69, 192; rpt. com.
on co-ordination, 72-5; presents
rpt. of com. on work with blind,
97; discusses commission plan,
104; member com. on federal and
state relations, 192; member com.
on co-ordination, 192; member of
Council, 194; the state library as
head of the library activities of the
state (abstract), 216.

Glasier, Gilson G., resigns editorship

Index to legal periodicals, 205;
member Executive com. Am. assn.
of law libraries, 205.
Godard, George S., rpt. com. on
public documents, 90-1; rpt. com.
on resolutions, 187; member public
documents com., 192; president
Am. assn. of law libraries, 205;
acting sec. Nat. assn. state libra-
ries, 215; discusses archives work
in Connecticut, 216; presides public
documents round table, 272.
Goodrich, N. L., member com. on
bookbinding, 192.

Goodwin, J. E., "Necessary red
tape," 253-8.

Gould, Charles H., rpt. com. on co-
ordination, 71; member com. on
co-ordination, 192.

Granges in relation to library com-
missions, 213.

Graves, F. B., 217.

Green, Samuel S., response to ad-
dresses of welcome, 51.
Greene, Charles S., addresses Trus-
tees' section, 271.

Hadley, Chalmers, resigns secretary
A. L. A., 65; attends state library
conferences, North Dakota, Min-
nesota, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, 69;
member of Council, 195; rpt. com.
on libraries in federal prisons, 206-
10; presides professional training
section, 263-71.

Haines, Helen E., minute of regret at
absence of, 188.
Hall, Edward W., died, 71.
Hamilton, John Judson, discusses
commission plan, 105.

Hanson, J. C. M., member special
com, on printed cards, 193.
Hasse, Adelaide R., member public
documents com., 192.

Hastings, C. H., member special com.
on printed cards, 193.
Hawley, Mary E., secretary Catalog
section, 239.

Hazeltine, Mary E., program com.
Professional training section, 271.
Henry, W. E., emphasizes value of
museums, 216; discusses paper by
Gillis, 216; "Academic standing of
college library assistants and their
relation to the Carnegie founda-
tion," 258-62; discusses inter-li-
brary loans, 263.

Higginson, Thomas W., died, 71.
Hill, Frank P., presides first general
session, 53-91; discusses civil ser-
vice, 129; statement behalf of
com. to confer with publishers on
deterioration of newspaper paper,
179; submits minute of greeting to
Helen E. Haines, 188.
Hitchler, Theresa, member com. on
catalog rules for small libraries,
192; reads paper by May Seymour,

Hitt, J. M., discusses archives work
in state of Washington, 216; dis-
tribution of public documents to
college, university, and public li
braries, 216; 1st vice-president
Nat. assn. of state libraries, 217;
addresses public documents round
table, 272, 273.
Hodges, Nathaniel D. C., rpt. of com.
on co-ordination, 71-2; rpt. of com.
on Brussels congresses, 79; member
com. on co-ordination, 192.
Holidays (rpt. of com. on library ad-
ministration), 95.

Hopper, Franklin F., "Basis of sup-
port of organizations for public li-
brary work," 148-54.
Hours of labor (rpt. of com, on li
brary administration), 95.

Howard, Clara E., "Branch library
and its relation to the district,"

Hume, Jessie F., "Humors and hor-
rors of municipal civil service,"
Humphrey, Guess, acting secretary
League of library commissions, 206.
Hutchins, Frank A., member com.
on library training, 192.

Indexing and indexers (Blair), 234-

Inter-library loans, 262-3.

International congress of librarians
at Brussels. See Brussels.
International relations, no rpt. from
com. on, 91; com. on, 192.
Isom, Mary F., "County libraries in
Oregon," 144-6; member com. on
resolutions, 187; member special
com. on conditions of affiliation,
193; member nominating com.
League of library commissions,
212; discussion, 213.

James, George Wharton, addresses
conference, 186.

Jennings, Judson T., "Municipal

civil service as affecting libraries,'

Johnson, Hiram W., gov. of Califor-
nia, addresses conference, 186.
Johnston, R. H., secretary pro tem-
pore Special libraries association,
217; outlines work of library of
Bureau of railway economics, 218.
Jones, Mary L., discusses inter-li-
brary loans, 263.

Kennedy Helen P., discussion, 213.
Koch, Theodore W., member public
documents com., 192; member
com. on co-ordination, 192.
Lane, William C., reads Pres. Wyer's
address, 55; rpt. com. on co-or-
dination among college libraries,
75; discusses proposed amendment
to constitution, 190-1; member
com. on international relations,
192; member com. on co-ordina-
tion, 192; member special com. on
printed cards, 193; explains system
of classification at Harvard, 239;
speaks of meeting of association of
New England librarians at Welles-
ley, 262.

Lapp, John A., member Executive
board Special libraries association,

Latin-American laws, rpt. of com. on
bibliog. of, 204.

Law libraries, see American associa-
tion of law libraries.
League of library commissions, pro-
ceedings, 206-14; amendments to
constitution, 214.

Lee, Miss, discusses paper by Gillis,


Lee, George W., member Executive
board Special libraries association,


Legler, Henry E., calls conference to
order, 53; represents A. L. A. at
state library conferences, Illinois,
Nebraska, Georgia, 69; rpt. A. L.
A. publishing board, 83-9; discus-
ses proposed amendment to con-
stitution, 189-90; member Pub-
lishing board, 192; member pro-
gram com., 192; 1st vice-president
A. L. A., 195; "Library work with
children," 240-6; discusses train-
ing classes, 270; addresses trustees'
section, 272.

Leupp, Harold L., discusses inter-
library loans, 263.
Library administration, rpt. of com.
on (Craver), 91-7; com. on, 192.
Library as an educational factor, In-


creasing the efficiency of
(Chamberlain), 154–63.
Library assistants. "The academic
standing of college library assist-
ants and their relation to the Car-
negie foundation" (Henry), 258-


Library extension,


units in (Dudgeon), 130-8; Cali-
fornia county free libraries (Eddy),
138-44; county libraries in Oregon
(Isom), 144-6; an Ohio county li-
brary (Metz), 146-8.
Library support. "Basis of support
of organizations for public library
work" (Hopper), 148-54.
Library training, rpt. of com. on
(Root), 78-9; com. on, 192; in Cal-
ifornia (Sutliff), 263-7; theory of
the training class in the large li-
brary (Smith), 268-70.
Library work with schools.
ing the efficiency of the library as
an educational factor (Chamber-
lain), 154-63; problems of work
with schools (Wood), 247-9.
Libraries in federal prisons, rpt. of
com. on (Hadley), 206-10.
Lien, E. J., 2d vice-president Nat.
assn. of state libraries, 217; ad-
dresses public documents round
Lighting and ventilation of libraries
table, 272.
(Ranck), 193-4.


Little, G. T., reads paper by Mead,

Locke, George H., member com. on
co-operation with N. E. A., 192;
member of Council, 194.
Lydenberg, H. M., member com. on
McCollough, Ethel F., member com.
library administration, 192.
McCurdy, Mary de B., chairman
on library administration, 192.

Children's librarians' section, 251.
McFadden, Jeannette E., presides
first session catalog section, 218-
McIlwaine, H. R., member com. on

federal and state relations, 192.
Macrum, Mary F., died, 71.
Mann, Margaret, member com. on
catalog rules for small libraries,
Marion, Guy E., secretary-treasurer
Special libraries association, 218.
Martel, Charles, "Library of Con-
gress classification," 230-2.
Marvin, Cornelia, member com. on
library training, 192; conducts
round table League of library com-
missions, 213-14; president League
of library commissions, 214.
Mead, H. Ralph, "Some problems in
book numbers," 251-3.
Mealey, Edward W., died, 71.
Meeker, Anna L., address of wel-
come, 53; addresses Trustees' sec-
tion, 271.

Merrill, William Stetson, "Problems
of classification and an A. L. A.
code," 232-4.
Metz, Corinne A., "An Ohio county
library," 146-8.

Milam, Carl H., reads rpt. of com.
on second class postal rates, 206;
discusses civic centers and public
question clubs, 213; 1st vice-presi-
dent League of library commis-
sions, 214.

Montgomery, T. L., member com.
Millard, Jessie H., "Reference work
with children," 250.

on federal and state relations, 192.
Municipal civil service, see Civil ser-


Municipal year-book, 194, 217.


National association of state libraries,
proceedings, 215-7.

National education association, Rpt.
of com. on

co-operation with

(Ahern), 75-6; com. on, 192.

See A. L. A.


New Zealand, libraries association
of, greetings from, 91.
Newmark, Henry M.,
Oakley, Minnie M., member of
Trustees' section, 271.
Council, 195; presides second ses-
sion Catalog section, 224-39.
Olcott, Frances J., vice-chairman
Ohio county library (Metz), 146-8.

Professional training section, 270.
Oregon, County libraries in (Isom),

Ottawa, invitation accepted for 1912
conference, 192.

Owen, Thomas M., member public
documents com., 192.

Owens, M. T., presides Trustees'
section, 271.

Peacock, Joseph L., special com.
Children's librarians' section, 246.
Pereles, James M., died, 70.
Phelan, John F., teller of election,
195; describes library work in Chi-
cago playgrounds, 247.
Pierson, Harriet W., letter from,
relative to English form of name
for international congresses, 239.
Playgrounds, Library work in sum-
mer (Andrus), 246-7; (Phelan),
247; (Conard), 247.
Plummer, Mary W., member com.
on library training, 192; 2d vice
president A. L. A., 195; program
com. Professional training section,

Poole, Franklin O., secretary Am.
assn. of law libraries, 205.
Postal rates on bulletins, rpt. of com.
on (Wilson), 206.

Preston, C. A., died, 70.
Prisons, Libraries in federal, rpt. of
com. on (Hadley), 206-10.
Professional training for librarian-
ship section. See A. L. A.
Public documents, rpt. of com. on
(Godard), 90-1; com. on, 192; ex-
change and distribution of, 194,

Public documents round table, pro-
ceedings of, 272-3.
Public question clubs, 213.
Publications, Suggested, desirable to
be compiled for use of library
workers, 212.

Publications committee of League of
library commissions, rpt. of (Bliss),


Publishing board. See A. L. A.
Publishing board.


Putnam, Herbert, member com. on
international relations, 192; mem-
ber com. on co-ordination, 192;
member special com. on conditions
of affiliation, 193.
Ranck, Samuel H., discusses
posed amendment to constitution,
189-90; member public documents
com., 192; lighting and ventilation
of libraries, 193-4; calls to order
Special libraries association, 217;
rpt. of com. on Municipal year-
book, 217; addresses Trustees' sec-
tion, 271; secretary public docu-
ments round table, 272.
Rathbone, Josephine A., member-
ship com. Professional training sec-
tion, 271.

"Books and the efficient
life" (Scherer), 179-85.
Reference work, see A. L. A. College
and reference section.

Reports, annual (rpt. of com. on li-
brary administration), 96.
Resolutions, rpt. of com. on (God-
ard), 187.

Richardson, Cass, died, 70.
Richardson, E. C., member com. on
international relations, 192.
Ripley, L. W., address of welcome,
51; seconds minute on Pres. Wyer's
absence, 54; presides fifth general
session, 185-95; discusses library
training in California, 267.
Robinson, Thomas W., member

Executive com. Am. assn. of law
libraries, 205.

Rochester, G. A. C., addresses Trus-
tees' section, 271.
Roden, Carl B., rpt. of treasurer, 82;
rpt. of treasurer of A. L. A. Publish-
ing board, 88.

Root, Azariah S., rpt. com. on li-
brary training, 78-9; member com.
on library training, 192; member
of Council, 195.

Rose, Grace D., member of Council,

Rowell, J. C., presides College and
reference section, 251-63.

Russ, Nellie M., resolution of regret
on illness of, 53.

Sabin, Daisy B., member com. on li-
brary training, 192.

Salaries of librarian and assistants

(rpt. of com. on library adminis-
tration), 94-5.

Sanders, Mrs. Minerva, greetings
sent to, 246.

Sawyer, Anna L., reads paper by
Cutter, 224.

Schenk, Frederick W., 1st vice-presi-

dent, Am. assn. of law libraries,

Scherer, J. A. B., "Books and the
efficient life," 179-85.
Scholefield, E. O. S., member of
Council, 194; member Executive
com. Am. assn. of law libraries,
205; discusses relations of library
and museum, 216.

Schools, see Library work with

Schwab, J. C., member com. on co-
ordination, 192.

Selection of books, see Book selection.
Severance, Henry O., discusses paper
by Gillis, 216.

Seymour, May, "Decimal classifica-
tion," 227-30.

Sick leave (rpt. of com. on library
administration), 96.

Small, A. J., president pro tempore
Special libraries association, 217.
Smith, Faith E., presides round table,
Children's librarians' section, 246;
theory of the training class in the
large library, 268-70; secretary
Professional training section, 271.
Smith, Laura, member com. on work
with blind, 192.

Social side of the conference, 195-7.
Special libraries association, received

as affiliated organization, 193; pro-
ceedings, 217-18.

Spoils system in librarianship, resolu-
tion of protest against, 194; 217.
Staff meetings (rpt. of com. on li-
brary administration), 96.
State libraries, National association
of. See National association of
state libraries.

State library, functions of (Brown).
215; (Gillis), 216.

State relations, com. on federal and
state relations. See Federal and

state relations.
Steffa, Julia, secretary pro tempore
College and reference section, 251-

Steffens, Lincoln, addresses confer-

ence, 186.

Steiner, Bernard C., rpt. of com. on
federal and state relations, 79; dis-
cusses civil service, 129; member
com. on federal and state relations,
192; reports on present status of li-
brary post, 206.

Stout, James H., died, 71.
Strauss, Esther, rpt. to Children's
librarians' section, 251.

Strohm, Adam J., member com. on

library training, 192; addresses
public documents round table, 273.
Study outlines, rpt. of com. on plans
for (Dudgeon), 213.

Sutliff, Mary L., "Library train-
ing in California," 263-7.
Taxation for library support. "Basis
of support of organizations for pub-
lic library work" (Hopper), 148-54.
Taylor, Mary W., died, 70.
Tellers of election, rpt. of, 195.
Templeton, Charlotte, secretary-

treasurer, League of library com-
missions, 214.

Texas library association and library
commission, greetings from, 91.
Thompson, Frank J., died, 70.
Thompson, J. David, letter read
from, 273.

Thompson, Laura A.,
Catalog section, 239.


Tilton, A. C., secretary-treasurer
Nat. assn. of state libraries, 217.
Titcomb, Mary L., member of Coun-
cil, 195.

Training class in the large library,
Theory of the (Smith), 268-70.
Travel side of the conference, 197-

Trustees' section, see A. L. A. Trus-
tees' section.

Tyler, Alice S., elected to Executive
board, 69, 192; "Effect of the com-
mission plan of city government on
public libraries," 98-103; presides
fifth general session, 185-95.
Underhill, Caroline M., member com.
on library training, 192.
Utley, George B., rpt. of secretary,
65-71; represents A. L. A. at Wis-
consin library conference, 69; mem-
ber of com. on program, 69, 192.

Utley, Henry M., presents minute re-
garding absence of President
Wyer, 54.

Vacations (rpt. of com. on library
administrations), 96.

Ventilation of libraries (Ranck), 193–

Vinton, Alexander H., died, 71.
Wakefield, Bertha, reads paper by
Merrill, Catalog section, 232.
Wallace, Charlotte Elizabeth, sec-
retary pro tempore Professional
training section, 263.
Walter, Frank K., program com.
Professional training section,


Walton, Genevieve M., member
com. on co-operation with N. E. A.,
Warren, Irene, member com. on co-
operation with N. E. A., 192.
Watson, William R., discusses li-
brary training in California,

Wellman, Hiller C., member Pub-
lishing board, 192.

Whitbeck, Mrs. Alice G., "Work
with children in small libraries,"

White, Grace M., 218.

Whitney, E. Lee, treasurer Am. assn.
of law libraries, 204.
Whitney, Henry M., died, 70.
Whitney, James L., died, 70.
Whitten, Robert H., vice-president

Special libraries association, 218.
Willard, Mrs. Agnes Fairbanks, died,


Wilson, Louis R., rpt. of com. on
second class postal rates on bul-
letins, 206.

Wire, Dr. G. E., vaseline treatment
of leather bindings, 204.
Wood, Harriet Ann, discusses effect
of commission plan of city govern-
ment on public libraries, 103-4;
reads paper by Martel, Catalog
section, 230; "Problems of work
with schools," 247-9.

Wood, J. W., address of welcome, 51.
Woodard, Gertrude E., 2d vice-presi-

dent Am. assn. of law libraries,

Wright, Purd B., describes special

collection of books relating to pack-
ing industry, 217-18; addresses
Trustees' section, 271.
Wright, Willard H., "Is library cen-
sorship desirable?", 59-60.
Wyer, James I., Jr., minute of regret
at absence of, 54; letter of greeting
from, 55; "What the community
owes the library" (president's ad-
dress), 55-9; represents A. L. A. at
Atlantic City meeting, 69; tele-
gram from, 130; member public
documents com., 192.
Zachert, Adeline B., secretary Chil-
dren's librarians' section, 251.
Zelenko, A., speaks on settlement
work in Moscow, 247.

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