Imágenes de páginas

and in divers places wan, and like lead; and the gallbladder was without gall and choler, and full of wind.

2. His spleen was in divers places unnaturally black. "3. His stomach was without any manner of fault or imperfection.

4. His midriff was in many places blackish. 5. His lungs were black and in many places spotted, and full of much corruption.

“6. He had the veins of the hinder part of his head too full of blood, and the passages and hollow places of his brain full of much clear water.

"The truth of this relation we make good by the subscription of our names, November 7, 1612:





of a cleere water, which after the incision came forth in great aboundance. One part of which accidents (as they thought) was ingendred only by reason of the fever (maligne only by reason of the putrifacc'on of divers humors, gathered together of a long tyme before), his hignes not being subiect to any dangerous sicknes by birth. The other part, by reason of the convulsions, resyngs, and benvinnges (? heavings), which by reason of the fulnes, choaking the naturall heate, and destroying the vitalles, by their malignity, have conveyed his highnes to the grave, without any token or accident of poyson." *

This last word must be the apology for so long an extract of so technical a character. It was a current belief at the time, that Prince Henry was

Compare the above with the following in the poisoned. In Burnet's History of his Own Time

Hawkins MS., pp. 86—89 :


the opening of his body, which was the same night effected, about five a'clock in the evening, in presence of the Phisicians and Chirurgeons who assisted the cure (!), together with the Phisician of the Prince Pallatyne, with many other knightes and gentlemen, in the chamber where he died, by the Chirurgeons of his Maiesty and his late Highnes. The relac'on whereof, as it was sent vnto his Maiesty vnder all theire handes, is

as followeth:

“The skyn, like that of a dead man, bleake, no way spotted with blackness or pale markes, much less marked with Purples like flea-bites, which could shew any contagious or pestelentiall venome. About the place of his kidneyes, hippes, and behinde the thighes, full of rednesse, by reason that with great payne he had a long while lien upon his backe. His belly somewhat swolne and stretched out, by reason of the wyndynesse, which issued out of the smallest opening made in the navell (somewhat high naturally), incontinently the belly falling. The stomach whole and wholsome within and without, having never ben all his sicknes time troubled with vomyttinges, loathinges, yexinges, or any other accident which could particularly shew that it was attainted. The liver, without, in his highest partes, marked with small spottes; and in the lower with fall [? small] blackish lynes, much paler and blacker then was fitting. The gall-bladder void of any humor, full of winde. The spleene on the topp and in the lower end blackish, fil'd with a heavy black blood. The kidneyes faire, and without any blemishe. The midrife, under the filme or membrane contayning the heart (which contayned to little moisture), spotted with black, as it were a leadish cullor, by reason of the bruising. The lunges almost for the greatest parte black, all imbrued and full of an adust blood, with a corrupt and thick serosity; which, by a vent made in the body of the lunges, came forthe foaming in great aboundance. In which doinge, and in cutting the small skyn which invyroneth the heart (to shew the same), the Chirurgeon by chaunce having cut the trunck of the great vayne, the most part of the blood issued out into the chest, leaving the lower vaynes empty, upon sight whereof the company did draw consequentes of and [sic] extreame heat and fullnes: the which appeared yet more evident in this, that the windepipe, with the throate and tounge, were covered with a thick blacknesse; and, amoungst other accidents, the tounge cleft and dry in many places. The heart sound and fayre in all appearance, good in all quallityes. The hinder veynes, which are in the inmost filme of the brayne (called Pia mater), swolne and stuft with aboundance of blood, a great deale more then naturall. The substance of the brayne fayre and cleane; but the ventricles thereof full

(vol. i. p. 10), the Bishop says he was assured by
Col. Titus, that he had heard Charles I. declare,
that the Prince his brother was poisoned by the
means of the Viscount Rochester, afterwards Earl
of Somerset. This elaborate examination of the
body, however, by the most eminent surgeons of
the time, sets this question at rest; and it is re-
markable that this long and minute account of
the proceeding (evidently written by one of the
medical men present), should afterwards be re-
duced to the curt summary, authenticated by
their signatures, as printed by Birch. Again
asking for information as to the MS., and for the
loan of Cornwallis's Life of the Prince, I am,
Sir, &c.

Swinton, Manchester.


The writer of the following letter was the son of Robert Blair, the youngest son of John Blair, of Windyedge, in Ayrshire, by Beatrix Muir. The father was a distinguished divine of the time; so much so, that he was one of the three clergymen selected to meet Cromwell at Edinburgh on the subject of uniformity of religion. He died, Aug. 27, 1666, in the seventy-third year of his age.

David, his son, was the father of the author of The Grave, and very little is known of him, excepting that he was one of the royal chaplains in Scotland, and one of the ministers of Edinburgh. The present letter shows that he had been abroad, and had there met with the heir of Calder, who had been left at Blois in an awkward predicament, in consequence of the unexpected demise of his governor. The Rev. David married a lady of the name of Nisbet, a daughter of Mr. Nisbet, of

[This extract from Hawkins's MS. is printed in An Account of the Baptism, Life, Death, and Funeral of Prince Henry, by Sir Charles Cornwallis, 8vo, 1751, pp. 44, 45 (two copies of which are in the British Museum); also in Somers's Tracts, by Scott, edit. 1809, vol. ii. pp. 244, 245.—ED.]

Carfin. What success he had in his very well written appeal to Lady Campbell of Calder has not been ascertained.

His son, the poet, is said to have been born in 1699. In 1731 he was ordained minister of Athelstaneford (in the county of Haddington) pronounced by the country people "Elshenford

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a remarkable corruption, almost as much so as that of Cockburnspath into Coppersmith. He married Isabella, a daughter of Mr. Law of Elvingston, Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Edinburgh. Their fourth son became Lord President of the Court of Session. Sir Hugh Campbell of Calder married Lady Henrietta Stewart, and by her had Alexander, who espoused an English Lady, Elizabeth Lort, daughter of Lady Susanna Lort, of Turnham Green. By marriage articles, dated Sept. 20, 1688, Sir Hugh became bound to provide his estate in Scotland to the heir male of the marriage "to the yearly avail of 2,500l.," 1000l. for the lady's maintenance, and the remainder to be liferented by himself.

Sir Alexander predeceased his father, dying in 1696. Sir Hugh survived till 1705. He granted a bond of provision to his youngest son, Captain John Campbell, payable at Martinmas, 1710. The Captain died before the term of payment, leaving a widow, whose maiden name was Ruth Pollok. Lady Campbell, formerly Lort, was dead before 1714, as in an opinion given by Sir David Dalrymple, dated Nov. 16, 1714, she is stated not to have been then alive. There are receipts, however, under her own hand, showing she was alive, January 1712-13.

"Madame,- It might be justly thought rudeness and indiscretion in a person altogether a stranger and unacquainted, to write to your Ladyship about anything, were it not that I am required thereunto by my very lawfull superiours, the ministers and elders, Commissioners of the late Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, who have appointed me to represent to your Ladyship that Mr. John Campbell, minister of Killarow, and Mr. James Macourich, Minister of Kildalton, both in the Island of Ila, have very small stipends or salaries, not above 700 merks Scots each, that is, in English money short of 40 pounds, which is not a competence to them to maintain their families upon, and to defray the charges of travelling about the public affairs of the Church, in attending the meetings of Presbyteries and Synods, and in visiting the remoter churches, where they must carry their provisions with them by boat for their maintenance, and the like publick services for promoting and advancing the Gospel of Christ: And withal that there are free tythes in their several parishes, sufficient for allowing competent stipends, which a Commission of Parliament would readily grant upon a legall pursute. But the ministers are not inclined to take that course, if they could do otherways. I am therefore further appointed by my said lawful superiours, in their names, to intreat and beseech your Ladiship, seeing you are at present in possession of the whole island, that for the love you bear to the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the good affection you have always showed to the true Religion, and the propagating and advancing thereof, you may be pleased, out of the abundance with which God hath blessed you, to allow competent stipend

to those two ministers, and accordingly to give orders to your Factors and Chamberlains concerning the same. "Hitherto I have written in the name of others; will you, Madame, now give me leave to say something in mine own name. I do conjecture the reason of my being pitched upon by others, out of the whole number, to write this letter, may import the acquaintance I had with that worthie and accomplisht gentleman, the late Sir Alexander Campbell of Calder, whom I had the honour to be known unto, both at home, and abroad beyond the seas; but especially abroad at Blois, in France, when he was a stranger and very young, and left alone by reason of the death of his tutor or governor, and then I was someway useful to him by council and advice, till speedily he got another governor. And when at home that he was become a man, as I had occasion sometime to see him, so at other times, I have heard him speak to very good purpose in a very great meeting, the Parliament of Scotland, whereof he was a member, with generall good liking and applause. May God all sufficient make up the loss of that rare man, both to his country in stowing of the choicest of his blessings both of Heaven generall, and to your Ladiship in particular, by the be

and earth on your person, on your hopeful son, the heir of that considerable family, and on all your other children. These are the wishes and desires of


"Your Ladyship's servant in our Lord Jesus, "D. BLAIR. "Madame,-When you are pleased to give a return, the direction may be, for Mr. Blair, one of the ministers of the gospel in Edinburgh.

"Edinburgh, August 31, 1706. "Madame-I begg leave to adde a short word of a necessary postscript. I had written a letter to your Ladyship to the same purpose, in the latter end of May last: at that same time there was another letter of the like

nature from the ministers in Argyle province. But as I now perceive, both letters were by mistake directed to Russel Street, in Covent Garden, instead of Bloomsbury. That other letter from the Ministers of Argyle may yet be found possibly at the generall post house if called for by a servant. Madame, you will, of your goodness, pardon this trouble."

Sir Hugh Campbell was the author of An Essay upon the Lord's Prayer, originally printed in 1704, and reprinted at Edinburgh in 1709, by "Mr. Andrew Symson, by the author's express order." Prefixed is a collection of letters relative to the essay, chiefly written by Sir Hugh, and addressed to the heads of the Presbyterian church, with a few answers from Principal Carstairs, Mr. William Wishart, Moderator of the General Assembly, &c. &c. This volume, which is dedicated to Queen Anne, is of somewhat rare occurrence.


J. M.

In returning, for the third time, to my notes on Early Surnames, I believe I cannot do better than usher in my new list with the most sovereign title I can anywhere discover-Emperor. William le Emperur (on the authority of an assize roll for divers counties) was mayor or præpositus

of Kenn, in Bucks, circa 37 Hen. III. This name is to be met with in modern times, and Mr. Lower holds that it is a translation of L'Empriere, but I see no reason, now that we have stumbled on our little village chief, to deduce it from the source whence he claims it to be derived.,

The following names are selected from miscellaneous Assize Rolls, temp. Hen. III. :

Robert Noveregod, Suffolk, anno 34 Hen. III. Thomas Bulfinch, Kent, anno 34. In the same year and county a kindred songster, let us hope, warbled quite in tune-viz. John Goldefinch.

Northamptonshire, anno 34, possessed a Henry de la Charite. Whether he was a benefactor to the human race, a thirteenth century Peabody in fact, or but a poor foundling lad put to school and educated in the cause of benevolence, is of course now a mystery.

We have plenty of Normans in England, but I do not remember having come across a Southman before I found a William Suthman in a Suffolk law suit, 34 Hen. III.

Roger and John Lyf existed in Hampshire in the foregoing year.

Robert Servelayedy (Serve-Lady) at the same period attended on his mistress, diligently or otherwise. I trust his wages were regularly paid.

I may add Walter Turnepeny to the large number of Pennies, in every conceivable form, who "drew breath in this mortal sphere," as the penny-a-liners have it, in 1200. I wish to give him credit for being honest in all his commercial


Charming damsels, whose loving dam sells, or (at all events) tries to sell, them at archery fêtes (more correctly fates), should be glad to know that Walter Wudebow shot in Yorkshire six centuries ago. Ah! and what was perhaps worse, was pierced through the heart's core by feminine eyes when he was fooled into speeding an arrow at a buck or target in the society of some members of the fair sex, who never did, and never would, take an unfair advantage of anyone! "Now this twaddle is very vulgar-stop it, Sir! Chivalry's gone; but you needn't be rude to the ladies. For shame, Sir! (Irritable old gentleman wheezes, and inhales fresh air to continue his censure.)

St. Dunstan once pulled the nose of a person, who, if truth is truth, too often pulls our noses; but that is neither here nor there. Richard Dunstan is here though, and, as a Yorkshireman, demands why I have treated his namesake with levity. Defendant pleads "Not guilty." Verdict of the jury: "Offence not proven." Dicky Dunstan was alive 35-6 Hen. III., but is enabled to reappear in '63 to abuse us, owing to the mechanical apparatus of Professor Pepper.

I am at a loss to rake up a derivation for Walter le Waterledere of county Berks, anno 37.

Of the Shakspearean class of surname, we find

a new instance in the person of one Roger Levelaunce or Lenelaunce of Warwickshire, anno 37.

Walter Godsweyn (Good-swain, Good-lover) was a native of Suffolk, anno 37 Hen. III. When married we will imagine he proved a worthy husband. It is always best to be charitable, as a partial set off against the occasionally over sourness of the Saturday, the animus of Exeter Hall, the United Kingdom Alliance, and sectarian anathemas. Godsweyl (Roger) bears a family likeness to Godsweyn, but I must let abler heads than mine trace out its signification. It figures in the M. A. Roll 38 Hen. III., county Hants. Y. Y.


Paul Hentzner, in his Itinerarium Germaniæ, Galliæ, Anglia, Italia, Noribergæ, 1629, gives an account of this visit, a translation of which, edited by Horace Walpole, was printed at Strawberry Hill, 1757.

Horace Walpole, however, by omitting the marginal dates which Hentzner himself gives, misses an interesting point. It would seem that the whole of the time he spent in England did not amount to one month-viz. from August 29 to September 24, of which fourteen days were spent in London. Considering how few were the facilities for travelling in those days, he seems to have got over the ground very quickly, and it is not to be wondered at that his descriptions should not be very accurate. On August 29, he reached the port of Rye in the evening; dined the next day at Flimwell, and supped at Chepsted; reached London on the 31st, and left it on September 6, for Greenwich. On the 8th he saw Theobalds, dined at Hodsdon, and supped at Puckeridge; spent the 9th at Cambridge, the 10th at Ampthill. On the 11th he dined at Aylesbury, and supped at Wheatley; spent the 12th at Oxford, the 13th at Woodstock and Henley, the 14th at Maidenhead and Windsor, and returned to London on the 15th. Left London again on the 22nd for Greenwich and Barking; reached Gravesend on the 23rd; went ashore at Whitstable, walked to Canterbury, and reached Dover the next day.

On his first landing on English shores, he was demanded his name and business; answering "that he had none but to see England," he was conducted to an inn, where he was very well entertained, as (he says) one generally is in this country. He had much to see and tell in London: praises the Tower, the bridge, the organ at St. Paul's, the Guildhall, the Royal Exchange, the conduits, the Temple, "Grezin," and "Lyconsin," the oysters, and the cloth of the country. At Greenwich he was admitted to Queen Elizabeth's presencechamber as she passed through to chapel, and describes a wonderful system of "ko-towing."

Of the colleges of Oxford he says, "Eleganti structurâ, opimis redditibus, et instructis bibliothecis, ita florent ut reliquas orbis Christiani academias superent omnes." Of the English people he says, "They are good sailors, and better pirates - cunning, treacherous, and thievish." "If they see a foreigner very well made, or particularly handsome, they say it is a pity he is not an Englishman." For longer extracts, see the first vol. of the Retrospective Review.

JOB J. BARDWell Workard, M.A.


In Murray's Hand-Book to the Cathedrals of England (Southern Division, part 2, p. 368, London, 1861), the writer mentions that one of the great diamonds which adorned the shrine of St. Thomas was presented by Louis VII. of France, and that it was as large as a hen's egg, and was called the Regale of France. It is also stated (p. 370) that at the Reformation the bones of the saint were not burnt but buried; and that the regale was long worn by Henry VIII. in his thumbring.

Now, with regard to the bones having been buried, no authority is given for this statement. On the contrary, the general belief is, that the relics of St. Thomas were burnt. Dr. Lingard expressly states, that as the saint refused to rise from the dead when cited to appear before the king's attorney, in order to answer the charges brought against him by the Court at Westminster, he was pronounced guilty of rebellion and treason, and his bones were ordered to be publicly burnt. (Life of Henry VIII. p. 276, vol. vi. ed. London, 1844.)

Stow, in his Annals of Henry VIII., states "that the bones of St. Thomas, by command of Lord Cromwell, were there burnt to ashes, in September, 1538, of Henry VIII. the thirtieth," &c. There are, however, some small portions of the saint's body still preserved, and duly authenticated, which were taken from the shrine previous to the Reformation. But it is true to say, that the greater part of his sacred relics were burnt, not buried.

With respect to the large carbuncle or diamond given by Louis VII., which is said to have been worn by King Henry VIII. in his thumb-ring, it was probably buried with him. If so, this fact may account for George IV., when Prince Regent, having ordered the tomb of Henry to be opened, and the coffin searched for some ring (or rings), which he supposed were still to be found therein.

Some years ago, when visiting the Royal Chapel at Windsor, an old man told me that he assisted

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As Hone's pamphlets, by the introduction of good drawing and wood-engraving, mark the commencement of a new era in political caricature, it may be worth while to set right even a trifling mistake about them. In a notice of Lord Lyndhurst in The Illustrated Times, October 17, 1863, it is said: —

"He began life as an extreme Radical; but no sooner did the Tory Government, anxious to secure the aid of his great abilities, offer him a bait than he seized it with avidity, and associated himself with Liverpool and Castlereagh et id genus omne — that party which so long misgoverned the kingdom, and hung like a dead weight upon national progress. It was he, too, who, in conjunction with Sir Robert Gifford, conducted the prosecution of Queen Caroline, and defended the Bill of Pains and Penalties. Do any of your readers remember William Hone's Political House that Jack Built? The two rats in that house-the rats that ate the malt' were two lawyers caricatured as rats, scudding about a cornshop. Well, one of these was Sir Robert Gifford, the Attorney-General; the other, Sir John Copley, the Solicitor-General."

No such picture is in The Political House that Jack Built, nor does it contain any caricature of Sir John Copley. "The Vermin that plunder the Wealth" are, a clergyman, a gold-stick, two soldiers, and a lawyer, who is ugly, and, like "The Public Informer," two pages further, not intended for Copley, to whose handsome features George Cruikshank afterwards did justice. In The Man in the Moon, Lord Castlereagh sits between two animals with bodies of rats and heads of barristers. The carol runs

"With sudden joy and gladness,
Rat Gifford was beguiled;
They both sat at his Lordship's side,
He patted them and smiled,
Yet Copley on his nether end
Sat, like a new-born child;
But without either comfort or joy.
"He thought upon his father,

His virtues and his fame;
And how that father hoped from him
For glory to his name;
And, as his chin dropped on his breast,
His pale cheeks burned for shame,
He'll never more know comfort or joy."
The same figures are reproduced as
Rats" in The Political Showman at Home. I do
not think that any other representation of Sir
John Copley is to be found in Hone's pamphlets.
"N. & Q." is not the place for discussing such

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INTERESTING RELICS OF LUTHER AND BUNYAN. The former of the following paragraphs made its appearance in the London papers last week, the the other about a fortnight ago:

"The flute with which John Bunyan beguiled the tediousness of his captive hours is now in the possession or Mr. Howell, tailor, Gainsborough. In appearance it is not unlike the leg of a stool-out of which, it is said, Bunyan, while in prison, manufactured it. When the turnkey, attracted by the sound of music, entered the cell, the flute was replaced in the stool, and by this means detection was avoided."

"A Berlin artisan has come into possession of a very interesting historical curiosity-the marriage ring of Luther. On the ring is an inscription, bearing the names of Martin Luther and his wife, as well as the date of their marriage."

Along with fuller descriptions of them, a history of the "vicissitudes" of these relics, since the time the one occupied the finger of Madame Luther, and the other cheered the prison solitude of the "divine dreamer," if such could be had, would prove extremely interesting. Let us hope that the precious domestic memorials may find their way into the safe keeping of some public collection. ROBERT KEMPT.

REMARKABLE INSCRIPTION IN THE CEMETERY OF PÈRE LA CHAISE. The following inscription, which I noticed on a tombstone adjoining one of the alleys of Père la Chaise, struck me as putting forth statements of a character so altogether extraordinary that it was well worth copying. Let me hope that the Editor may be of the same opinion, and find a place for it in “N. & Q.:"

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Mme Marie Madeleine Milcent, épouse de Mr Etienne Fourvier, décédée le 10 Mars 1824, âgée de trente huit ans. Elle fut le modèle des épouses et la plus sincère des amies. Sa mort fut accélerée par de longues

souffrances qu'elle supporta avec courage; sa douceur et sa bonté l'avoient rendue chère à tous les malheureux. Elle a porté dans son sein un enfant douze mois vivant et sept ans mort, ainsi que l'ont constaté après son décès les docteurs Dubois et Bellivier, ses médecins, qui ont retiré cet enfant bien conforme et parfaitement conservé." JOHN A. C. VINCENT.

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"The smell of grain, or tedded grass, or kine," has received various explanations. Richardson, probably our best authority, quotes Ray (S. and E. country words), that to ted grass is to spread it abroad. But in the Customs of the Manor of Chakendon, co. Oxon, temp. Edward I., as given in Blount's Fragmenta Antiquitatis, cap. iv. sec. i., we find this clause: that each mower should have for his perquisite, beyond his loaf, his wood, his cheese, beer, &c., for every yard land (virgata terra) six tods of grass (sex toddas herbæ), and for every half yard land three tods of grass. Now a tod must have been a definite item, and not a certain superficial quantity spread over a field. It could not have been a weight, as a tod of wool is only twenty-eight pounds. Milton in the "Allegro" speaks of the "tanned haycock in the mead." Did he by "tedded grass" mean hay in cocks or heaps? It seems probable. If so, to "ted grass" is not to spread it abroad, but to heap it up. A. A.

Poets' Corner.

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"Gallia quod bellum dederat si nil sibi servat,
Ut servet foedus det Deus oro suum.'
"Whatever in the war she got,

Kind France restores, she keeps it not:
If she so bad at keeping be,

Pray God she keep the Peace say we." To what Peace can this refer? Is it the Peace of Breda, 1667 ?

Amongst the entries in the same register, I find some which are curious, e. g. :

"A coperal's (?) daughter was baptized by the soldyers, 26th Oct. 1643."

"A pepperal (?) was baptized the 8th April, 1649."

what illegibly written. What is a "pepperal"? These words, to which I have put (?), are some. And what is the meaning of a "crisom child," whose burial is entered in 1580?

L. A. M.

POEM BY THE ETTRICK SHEPHERD.- These stanzas have little intrinsic worth; but as the name of their author gives them an interest to all lovers of Scottish poetry, and they have not been printed, you may find a corner for them. The little poem was written by James Hogg in the album of a lady, who presented me with the autograph:"Song.

"Alone on the mountains poor Mona reclined,

Her locks hung neglected, and waved in the wind; On her face was a smile, though her reason had fled, And a tear on the wild-rose that hung o'er her head.

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