Imágenes de páginas

5. Mary Elford, aged twenty-four. "Looking up to heaven with steadfastness, joy enlivening her countenance, and faith beaming in her eye, she shouted: 'He is coming! He is coming! Jesus is coming! I see Him! I see Him! Hark! do you hear Him?' And then the dying whisper: 'He comes! He comes!'"-P. 256.

So in Pope's "Ode":

"Hark! they whisper, angels say, 'Sister spirit, come away!

Heaven opens on my eyes; my ears with sounds seraphic ring."

Sex and age, it seems to me, would be very important elements in the consideration of narratives such as I have quoted; but they are numerous enough to fully warrant Dr. Brown's remark. I shall be glad to learn the results of MR. MAUDE's investigation of the subject.


I do not know if the following stories, told by intimate friends long since deceased, will suit your purpose; but I remember hearing a young clergyman mention that an uncle he had lost (a very holy man) had been for many years paralysed in his right arm, but that in his last moments he had freely used it, to point out to his weeping friends the angels whom he said he saw waiting for him. My friend certainly believed his uncle had seen what was hidden from them. I do not know where the uncle lived, but my friend was a Cumberland man.

I also remember being told by a Somersetshire lady that a relative of hers (I forget in what degree), who had led a very sad life, horrified all those who were waiting on him at his death, by declaring he saw the devil seated on the washing stand, ready to take possession of his prey.

issue by her. This I learn from a release (a copy of which is before me) to them and John Barentyn, of the manor of Burghfield-Regis, co. Berks, 19 Henry VI., by Richard Duke of York, and others. I am sorry I can give no fuller information to your querist, G. R. C. R. W. DIXON.

BOATING PROVERB (3rd S. iv. 370.) - Clemens Romanus, in his First Epistle to the Corinthians, ch. vii. [iv. 2], uses the words—ẻv yàp tệ avty coμèv okáμμari; these have, however, no reference to boats or water, but to the sandy arena of the gymnastic exercises, as the next words kai & abrÒS hulv åyàv éíkeitai shew, the meaning being, “For awaits us:" "in eadem enim arena versamur, et we are on the same arena, and the same contest certamen idem nobis impendet." Had Clemens said ἐν γὰρ τῇ αὐτῇ ἐσμὲν σκαφῇ, he would have conveyed the sense your correspondent attributes to him; but this would have been inconsistent with the rest of the sentence, which is put erroneously in the poetic form. The mind of Clemens was most probably, at the time of writing these words, impressed with the passages in 1 Cor. iv.9; ix. 25-27; xv. 32; 2 Cor. x. 13, 15, 16; Gal. vi. 16; Eph. vi. 13-17; Heb. xii. 1, or others, where the Christian course is compared to the gymnastic contests of the Greek amphitheatre. T. J. BUCKTON.

I have not access to the Epistle of Clemens from which MR. TRENCH quotes, and therefore write in doubt, but I cannot help thinking that the passage in question has no allusion to boating. I am not aware whether there is any authority for the use of okάuua in the sense of "boat;" but I find that the usual meaning was, 66 that the word had a special meaning in the gyma pit or trench," and nastic schools, viz., "a place dug out and sanded, on which the leapers practised." See Liddell and Scott's Lexicon. Taking this in connection with In Mr. Keble's recently published Life of Bishopy in the next line, which was the usual word to Wilson, there is an account of a vision of angels seen by the good prelate a few hours before his death. I have not the work now with me, but the notice occurs at the end of the second volume. W. J. D.

L. C. R.

MANORIAL RIGHTS (3rd S. iv. 352.) The French writer probably refers to the sixth chapter of the first book of Columella, where the following statement occurs:-"Circa villam deinceps hæc esse oportebit; furnum et pistrinum, quantum futurus numerus colonorum postulaverit." There is nothing said as to the mode in which these coloni paid for the use of these things; it was probably taken into account in the rent they paid for the ground which they worked. C. T. RAMAGE.

SIR JOHN WENLOCK: LORD WENLOCK (3rd S. iv. 326.)-John Wenlock, Esq., afterwards Lord Wenlock, had a wife, Elizabeth, daughter and coheiress of Sir John Drayton, Knight, but had no

signify a contest at the public games, I find it difficult to believe that the passage quoted has reference to boating. The proverbial expression, "We are in the same boat," appears, however, to be older than Clemens. We have it, or at all events the same idea, in the Oration of Demosthenes, "De Coronâ" (Bekker): — OỦK Èπì TÊS αὐτῆς ὁρμεῖ τοῖς πολλοῖς, i. e. τῆς αὐτῆς ἀγκύρας.


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BOWLES (3rd S. ii. 145, 254, 272.)-Anecdotes of the family of Bole, Bollys, Boles, Bowles, may be read in Illingworth's Account of the Parish of Scampton, Lincolnshire, pp. 42-65. They early intermarried with the Harts of Sproston Court, Yorkshire. Mr. John Bowles, in 1629, a member of the English Corporation for the Settlement of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, removed to the colony about ten years afterwards, and died Sept. 21, 1680, but his parentage is unknown. Among those knighted for valour at Calais, 1596, was John Bowles.—Camden's Elizabeth, iv. 94. J. W. T.

ROBERT TROLLOP (3rd S. iv. 354.)-Your correspondent may be glad of the following passage about the tomb, which occurs in an obituary notice of the late Joshua Greene, Esq., in the Gateshead Observer (November 16, 1861):

"He was a collateral descendant of the Trollops, the family of the celebrated architect (the builder of the old Exchange at Newcastle, and the Hall at Capheaton) and, as such, inherited, in common with the Dobsons, as the burying-place of his family, the Mausoleum in St. Mary's churchyard, which is pretty well known in local history, and which was restored, a few years ago, by his son, John Greene, Esq., of Rodsley House."


Brand alludes, in 1789, to the "faint traditionary account" then current, "which he did not much credit," of a statue and epitaph in St. Mary's burial-ground, overlooking the Newcastle Exchange on the opposite shore of the Tyne epitaph which does not seem ever to have had churchyard existence, but to have simply been written and circulated in Trollop's lifetime for amusement. Apocryphal as it is, it is continually quoted (and will no doubt continue to be) in collections of epitaphs, while the not less remarkable lines on John Addison, 66 one of the undertakers for building Tyne Bridge," who died May 19, 1776, which are actually to be found in this Gateshead cemetery (although fast crumbling to decay), have made their way into no book, but were recently printed in a Newcastle newspaper (the Daily Chronicle) : —

"Here lies interr'd beneath this lap of Earth,

A Swain to others and himself unknown;
Minerva smil'd upon him at his birth,

And Science solely marked him as her own.
He lived belov'd, and sore lamented died;

The Muses mourn'd, and to their Fonts retir'd. :
The Arts sat sullen, hung their heads and cry'd,

And Science wept, when Addison expir'd."


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cited by MR. PHILLIPS, the seal of antiquity. We are told in the first chapter of Genesis, that the waters brought forth abundantly foul, and that man was commanded to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air. Johnson's Dictionary states that both these words are used collectively; while, as to chicken, there seems to be some doubt whether it be not the plural of chick-a probability supported by the ancient proverb: "Children and chicken must always be picking." We speak of ships' biscuit, not biscuits. In some cases the tendency seems to be to pluralise a singular word. Thus, farmers talk of the effect of rain upon the wheats; and sick person has taken nothing but village goodies in some parts will tell you, that a a few broth." A worse corruption than these, is the extending use of that vile word "reliable," which, notwithstanding all the efforts of "N. & Q." to strangle it in its birth, bids fair to become naturalised on this side the Atlantic.

I observe, by-the-way, that The Times has relinquished an attempt, which it made some three years since, to introduce a third e into the word freer, which for some time always appeared there "freeer." There seemed no more reason to retain a third e there, than in seer. VEBNA.


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THE COMPANY OF MERCHANTS' ADVENTURERS (3rd S. iv. 372.)—Thomas Aldersey, the "active member of this Company," as MR. P. S. CAREY very justly calls him, was the second son of John Aldersey, Esq., of Aldersey and Spurstow, county Chester, by Anne, daughter and heiress of Thomas Bird of Clutton, in the same county. He settled in London as a "citizen and haberdasher," and was for many years a prominent member of the Haberdashers' Company of that city. He married Alice, daughter of Richard Calthrop, of Antingham, in Norfolk, by whom he left no issue. Shortly after the date of his letter to the Lord Treasurer Burleigh, or about 1576, he purchased from the crown the rectory of his native parish of Bunbury, near Tarporley; and by leasing the great tithes, and other sacrifices, was enabled not but also to found what is now known as the Alonly to make provision for a preacher and rector, dersey Grammar School at Bunbury. The patronage of both he placed in the hands of the Haberdashers' Company of London; who have at this

moment open, in their gift, the preachership of Bunbury, just vacated by the resignation of the Rev. W. B. Garnett. In the school at Bunbury there is an original painting of the founder, Thomas Aldersey, "merchant adventurer," in his black gown and ruff, with the date 1588, he being then in his sixty-sixth year. Mr. Aldersey died in 1599; and was buried at Berden, Essex. MR. CAREY may learn more of his (Mr. Aldersey's) other benefactions by referring to the records the London Haberdashers' Company.



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crated when angels sung her introit. The words "worst of enemies and" adjudged," favour the view that extradition was the suggesting form. BENJ. EASY.

335.)-I am obliged by the answers to my Query. EXECUTIONS FOR MURDER (3rd S. iv. 268, Will T. B. be kind enough to give me the parliamentary number of the paper to which he reoffers in the Sessions 1861, or in any other year that is easily accessible to him?

THE USE OF SEVERAL CRESTS (3rd S. iv. $72.) A second crest should properly be used, I believe, only under the following circumstances:

First. When the arms of the bearer have been honoured with an augmentation, a second crest has very frequently been conferred, as in the case of Lords Nelson and Collingwood; the Marquis Wellesley, Cameron of Fassifern, &c., &c.

Secondly. When a person has received the royal license to use the name and arms of another family, in addition to his own, it is customary to use the crests of both families, e. g. GodolphinOsborne, Gordon-Lennox, &c., &c.

But many people now use (though improperly) a second crest, because it belongs to a coat which they quarter with their own.

In this matter as well as (though in a much less degree) in the matter of supporters, there is a tendency at the present day to disregard the old rules of the Heralds' College. Abroad, and especially in Germany, the use of several crests is very general.

Many princes and nobles use eight or ten helmets and crests, according to the number of fiefs by which they were entitled to vote in the circles of the empire. Thirteen is the largest number I have ever seen employed. J. WOODWARD. New-Shoreham.

MITRNATITION (3rd S. iv. 250.)-In the absence of any more plausible emendation, for I think "the judicious reader" will not accept either extermination or migration, I would with some diffidence offer the following. Bishop Hall wrote his Great Mystery of Godliness after he had been debarred the exercise of his episcopal functions, and expelled from his palace. Speaking, therefore, of the banishment of peace, and the dissensions in the Christian world, I conceive that, with a quaint allusion to the dissensions and fierce enmities which brought about, and which in his opinion would still follow from, the loss of episcopal rule, and the deposition of himself and his brother bishops, he, on the model of the law-term extradition, coined either mitradition or mitratradition, to express the deposition of peace from that rule on earth to which she had been conse

As the list of Parliamentary Papers delivered has for many years been given in the Justice of the Peace, I shall by reference to the columns of that journal, be able to trace out the numbers in each year, and thus much shorten my reference at the British Museum, or my order to my London bookseller. J. P. D.

WILLIAM CROSSLEY (3rd S. iv. 267.)-An enther William or not) executed the Brecknock and gineer of the name of Crossley (I know not wheAbergavenny Canal, with its railways, after the death of the projector, Dadford. He was afterwards engaged near Manchester on canals (the Macclesfield, if I mistake not, amongst others). About 1834, he was, under Robert the London and Birmingham Railway, then in Stephenson, a resident engineer on a division of

course of execution.

The name of Crossley is also borne by the engineer of the Midland Railway, whose headVRYAN RHEGED. quarters are at Derby.

HAWKINS FAMILY (3rd S. iii. 205.)—The article regarding "young Hawkins," reminds me that I possess a fine copy of the second edition of L'Heptameron de Marguerite, Royne de Navarre, Paris, 1560, with the following autograph on the title: "Thomas Hawkyn, Servitor de la royne d'Angleterre." The name, by itself, is also written at the end of the volume. The penmanship is bold, firm, and distinct. Can any of the readers of "N. & Q." inform me of any particulars regardJ. D. ing this Thomas Hawkyn?


FAMILY OF GOOKIN (3rd S. ii. 324, 397, 472.)— "Vincent Gookin, Gent.," was appointed Surveyor-General of Ireland, Jan. 11, A.D. 1657. See Liber Munerum Publicorum Hiberniæ, vol. i. part 11. p. 137. I have a very old office-copy (certified by "Brodrick, Sur.-Gen.,") of an order relating to lands, of July 1658, signed by "Vin. Gookin, Surveyor-Gen" "

Robert Gookin, Esq., of Carrageen, co. Cork (who died in 1752), was married to Esther, daughter of Percy Smyth, Esq., of Headborough,


Waterford. Not improbably, this Robert was a descendant of said Vincent's. See Landed Gentry (1863), art. “Smyth of Headborough."


CROQUET (3rd S. iv. 349.)—A ROVER has carried into effect the idea which has before suggested itself to me, in great croquet difficulties, of applying to the invaluable pages of "N. & Q." May I be allowed to put the two following cases, which I will do as distinctly and briefly as I can, leaving them to the consideration of croquet players? Capt. Mayne Reid has not, I think, instanced them in his book on Croquet.

The game is drawing to a close. The eight balls are almost all rovers; and the battle is waging fiercely round the peg!

A's ball strikes B.'s ball, and, glancing off, hits the peg: A.'s becomes, therefore, a dead ball. But A. contends for the privilege of croquetting B.'s ball, on account of having hit it before hitting the peg. B. remonstrates, and says A.'s ball is a dead one; and, therefore, out of the game, and incapacitated from doing anything. But as the game was played, A. croquetted B.'s ball, and then retired from the scene of action.

The second case, strange enough, happened in the same game. C.'s ball hits D.'s ball, and causes it to hit the peg-to the detriment of D.'s side-D.'s ball being a useful one. Then C. protests he has the unalienable right of taking "two turns," or roquet-croquet from D.'s ball. D.'s side violently remonstrate against "two turns' being taken from a dead ball, as an impossibility; but in the game, C.'s point is carried.

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After the game was ended, a calmer discussion ensued, in which the players added two rules to their former ones.

1st. A ball which hits another ball, and then the peg, is dead, and loses the right of croquet.

2nd. A ball which kills another by hitting it against the peg, has another turn on account of having hit a ball; but has no right to any croquet, as it is impossible to croquet a dead ball.

Should any croquet players have found themselves in the same dilemma, I think they will arrive at the same conclusions as those stated by BLUE BALL.

SLEEPING GARMENTS (3rd S. iv. 332.)-Robert Johnson, of Riding Mill, a few miles west of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, servant to Mr. Thomas Errington, miller, slept in a shirt in the month of August, 1672. Examined at Morpeth sessions in support of a charge of witchcraft against Ann Bates, of that place, the wife of a tanner, and others, he deposed that, about the latter end of August, 1672, late at night,

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"Lyeing in his bed at Rydeing Mill, betwixt two of his fellow-servants, he heard a man, as he thought, call at the dore, and ask whoe was within. Upon which this informant rose, and went, and layd his head against the

chamber window to know whoe it was that called, and he heard a great noise of horse feet, as though it had been an army of men. Whereupon he called, but none would answer. Soe he returned to his bed; and the next

morning, rising out of bed, he wanted his shirt, which seeking after he accused his two fellow-servants, which knew of it, which this informant further searching after, were amazed at the thing, and denyed that ever they found it lapt upp under his pillow at his bed-head."

by Anne Armstrong, of Birchin Nooke, spinster, The mystery was explained to the magistrates night meeting of witches, heard a witch-finder; for she, being present at a mid

"Anne Forster, Michaell Ainsly, and Lucy Thompson, confess to the divell; and the said Michaell told the divell that he called 3 severall times at Mr. Errington's kitchen dore, and made a noise like an host of men. And that night, the divell asking them how they sped, they answered, nothing, for they had not got power of the miller, but they got the shirt of his bak, as he was lyeing betwixt women, and laid it under his head, and stroke him dead another time, in revenge he was an instrument to save Raiph Elrington's daughter from goeing downe the water and drowneing, as they intended to have done." (Surtees Society's Publications, vol. xl., pp. 195, 198.)

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Apportions things of earth by line and square.
The soul of pathos, eloquence and wit,

My second shows each passion's changeful fit.
My whole, though motionless, declares

In many ways how every body fares."

At the second reference will be found an answer which I hazarded, the word gaslight. But to this MR. DE MORGAN objected, as appears at the word tollbar, which I think answers all the p. 338. I have now another answer to suggest, to measurement of certain goods, and certain disthree requisites. A toll is laid on in proportion tances. The bar is the scene, and source, and we may say, soul of eloquence, and shows the workings of the various passions: and the tollbar certainly shows how everybody fares, that is travels, and also fares as to worldly riches, which so often regulate the mode of travelling. Can this be the true answer?

F. C. H.

THE WILL OF WILLIAM THYNNE (3rd S. iv. 365.) Neither the will, nor the epitaph of William Thynne can be taken as affording any evidence that he had adopted the Protestant religion. He bequeaths his soul to his "sweet Saviour, through Christ his only Redeemer"-how he distinguishes the two is quite unintelligible, and sounds rather Nestorian; but let that pass. He believes himself to be "one of the holy company of heaven, through the merits of Christ's passion, and no otherwise." Such would be the sentiments and language of all Catholics; and there is certainly nothing here to prove that this man was anything else. Next as to a Protestant spirit pervading his epitaph, such an assumption is equally unfounded. In the first place, it says: 66 Pray for the soul of Mr.

Thynne," which is decidedly Catholic, and not Protestant. In the latter part, it expresses a belief that God's mercies freely offer " to all them that earnestly repent their sins, eternal life, through the death of his dearly beloved Son Christ Jesus." Assuredly this is sound Catholic doctrine, and it would be highly injurious to the professors of the Catholic religion to impute to them any other.

The pages of "N. & Q." are not the proper place for controversy; but when unjust imputations are admitted, a moderate explanatory defence will in fairness be conceded. F. C. H.

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BAPTISM OF BELLS (3rd S. iv. 381.)-The bell referred to with the inscription " Alfredus Rex," was one of a set belonging to a chapel in the parish of St. Minver, Cornwall. Besides the parish church, there were two chapels, one dedicated to St. Michael, and the other to St. Enodoc. Some repairs being wanted, the bells were sold to raise the necessary funds; but this was not a recent transaction, having taken place towards the middle of last century, and the bells were most probably cast long after the time of King Alfred. WM. SANDYS.

SWING (3rd S. iv. 271, 339.)-Your correspondent who asks concerning this nominis umbra may be referred to a dramatic production of the once celebrated" Devil's Chaplain,"

"Swing; or, Who are the Incendiaries? A Tragedy, Founded on late circumstances, and as performed at the Rotunda." By the Rev. Robert Taylor, A.B. London, Printed and published by Richard Carlile, &c. 8vo, 1831."

The dramatis persona of this piece are, the Archbishop of Cant-, Rev. Dr. Elijah Brimstone, Judge Jefferies, Old Swing, John Swing, Francis Swing, Sally Swing, Polly Swing, Ebenezer Sanctity, Richard Jones, and Robert the Devil, or the Genius of Reason.

The tragedy opens with a conference between the Archbishop and Judge Jefferies in the Palace at Croydon, and concludes with the hanging of the latter to a lamp-post by the mob, and the preparation of fire-balls," the power of the Ignipotent," by the Swings; then we have "the Archbishop's Palace in a blaze; the Archbishop himself flying from room to room in frantic

horror." He is, however, saved from a fiery
death by Swing, who, in return, is placed by him
on the throne as "citizen King," from which he
speedily descends with the peroration:
"Then Swing resigns his Kingship,

And will return, a British Cincinnatus,
To the plough, from whence he sprang;
Happy to have taught the world, tho' by a fiery lesson-
The noblest moral Heaven itself could give,
'Who'd live himself, must let his neighbour live!'”


PHOENIX FAMILY (3rd S. iv. 247.)-In answer to J. C. L.'s query, I can only inform him that at the time I wrote, Phoenix was a tobacconist in Cock Street, Wolverhampton. His name does not appear in the Directory for 1864, just published. Any inquiry in the town would probably discover his present address. S. T.

HERALDIC (3rd S. iv. 372.)-Crests, as family cognizances, appear to have been transmitted, anciently, from one house to another, in representation. In modern English heraldry they are borne (with the arms) when, and when only, the "name and arms" of other than one's paternal family are, by license, assumed.

In Scottish and Foreign Heraldry, the custom or law is different.

Boyer's Theatre of Honour is the best work M. B. can consult on the subject of French Coronets of the last two centuries. S. T.

SYMBOLISM IN STONES (3rd S. iv. 248.)-Oxon. will find some information on this subject in the August number of the Family Friend, 1860. W. I. S. HORTON.

EPITAPHS (3rd S. iv. 19.)-The following inscription may be fitly adduced as a scholium on the Epitaph" Quod fuit esse," &c.

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"Improve time in time, while time doth last; For all time is no time, when time hath past." Which I thus Latinise:

"Proficiatur tempus in tempore, dum tempus duret; Quia omne tempus non est tempus, quum tempus abiit." J. L.

"LONDON UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE" (3rd S. iv. 247.)-I have delayed thus long in answering the query of MR. W. E. BAXTER, hoping to be able to send him a file of this work. As I find myself unable to secure one in the quarter I expected, I now reply. This Magazine was printed and published by the Dissenting firm of Judd & Glass, which became defunct soon after the Magazine did, which event happened in 1859 as regards the first series, in 1860 as regards the second. If my friend will take my advice, be will abandon his desire to possess a set. I assure him that greater rubbish never issued from the press. GEORGE F. CHAMBERS.

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