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A Canadian correspondent states that the Parlia great yumentary Committee on Agriculture are to propose modifications in the construction of the Board of Agri

THE CULTIVATOR. culture." The members of the Board are now eleeted by

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ALBANY, N. Y., JUNE, 1860, to aukea

using the County Agricultural Societies." Under the bill to be introduced, it is proposed to divide Upper Canada into twelve districts, which will comprise about two of the electoral divisions, for each of which a member shall be elected to the Board, and it is proposed that the township During a brief visit in Western New-York last societies as well as the one-half of the county members of week, we had an opportunity of seeing considerable of the Board are to retire every other year. The Board likethe growing wheat in the counties of Cayuga, Seneca, On-wise to have the management of the annual exhibitions." tario and Monroe, and all we saw, as well as the replies to all our inquiries, lead us to the conclusion that the promise of a good wheat crop the coming harvest, bas rarely been more favorable the first week in May, than at this time. Should the weather prove favorable hereafter, there is little doubt the yield per acre will fully equal the unusu. ally good crop of last year, while the breadth sown last fall was much larger than for some years past. While riding over our friend JOHNSTON's farm, near Geneva, he called our attention to a field of seventeen acres of Early May wheat, from seed which he received from a subscriber to the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN in Missouri, in 1858. ing from present appearances, it will ripen some days earlier than any other variety, and its yield prove highly satisfactory. Mr. Johnston was much pleased with it, and thinks it will prove a valuable acquisition to the wheatgrowers of Western New-York.

NEW EDITIONS.-New and uniform editions on larger and still heavier paper, have just been issued by Crosby, Nichols, Lee & Co., Boston, of "Milch Cows and Dairy Farming," and "Grasses and Forage Plants"-two books which we have heretofore liberally commended-by CHARLES L. FLINT, Secretary of the Mass. Board of Agriculture. The publishers will accept our thanks for copies, which with regard to mechanical execution, are certainly all that can be desired. The new edition of the Dairy book moreover contains the latest news on the pleuropneumonia, some new cuts, a frontispiece, &c.

BONE DUST AND SWEDE TURNIPS.We make the folJudglowing extract from a letter under date of April 20, received by Mr. COULSON of this city, from T. L. HARISON, Esq., of St. Lawrence Co. :-"By the use of the bone dust, purchased of you last season, I was for the first time enabled to get my Swedes started ahead of the fly, and succeeded, notwithstanding the very unfavorable season, in raising over 3000 bushels sound ruta bagas, from fout acres of land. I composted the bone dust with hen ma ROB-nure and muck, in the proportions of 1, 2 and 4, (one of hen manure, two of bone dust, and four of muck,) and applied this compost on the first drill furrow over the barn-yard manure, covering it with the second drill furrow, substantially as described by a writer in a late number of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN."

The prospect for a good crop of fruit, especially peaches and pears, was never better.

With Mr. Johnston we called on his neighbor Mr. ERT J. SWAN, who has, take it altogether, one of the best It consists of over 300 acres farms we have ever seen. all of it the best of wheat land, with just enough slope to enable him to drain it to advantage, and all lying in full view from the residence. It is improved in the best manner, the whole being thoroughly underdrained, and the fields enclosed with post and board fences. We much regretted that our time was too limited to permit us to accept Mr. J.'s kind invitation to ride with him to the farm of Mr. H. T. E. FOSTER, a few miles farther up the lake, where we were assured we should have been as highly gratified as with those we had already visited.

At Geneva we visited White Springs Farm, the residence of Mr. JAMES O. SHELDON, where a couple of hours where occupied in the examination of his magnificent herd of Short-Horn cattle, which, notwithstanding the short period he has been engaged in breeding, is already taking rank among the best and most extensive herds of pure bred cattle in this country. We were gratified to learn that he proposes to exhibit a goodly number of them at the next State Fair, at Elmira, and among them a number of young animals which reflect great credit on his own skill as a breeder.

We regret to learn the death on the 21st March of Mons. Louis Viimorin, senior partner of the well-known nursery and seed firm, Vilmorin, Andrieux, & Co., of Paris. Obituary notices in the foreign journals speak of him as personally amiable in disposition and munificent in his charities, while he numbered among his friends many of the first men of science in France; the horticultural world

loses in him one of its most enlightened, scientific, and energetic members," and one of the representatives of a family who have for more than a century devoted themselves to the study and advancement of this branch of rural science.

TERRACULTURE.-Russell Comstock of New-York, asked the House of Representatives to publish his "admitted discoveries of laws in vegetation." Mr. Whitely denounced it as "the most unmitigated humbug ever introduced to the decision of Congress," and the resolution was not rereaders will note that at least one symptom of intelligence ceived. So says the U. S. Ag. Society's Journal. Our and common sense marks the present session of our National Legislature.

The crops last year in Ireland were not good, but we were scarcely prepared to anticipate so large a de"The total money value of the ficiency as is reported in the following estimate from the decrease in crops, last year, in Ireland, as compared with Irish Farmer's Gazette. the previous year, amounts to £4,693,638; and if we add to this the balance against us in the article of imports in 1859, as shown in our impression of the 24th ult., amount ing to £1,424,892, it follows that the agricultural purse of Ireland exhibited a deficit last year of at least no less than £6,118,530."

At Rochester we spent a day in visiting a number of the extensive Nursery establishments in and around that city, which we found in a most prosperous condition, the demand, notwithstanding the great competition throughout the country, having exceeded that of any previous year. No one branch of business has added more to the growth and prosperity of the rapidly improving city of Rochester, than this, which is carried on to an extent far greater than in any other single district of the country. The spring thus far, at the west as well as here, has very much needed at prebeen unusually dry, and rain RAPID GAIN.-In Mr. Johnston's yard, we saw the fat heifer and steer alluded to by Mr. JOHNSTON in his letter published in the Co. GENT. of April 19. The day he was Another paroxysm of successful steam plowing at three years old, the steer weighed 1,8973 lbs. Mr. J. weighed a pair of steers on the 12th of May, 1859-they the west is chronicled, but one which, according to a were kept on pasture only through the summer, and then Chicago contemporary, has accomplished more than mere triumphant," and, divesting the fed until the 6th of April, when they were weighed again, ly turning a furrow or two in a trial field. It is Water's and showed a gain of 1,516 lbs. in ten months and twen- Machine, which is now ty-four days. Can any of our readers show a greater in-"triumph" of superfluous exclamation points and descriptive touches, the facts of the case seem to be these: Mr. crease in the same period?



Waters is a Detroit man, who exhibited at the last U. S.
Fair at Chicago, where unfortunately his machinery broke
down; he has been modifying and improving during the
winter; this spring he goes to work in earnest. During
the last week in April he was engaged in Grundy county,
and the writer in the Prairie Farmer had seen about seven-
ty acres of the steam plowing, and says that Waters is
engaged in a large job of prairie breaking, for which he
is paid by the acre.' A gang of six plows was used, "cut-
ting a furrow nine feet wide." During the day previous,
twelve acres had been the extent of surface gone over,
The plows had been put to some very severe tests in a field full of
small oak and hickory stumps or "grubs.) These were cut off with-
out injury to the plows, and apparently without effect upon the engine.
We measured one of these hickory roots which had been cut through;
As the machine is now arranged, it requires one and a half cords of
wood, a hand and team to supply fuel and water, (the water in this
ease being a half mile away,) a fireman, two men to manage the plows,
besides Mr. Waters-to which add oil, &c., and Mr. W. says the cost
to him is less than $9 per day.

its diameter was 4 inches.

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would be one of the greatest benefactors of his age and country."

A New-England newspaper publishes incidentally, cultural public might be promptly and earnestly called, in a suggestion to which we wish the attention of the Agrievery part of the country. It is this: the DECENNIAL CENSUS of the United States is soon to be taken; the labor is entered upon in June, and every Farmer will then be called to communicate various facts in relation to his pursuit, upon the accuracy of which-so far as exactness is attainable-their whole interest and value depend. June is with him a season when the call of the Censustaker may surprise him in the midst of pressing occupations; and if he endeavors to supply on a moment's notice the returns required, how much of what he is asked will remain unanswered-how much of what he answers will be mere guess-work, or at best no more than a tolerable estimate.

of the headings which are required to be filled out, toWe have just obtained from Washington. a transcript gether with the accompanying instructions. The produce of small lots owned or worked by those engaged mainly in other pursuits, it is not designed to include in this schedule. We condense the following particulars:


1. Name of owner, agent or manager of the farm or plantation. Number of acres of improved land, pasture, meadow and arable, reclaimed from a state of nature and used for any purpose of production.

3. Acres of unimproved land-all that belongs to the farm and does not come under the last head, excluding marshes and ponds where larger than 10 acres.



The cash value of the whole farm, improved and unimproved. Value of Farming Implements and Machinery, including wagons and tools.

6. Live Stock-total number of animals upon the farm, June 1, 1860.

7. Number of Horses, Asses and Mules.

8. Number of Milch Cows.

9. Number of Working Oxen.

11. Sheep-number one year old and over, June 1.
10. All cattle one year old and over, not included in 7, 8 and 9.
12. Swine, on June 1.

Aggregate Value of all live stock, whether included in above list

or not. Products within the year preceding June 1, whether sold or consumed, or still on hand :-Bushels of 14. Wheat-15. Rye-16. Indian Corn-17. Oats.

THE WINTER IN SCOTLAND.-Extract of a private letter to one of the Editors of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, from a gentleman in Scotland, dated Portobello, April 26, 1860: We have had one of the longest winters this year that ever has been experienced in Scotland. Since the end of October we have had storms of rain and snow almost every week. The snow never lays long on the lower grounds, and here we have never had more than three to four inches at a time on the surface. On the hills, however, it has been very different, for often when it was rain on the low country, it was snow on them. Many of the higher hills throughout the country you passed in autumn, are still thickly covered with snow. Unlike the wooded mountains of New-England, the Highlands are destitute of of trees, and the winds sweep over them in all their fury, and raise the snow, and accumulate it in great masses in the sheltered hollows. These masses will not disappear this year until the summer is ended. In many parts the sheep have suffered greatly, as there is usually no provis-13. ion made for them, but what they gather on the mountains among the heather and benty grasses. Some farmers in the depths of the Highlands have lost thousands. The sheep on my farm have suffered comparatively little, as it is on the borders of the low country, and the snow soon 22. Peas and Beans-23. Irish Potatoes-24. Sweet do.-25. Barley26. Buckwheat-all in bushels. disappears from the highest grounds. As you are aware, 27. Value of Orchard Products in dollars, and 28. Gallons of wine prothe turnip erop was a very poor one last year, and the ara29. Value of Products of Market Gardens, including Nurseries. ble land farmer was never worse off for keep for his ani- 30. Butter, and 31. Cheese in pounds, mals, which have been fed at an enormous expense. 32. Hay in tons-33, Clover Seed, and 34, Grass Seed—bushels of both Those who have been able to keep on, are getting very 33. Hops in pounds-34. Dew-Rotted, and 35, Water-Rotted Hemphigh prices. I believe fat sheep were never higher than 37. Flax in lbs.-38. Flax Seed in bushels-39. Silk Cocoons in lbs. 36. Hemp otherwise prepared, all in tons. they were yesterday in the Edinboro' market. As high as 40. Maple-sugar in pounds-41. Cane-sugar in hds. of 1,000 lbs. one shilling a pound was given for fat sheep yesterday. Wheat is still relatively lower than any other article of food. I would not wonder, however, although it took a start before long, as the spring being so very backward 46. must begin soon to affect prices. Good hay is now as high as £7 a ton, and it is scarcely to be had. There was a good crop of it in Holland last year, and to show you how needy we have been, about 10,000 tons of meadow hay have been imported into Leith from that country. The selling price at Leith is £5.10.

LIQUID MANURE.-A correspondent of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, writes to this paper as follows:

18. Number of pounds of Rice. 19. Ditto of Tobacco.
20. Number of bales of 400 lbs. of Ginned Cotton.
21. Number of pounds of Wool.


cleaned for use or for market.

42. Molasses in gallons-specified whether maple, sorghum or cane.



Beeswax, and 44, Honey, both in pounds.

Value of Home Manufactures, whether for use or sale-less the value of the raw material, where the latter was purchased in stead of being the produce of the farm. Value of all animals slaughtered during the year preceding June 1. In some cases these returns must be estimates, but the precise numbers, quantities or values should be stated wherever possible; the deputy who collects them "must use his discretion in assisting a farmer to estimate fairly and accurately the amount of his crops when he keeps no exact account, and in all instances it is desired to make the nearest approximate returns which the case will admit


We need only repeat the expression of our hope, that our readers at least will be fully "prepared for the censusman" when he shall come; to put off the matter until the time of his visit, will only subject him to delay on the one hand, and perhaps call the farmer, on the other, from some pressing task. It will be strange indeed in that case, if neither of the two parties is too impatient to wait the hunting up of exact figures, or the careful estimate of those which cannot otherwise be ascertained.

"A few years ago I was induced to build a sink and reservoir in the corner of my garden, to receive all the slops, suds, &c., of the house, which had been previously thrown away, and well nigh wasted. Into this reservoir I threw occasionally a few shovelfuls of hen droppings, and during the season of growth employed the liquid as it collected, in watering my garden, by means of a can and a large syringe. An application of this kind was made almost every evening, and the luxuriant growth of the plants of all kinds was truly astonishing. The remarkable results NEW-YORK STATE AG. COLLEGE.-An adjourned meetobtained by this mode of irrigating and manuring my gar- ing of the Trustees of the Agricultural College was held den, induced me to build another reservoir, get a small at the College Farm House in Ovid, on the 3d inst. The engine like that used by firemen, and extend the practice Trustees present were Ex-Gov. King, Hon. William Kelly, to my lawn, orchard and calf pasture. The increase in my Hon. B. P. Johnson, Dr. A. Thompson, Hon. B. N. Huntcrops of grass, &c., &c., has abundantly remunerated me, ington, Hon. J. B. Williams, Edward G. Faile, Major M. and I do think that if some one should invent an easy R. Patrick, James O. Sheldon, and Arad Joy. The princimethod of carrying liquid manure all over our farms, hepal object of the meeting was the reorganization of the


various committees some of them on the Building Com-
mittee being now useless,-and to provide means for the
successful completion of what has already been so well

The committees were appointed as follows:
Executive Committee-Major M. R. Patrick, James O.
Sheldon and B. N. Huntington.

Finance Committee-William Kelly, Edward G. Faile and B. N. Huntington.

Josiah B. Williams and Arad Joy were appointed a Committee to examine and calculate measurements and cost of College edifice according to contract.

The meeting afforded ample encouragement that the State Agricultural College of New-York will soon be a reality-a growing institution for the development of the agricultural resources of this State.

The New Castle County, Delaware, Agricultural Society, owing to the efforts of some active and public spirited members, has been in the past, we believe, a well supported and flourishing fraternity; and, from a Circular —for a copy of which we are indebted to our correspondent Dr. NORRIS-we learn that it is now proposed to place it upon a still wider and more permanent basis. A subscription in shares of $10, is started for the purpose of purchasing grounds-a farm of 150 acres being obtainable within a mile of the city of Wilmington, at a reasonable price. It is designed to erect suitable buildings, &c.; to lease the land when not in use for exhibition purposes; perhaps to devote it partially to experimental culture; while, moreover another advantage from the possession of so large an area, besides the control of sufficient ground for testing the relative merits of improved machinery, &c., arises from constantly having a responsible man in charge, to receive and care for stock and machinery, at moderate charges, where it suited exhibitors to forward them before We wish our friends all the opening of the exhibitions. success in this excellent undertaking. NEBRASKA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY.-At the second annual meeting of the Territorial Board of Agriculture, the following officers were elected:

President-Hon. R. W. FURNAS

Secretary-A. D. Jones,

Treasurer-E. II. Chaplain.


The Baltimore Rural Register contains the result of a sale of Live Stock belonging to J. H. MCHENRY, Esq., which took place Ap. 16. Seven head of Devon cattle, and twenty-one of Alderneys were offered. of the former, a cow 8 years old, was sold for $102.50, to P. T. Woodward, Esq., Saluda, Va., and a Devon bull, 18 mos. old, was sold to A. P. Rowe of Fredericksburg, for $50. Of the Alderneys, ten cows were sold at an average of $83.75 per head-the highest going for $140; one heifer was sold for $130, and another for $95, and a young bull went for $53.

Several lots of Suffolk swine were disposed of. Fifteen horses were offered, four of which did not find purchasers, but the results of the sale as a whole, are said to have been satisfactory to Mr. McH.

It is stated in the " Spirit of the Times" that Hon. JOHN G. MEEMS of Lynchburg, Va., has purchased of S. LELAND, Esq., of Westchester Co., a Short-Horn bull called "Farnley," bred by the latter gentleman, at the price "The estates of Mr. Meems, including those of $2,500. of his son, Gen. Gilbert S. Meems, are the finest on the banks of the Shenandoah river, in the valley of Virginia, and jointly include over 5,000 broad acres in the highest cultivation. Upon this lordly expanse graze over seven hundred head of cattle and horses, everything appertain ing to this princely establishment being upon the most comprehensive scale."

SALE OF AYRESHIRE CATTLE.A sale of Ayreshire cattle, says the Boston Cultivator, belonging to the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, took place on the 9th of May. The cows and heifers brought an average of $98.50-the four-year-old bull $115, and the two-yearold $85-the bull calf $52.50, and the heifer calf $40. These prices, although very low, are perhaps all that could have been expected, considering that the animals are not allowed to leave the State, and the depression in cattleenterprise from the excitement in regard to pleuro-pneumonia.

By an Advertisement in another column it will be seen that a sale of Valuable Stock, probably the first in an annual series, is announced at Waldberg, the residence of Hon. A. B. CONGER, Ex-president of the State Ag. So

Board of Managers-A. D. Jones, E. H. Chaplain, J. T. Griffin, A. ciety. Mr. C.'s herds are widely known for extent and

F. Munger, and Dr. T. Boykin.

the care with which they have been formed, and this will The next Fair is to be held at the city of Omaha, Sep-be one of the most important sales of the season. tember 19th, 20th and 21st.

The Annual Election of Managers of the Chester Co. (Pa.) Agricultural Society, has resulted as follows:


Vice Presidents-M. B. Hickman, Joseph Dowdall, Dr. J. K. Eshleman, Col. Sam'l Ringwalt.

Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer-J. Lacy Darlington. Recording Secretary-WR. D. Sugar and J. Bayard Jefferis. Executive Committee-Lewis Sharpless, Thos. S. Woodward, Chas. W. Roberts, Thos. W. Cheyney, Wm. Chalfant, Wellington Hickman, Lewis P. Hoopes, John Hannum, Nathan Garret, Wm. Gibbons.

CHENANGO Co. AG. SOCIETY.-Mr. JOHN SHATTUCK, OXford, has our thanks for the Transactions of this Society for 1859-a handsome pamphlet of 52 pages, including the Address of Hon. D. S. Dickinson at its last Fair, list of prizes awarded, &c. We shall copy from it, the statement of Mr. Shattuck on which he received the first prize of $25 for the best dairy farm.

We are informed that Gen. J. S. GOE, of Pennsyl vania, has just sold to Messrs. E. G. Garnett and T. C. Graves, of Petra, Saline Co., Mo., 5 cows, 5 heifers, and a bull calf, all Short-Horns-also 1 pair of Essex swine, 52 Merino ewes, and 3 Merino bucks, and, in addition to the above, 4 mares, two of which were served, and one got by Bush Messenger."

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Mr. Jonas Webb's ram letting is fixed for Thursday, July 5th.

FINE ASPARAGUS.-Office of Glen Cove Farmers' Club, May 17.-MESSRS. EDITORS-We hand you by express to-day, a bunch of asparagus raised by PETER COOK, one of the members of our club, and sent by the club to you. The season being dry and cool, we shall not cut anything like the usual amount this year.

We sent from our land

We are indebted to HENRY KEELER, Esq., Presi-ing on one day this week, per steamer Long Island, ninedent of the Westchester Co. Ag, and Hort. Society, for teen hundred and eighty-five bunches of asparagus-the the Prize List for its next Fair, which is to be held at amount would probably have been at least 2,500 the same R. M. BowNE, Secretary. Addresses are to be time, with a favorable season. Mount Kisco, Sept. 25, 26 and 27. delivered on the 26th, by Robert Cochran, and on the 27th, [We are much obliged for this specimen of what Long Island can do in the way of asparagus raising. It is a by Horace Greeley. bunch of 28 shoots, and weighs three and a half pounds! Our correspondent adds that 12 or 15 farmers of his neighborhood have been recently devoting considerable attention to the crop, and we shall be under farther obligations if he will communicate for our columns the further statements and details to which he alludes. Ens. Co. GENT.]

The Virginia State Agricultural and the Virginia Central Agricultural Societies have combined, and will hold their Fair for the present year upon the grounds of the Central Society, commencing on Monday, the 22d of October, and continuing six days.

The Wisconsin State Fair is to be held this year and next at Madison, the citizens of that place having raised by subscription the amount required by the Executive Board to induce them to locate it there for the next two years.

PEAR CULTURE.-At a recent meeting of the Skaneateles Farmer's Club, it was stated that the Hon. GEORGE GEDDES, of Onondaga, was engaged in planting a pear orchard of about four thousand trees.

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[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] THE CATTLE DISEASE.

entirely around his kingdom, and this, by agreement with the surrounding chiefs, was regarded as neutral ground. No cattle were allowed to cross it, but, in the process of transportation, goods were drawn to the line of demarkation on one side by cattle, then carried across the belt by the natives, and taken up again by oxen in the adjoining territory. The result of this judicious action was that not While beyond an animal died of the disease in that tribe. the belt, cattle could be seen dying upon the hills, and within it, there was perfect security. Mr. Lindsey strong ly asserts that the disease cannot be compromised; that it is a contagious consumption, which is incapable of modi

The pleuro-pneumonia now prevalent in Massachusetts has spread much beyond what was anticipated a week or two since. The passion for trading, dickering, buying and selling, seems to have been greatly increased among those whose cattle were diseased, and thus have infected animals been diffused into various parts of the commonwealth; also by teaming with infected oxen. Where this calamity is to end, it is not now easy to predict. There should be the greatest vigilance exercised to pre-fication. It is the same in Africa as it is in Holland, and vent its crossing the Connecticut river.

Every town should take active measures to prevent any animals from infected regions being brought into their limits and not to allow teams from such regions to pass through them. This has already been done in some towns. Meetings are called in various towns to consider the subject. The people are really waking up to their danger. This should have been done months ago. In stead of that, the disease was suffered to rage on Mr. Chenery's farm under the treatment of one or more veterinary surgeons, and Mr. C. was not informed that it is a contagious disease until he had suffered from it about three months. Of such astounding stupidity, be it spoken reverently, Good Lord, deliver other Commonwealths.

Had the veterinarian, as in the late case in Melbourne, Australia, where a farmer imported the disease from England, as was done in this country from Holland, pronounced it pleuro-pneumonia, and called a meeting as was I done there, and devised measures for the immediate extermination of the infected herd, he would have honored the profession and saved the Commonwealth $100,000. But the history is too well known to require further conThe question for to-day is not what might have been done, but can be done for the immediate extermination of this cattle scourge.

sideration now.

The Secretary of the Board of Agriculture has been ordered to inform all the Governors of the States and Territories of the Union, Boards of Agriculture, and Presidents of State Societies of the nature and character of the disease, that they may take such measures as they may deem necessary to protect themselves from this impending calamity now threatening the great cattle interest of this nation. It is hoped they will act wisely but firmly in the matter.

The Commissioners have invited the Connecticut Legislature now in session in New Haven, to lay the subject before them. While there Mr. Amasa Walker met the Rev. Mr. Lindsey, a Missionary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, who for seven years resided at Port Natal on the eastern coast of Africa. From a conversation with this gentleman, whose position and opportunities for observation entitle him to public confidence, Mr. Walker was fully convinced that the commissioners had taken the only course open to a complete extinction of the disease. Mr. Lindsey states that five years before he left Africa, which was several years ago, a bull, affect ed with pleuro-pneumonia, was imported into Port Natal from Holland. In sixty days after arrival it died. The disease was communicated to other cattle, and spread rapidly in all directions, jumping 300 miles at one time, in consequence of one of the tribe in the infected district driving a herd of cattle that distance. The disease extended along the entire coast, a distance of 1300 miles, sweep ing all the cattle before it.

it will be the same in the United States, unless it is cradicated. It has obtained a foothold in this country, and unless some speedy and effective plan is adopted, it will overrun the States.

A petition for calling an extra session of the Legislature has been prepared by the commissioners after due deliberation, in order, if possible, to derive means and make an appropriation ample to complete the work of extermination. There are well authenticated cases of the disease having been communicated by the clothing of those visiting the infected cattle, to healthful cattle, and yet there are croakers in every slough of ignorance, proclaiming vocally, and through such papers as they can, that pleuro-pneumonia is neither contagious nor infectious-whereas it is undoubtedly both-judging from the testimony of experience and observation. GEORGE. Eastern Massachusetts, May 19.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] TURNING STOCK TO GRASS EARLY. MESSRS. EDITORS-It may do for Mr. VAN LEER, (see Co. Gent., p. 268,) to turn out his stock as soon as his grass starts when he sends them to market on or before the 15th of July. Were he to keep them over until November, he would talk differently no doubt; but I do not understand what kind of grass he has, that his cattle will only eat it when first turned out in spring. Cattle and sheep eat the grass on my lowest land at any season of the year, as well as that on the upland. If his lowland is wet so that they wont eat it only when they first get to grass, I guess it will do them no more good than those raw potatoes will do the sailors, that he says they will eat when confined to salt meat for a long time. Surely the gentleman dont mean to infer that they will fat the men, neither will grass growing out of water fat cattle.

Mr. V. L. says he has fatted cattle for over 30 years. That is not enough to make him perfect, if he always fol I have fed both sheep and cattle lows the same course. over 50 years, and I am still learning. I think I have made some valuable discoveries in the last seven years; but more than 50 years ago I knew that grass growing in low land, with water at the roots, was poison for sheep, and while it might keep cattle alive for a month in spring, it would not improve their condition any more than raw potatoes would sailors, as I presume the stomachs of sailors are like other men's.


IRRIGATION. I would advise all your readers to "wash" A neighbor of their low lands where there is a chance. mine has turned a brook on a rocky defile, and now he cuts several tons of hay from on top of where those large rocks lay. In the spring of the year many loads of valuable manure and fertilizing matter are washed off of our land because we don't dam and throw the water where we should. The amount of fertilizing matter annually washed We can save much of away by small brooks is immense. this matter by a system of dams and ditches so as gradualy to let the water off, leaving the debris on the surface and in the pond holes.

J. T. H.

The cattle belonging to the tribe in which Mr. Lindsey dwelt, were, however, exempt from the infection, not a single case occurring, and for this reason: The chief of VALUE OF OAT STRAW.-Mr. Burt, of Norway, N. Y., the tribe, impressed with the belief that the only remedy states in the Rural New-Yorker, that he was obliged last was in isolating his people and their herds, and cutting off summer to cut his oats very green, on account of the all communication by means of cattle with the surround-grasshoppers. From eight acres, yielding 300 bushels, he ing tribes, forbade the introduction of all cattle into his kept eighteen head of cattle two months on the straw domains. He cleared a belt of land about 300 rods wide, alone, without grain, and kept them well.

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As it appears when Folded up for Moving about the Farm. The subscribers having completed the most perfect Mower ever of fered to the public, are prepared to fill all orders which may be sent to them. A few of these Machines were built the past season to test their merits, and in every instance giving entire satisfaction, and taking the preference over all others wherever it came in competition; invariably taking the first premium at every fair last fall where pre miums were given. For description address the subscribers, when Circulars will be sent free of charge. Manufactured by

June 1-m1t.


Corner of Philip & Johnson sts., Albany 'N. Y.

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AS IT APPEARS IN THE FIELD The machine is supported on two driving wheels, which act together or separately, keeping the knives in motion in turning either to the right or left.

which allows either end to rise or fall without affecting the other. The cutter bar is attached to the frame by a DOUBLE HINGE JOIST, adapting itself to all inequalities of the surface, and also adding greatly to the strength of the machine.



WHEN NOT IN USE THE CUTTERS CAN BE INSTANTLY FOLDED OVER THE FRONT OF THE FRAME, RENDERING THE MACHINE AS PORTABLE AS A COMOne of the strongest proofs of the great success of the Buckeye Mower, is found in the fact that, since its introduction, so many other machine manufacturers have changed the construction of their own machines, and introduced features in IMITATION of the BUCKEYE These imitations are all necessarily failures, as the desired advanta ges cannot be attained without infringing the Buckeye Patents.

Of superior quality, packed to go long distances safely, by
Express: 400, $1: 1000, $2; 5000, $9; 10,000, $15-during
May and June. Our Plants have produced fine crops in
the North for many years, even as high as 44°.
Circular of directions in culture, and experience of our & ADAMS, AND AULTMAN & MILLER, WHICH PATENTS WILL BE FULLY
patrons, sent for a stamp. C. B. MURRAY,

(late O. S. Murray & Son,)
Foster's Crossings,
Warren Co., Ohio.

Mar 29-weowt? | May 1m1t

One Vol. 12 mo.-Price $1.50.



The greatest care will be taken in the selection of material, and the construction of the Machine, and the Buckeye of 1860 will present more claims than ever before, to the consideration of the farmer wishing to secure the best Mowing Machine.

Orders must be sent early to Secure Machines. My unfilled orders of last season amounted to several hundred. Descriptive Circular,

AMERICAN WEEDS AND USEFUL PLANTS with testimonials, forwarded by mail.

and Illustrated edition of Agricultural Botany: an enumeration and description of useful plants and weeds, which merit the notice or require the attention of American agriculturists. By Wm. Darlington, M. D. Every Farmer or Farmer's Son who wishes to know the names and character of the plants growing on his farm, should study this book. For sale at the office of the Co. Gent, and Cultivator. L. TUCKER & SON.

JOHN P. ADRIANCE, Manufacturer and Proprietor,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. and Worcester, Mass.
Warehouse 165 Greenwich St., near Courtland, New-York.
Coeymans, Albany Co., N. Y.

April 26-w&mtf.

JAS. WALKER & CO.. Agents,

Schenectady, N. Y.




Caps rendered anti-mildew, and with improved metal eyelets in the corners; also Dinmore's patent fasteners, for sale by the subscribers.

Prices range from 28 cents to 63 cents, according to size and quality of caps. The articles offered this year are superior to any of fered before, and we think are perfectly adapted to the purpose. HOW CHASES & FAY, Boston, Mass.

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