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[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.]

Raising, Hoeing, and Thinning Out Root Crops. EDS. Co. GENT.-Hoeing carrots and other root crops being now in order, with those that raise such crops, and several farmers having called on me and wondered that I got along so easily with my roots, and that my carrots, parsnips, &c., had so much less weeds among them than theirs had, it has put me in mind of writing, and letting the numerous readers of the Co. GENT. know the course I pursue to raise these crops, hoping that any one who has tried the course here recommended, as well as other methods, and has found a better way, will let us know all

about it.

The first thing in raising roots, is to get the land as clean and free from weeds as possible. To do this, the ground should be plowed as soon as it is dry enough in the spring. Then harrow lightly, and let it lay until the weather gets warm and the weeds well started. Then I begin with the part intended for parsnips, which are sown about or a little before the middle of May, or a little before corn planting-and give the ground a thorough work ing, thereby destroying the worst crop of weeds of the season; and in fact doing the first hoeing before the seed is sown.

The land for carrots and mangolds, is prepared the same way, a week or two later. The ground for ruta bagas, sweet turnips, &c., should be worked over about the same time, and then again before sowing, which should be done sometime the fore part of June.

In raising roots, plenty of seed should be sown, not only to ensure a good stand of plants, but it is much easier to hoe up all that are not wanted, where they are too thick, than it is to look up the scattering plants when they are small, and not easily seen among the weeds, while there is no difficulty in seeing the rows when they stand thick, and they may be be hoed up much closer, leaving a very narrow space for the plants, and but few weeds standing, that will have to be taken out one at a time.

Now we come to hoeing, and find-if the land has been well attended too, for a year or two back-that there is comparatively few weeds, and that these have not got much the start of the crop yet, as we hoe about the time the rough leaf begins to start. We also find that the plants stand very thick in the row, perhaps ten times as many as should be allowed to grow; and to a new beginner, it looks like an endless job to weed and thin them


easier, cheaper, and better for the crop to hoe often, and thus not only keep the ground mellow, but by hoeing before the weeds get much size they are scarcely any trouble, except what few may be in the rows, and these being small are easily taken out with the hoe. It should always be kept in mind that a small weed can be taken out of the row easier and quicker with a sharp cornered hoe than with the fingers, while a large one, with strong spreading roots, can only be removed by hand, with more or less difficulty and danger to any tender plant it may be near to. All roots should be attended to, more or less the latter part of the season, and on no account should any weeds be allowed to go to seed. There are many kinds that will come up and go to seed after the usual time of hoeing is past. And although they may not make much of a show in the crop, yet there will be sufficient seed matured and scattered on the ground to make trouble for years after. While it will take but very little time to go through them two or three times in the latter part of the summer and destroy all the scattering weeds that make their appearance. By so doing, and manuring with well rotted manure, roots can be grown on the same land year after year with but little trouble from weeds. The different kinds being made to succeed each other in rotation, will, in a great measure, answer as well as raising them in rotation with other crops.

Another advantage in having several different kinds is, that not being all sown at one time, the hoeing wont all come at once, but may be done at odd spells so as not to interfere with other work on the farm but very little. Western N. Y., June, 1860.

P. F.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator]. Trailing Annuals and their Enemies. Ens. Co. GENT.-Last year I gave you a remedy for the attacks of insects upon melon, cucumber, squash, pumpkin, and other vines, which proved the most efficient among the almost innumerable remedies advanced by books, papers, &c., in every direction. But this year I have hit on one still more efficient; I might say, effectual. It consists simply in placing calls or small cages, each containing a hen with her chickens, in different parts of the "patch,"-say 40 or 50 feet apart. The chickens not only eagerly seek and devour the insects, but also keep the bugs in continual motion, they being very timid and easily scared, especially the striped bug. One little chicken, with keener eyes and nimble legs, is worth half a dozen men. The application of liquid manure is also strongly adviseable. I almost despaired this summer of being able to raise a single melon, until, as a dernier resort, I luckily hit upon the "Eureka." Necessity is indeed the mother of invention. Try it readers of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, and report your opinion. CHARLES STEWART, Penn.

But with a light new hoe, with the corners standing out well, we commence first by hoeing along each side of the row, hoeing up weeds, plants and all, except a narrow strip, about half an inch in width, more or less as the plants stand thick or thin, in the center of the row. Then with the corner of the hoe pick out the weeds from among the plants that are left. There still being many more than we intend to grow, we find it a very good way to do [For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] part of the thinning out the first hoeing, so that in taking PROTECTING TREES FROM RABBITS. the weeds from among the plants, it is very easy to hoc out a portion of the surplus plants, still leaving more than MESSRS. L. TUCKER & SON-I noticed in COUNTRY GENis intended to grow to be taken out the same way when TLEMAN, one of your correspondents is at a loss to know they are hoed again, thus doing all the weeding and thin-how to protect dwarf trees from rabbits. My plan is simning out with the hoe. There is much less difficulty in ple, effectual and durable. I make one tree protect anothdoing this than at first sight might seem to be the case. er. Select chestnut saplings, rather larger in diameter than The new beginner will have to be a little careful at first, the stock to be protected; slit the bark say two or three and learn to carry a steady hand; and also learn the many feet; ring top and bottom; twist the bark off and endifferent ways the hoe can be turned and applied, so as close the stock; it will remain on for three or four years. to bring the corner on to any weed that may be standing I think there is another advantage; in locations subject very near to the carrot, or any other root he wishes to to late frosts, it would prevent the sap from rising, acting save, in such a manner as to remove the weed without as a shade to the stock. injuring the plant. This, though it will appear somewhat difficult at first, is easily done when a little used to it, and he will soon learn that by carrying a steady hand and turning the hoe the many different ways that may be required to meet each particular case, that he can weed and thin out roots much easier and faster with a hoe than he can with his fingers. He will also soon learn to have confidence in what he is doing, and be able to make as quick and handy motions as in ordinary hoeing.

Another thing in regard to hoeing roots is, that it is

Buck Valley, Pa.


To Destroy Worms on Apple Trees.

In the nrorning when the worms are in their nests, take a shot gun and climb the tree; put in a charge of powder, (without shot or wads, of course,)-put on a cap, hold the muzzle about a foot from the nest, and discharge the piece. Thousands of nests can be obliterated in a short time. A single trial will convince a man whether it is best to set a few trusty boys at the work. B. Conn.

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We are indebted to CALVERT VAUX's excellent treatise | room connects through a pantry with a kitchen wing, which on "Villas and Cottages" for the accompanying design and plans of a Country House of some pretension. Mr. V. remarks:

"This design was prepared and executed for a gentleman of Newburgh; and the general idea of the plan includes so much that is called for by the American climate and habits of life in the northern states, that it will probably be better worth the attention of those who wish to build a moderatesized cheap house, with a kitchen above ground, than many other plans of more pretension. It possesses one convenient quality, which some other styles of plans cannot be arranged to include, for it admits of many modifications, without sacrifioing its advantages. It may be completely altered in outside appearance, and doubled in extent of interior accommodations, and yet be in reality the same plan. It can be adapted to almost any situation by a proper arrangement of the

[blocks in formation]

is also approached from the main body of the house under the staircase. A lobby opens on to a kithen veranda facing south, that provides a servant's entrance, and is convenient for hanging out clothes under cover in rainy weather. A kitchen 17 by 13, fitted up with closets, wash trays and store-room, completes the accommodation on the main floor and wing. By this plan the disadvantages of living in the basement are entirely avoided, and the lady of the house can superintend her servants with ease and comfort.

"In the chamber plans will be found five bed-rooms and a bath room and water-closet; and in the wing two bed-rooms and a house-maid's sink. All these rooms are supplied with registers near the ceiling, that communicate with foul air flues separate from the chimney flues. In the garret over the bath-room is a large well-lighted linen-room; and as this is planned on the half-landing, it is very easy of access from the chamber-floor. A large store-room, the size of the bedroom over the dining-room, is finished off under the roof in a common way, and is secured with a door after being enclosed from the stairs by a plastered partition. The remainder of the space is open and unplastered. It makes a very roomy garret, with plenty of headway all over it; but the windows in the peaks are of course close to the floor, and it was never intended that any bed-rooms should be fitted up bere. The roof is covered with shingles, the flat being floored and covered with canvas. In the basement are cellars and furnaceroom, the kitchen wing foundations not being carried down farther than was necessary to keep clear of frost. In this house special precaution was taken, by the proprietor's request, with regard to the plumber's work. All the pipes, hot, cold, and waste, were enclosed in a tin envelope fitted tolerably close to the pipes. As the work proceeded, this tin case was soldered up every here and there, and particularly where the pipe is led through the wall, in the first instance, and






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sects that work their way from below, and are often found about water fixtures in rooms, are prevented from crawling up and down, and breeding among the warm pipes, as they are tempted to do in many situations.

oofs. Thus, for example, on an elevated and somewhat open site, such a one as this house occupies, a roof of only moderate pitch is desirable. On level ground, or in a valley, a high pitched roof should be preferred It is also an economical plan for the accommodation afforded, as will be seen by the particulars of cost that are annexed. The house, as now finished, is constructed with an eight-inch brick wall, furred off off outside, and covered with clap-boards in the ordinary way followed in a wooden building. This plan of construction was adopted in accordance with the special request of the propri- where it starts from the boiler. By this means the little inetor, who preferred it to any other method. Its advantages are, that it secures to a certainty a perfectly dry interior wall. On the other hand, it seems undesirable to have a brick house and to give it the appearance of a wooden one, as brick is the superior and more durable looking material. The accommodation may be thus described: A veranda-porch on the east provides a covered approach to the front door. The principal hall, 11 6 by 10 feet, gives access to the parlor and library, "After the contracts had been made, the proprietor left the both of which are on the south of the house, and also to the work entirely in the hands of the architect; and with the exdining-room. Another door opens on to a staircase-hall, which ception that hard walls were substituted for brown walls is easily accessible either from the principal rooms or from the throughout, and that some trifling alterations were made in kitchen wing. This is desirable, as the scale of the house the arrangements for the linen-press, the plans, as signed, would not warrant a second staircase. An east and a south were faithfully executed for the contract amount, without any veranda are supplied to the principal rooms, but each has difficulty whatever. The carpenter's and mason's extras, windows that are unobstructed by any veranda. The dining-which amounted to $350, included the change, from brown

"The carpenter's contract for this house was taken at $3500; the mason's at $2500; the remainder of the work was done by the day.

wall to hard finish, and all the work appertaining to a large out-building at some distance from the house."

It will be perceived that this house, which cost about $6000, might have been built much cheaper of brick in the ordinary way; and at a still less sum, or at one-half its actual cost, if built of wood only. We do not recommend it for its mode of erection, but for its admirable plan and fine exterior views


By a “light soil" we mean one of a loamy and porous character-the opposite of those containing considerable clay, and "heavy" or compact in their nature. A sandy or gravelly loam, never becoming baked into clods, presents very different characteristics from one liable to the latter state, under certain conditions of drouth and moisture, and may be cultivated in a different manner, and with far less regard to times and seasons. Hence we have thought best to divide some hints we propose to offer on wheat culture-giving in another article some thoughts on the preparation of heavy soils.

In the first place, we may remark that summer fallowing, save for the simple purpose of cleaning the land of weeds, is not essentially requisite for wheat growing on light soils. Indeed, it may be injurious rather than beneficial, by producing too light a state of the surface soil for this crop.

If the land be weedy, however, a thorough summer fallow will most thoroughly eradicate them from the soil. Weeds, as we have said before, have been divided into two classes; those which increase by their seeds, and those which are propagated principally by their roots-an essential distinction as regards the means used for their destruction. The weeds produced from seeds can only be eradicated by burying all the seeds where they will germinate-near or upon the surface—and then destroying them by tillage. To this end not only should the plowings be frequent but the division of the soil as perfect as possible. To destroy weeds which propagate by the root, we must bury them deeply and perfectly with the plow, or by shallow surface tillage cut them up by the roots and expose to the sun and air.

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wheat on the ground, sown after barley and spring wheat, with some twelve loads of fine compost (muck and barn manure,) per acre. Twenty loads would have given a better crop, and few light soils, whatever their condition as to fertility, but would bring profitable returns for the application of manure; not deeply covered, but placed near the surface.

As to the depth and character of the plowing, it must depend to a great degree upon the nature of the subsoil. If readily made fertile, it should be brought to the surface, and deep plowing would produce the best result. If sterile, we should not advise exposing its barrenness, but would break its depths for other than the wheat crop, plowing in the fall or subsoiling for some spring grain or root crop.

A loamy soil, in clover, may be broken up after the hay is taken off, and then, aided by a light dressing of manure, produce a good product of wheat. It should be turned under with a flat furrow, and the manure worked in thoroughly with the surface soil. We have found a light plow, or gang-plow, an excellent implement for covering manure, and also for wheat, and prefer to use it without any subsequent employment of the harrow, in order to leave the surface in ridges, the better to retain the snows of winter, as well as by their crumbling down under the spring frosts, to furnish a mulch for the roots of the wheat growing in the furrows, thus enabling the plants the better to withstand the winter.

There is this advantage in devoting light soils to wheat growing-the labor of preparation is less than that on heavy soils, and their warm, quick character hastens the maturity of the crop, thus furnishing additional security against the attacks of that potent enemy, the wheat midge. The heavy soil, properly prepared and in favorable scasons, will produce the largest crop of wheat, and that of the best quality; but under less favorable conditions, presents greater liability to failure. To these considerations we shall give some thoughts hereafter, and hope our readers will join with us in the discussion of the whole subJect of Wheat Culture.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] IMPROVEMENT IN THE HAY-RAKE.

I have a small but very important improvement on the Revolving Horse-Rake. It consists simply in bolting

Fig. 1.

the handles and sidepieces fast together at a, (Fig. 1,) so that there is no spring or working, as is usually the case. The piece

On light lands, not particularly weedy, what is called a "1 fallow green may be employed. Field peas sown thickly will effectually cover the surface and smother all other vegetation, as well as ripen sufficiently early for wheat sowing. They take little from the soil, and leave it in a fine, mellow state, ready with a single plowing for the autuinn crop. Beans, planted in drills or hills, have the advantage over peas, that they may be cultivated du-of wood that holds the steel spring on the handles, is ring their growth, and the preparation of the soil thus about 12 inches long, 14 inches thick, 4 inches wide, furthered during the summer. They are of the same represented in side view by Fig. 2; b is the spring, 14 inches wide, with a bend at the bottom upwards, character in their demands upon the soil, but do not always half or three-quarters of an inch, to prevent ripen as early as is desirable in order to prepare in good the spring from getting out of place when the season for wheat. Corn is a good cleaning crop, but rake revolves; c, (Fig. 1,) shows the steel ripens too late for wheat, as well as takes from the soil spring as resting on the rake-tooth, holding it the same elements as the latter crop. The same is true firmly. of timothy, and this is an important reason why wheat growers should prefer clover hay and pasturage, especially

on their wheat soils.

A light soil, say a clover ley, if sufficiently rich for wheat, may bear an intervening crop of peas or beans, and then be sown to wheat without additional manure. But if not in good heart, or if any spring grain crop be grown during the summer, it may still grow wheat if properly manured for that crop. We have now a good crop of

Fig. 2.

You will discover by this arrangement, that the rake is bolted together on both sides with two good bolts, with nuts to them. Understand there are two springs, resting on two rake-teeth, and when the rake revolves the springs work like a charm. As usually made, the above named pieces of wood are nailed on slanting, and spring outward when the rake revolves; the handles, them in at every revolution. resting on round pins, allowing the rake teeth to spring

This rake, made as I have endeavored to describe, makes the rake all solid; the two steel springs give way

[blocks in formation]

Any person who uses the revolving rake, as now constructed, will understand it in a few minutes by comparing this description with his rake, while it is in operation. As usually made, the handles are made to act as springs, springing nearer together as the rake revolves and passes the sloping wood pins attached to their forward ends. The improvement of our correspondent supersedes the spring of the handles, by attaching steel springs at their forward end. The figure of the revolving rake given on p. 122 of vol xiv, of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, does not represent this attachment, that figure having been drawn upon before this modern improvement was introduced, but all may be easily understood by examining any rake of present construction.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] Visit to the Society of Shakers, Canterbury, N. H.


EDS. Co. GENT.-On the 28th of June I visited the Society of Shakers in Canterbury. Their village is some 15 miles north of Concord, and nine east of the Merrimac river. They own about 2,500 acres of land, lying in nearly a square body. The society is composed of three families. The north family has a population of between 50 and 60; the middle family numbers over 80, and the south has about 150-there being about 300 in all.

The south family own about 1,700 acres of land, 600 of which is improved, the balance in pasture, wood, timber, &c. The large and beautiful village is located upon an extensive ridge of land, and can be distinctly seen from a distance of more than twenty miles, from various points of the surrounding country. The dwelling houses are large, substantially built, and finished in the most thorough manner, with every convenience for saving and economiz. ing labor, and are kept with the most scrupulous neatness. Several of the houses are of brick, three stories high, besides the basements. They have numerous workshops and other buildings for the manufacture of a great variety of wooden wares, brooms, &c., and for the drying and preparation of medicinal and other herbs and roots, and the manufacturing of medicines of various sorts, all of which are put up in the neatest manner, and without adulteration; whoever purchases the unbroken packages as they come from the hands of the Shakers, may rest assured they are what they purport to be.

fields of the United Brethren at Canterbury. They had already secured a large amount of hay, being obliged to eut it thus early upon account of its being badly lodged. Their extensive grounds, devoted to the cultivation of almost every kind of garden vegetable and esculent for family use, and for that of medicinal herbs and roots, in point of clean and careful culture, and straightness of rows, would compete successfully, if placed by the side of Chinese or Flemish garden culture.

chard of twenty-five acres, and large numbers of pear They cultivate fruit extensively, having one apple ortrees, and an abundance of strawberries and other small fruits and berries, as also flowers in great variety and profusion; and we doubt not these are fully appreciated by the kind hearted and modestly attired sisters of the frater


One of the more recently attractive matters connected with this family, is their large, new and expensive barn,* the main body of which is 200 feet in length, and 45 in width, with a projection at each end of 25 feet long and about 20 wide, thus making the whole length about 250 the same size of the main part of the barn. From the sills to the eaves 34 feet. There are three floors running the entire length of the main buildings, the hay being carted into the barn on the upper floor, so that most of it is "pitched down instead of up." The floors, partitions and ceilings are all planed and finished off, as nice as a dwelling house. There are two hovels extending the whole length of the barn, the eastern divisions of which are for milch cows, with slip stanchions for tying up twenty-three cows in each. The cows have been so trained that they pass into the hovels and take their places with the regularity of well drilled soldiers. The name of each cow is printed on slips of paper, in large letters, and tacked on the joist overhead. Like the "world's people," they select fanciful names for their cows, such as Tamarind, Flora, Crinoline, &c. By a very simple arrangement, the turning of a short lever, fastens or unloosens the heads of all milked at about six o'clock in the morning, and between the cows in "the twinkling of an eye." The cows are four and five in the afternoon. They are in the pasture night and day, except while being milked. The cows are of mixed and various breeds, such as Durham, Devon, from a mingling of these several bloods. They have five Ayrshire and native,' and the various crosses resulting yoke of work oxen, averaging over seven feet in girth, besides large numbers of young cattle, sheep and superb horses; but they do not go the "whole hog" in pork raising-not so much as keeping a pig. In fact they the kitchen, tables, &c., are in part fed to their fowls, the neither eat pork, ham or lard. The waste matters from ballance goes into the compost heap. The skim milk is made into cheese, both Dutch and pressed. The whey from the cheese vat, (and there is a good deal comes from the daily making of two 50 or 60 pound cheeses,) passes off through sewers, and irrigates their grass lands. It would gladden the heart of Mr. Mechi to witness the re

feet. There is a handsome walled basement or cellar of

A large portion of their cultivated land (in this my results of irrigating grass lands with whey. marks will apply wholly to the large or south family,) is of rather a heavy, moist, strong soil, and is not so well double boarded; then covered with three layers of stout But to go back to their barn. The roof is nearly flat, adapted to the growth of Indian corn as to that of the hay sheathing paper, saturated with coal tar, upon which is crop. The production of hay seems to be the great object at which they aim in their farm culture. They turn spread a thick layer of coal tar and screened gravel. The over sward land in the autumu-following season plant described,) are shingled with good pine shingles of 16 sides and ends of this large barn-(and two others to be with potatoes; next, in corn, without manure,-corn with them being a secondary object. Two years' cultivation inches in length, being laid but four inches to the weather. eradicates weeds, grasses, &c., and leaves the ground in a From the center of the large barn, on the south side, exsituation to produce heavy crops of clean grasses. In tends a two story building 100 feet in length by 27 feet stocking down to grass, they use barley in preference to in width. The loft is for the storage of hay, grain, straw, oats or wheat. In the spring, before plowing for the bar- &c. The lower portion is divided into several rooms for ley, they apply from 50 to 75 cart-loads of manure from calf-pens, store-room, hospital for sick animals, &c., and the barn cellar; a large crop of barley follows, succeeded a well finished room for the herdsman. The roof of this, in after years by larger crops of hay-for the two or more years after being laid down to grass, two heavy crops are annually mown. In my ride to Canterbury, some twenty miles, I saw hundreds of acres of grass fields, that will yield most meager products. But it is a rich treat for one to cast his eyes over the extensive and luxuriant mowing

as well as that of the sheep barn, now being built, is is 108 by 43, three stories high. The drive-way, for the nearly flat, covered with tar, gravel, &c. The sheep barn cartage of hay is 17 feet wide, the floor of which is level with the girths; two loads of hay can be driven in abreast;

* Costing $20,000.


and at the south end it is wide enough to turn round with amount of winter rye, which is extensively grown on the the cart, which can be driven out instead of "backing light sandy soils bordering the Contoocook, Blackwater and The ends of the large barn are so graded that the Warner rivers, tributaries of the Merrimac. These several teams pass in at one end and out at the other. They in- streams pass into the Merrimac a few miles north of Contend putting up a large shed extending from the south cord. Apples, pears, plums and other fruits now promise west corner of the barn-as does the sheep barn from the an abundant crop. Insects appear to be much less numesoutheast-running south. The barn-yards will be separous than for several years past, especially the early gaterrated in the middle by the 100 by 27 feet building, and pillar and curculio. screened from winds by the sheep barn and building yet to be erected. The yards will be about 100 feet square, abundantly supplied with water.

The Canterbury and Enfield Society of Shakers own about 700 acres of "Genesee Flats," in Mount Morris, N. Y., where they raise largely of broom and Indian corn. Last year, they had at the Mount Morris farm 300 acres in broom corn and 175 in Indian corn. In 1858, they had 75 acres in corn which yielded 65 bushels per acre. They can raise and freight this corn to New-Hampshire, at a cheaper rate than they can grow or purchase it there. So of the broom corn. They also have eight acres of intervale land on the west bank of the Merrimac river, at Concord. This is mostly used in the production of medicinal roots, herbs, &c., of which their sales amount to over $3,000 annually.

With the supply of labor always at command, their farming operations are performed at the right time and in the best manner I was at their place a few years since, (before the introduction of mowing machines and hay caps,) just as they had finished their haying. They estimated their hay that year at 150 tons, every clip of which was cut with the scythe, and every load of it stored in the barn in less than three weeks. and not a load of it was injured by rain.

I saw numerous fields of fine clover in full bloom, much of it ready for the scythe-nearly or quite all of which appeared to be the medium or western variety, which comes forward too early for "timothy and red-top grass.' Would it not be well for our farmers to sow at least a part of their grounds with the large northern variety. On good land it yields a very much larger crop, and coming into blossom later, it is fit to cut at the same time of cutting timothy and red-top. If mown at the "right time," and properly made and housed, cattle, sheep and horses will eat it as readily and clean as they will the smaller varieties. From its longer and larger root and top, it is far preferable for plowing in for green manuring to the south

ern or western varieties.

A large portion of the old mowing fields will yield but a very light clip of grass this year-perhaps there will be a falling off of the hay crop in this section of 25 per cent., compared with that of the past three years.

A few more words about barns. The farmers in this region of country, within a very few years past, have a real mania for building number-one barns. In my jaunt I saw scores of them-built within the past five years. They are generally from 80 to 100 feet in length, by 40 or more feet in width, all of which have cellars the size of the barn. They are "finished off" in the most thorough manner. Some are battened; others have the sides and ends shingled; others are clapboarded. All well supplied with light from glass windows, and painted. Many of them have tastefully finished ventilators upon the top of the roof or ridge.

With the mechanical skill and ingenuity possessed by some of the brethren, and the ample pecuniary means at their command, they seem to lack nothing that will serve to lessen the labor and toil of human muscle and nerve. They have invented and patented, (Jan., 1858,) unquestionably the best and most efficient washing ma- By the way, when describing the Shaker barn, I forgot chine for large establishments, that has ever been put to notice the three large ventilators (with their Venetian to a practical test. Though but recently brought into blinds) upon the large barn, which carry the warm foul public notice, they are extensively used in great num-air from the hovels, &c., to the roof. There are also six or bers of our hospitals, asylums, and largest class hotels, and they give the utmost satisfaction, as the "statements and commendations" of numerous letters and certificates from many of the most prominent hotel keepers and others, fully testify. They are not designed for common family use, but for that of large establishments, being propelled by steam power. They have already disposed of over eight thousand dollars worth-being in use in various cities, from the Insane Asylum in New-Hampshire to Willard's Hotel in Washington, D. C., and from the Revere House in Boston to the Tremont in Chicago.

I attended one of their evening meetings. Of the religious belief and mode of worship, and domestic arrangements of these professing christians, it comes not within my province to judge them. In pursuing the course they do in these matters, they but exercise their constitutional rights, and worship God according to the dictates of conscience, and no one has the right in an authoritative manner, to say unto them "why do ye so."

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There are many other interesting and useful facts connected with the labors and practices of these industrious, charitable and peaceable citizens, that are well worthy of being put in print." But the length of this precludes any farther remarks respecting them at this time, for I wish to say something in regard to the agricultural prospects of the territory through which I travelled, going by one route and returning by another-corn, potatoes and beans, generally, appearing unusually well for this early season of the year-so of the growing oats. I saw a large number of fields of winter wheat, all of which was look ing most promising, though some pieces were injured to some extent by winter-kill. The midge recently made its appearance, but most of the winter wheat has "got the start of the insect." Many fields of spring sown wheat are just heading out, and such probably will suffer badly by the ravages of the insect. In the aggregate I saw a large

eight large wooden boxes or pipes from the cellar through the roof, for conveying the heated foul air of the cellar above the roof.

Warm, comfortable hovels for cattle are all very well, but for their most perfect health and thrift, fresh, pure air is also quite as necessary. Therefore, in the construction of cattle barns and stables, provision should be made for suitable and adequate ventilation. It is a sanitory measure that should not be overlooked, more especially in these times of Pleuro-Pneumonia. L. BARTLETT.

Warner, N. H., June 30, 1860.

[For the Cultivator and Country Gentleman.]


Saturday, 23d of June, the Farmers' Club of Skaneateles held their first exhibition of fruits and vegetables. The show was good; finer fruit ought not to be desired, and we think the lover of rhubarb should feel satisfied. The leaf of one measured 3 feet 7 inches in diameter, the leaf stalk over 2 inches diameter and 2 feet 2 inches long. The strawberries were beautiful. Fifty-three entries were made, sixteen of which were for strawberries. The Wilson's Albany Seedling bore the bell, but I consider McAvoy of much finer flavor. The bouquets were beautiful. Miss E. Suook presented 21 varieties of Pansies, mostly seedlings; they were superb. The flowers as a whole were good and well arranged. On Saturday, the 14th inst., we have our second show. Your presence would add to the interest felt here, and with your own eyes you would be able to judge if we are what we consider ourselves to be, promoters of improvement. Aye, and it would enable you to see that some things are attained here in the grow. ing of live fences, as well as in England and elsewhere S. M. Brown, at the close of the exhibition, made a few appropriate remarks. W. M. BEAUCHAMP.

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