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general rule, applying manure, if at all, to the corn crop In a recent article on the "Manurial Resources of the before plowing. Another takes care to return to grass before his soil is over cropped with grain, depending upon Farm," we put grass-growing in rotation with grain crops as the first grand resource of the farmer for raising and keep the former for the power to produce the latter, and we ing up the fertility of his soil. Having since noted sev-may say that it is a dependance not likely to be misplaced, eral facts bearing upon this subject, which may tend far- if we give the grass crop the attention which it merits both ther to illustrate and enforce the importance of attention from is intrinsic value and the place which it must hold to this fact in husbandry-" that the growing of clover in all self-sustaining, farm improving systems of agriculand the grasses lies at the foundation of all profitable farming," we note them for our readers.

bushel of plaster per acre, pastured the next season, and



"When we manure our meadows plentifully," says Thaer's Principles of Agriculture, we are quite sure of a sufficient supply for our arable land," and when we find a farm under management rendering it capable of produc

That on many of our natural wheat soils good crops of that grain have been grown every three years, and even every other year for many successive periods, is a well known fact. We find in the Rural New-Yorker of Julying good crops of grass for pasturage or mowing, as said 21, a letter from P. Hathaway of Milan, O., who for twen- before, we may rest assured that it is really fertile, and A limited supply of manure, ty years raised wheat annually on one of three fields, the may easily be continued so. we think, would go farther if applied early in the fall (in wheat being seeded in spring to clover, dressed with a a fine state) on sward land than in any other way. It would tend largely to thicken the turf by increasing the growth of roots and leaves beyond what would otherwise take place through the autumn and winter, as well as giving it an earlier start in spring-benefitting, in fact, both as protection and nourishment. Its value would be enhanced by this result, and the turf, when plowed under, would furnish a rich manuring for any desired crop. Deep plowing, draining, irrigation, any means to promote grass growing will give us at the same time profitable grain farms on all soils suited to its production, as, indeed, to

then summer fallowed and sowed to wheat the third year. "The depth of plowing was uniform-what a yoke of oxen and span of horses attached to a No. 4 Iden plow could accomplish." The average yield of wheat for the first seven years was twenty-six bushels per acre; near the close of the term, thirty-six bushels, and now, on the same land, he had wheat growing which will yield from twenty-five to thirty bushels per acre, and this sown on oat stubble with two plowings. "The midge," he adds, “for a time was a baffling pest, but now, when we escape its ravages, the land proves itself unimpaired in fertility."

one kind or another, most soils are.


While we would not advocate any severe course of cropping tending rapidly to exhaust the soil, we would advise farmers to grow all the clover and grasses possible, if they The season of sowing is once more at hand, and the would keep their farms fertile and productive when de-matter of seed and its commission to the earth is again voted to grain. As long as a soil with the aid of a bushel and increasingly, we believe, receiving the attention of of plaster per acre will grow heavy crops of clover, we farmers. No course of conclusive experiments has as yet need not fear but it will grow grain erops at suitable in- settled the important question as to the proper quantity of tervals without further application of manure. We may wheat for seeding an acre, or decided definitely and authorifind it most profitable to feed the grass grown to stock, tatively on the contest of Thick vs. Thin Seeding of this taking the manure they supply meanwhile in return; still and other grains. Much has been said and written upon this would only be grass in another and (for this purpose the subject, but the experiments detailed as proof, point perhaps) better form, with some additional elements gain- to such opposite conclusions that both sides claim the deed from the animal organisms through which it has passed. cision in favor of the mode which they have practiced. But we did not intend to attempt any discussion of this Thick seeding was most popular when the drill system was branch of the subject. brought forward, resting in part its claims to superiority on the saving in amount of seed, and bringing strong testimony in its favor. Evidence equally conclusive is abundant on the other side, and thus the question seems left to the judgment of the individual directly interested—the farmer himself; he must follow his own views-employ his own discretion-and sow the amount of seed he thinks will produce the best crop.

for corn;

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Among the questions proposed to every competitor for a farm premium by our State Agricultural Society, is this: "What do you consider the best mode of improving the soil on your farm?" with reference to the different kinds of soil, clay, sand or gravel; and it is curious to observe how uniform have been the answers received. One (in the Transactions of '58) plows greensward under in the spring "likes to have a coat of grass on the turf to turn Under a perfect system of tillage-giving all the ground under; some apply manure during the course of cropping and all the strength of the soil to the one product of before again seeding to grass. Another says: "My method wheat-no doubt the rule would hold good, that the greatof increasing the product is by the use of plaster (sown on er the number of perfect stems and heads per acre, the clover;) on the home farm' I also use barnyard manure." greater the amount of grain produced. Such would seem Another top-dresses his meadows, to increase the growth to be the teaching of the experiments given in our State of grass with a portion of his stock manure, while another Transactions for 1849, where wheat sown in squares one puts all his manure on his newly seeded grass lands. These are mostly dairy farmers, who yet grow a considerable share of grain for home consumption.

Turning more particularly to the grain growing farms, we still find grass, and clover particularly, the basis of their improvement. "A clover lay of two or three years turned under in May for corn, or in August for wheat," is the

and a half inches each way, taking nearly four bushels of seed per acre, gave a product of almost seventy bushels, while one-fourth the amount of seed, in squares of three inches, gave fifty-one bushels; and other trial plots, using two bushels of seed, and three-fourths of a bushel, gave respectively products rating at sixty and at forty-five bushels per acre. English experiments give about the

same result, pointing strongly to an even distribution of the seed over the ground on all clean soils. Weeding, where needed, compensates for the loss of space in drill. culture, and we are not without experiments showing thin seeding very favorably by the side of the more liberal supply, espcially in cases of early sowing on rich or very carefully cultivated soils.

These various discussions and experiments point at least to one fact for the guidance of the farmer-but one very generally known and considered-that rich, deep thoroughly worked soils do not need as great an amount of seed as those of a less fertile character. In the early settlement of the great wheat section of this State, farmers long practiced sowing about one and a half bushels, or less, per acre, and on their fresh, unworn soils, doubtless raised as large, if not larger crops than they would with more abundant seeding. As the years rolled on, the amount of seed was increased in many cases to two and one-fourth to two and a half bushels, the plant showing less disposition to tiller and grow luxuriantly than before. The use of the drill effected a saving of at least half a bushel per acre, from the greater certainty of germination when covered to a uniform depth, over the variable amount of soil given when covered by the harrow.

It is found also, that the amount of seed necessary is effected by the variety of wheat, as well as the soil and the time of sowing; some kinds showing more disposition to tiller than others, and all making a greater number of stems when gaining a fair growth in autumn. Their influence should be considered by the farmer, but we would not advise him to rest satisfied with the fair results of seeding induced by the scarcity of seed for the last few years, but to give a full trial to the long settled practice of the best wheat-growers of ancient and modern times, in seeding liberally with a pure article of carefully select ed grain, remembering that in this respect as in all, ye sow, so also shall ye reap."

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] Travels in Iowa-Farmers' College. MESSRS. EDITORS-I left Muscatine July 24, for the College Farm in the centre of the State, 175 miles-38 of which is by railroad to Iowa city, and the rest by stage and on foot. At present this farm is between three principal routes of travel, one west through the Capital, one up the Des Moines valley, and one up the Iowa river. It is on the route of the Chicago, Iowa and Nebraska railroad.


It may be thought wild to talk about railroad routes in Iowa; they were exploded two years ago." If persons could have traveled with me nearly 400 miles last week and this-if they could have seen the beauty, goodness and greatness of this agricultural and horticultural country-if they could have seen the beautiful golden harvest in shock, and the beauty of the uniformly and luxuriant growth of corn-not the wonderful great crops, but the wonderful ease with which they are produced—they would have understood and rejoiced with me at the sure prospect of the rapid advance of this country in all the improvements of the east. And even now, in these "exploded " times of the west, they are laying the iron rail 17 miles west of Iowa city, and will soon have it 30, up to Merango. And on my return, as I left Iowa city, we had 16 loaded freight cars, and before I left the train, in 26 miles, it had increased up to 30. The quantity of freight will be greatly increased from month to month.

The cattle look as fat and sleek as otters, running at large, and in this dry time gathering in herds about the streams; mostly scrub stock, but many very fine Durhams, Our farmers are beginand occasionally a fine milch cow. thinning to appreciate the difference between a scrub and a large well formed Durham. Quite an improvement in the breed of hogs of late. Sheep few. Mr. Grinnell of the town of that name, has brought in this season 2,000 fine wool. Our country is not half stocked with animals, and our farmers are determined to increase it until their stock We must count will consume their great crops of corn. on the amount of money we can get for a ton of produce -wool first, butter and cheese second, beef and pork third, and flour fourth.



USE OF THE CLOD-CRUSHER. SANFORD HOWARD states in the Boston Cultivator, that the following course is successfully pursued in Scotland with the clod-crusher. It is of course only used on heavy clay lands, which on plowing, break up into large clods; and the land must be comparatively free from stone. The soil having been plowed, and left in large clods, a grubber is passed over the whole, loosening up the clods, and leaving them at the surface. The grubber, as our readers may be aware, is like a harrow or cultivator, with long hooked teeth, which loosen the soil as deep or deeper than the plow has run. The clod-crusher is next passed, which breaks the clods into fragments, at the same time it tends to p ess the soil too compactly together. An indispensa ble part of the operation is now to follow with a grubber

to loosen the crumbled soil.

We may add that heavy and tenacious soils, which have been regularly drained, and are judiciously managed, do not often become a mass of large clods, yet this is sometimes the case when hot, drying weather succeeds heavy rains, before plowing can be accomplished. In such instances, the successful planting and cultivation of a crop, could not be expected. We have known a corn crop to be nearly doubled in product by the use of a one-horse clod-crusher between the rows, to reduce the lumps into mellow earth. On undrained clay soils, its use would undoubtedly be often eminently advantageous.

This season has been a hot and dry one, having a spell of drouth in every month, beginning with March and ending with July, for lately we have had a bountiful pouring out of showers over most of the state, and probably all; for although it was dry and the corn leaves were rolling up when I came down the Iowa river two days ago, since then I have seen copious showers. This completes the crop of corn, and it is as heavy as I ever saw it in lowa, and forward-many pieces in roasting ears this 3d of August.

Wheat first rate. In a former communication I had said it would be a good average crop, but it is above. I have heard of some being threshed which yielded 30 bushels per acre, spring. It is of best quality, plump and clean ; I never saw it harvested so promptly in good season-a little tardy in stacking, but probably these showers will not continue long enough to sprout it-price 65 cents a bushel.

What is the prospect of foreign demand? We first hear
bility is there is not much failure." Is not this"
of failure of crops in much of Europe; then "the proba-
bility" for speculation in grain? Is it not English policy
and American dealers' policy, to cry up the gantity and
cry down the price?

and beautiful rolling prairie-70 acres in crops-120 under
fence-a good bank-barn 42 by 60 being built-brick
burned for the kitchen, wash-room and wood house of the
farm house, and when these are all paid for we shall be at
the end of our first $10,000, appropriated by the State two
We have no session of our Legisla
and a half years ago.
ture next winter, and we shall wait patiently one and a
half years to put up our College buildings, when we hope
in three years to open our farin school. SUEL FOSTER.
Muscatine, Iowa, Aug. 3.

COLLEGE FARM.-We have 648 acres of land, timber

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] Harvesting and Keeping Root Crops. MESSRS. EDITORS-In complying with the request of A. J. M., in the Co. GENT. of July 12, present vol., I shall perhaps be able to say but little that is not already familiar to the most of your readers; as my experience in harvesting and keeping roots will not vary materially from the recorded experience of others.

In harvesting roots, begin with mangolds and turnips, which should be taken up before there is any hard freez ing weather, as in consequence of growing more or less out of the ground, they are more likely to be injured than other kinds that grow mostly below the surface. Mangolds are pulled, first, in consequence of growing a considerable part of the root out of the ground; they can generally be pulled by hand without any trouble; but where this is not the case they should be loosened with a spade. They are spread on the ground a few hours to dry, when the tops are cut off, and those intended for winter feeding are taken to the cellar; and the portion that is intended to be used in the spring buried in round shallow pits about one spade deep, twenty-five or thirty bushels in a pit. The same course is pursued with turnips, which are next gathered. Carrots I have always taken up with a space; but where there is a large piece, it would be better to run a plow close along one side of the rows, and turn away the ground, so the roots may be turned out into the furrow and easily pulled by hand. Parsnips can be taken up in the same manner as carrots, that is, those that are wanted for winter feeding. All that are not wanted until spring may remain in the ground until that time.

All the curing I have ever given to roots, or supposed they needed, was to let them dry off a little, and that is mostly done to allow whatever dirt may be attached to them to get dry, so that by handling them the most of it will rattle off, and which, as my land is a sandy loam, and they come out of the ground pretty clean, is all the cleaning that is found necessary as a general thing, though some kinds of turnips will have more or less small fibrous roots that will hold the dirt. In such cases I scrape the fine fibers, dirt and all off, with the back of a large knife that is used to cut up roots with. But this is not done until they are wanted to feed, for the reason that roots, to keep well, should be bruised and mutilated as little as possible.

There will be much less trouble in digging, cleaning and taking care of roots, if it is done before the long heavy rains, late in the fall, make the ground wet and anuddy. From the first to the tenth of November is generally the best time in this latitude. In cutting off the tops of all kinds of roots, care should be taken not to injure the crown of the plant, as they will keep much better when the stems of the leaves are cut off just above the crown, where the last leaves are starting out.

The best method of keeping roots through the winter, I have ever tried, is to bury them; as when it is well done, they will come out in the spring as fresh, tender and sweet as when they were first pulled. In burying roots plenty of straw must be used. It should be put on the pile in the manner best calculated to carry off all rain and snow water, so as to keep the roots as dry as possible. About half the amount of dirt that is necessary to keep potatoes from freezing, will be all that ought to be put on roots, as a little freezing don't injure them in the least, while if kept too warm, they will grow badly, and sometimes rot. Each pit should be finished, and covered for winter, the same day it is begun, as if left open a day or two, or longer, mice will be sure to find it, and make nests and winter in it, destroying more or less roots, and some times making a good many holes through the covering, letting in water, and causing them to rot.

[For the Country Gentleman and Coltivator.] "BALLOON FRAMES"-5th Article.

There is at the present time among monied men who seek investment for their capital in the construetion of buildings, a desire to ascertain the very nice point that limits the union of economy and absolute safety, and this point to which one may approach with confidence, and never, under any circumstances, go beyond, is a leading subject of study for the Civil Engineer and Architect. It has been stated by a distinguished Civil Engineer that the failure of a bridge, or any work, under the proper tests, conveyed a better lesson than its success, as illustrating the position of that point which theory alone can never so well show.

It takes many years of experiments to overcome popular prejudice, brought up to believe that a certain amount of strength, weight, size and labor are requisite for a certain result; we look with suspicion on any one who has the energy, the courage, or the impudence to pronounce the old fashioned mortice and tenon timber frame, with its heavy beams, wasteful extravagance of timber and labor, a relie of by-gone days handed down to us with all the prejudices and ignorance clustered around it. Every day we can see examples of such frames changing shape or tumbling down with their own weight, built with a condition that they shall be strong enough to support themselves, and then sufficiently strong besides for the uses intended, a double motive the balloon frame does not require.

Many mechanics will say the balloon frame is a humbug, an impracticable affair, or, at best, only adapted to the smallest of frames; they are evidently not posted, or else they consider the balloon frame a sad innovation on their business. Certainly the business of framing with heavy timber is somewhat interfered with, but then there will be none the less money expended in building. If men can put up buildings cheaper, they will build them larger, or build more of them.

There is, however, the undeniable and indisputable fact in every town and city, and on nearly every farm in the great west, and in California, that the balloon frame is not a humbug, is not impracticable, but is used indiscriminately for every grade of building required, and has been used since the early settlement of that portion of the west beyond Lake Michigan, say from twenty to twenty-five years, and thoroughly successful.

On the outskirts of some of our large cities of late years there have been many attempts made to cheapen the mortice and tenon frame. Economy certainly has been introduced, but at the expense of strength and security. We have seen sticks three by five inches used as posts for two story buildings, having a tenon on each end, and ten mortices cut in its length to receive the girts and braces-in other cases the braces are beveled to the angle and nailed to post and girth. Others introduce some peculiarities of the balloon frame, but as a general thing these frames are very inferior to the genuine balloon frame, and cannot be erected at so low a cost, and do not possess those qualities of strength and security. We have seen mortice and tenon frames in the upper part of New-York city that are as light in every particular as the balloon frame, and every way inferior-inferior because the original strength of the timber is cut away, and the thorough basket-like system of tying, cross tying and diagonal tying not being used. An ordinance should be passed requiring such buildings to be put up with a balloon frame, for two reasons; one is the buildings would be stronger and safer; the other is that it would be economy for the owner.

of the balloon frame is the dependence put on nails," that We have seen it stated that "the most prominent fault "it is liable to get out of place and constantly grow weaker P. F. by the corrosion of the nails, and the wearing of the nail The Regulations and Premium List of the Iowa holes." Upon the same principle the most prominent fault State Agricultural Society for 1860, are at hand. The of the Niagara Suspension bridge is the dependence placed exhibition takes place at Iowa City, October 2-5; Presi- on the small wires that form the cables. dent, Hon. G. G. Wright; Secretary, J. H. Wallace, Muscaline.

Corrosion of nails in permanent work is considered de

Patent Office Report 1839.

sirable, and adds much to the force required to draw a nail. We have sometimes recommended the use of green timber or studding to produce this very effect.

Wearing of the nail holes is an objection we cannot answer. We confess our inability to see how it can be produced, a case of this kind not having occurred in our practice. We have examined balloon frame buildings that have been erected 10 or 12 years, in exposed situations, without discovering any defect of this kind; rigidity is a principle of this style of frame, and the objection may be urged more forcibly against the old style. The balloon frame may be confidently relied on in the erection of every description of wooden buildings; there are, however, cases where it is not practicable to construct without making some use of the old fashioned principle of framing or use of heavy timber; for instance, a barn built on piers will require heavy sills; wide openings as sheds, doorways, &c., require heavy lintels, on the same principle that a bridge of 200 feet span must be built stiffer and stronger than if it had a pier every ten feet. Balloon framing requires a solid foundation for each stud, as each stud runs through the building, supporting its share of each floor and rafter, and will not admit of extra wide openings without a heavy lintel to support the weight above.

We see no objection whatever in the way of freely adopting the balloon frame, and very much can be said in its favor; it is absolutely safe and secure, and its economy a strong recommendation. We are willing to risk a well earned reputation in advocating its merits.


Architect and Civil Engineer, 29 Broadway, New-York,


The last number of the Horticulturist publishes a communication from "Fox Meadow," on the cultivation of celery, according to a "new theory," and which has proved very successful-single sticks having been grown, and after being washed and dressed for the table, have weighed eight pounds! The practice is undoubtedly an excellent one, but the theory needs crutches,-inasmuch as it includes the notion that the leaves "condense moisture" and send it down to the roots for their benefit. This is the same error as the old one that weeds shade the soil and keep it moist, when as every careful observer knows they pump up and throw off moisture from the earth at a rapid rate, which is the reason that the earth will be always found much drier on the removal of a rank growth of weeds, than where the soil is bare and exposed. The author of this theory does not ridge up celery, because the ridge throws off the water from the roots. Now if he will examine his celery roots carefully, he will find that the fine white fibres, of which they consist, have extended as far from the plants as he has made the mellow and composted soil, and that consequently ridging, if it had any sensible influence in this direction, would only tend to throw the water at the end of the rootlets, where it is wanted. He proposes to "copy-right" this theory, but we think he may as well omit it at present. There is one part of it, however, that is correct, but not entirely new, and on this his success depends, namely, that plants, and eelery especially, grow and flourish with plenty of water —and this brings us to the practice, which is no doubt excellent, and which we give in substance:—

mended; but perhaps the stratum of nine inches of old manure, would manufacture enough of this, when the water is let on. The plants, as they grow, are merely loosely tied up with bass matting; and the young suckers and small leaves at the base, are removed. The trench or bed must never become dry-there should always be a puddle there. It is earthed up only three weeks before needed for use-any celery will blanch as white as a lily in three or four weeks. For this purpose, the soil thrown out in excavating the bed is returned. Late in autumn the whole bed is covered with forest leaves a foot or foot and a half thick, with a few cornstalks to prevent their blowing away. From this bed the celery may be readily obtained at any time, fresh, sweet, and crisp, during the winter.

This we have no doubt is an excellent method of raising and protecting celery-the mode of raising is founded simply on the principle of giving plenty of manure and plenty of water, and requires a large supply of water at hand-and that of covering, which has been practiced before, or the well known protective power of successive layers of dead leaves with their numerous thin interposed strata of air.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] PEA-NUT, OR GROUND PEA.


R. T. Brooks asks for information as to its culture, and as it is grown commonly in the south, I will give the information. The peas are hulled or the shell broken before planting the ground prepared as for corn, rows three feet apart, and the seed dropped about one foot apart in the drill. The after culture, with a view to keeping down grass or weeds and the proper tilth of the soil. unlike any of the pea family in every respect. It has no Bedding or hilling is not to be practiced. The plant is bush or vine, but projects its limbs, horizontally, upon the surface of the ground, in length varying from one to three feet, and in all directions from the center or root. limbs bloom as they grow, and in this respect are unlike The bloom any other plant with which I am acquainted. (small yellow,) rises on a slender stem and opens to the sun. After the germ is impregnated, the stem turns down to the ground and projects the young pea under the surface from one to three inches, where it grows to maturity. It requires clean culture and a loose soil. It is most commonly planted on our poorest land, for the reason that it makes more on that kind of land than any crop cultivated. We plant in March or April, and gather after frost. Yield from one to two hundred bushels per acre, measured in the shell, which is considered two-thirds of the bulk. Time to mature the crop, six months. We are indebted Their name for it is to the African for this valuable pea. gouber; the Indian name, pindar. P. T. GRAVES. Lownds Co., Ala., July 31, 1860.

[blocks in formation]

A LARGE MILKER.-About a month ago we published (P. 29) the amount of Milk produced in five days milking of several Ayrshire cows, in competition for prizes offered in Scotland by the Duke of Athol. An extract from a A bed is formed six to twelve feet wide and as long as convenient; the soil is dug out nine inches deep and Scotch paper of later date, states that the cow which thon thrown on each side; the basin thus formed is filled nearly stood first, yielding an average of 26 lbs. 5 oz. of milk in full of old manure, which is then thoroughly incorporated each of 10 successive milkings, "improved wonderfully into the soil below; set out the plants nine by twelve in the amount of produce after she was put on the grass. inches over the whole surface; soak it thoroughly, and She lately gave the astonishing quantity of 75 imperial shade for a few days. Then make an embankment around pounds, or 74 imperial gallons of milk per day for seve this bed a foot high, so as to keep it constantly saturated ral days in succession. The largest quantity at one milkwith water. Manure water or guano water is recom-ing was 39 pounds."

[For the Cultivator and Country Gentleman.] GOOD WHEAT CROPS.

NEAR GENEVA, July 24th, 1860. MESSRS. L. TUCKER & SON-Along with this you will receive a sample of my Mediterranean wheat of this year's growth. I think the sample superior to last year's, more particularly in the color than in anything else. I never saw Mediterranean wheat as fair as this. It is wonderful how it has improved in quality since I first sowed it. When you have examined, please hand it to my friend Col. JOHNSON to place in his State Rooms, and if he gets a better sample I would be pleased if he would let me know it. I may possibly send samples of the May wheat and Soules. They are both very fine. Mr. Swan has a very fine crop of Soules. The land was manured for the previous crop (oats,) then summer fallowed, and subsoil plow ed before sowing the wheat. It is impossible to tell the yield until it is thrashed and measured, but I am satisfied that it surpasses his crop of Soules last year, and that gave 41 bushels per acre. In 1853, this same field, before it was drained or manured, gave not over 5 bushels per acre, when my drained and manured land gave nearly 29 bushels. Now I think it probable it gives a larger yield than ever I had. It ripened remarkably slowly. Was that owing to running the subsoil plow some ten inches below the first plowing, which was all of eight inches deep? Whatever was the cause, it is a remarkable crop-straw not long, but the sheaves almost as heavy as a hickory log of same size. Manure and good cultivation will do wonders, and manure will hide a multitude of faults in the cultivation. We will have all the wheat in that field (25 acres) in the barn to-morrow, if fair weather. We have had rather an anxious time in hay and harvest, having had great rains, yet I think the wheat will be all safe after all. Truly yours, JOHN JOHNSTON.

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In Southern Illinois many mines are now worked, and the coal sent to market by railroad and river.

Good water is generally found by digging from twenty to forty feet deep. In the hilly country good springs are


In the fifteen southern counties of the State there is but little prairie; the surface in some parts is very hilly and broken, but generally agreeably undulating; swamps are not found except occasionally in the extreme south, on This portion of the State is covered with a heavy growth the low grounds near the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. of white, black, red burr and post oak, yellow poplar, hickory, ash, gum, sugar-maple, walnut, hackberry, pecan and other timber, with an undergrowth of dogwood, sassafras, pawpaw, red-bud and innumerable wild grapevines, The climate is temperate; there is neither the protracted cold of the north, nor the sultry heat of the south. The thermometer in the shade rarely indicates a higher degree of heat than 90, or a lower than 10 above zero. ground is invariably clear of frost by the 1st of March, and in good plowing condition during the same month. Ordinarily the wheat harvest begins about the 10th of June, thus giving to the farmer several weeks advantage over his brethren of the north, in marketing his wheat. The autumn months are dry and pleasant; frost rarely appears before the 1st of November, nor snow before the 1st of January.




Some discussion on the policy of plowing in clover, buckwheat, rye, &c., as a manure, has recently taken place, in which examples of both good and bad results are given. In reply to the statement that there was liability (if the amount of vegetable matter turned under was large,) of souring the land by acetous fermentation, the Homestead says that slaked lime, either sown before plowing, or strewn along the furrow, or better applied both ways, is a certain preventive from any injury by this cause. "The result is a quick, and so to speak sweet fermentation, and a rapid conversion of the whole of the vegetation into good manure." Ashes are valuable for the same


[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.] Soil, Crops, and Fruit of Southern Illinois. I enclose you a statement giving a pretty accurate description of Egypt. Fruit growing is beginning to receive much attention here. Eastern men are planting extensive peach orchards of choice varieties at or near the stations of the "Illinois Central Railroad." Apples and Another writer on this subject, in the N. E. Farmer, pears are being planted considerably also, and bid fair to thinks that "in plowing under a heavy crop of clover for do well. Taking into consideration the facilities for mar-wheat, or any grain or farm crop, instead of turning it unketing, and the adaptation of the soil and climate to the der when in the blow, I think it would be better to wait growth of fruit, and I think Southern Illinois offers fully till the crop is about half ripe, or half the heads are dead. as great inducements as any locality this side of the Rocky In this way a good share of the acid would have left the Mountains, for peach growing, especially.

The soil of this region, especially in the timbered lands, is unsurpassed in productiveness; it is light and easily cultivated; the subsoil is of great depth and richness, capable of receiving and retaining moisture for a long time, and, as a consequence, the crops are but little affected by drouth.

Winter wheat is the staple crop; the yield is from 20 to 40 bushels per acre, of an average weight of from 64 to 66 lbs. to the bushel. Oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, millet, red clover, and timothy, are excellent crops. Indian corn is grown abundantly in all parts of the country, and yields from 50 to 80 bushels per acre; cotton is grown in the southern counties, but for domestic use only; tobacco is extensively cultivated in a few counties as an article of commerce; Irish potatoes grow well. The soil and climate are peculiarly adapted for the growth of the sweet potato, immense crops of which are raised.

Apples do well, and are a certain crop; peaches are unsurpassed for yield and quality; the soil and climate are eminently adapted to the growing of grapes; pears, cherries, plums and quinces do well.

Limestone and brick clay abound; quarries of superior sand-stone, both red and white, suitable for building purposes, are found in several of the southern counties; inexhaustible beds of bituminous coal, in strata from five to eight feet in thickness, underlie many portions of the State.

stalk, so that decomposition would readily take place without at all souring the soil."

Hardiness of the Pear and Peach.

EDS. CULT. AND CO. GENT.-As I am preparing to plant a pear orchard, I take the liberty to trouble you with a few queries:

1. Can the pear as a general thing withstand a spring frost while in bloom or after, without inquiry, as well as the apple, other things being equal? [The pear is more certain in its crops than the apple, and less liable to the accidents of the weather, while the tree is more subject to maladies. We often have good crops of pears when the apple fails.]

2. If peach trees are kept well cultivated and shortened in, and the young fruit thinned out when the trees are too heavily loaded, will they not be less liable to fail in producing annual crops, on account of frost, than neglect. ed trees on the same ground or location? [We have never discovered that this treatment had any influence in protecting the peach from the effects of frost-if any ef fect is produced, it must be very slight.] A. BABCOCK,

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