Imágenes de páginas

withdrawn with about half a pound less force than the com mon flat one. This would make a vast difference to a horse in one day's travel. Four shoes thus lifted in every second, would be 7200 pounds in an hour, or twenty-eight tons in eight hours.

Another advantage of this form is that horses ball much less with snow than where the common square shouldered shoe is used; and stones cannot become wedged in them. The manufacturer of this shoe is CHARLES RICHARDSON of Auburn, N. Y., who also manufactures from selected scrap iron a material of admirable quality, which he furnishes already worked into shoes, or in convex bars ready for this purpose. Mechanics who use this iron inform us that they find it of the finest quality.

In another column may be found an interesting communication upon the FARMERS' CLUBS of Franklin Co., Mass., prepared at our request by J. S. GRENNELL, Esq., the energetic Secretary of the County Ag. Society, as well as of the Greenfield Club, and a member of the State Board of Agriculture.

Massachusetts has set an example, in the systematic encouragement of these Clubs, which should not be lost upon other states. In New-York, for instance, the simple printing by the Legislature, of sufficient extra copies of the Transactions of our State Society, to supply the members of such Clubs, who pay One Dollar, would be taking one good step; and it is to be hoped that some member of the newly elected Assembly will bear the subject in mind.

But supposing the matter to be left hereafter, as it has been heretofore, entirely to the private enterprize of our Farmers, we are not without numerous examples of successful Clubs in this state which have thoroughly tested and determined the question-if question it is of the expediency and utility of such organizations.

neglected as a field crop in most districts within our know ledge. We have heard the remark from pretty good au thority, that whoever would try a patch of cabbage for two or three years, and use them judiciously for his cows, cat tle, and sheep, would never willingly be without a larger supply in succeeding years.

cess to the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN! I have spent from $25 A subscriber in Ohio, writes us as follows:-"Suc to $70 every year for Agricultural papers since I commenced farming in April 1853, and I find the Country Gentleman worth ANY OTHER TWO that I take."


in the Canal Collector's office in this city, we find, says the Evening Journal, that during the month of October, thirty-nine thousand, three hundred and five barrels of apples were received from the west, and forwarded to their destination. This amount ought to supply not only the city of New-York, but also a good proportion of the New England States. This probably is only a commencement of the receipts, as the most hardy fruit will not be in a condition to ship before the early part of this month.

HEAVY CROPS.-Mr. Elias McKean of Washington Co., Minnesota, the past season harvested 4,379 bushels of oats, machine measure, from 68 acres of land, or a fracof wheat, which yielded 334 bushels per acre by measure. tion over 64 bushels per acre. He also harvested 76 acres Both crops would have greatly overrun these amounts by weight.

Dr. R. T. UNDERHILL will accept our thanks for samples of the Grape Crop, from his extensive Isabella and Catawba Vineyards at Croton Point, on the Hudson river. We believe the Dr.'s faith in these two popular varieties has never languished for a moment, notwithstanding the crowd of recent aspirants to the favor of the

Horticultural world.

THE BAROMETER.-Seeing an inquiry about the utility of Barometers, in your paper, I thought perhaps other experience on the subject might be acceptable. I have had one of Timby's patent portable barometers for two or three months. It is a single column of mercury, with or without an index, according to choice, and costs about $8. Though it is by no means infallible, I would not be without it for the price of it. G. H. Medford, N. J., 10 mo. 25.

It is now just the time to be moving for the formation of new Clubs, and for old ones to be arranging their winter programme. Any hints from the experience of those who have taken part in their management in past seasons, will therefore be read with especial interest and may do much good. We have heard of several in our own State, which have organized courses of lectures, formal or informal, as a part of their system of operations-generally to be undertaken mostly by their own members, with such additional assistance from more distant sources as the Club think themselves able to afford. Any such courses, or simple appointments of meetings, we shall be glad to no-ing the thumb and fingers firmly against the butt of the tice in the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Let those who are stir ring in these directions make others aware of their good works; perhaps one of the farmer's greatest difficulties is that he doesn't know enough of what other farmers are about.

-In this connection it may not be out of place to announce that preparations are now making for a second Agricultural Lecture Course under the auspices of Yale College, at New-Haven, Ct., during February next. The particulars will ere long be ready for publication.

The liberality of Mr. SHEFFIELD of New-Haven, in contributing to the erection of a Building for the use of the Scientific Department of Yale College, has been already mentioned in the Co. GENT. This building contains an extensive Laboratory, in which we learn that there is now a class of 12 students regularly occupied, although much labor is still required to perfect its arrangements. Not content with expending $50,000 in the erection of this edifice, Mr. SHEFFIELD-as we are informed by a correspondent under date of Oct. 31-has just given $50,000 more toward the endowment of professorships.

A HINT FOR HUSKERS.-"Husking," says a correspondent of the New-England Farmer, "may be greatly facili tated by breaking off the ears before stripping. By press

ears, and bending over with the other hand, one may ac quire the habit of breaking them off, so that many cars will have few, if any, husks left. The stooks need not be untied. By a little ingenuity at contrivance, one may fix a low bench three feet wide, or so, throw a stook upon it, sit down, with feet under the bench, begin on one side to break off, and make clean work as he goes; or, he may kneel down to the stooks as they stand, or lie on the floor."

THE GARNET CHILI POTATO.-A correspondent of the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, at Cherry Valley, writes as follows: "I have taken more interest in the potato than anything else. Three years ago I sent for all the best varieties which I saw advertised, and especially those which were advertised as free from disease, namely, the Prince Albert, Peach Blow, Davis, Garnet Chili and several other kinds raised by Mr. GOODRICH. All these show considerable disease, except the Garnet Chili. This has been a trying season, and a potato that will bear the test, I regard as a valuable acquisition. The Garnet Chili is valuable on many other accounts, and I regard Mr. GOODRICH as a benefactor of his country in having produced so valuable an acquisition. It ought to be more generally known, and a public expression of gratitude is due to Mr. GOODRICH."

CABBAGES-FIELD CULTURE.-It would be interesting THE ART OF AGRICULTURE. A great deal has been writand instructive to not a few of our readers, to have a reten and said about the science and art of agriculture, but for port from some one who has been in the habit of raising cab-practical guidance the whole thing is in a nut shell. It conbages in the field for feeding to cows and other stock, consists in these two rules-make the land rich, and keep. the taining some details as to manuring, planting, cultivating, weeds down. If any person who tries to raise any plant will harvesting storing and feeding. It is pretty nearly a set- follow these two rules he will succeed, and if he does not fultled persuasion with us, that cabbage is rather too much low them he will not succeed.

Transactions of the New-York State Agricul

tural Society, for 1859.

This is a good solid volume of about 800 pages, and like its predecessors, is full of interesting and varied information on agricultural subjects. Several of its most important papers deserve special notice. The first is the general Report of B. P. JOHNSON, the Corresponding Secretary, and comprises within a few pages a condensed review of agricultural progress for the previous year, and more particularly of the successful labors of the State Society. There are some facts stated which we must repeat. One alludes to the destruction of sheep by dogs in Ohio, the loss amounting in 1858, to 60,536 killed, and 36,441 injured; the total damages in one year being $146,000. Another fact is given as a proof of the benefit conferred upon the country by a single model farm. One to which the first premium of the Society had been awarded, “was visited in one season by fifty persons out of the State, while of those residing in our State, the number was probably much larger." The Report of the discussions at the State Fair and at the Annual Meeting, is full of interest; and although we sometimes see error with much valuable truth, there is a kind of practical knowledge brought out on these occasions, which cannot be found elsewhere. Well-reported discussions of this kind, by the best farmers of the State, are read with great interest by cultivators, and should be encouraged by the Society.

An unusual amount of practical information is presented on Dairy husbandry from practical farmers, and this portion is exceedingly valuable and interesting.

[For the Country Gentleman and Cultivator.]

The Farmers' Clubs of Massachusetts. EDS. COUNTRY GENTLEMAN-In accordance with your request I send you a brief sketch of the formation and working of our "Farmers' Clubs." The idea originated in the Board of Agriculture, and on their suggestion the Legislature of 1859 passed an act, providing that "every Farmers' Club properly organized by the election of officers and holding regular meetings of its members, shall, upon application made in November of each year to the Secre tary of the Board of Agriculture, receive copies of the report of said Board, and of its other publications, in proportion to the number of its members, and of the applications so made, and said Farmers' Clubs receiving such benefits from the State, shall annually in October, make returns to the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture of the reports of Committees and of agricultural experiments made by such Clubs. A sum not exceeding two thousand dollars is hereby placed at the disposal of the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture, to carry out the provisions of this act."

members of the Board proceeded to establish clubs in Under this liberal provision of the Legislature, the their respective localities, and with great success. Seven were in active operation all last winter in Franklin county west of the Connecticut, and one east, and I am happy to say that in all of them the COUNTRY GENTLEMAN is taken, and so well appreciated that the list will be handsomely increased next January.

As there was a general similarity to all, I send you the
Constitution of the only one I happen to have by me:

ARTICLE 1. This Association shall be called the "Greenfield Far-
ART. 2. The officers shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary

mers' Club.

and Treasurer, who shall be chosen by ballot, and who shall hold

their offices for one year and until others are chosen to fill their places.

On-power to preserve order, appoint committees and assign topics for com-discussion at the suggestion of the members,

ART. 3. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club with

ART. 4. In the absence of the President, all his powers shall be exercised by the Vice President.

ART. 5. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of each meeting, which shall be read by him at the next meeting after. He shall preserve all reports of committees, essays, and other papers, and conduct whatever correspondence shall be ordered by the Club.

ART. 6. There shall be at each meeting a discussion upon a topic previously aunounced, which shall be commenced by four members designated at the previous meeting by the presiding officer, and such other exercises as the Club may deem proper.

ART. 7. The annual meeting of this Club shall be in the first week

January of each year, when the officers shall be chosen.

ART. 8. Any person may become a member of this Club by paying one dollar and signing this Constitution.

One of the best parts of the volume is the survey of ondaga County, by GEORGE GEDDES, one of the most petent persons for such a task which the country affords, and which he has performed with great ability. The Geological references are very valuable—the full description of the salt springs and of the manufacture of salt, will be read with interest by many-but the remarks on "Practical Agriculture," from which several extracts have appeared in the Co. GENT., will be especially esteemed by general read-in ers, the author being not only a most successful farmer, ART. 9. This Constitution may be altered or amended by a vote of but one who has an utter dislike to all shams. There ap- two-thirds of the members present at any meeting. notice of the propear to be two or three typographical errors in the scien-posed change having been given at a previous meeting. tific names of a few plants, as where Poa compressa as well as P. pratensis, is given as Kentucky Blue-grasswhere the Cupressus thyoides (or white cedar of New-had over forty members. England,) is given as the white cedar of Western NewYork, which we suppose in this case to be the Thuja occidentalis-and where Cerasus serolina (or choke cherry,) is given as the common wild cherry, which is the C. virginiana. These are, however, small errors, and do not affect the great practical value of the work.

that time till late in March, when the travelling became Our first meeting was holden in December, and from very bad, we had meetings every week-well attended; we

We fixed no day of regular meeting in our constitution, because we preferred to fix at each meeting the time for of all kinds which occur during the winter. A great point the next-dodging lyceum lectures, concerts, and meetings gained was to make the whole thing a social neighborly affair-to develop what knowledge and experience we had among us by plain unpretentious talk; to carefully avoid opinion on every subject, but expressed in a conversational a set debate. Of course there would be differences of way; a member would give his theory or experience, and then would be called upon to answer questions concerning

The "Glimpses of Agriculture in Great Britain," by LUTHER H. TUCKER, Treasurer of the Society, comprise in part the substance of the letters which have already appeared in our columns, and we trust that it may not be im-it. proper to say of our young associate at a distance of 150 miles longitude, what others, who are much better judges, have said before, that he has given the best description of British Agriculture within the same compass, that has yet appeared.

There is a vast amount of other valuable information, comprised in smaller papers, practical communications, results of experiments, abstracts of county reports, &c., that

form altogether a most valuable volume, which farmers can read, study, and draw upon to a large amount. J. J. T.

I know that our rule requesting members to keep their seats when addressing the President, or each other, instead frigidity of such meetings-in encouraging the timid and of standing, had a very great influence in thawing the shy, who would shrink from standing up conspicuously and addressing the club in a formal manner, while from their seats they would unobtrusively express opinions, the result of observation and experience, generally of the greatest value. It gave it a neighborly fireside character, which from observation of other clubs, I am satisfied was the most pleasant, satisfactory, and improving.

Occasionally fruit would be brought in, both for examination and comparison, and for eating. Different ex

periments, to be tried during the winter or coming sum-
mer, are assigned to committees, who report at their leisure.
Reports quite fully written out, of the subjects and
discussions, were every week printed in our village pa-
pers, and were read through the county with great in-
terest. Among the subjects discussed, were "Winter
Treatment of Stock of all Kinds," Manures," "Plow
ing," Raising of Calves," "Sheep," "The Dairy and
Dairy Stock,"
"Fruit and Fruit Trees," Raising of Corn,"
&c., &c. Some of these occupied three successive meet-
ings, and were fully discussed.


99 66

We closed on the first of April, when spring work commenced, and we shall start again the first week in

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with great rapidity, a single pair being capable of producing several thousand in a year. Loudon says that the most ef fectual mode of destruction is kiln drying. It was found that 110 degrees of Fahrenheit, (12° above blood heat,) did not prevent their development, but that 130 to 140 degrees killed them. Ventilation and repeated shifting of the wheat were found to be great preservatives. No doubt the heat from the pipe of an anthracite coal stove, or even of a common wood stove, thrown into the granary, so as to produce a heat equal to 140 degrees, which could be easily ascertained by a thermometer' would answer an excellent purpose.]

GOOSEBERRY, &c.-Can you tell me where I can obtain the "Mountain Seedling Gooseberry," which is noticed and illusAlso De-trated on p. 304, Oct. CULTIVATOR, and the price? "Pike's Defiance Cucumber," and the "Bezi Mai Pear?" Ohio. [The Mountain Seedling Gooseberry G. W. BELOTE. can be procured of E. Y. Teas, Richmond, Ind., and probably We do not know that the other of most other nurserymen.

All our members have been supplied with the State Agricultural Report, a handsome and valuable volume, prepared by our efficient and hard-working Secretary, whose Reports are not surpassed by those of any State in the Union. Long may he wave."

[ocr errors]

On the whole, the experiment of these Clubs was a decided success, and they will become a permanent institution. Such gatherings make men better acquainted with each other; they bring men together, and, by thus mingling, the rough irregularities of character and manner are rubbed down, the chill crust of reserve and shyness is cracked, and men take an equal pleasure in learning from others and in imparting their own knowledge.

I think that the honor of establishing "Farmers' Clubs"
belongs to the old Bay State.
Greenfield, Mass. Nov. 1, 1860,

Inquiries and Answers.

GUANO FOR POTATOES.-Will you oblige me by informing me through the Co. GENT., what is the common or most approved method of using guano with the potato crop-whether by putting it in the bill or applying it otherwise, and the quantity it is thought most advisable to use to the acre, to gether with any remarks upon this subject you may think will be of advantage to one practically unacquainted with the use of it. W. M. J. Digby, N. B. [Guano may be variously applied. Perphaps the best way is to strew it along the furrow before dropping the sets, and mixing it a little with the soil by dragging along the bottom of the furrow a small cylindrical mass of brush, or running a small plow lightly along. Then drop the potatoes about 18 inches apart, and cover them. If dropped in hills, throw half an inch or so of earth over the guano before planting. Four or five hunddred pounds per acre is an ample supply.]

things mentioned are to be had in this country.]
QUINCE FROM CUTTINGS.-Will Angers quince grow readily
from the cuttings? Will it grow as readily as the Orange
quince? [The Angers quince usually grows more readily
from cuttings than the common or Orange-if the cuttings
are well put out, very early in spring or in autumn, and
mulched with an inch or two of very fine manure, a large
portion of them will grow,-say from one-fifth to one-half.
Many consider spring setting as most successful; but we are
inclined to give the preference to autumn, provided the mulch-
ing just spoken of, is given them. It is very important that
the earth be compactly packed about them. A single exam-
ple of its importance :-A row of cuttings was set out when
there was a thin crust of frozen earth, which prevented per-
fect packing. Not one in a hundred lived. Along side this
of several others well put in, about one-half the cuttings


ALSIKE CLOVER.-I can tell J. M. Macalister all about Alsike clover another year, as a friend of mine near here, has a crop growing, sown last June. It is doing well-also the incarnata. Thorburn had no seed this year, and my friend sent to Canada for it. We imported a lot some years ago; sold a little, kept balance three years-no demand-then threw it away. It is said Alsike makes the best of Bee pasture.


ARCHITECTURE.-There is a work mentioned in THE CULTIVATOR for 1847, called the "American Architect," by Ritch & Grey, published by C. M. Saxton, New-York, in numbers, 25 cents each. I have not seen the work, but should be glad to know if it is useful. I have paid too much for books that have turned out trash, only made to display the writer's ability to pile words together, to trust to buy any just by seeing the name of them.


STEPHENS' BOOK OF THE FARM.-J. W. S. We know of no edition of this work since the one with American notes by the late Professor Norton, issued several years ago, and

CATTLE STABLES.-Can you send me, in any back number, a really good plan for a stable for feeding fifty or one hundred cattle, with best mode of haltering or fastening the cattle. We winter and graze a large number of cattle in this part of Vir-published by L. Scott & Co. New-York, price $5. ginia, but they are all fed during the winter in the open fields, (usually on blue grass sod,) with straw, corn fodder, and a few bushels of corn just before they go on grass in the spring. R. H. DULANY. [Our correspondent will find plans for large barns on pages 144 and 149 of vol. 1, of Rural Affairs, (or on corresponding pages of the Illustrated Annual Register for 1856,) and on pages 96 and 284 of the same work, vol. 2. Descriptions of the interior of cattle stables are given on pages 286 and 287 of vol. 2 of the same work. We mail either vol. postpaid on receipt of One Dollar.]

CHINA PIGS.-Will you please tell me of some person who has the full blooded China pigs for sale? I am anxious to ob Knob Noster, Mo. [We do not know tain a pair? J. W. J. where they can be procured.] LANGSTROTH'S PATENT HIVE.-I would inform W. CH that Mr. Langstroth cannot prevent any one from using the novable frame, but his patent is good for his particular arrangement, viz., suspending the frame and the shallow chamber in connection with the frame and honey board. There are several patents for movable comb hives. I have a hive that is as good as any of them, and does not infringe any patent, I have not made it public, but I may do so before long.

J. W.

GRAIN WEEVIL-Enclosed I send you a few black or barn weevils, as they are called. Do you or any of your numerous readers know of any way to get rid of them, except by starvaPIE-MELON PIES.-We give the following from an Iowa tion by not putting any grain into the barn for a few years, which is the only way known in our neighborhood, and which paper, in answer to a recent call for information by one of our is a great trouble and inconvenience? Something must be correspondents:-"Remove the seeds, pare, slice up, and stew done to destroy them, for they increase very fast, and would them as you would pumpkins, just enough to have it like in a few years more destroy half of the wheat and rye in stewed apples. When done, add sugar, spices and a little some barns. A small description, together with the mode of acid, such as tartaric acid, lemon juice, or good sharp vinedestroying them, will be thankfully received by at least one gar, (the last is not quite as good.) A tablespoonful of lemon of your numerous readers. Wrightsville, Pa. [This juice to four pounds of melon is the best preparation. Do not insect is the Calandra granaria, (or Curculio granaria, of put the sauce in copper or brass. For a pumpkin or a custard Linn.) It resembles in general form the common or plum pie, omit the acid, but bring the mass to a proper consistenc curculio, but is slenderer, and of a dark brown color, and only by adding sugar, milk and eggs. Only a little of these inabout one-seventh of an inch in length. It is described in a gredients will be necessary, just sufficient to give color and note appended by Loudon to Kollar's Treatise on Insects, who flavor. A superior preserve is also made of it. It is thought states that the female deposits her eggs upon wheat in gran- to be a valuable acquisition in the West. aries, and the young larvæ immediately burrow into the grain, and eat the interior, leaving the shell entire. It increases

H. K.

Do good with what thou hast, or it will po thee no good.






N laying their Prospectus again before the Public, the Proprietors of "THE OLDEST AND BEST OF WEEKLIES" need enter upon no long array of promises. They may simply state, that they design making THE POST for the future what it has been for the past, a repository alike of delightful amusement and equally entertaining instruction. Interesting Stories and choice Sketches by




will always be found in THE POST. Our Stories for the last year have been generally acknowledged to be of the most interesting character; and we design not to allow any falling off in this respect-though any improvement is hardly possible. But THE POST also aims to instruct; it contains weekly

An Agricultural Department,

Choice Receipts,

Domestic and Foreign News,

The Markets and Bank Note List,
Letter from Paris,

Miscellaneous Information, &c.

But to see exactly what THE POST is, write for A SAMPLE NUMBER, which will be sent gratis to any one desirous of subscribing for a weekly paper. By the following list of terms you will see that THE POST is not only the BEST, but the CHEAPEST OF THE WEEKLIES! and that we offer




OUR ENGRAVING PREMIUM—A MAGNIFCENT PICTURE.-Our Engraving Premium this year is the celebrated Steel Plate Engraving of


This Engraving was first issued by the LONDON ART UNION. It is 36 inches long, by 24 inches wide-contains from 30 to 40 figures, and is one of the handsomest Engravings now before the American and British public. The publisher's price for it (sold by canvassers) is Five Dollars.

OUR BOOK PREMIUMS.-These are two: LIPPINCOTT'S FAMOUS PRONOUNCING GAZETTEER AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF THE WORLD, and the equally famous WEBSTER'S NEW PICTORIAL QUARTO DICTIONARY. Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer and Geographical Dictionary of the World, is a work that no man or family should be without. It is a large volume of 2,182 closely printed pages, and contains an IMMENSE MASS OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. You have in it the most recent and authentic information respecting nearly 100,000 places-countries, islands, rivers, mountains, cities, towns, &c., in every portion of the Globe. Of Webster's New Pictorial Quarto Dictionary, containing 1,500 Wood Cuts, but little need be said-its value being apparent to all. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHout it.

[blocks in formation]


For one copy of THE POST yearly, and one of the Magnificent Engraving, "A MERRY MAKING IN THE OLDEN TIME," $5.00.
For a club of THIRTY copies of THE POST, and THIRTY DOLLARS, we will send as a PREMIUM the Magnificent Engraving, "A MERRY

For a club of FORTY, and FORTY DOLLARS, we will send the Engraving, and a copy extra of THE POST also.

Any member of a club can have the Engraving sent to him on the payment of Three Dollars extra. The Engraving will be wrapped carefully on a roller, and the postage prepaid. Every pains will be taken to insure its safe transmission.


We will send one copy of THE POST, for one year, and give a copy of either the Dictionary or the Gazetteer, for Six Dollars.
Or, on the receipt of five new subscribers, and Ten Dollars-WE WILL GIVE EITHER OF THE ABOVE WORKS AS A PREMIUM.
Or, on the receipt of ten new subscribers and Fifteen Dollars-$1.50 apiece-We will give eithER OF THE WORKS AS A PREMIUK.
The price of these works in the stores varies from $6 to $6.50 apiece.

Or we will give a copy of the ENGRAVING as a PREMIUM in the place of either of the Books. Address


TO EDITORS.-Editors who give the above one insertion, or condense the material portions of it for their editorial columns, shall be No. 319 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ENTITLED to an exchange, by sending us a marked copy of the paper containing the advertisement or notice.

Nov. 15-w&mit.


select ears for seed.


Nov. 15-w&mlt. R. L. ALLEN, 189 & 191 Water-st., New-York.


from 12 to 30 inches diameter. The largest are capable of grinding 25 to 35 bushels of horse or cattle feed per hour, when properly managed and driven by water or steam power. Smaller sizes may be driven by horse power. R. L. ALLEN, 189 & 191 Water-street, New York.

Nov. 15-w&mlt.

[blocks in formation]

year to any family, Something new. Every body wants Sent free for One Dime. It sells readily. Agents wanted. Address, "EXCELSIOR CO." 881 Greenwich St. New-York. Nov. 8-w3tmlt.*




The proprietor of these Nurseries, the most extensive in the world, has the honor to inform his numerous friends and the public that his CATALOGUE OF FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, SHRUBS,

SALE. ROSES, SEEDLINGS, FRUIT STOCKS. &c., for the present season, is now ready and at their disposal, Apply to

FINEST LAND IN CAYUGA COUNTY, in good condition, and well situated on the lake shore. It is part of a large fruit farm, the principal orchards of which are reserved; but the portion offered includes the farm house and barns, and Three Thousand Thrifty Young Apple and Standard Pear Trees,

of the best varieties. Price, $100 per acre for the whole, or $100 to $500 per acre for selections. Apply at the Journal of Commerce Office, 91 Wall Street, New-York city, or to RICHARD HALE, Aurora, Nov. 15-w2tmlt. Cayuga Co., N. Y. OPORTOGRAP E.


This grape is designed for making a first quality of wine. It is perfectly hardy, in lat, 43 degrees. It never mildews; it is a good bearer; ripens its fruit early; grapes do not fall off; it has been proved for 20 years, and found always reliable; the wine sells readily at from $2 to $4 per gallon. The grapes have been analyzed by C. T. Jackson, State Assayer of Massachusetts, and found to contain 15 per cent. of grape sugar by the tables, and 2 per cent. tartaric acid. N. Longworth, Esq., says it is the thickest MUST (juice) he has ever seen. Extract from his letter:

CINCINNATI, October 27, 1860.

Dr. E. WARE SYLVESTER-Dear Sir: The Grapes are received. I have pressed out the must. To my surprise it weighs eighty-two degrees, a fair weight. Must as black as ink, and thicker than any I have seen. Yours, &c., N. LONGWORTH.

DR. CHAS. T. JACKSON'S OPINION OF OPORTO WINE. This specimen of Oporto is not too sweet, but is just right, and is a good Wine, which will improve on age, if bottled. The high color of the Oporto Grape is a valuable property, since the Wine has a fine color, not common to American Grape Wines.

For full account of the OPORTO Grape, send for Catalogue of the Lyons Nursery. Address E. WARE SYLVESTER, Lyons, N. Y. Nov. 15-witmit.


[blocks in formation]

The subscriber is now ready to dispose of his pigs of the above
breed from fall litters-EXTRA FINE-price $25 per pair, boxed &c.
Also a few good spring pigs, at $20 a piece.
Nov. 8-w3tmlt.

The Meadows, Rhinebeck, N. Y.
TEEL PLOW S.-We are manufacturing

Plows with steel mold-board and land-side, with steel or cast point, as desired, and would refer you to the following persons, who have them in use:

John Johnston, Geneva, N. Y.

J. Ingersoll, Ilion, N. Y.

Wm. Summer, Pomaria, S. C.

R. C. Ellis, Lyons, N. Y.

Col. A. J. Summer, Long Swamp, Florida,

A. J. Bowinan, Utica, N. Y.

A. Bradley, Mankato, Minesota,

F. Mackie, Utica, N. Y.

We are also manufacturing Sayre's Patent Horse Hoe and Potato Covering Machine, Sayre's Patent Cultivator Teeth in quantities for the trade; and all kinds of steel and swage work in the agricultural line. Send for a circular, SAYRE & REMINGTON,

Jan. 26-wtf Mar. 1-mtf. Union Agricultural Works, Utica, N. Y.

Oct. 4-Jam3tm2t.

BRUGUIERE & THEBAUD, 51 Cedar Street, New-York.

[blocks in formation]

THE SEVENTH NUMBER of this attractive and useful Work is now ready. TERMS-as heretofore: SINGLE COPIES postpaid, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; ONE DOZEN COPIES, postpaid. Two DOLLARS; ONE HUNDRED COPIES, FIFTEEN DOLLARS, and larger quantities at a farther reduction.

PARTIAL ABSTRACT OF CONTENTS. Among other valuable chapters, the ANNUAL REGISTER for 1861 will contain the following:

I. WORKING MEN'S COTTAGES-Seventeen Engravings. 1. Important Advantages of their Erection.

2. Design for a Cottage of the Smallest Size.

3. Design for a Cottage on a somewhat Larger Scale.

4. Design for a Cottage of better class or for a small Farm House

5. Design for a somewhat more costly Cottage.

6. A Design by L. B. Valk.

7. A Design by J. M. Wade, with modifications


1. Plan of a Village Half Acre Garden.

2. Simple but Graceful Arrangement of Pleasure Grounds.

3. Laying out a Western Farmi.

III. PRUNING AND TRAINING ROSES-Eleven Engravings. 1. Tree Roses; two modes with figures.

2. Weeping Roses.

3. Pillar Roses.


1. Basket of Plums-Descriptions and Figures of 15 newer Sorts.

2. Notes on Strawberries-Results of the Farther Experience of the Year.

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ALBANY TILE WORKS VIII FILTtion of Portable Fit CISTERNS—Five Engravings

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Do you wish to read an entertaining, instructive, religious and secular, family newspaper, sound, conservative and safe,

THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD, giving a full, impartial and reliable summary of all the news in all religious denominations, from all political parties, from all countries in the world, belonging to no sect in the church, and to no party in the State, but opposed to every is that disturbs the peace of the community and the harmony of the country: a newspaper having distinct departments devoted to Agriculture, Commerce, and General Literature, with Tales, Poetry, Science and Art, furnishing pleasant and in structive reading for children and parents, in all the realms of matter and mind? You can have it for one year by sending your name and address, with $2.50, to the NEW-YORK OBSERVER office.

Any person who will obtain five NEW SUBSCRIBERS with advance payment, may retain FIVE DOLLARS as his commission. And for Twenty NEW SUBSCRIBERS, may retain Twenty-five Dollars as his com mission. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR., & CO.. Editors and Proprietors. 57 Park Row, New-York.

Oct. 18-wCtin2t.

1. Construction Filters. 2. Another Plan for the Same. 3. Filters attached to the Cistern. IX. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. X. HORTICULTURAL NOTES. XI. RURAL MISCELLANY. XII. DOMESTIC ECONOMY, &c.. &c. XIII. ADVERTISEMENTS

This, preceeded by the usual Calendar pages and Astronomical Calculations, forms a book which is certainly cheap at its retail price, while the Publishers may especially call attention to the pithy and appropriate HINTS FOR THE MONTH which appear upon the Calendar pages, as embracing in the most concise form many valuable suggestions-to the article on WORKING MEN'S COTTAGES, for the neat and useful Designs it contains-to those upon ROSES and GREEN HOUSE Structures for their beautiful illustrations-to that upon POULTRY as the most complete chapter upon the subject yet presented in equal space, accompanied as it is by so many Engravings-and to that upon WEEDS and their Destruction, as presenting just the information which every Farmer requires, with cuts by which he can compare the most common and troublesome of these intruders, and appropriate practical directions how to get rid of them.

THE PUBLISHERS, with the view of rendering the circulation f the ANNUAL REGISTER for 1861, still wider and larger than that of any previous Number, are prepared, as above intimated, to offer the most ricultural Societies, Nurserymen, Dealers in Implements and Seeds, of liberal Terms for its introduction in quantities, either to Agents, Ag any others who take an interest in the dissemination of useful read ing, and in the promotion of Rural Improvement. Address all orders or inquiries to the publishers, LUTHER TUCKER & SON, ALBANY, N. Y.

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