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Nr. 12065. it was strengthened in its suspicion that the independence of this Republic Grofs- was being threatened. As a defensive measure it was therefore obliged to 10. Okt. 1899. send a portion of the Burghers of this Republic in order to offer the requisite resistance to similar possibilities. Her Majesty's unlawful intervention in the internal affairs of this Republic in conflict with the Convention of London, 1884, caused by the extraordinary strengthening of troops in the neighbourhood of the borders of this Republic, has thus caused an intolerable condition of things to arise whereto this Government feels itself obliged, in the interest not only of this Republic but also [?] of all South Africa, to make an end as soon as possible, and feels itself called upon and obliged to press earnestly and with emphasis for an immediate termination of this state of things and to request Her Majesty's Government to give it the assurance

(a) That all points of mutual difference shall be regulated by the friendly course of arbitration or by whatever amicable way may be agreed upon by this Government with Her Majesty's Government. || (b) That the troops on the borders of this Republic shall be instantly withdrawn. || (c) That all reinforcements of troops which have arrived in South Africa since the 1st June, 1899. shall be removed from South Africa within a reasonable time, to be agreed upon with this Government, and with a mutual assurance and guarantee on the part of this Government that no attack upon or hostilities against any portion of the possessions of the British Government shall be made by the Republic during further negotiations within a period of time to be subsequently agreed upon between the Governments, and this Government will, on compliance therewith, be prepared to withdraw the armed Burghers of this Republic from the borders. (d) That Her Majesty's troops which are now on the high seas shall not be landed in any port of South Africa.

This Government must press for an immediate and affirmative answer to these four questions, and earnestly requests Her Majesty's Government to return such an answer before or upon Wednesday the 11th October, 1899, not later than 5 o'clock p.m., and it desires further to add that in the event of unexpectedly no satisfactory answer being received by it within that interval [it] will with great regret be compelled to regard the action of Her Majesty's Government as a formal declaration of war, and will not hold itself responsible for the consequences thereof, and that in the event of any further movements of troops taking place within the above-mentioned time in the nearer directions of our borders this Government will be compelled to regard that also as a formal declaration of war.

I have, &c.,

F. W. Reitz,

State Secretary.

Nr. 12066. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Kolonialminister an den Gouverneur der Kapkolonie. Das Ultimatum ist undiskutirbar.

10.45 p.m., Oktober 10, 1899.

Nr. 12066.


Telegram. || 10th October. No. 8. Her Majesty's Government have re- 10. Okt. 1899. ceived with great regret the peremptory demands of the Government of the South African Republic conveyed in your telegram of 9th October, No. 3. You will inform the Government of the South African Republic, in reply, that the conditions demanded by the Government of the South African Republic are such as Her Majesty's Government deem it impossible to discuss.

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Nr. 12067. GROSSBRITANNIEN. Der Gouverneur der Kapkolonie an den Kolonialminister. Letzte Verhandlung mit dem Oranje-Freistaat. Er nimmt am Kriege teil.

8 a.m., 12th Oktober, 1899.


Telegram. || 11th October. No. 6. I telegraphed to-day to President of Nr. 12067. Orange Free State reciting latest communications between us and South britannien. African Republic and continuing as follows:- || Begins: In view of Resolution 12. Okt. 1899. of Volksraad of Orange Free State communicated to me in Your Honour's telegram of 27th September I have the honour to request that I may be informed at Your Honour's earliest possible convenience whether this action on the part of the South African Republic has Your Honour's concurrence and support. Ends.

President of Orange Free State has just replied as follows:

Begins: 11th. I have the honour to [?] acknowledge Your Excellency's telegrams of this evening. The high handed and unjustifiable policy and conduct of Her Majesty's Government in interfering in and dictating in the purely internal affairs of South African Republic, constituting a flagrant breach of the Convention of London, 1884, accompanied at first by preparations, and latterly followed by active commencement of hostilities against that Republic, which no friendly and well-intentioned efforts on our part could induce Her Majesty's Government to abandon, constitute such an undoubted and unjust attack on the independence of the South African Republic that no other course is left to this State than honourably to abide by its Conventional Agreements entered into with that Republic. On behalf of this Government, therefore, I beg to notify that, compelled thereto by the action of Her Majesty's Government, they intend to carry out the instructions of the Volksraad as set forth in the last part of the Resolution referred to by Your Excellency. Ends.

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