Imágenes de páginas

(Telephones-Unless otherwise stated, call Main 4600 or Central 1 for any of the officials listed below).

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John G. Tomson, Commissioner, 124 City Hall. Street Lighting, Albert Moritz, Supt., 112 City Hall. Sidewalks, 617 City Hall. Street Signs and House Numbers, Fred P. Troyan, Supt., 617 City Hall.

Division of Parks and Public Grounds

Lyman O. Newell, Commissioner, 436 City Hall. H. C. Hyatt, City Forester, 435 City Hall. Chas. Kibler, Supt. of Markets, Weights and Measures, Central and West Side Markets. Cemeteries, 435 City Hall.

Division of Recreation

J. F. Potts, Commissioner, Room 435. Division of Engineering and ConstructionRobert Hoffman, Commissioner, 618 City Hall.

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Thomas S. Farrell, Director.

Director's Secretary-Harold S. Weidel.
228 City Hall.
Division of Water-

George B. Dusinberre, Commissioner; J. T. Mar-
tin, Deputy Commissioner, 211 City Hall.

Division of Light and Heat

W. E. Davis, Commissioner, 228 City Hall.

Board of Control-Mayor Davis, President, and
Directors FitzGerald, Bernstein, Beman, Sprosty,
Neal and Farrell. Nathan E. Cook, Secretary.
Room 305 City Hall.

Civil Service Commission-Ralph W. Edwards, L.
A. Deutsch and Benedict Crowell, Commissioners.
E. A. Kline, Secretary, 414 City Hall.

Sinking Fund Commission-Mayor Davis, Presi-
dent; Clarence J. Neal, Secretary, and President
of City Council Wm. F. Thompson. J. H. Morris,
Asst. Secretary, 128 City Hall.

Board of Revision of Assessments-Mayor Davis,
President; Clarence J. Neal, Secretary; Directors
FitzGerald and Bernstein, and President of City
Council Wm. F. Thompson, 305 City Hall.

City Architect-F. H. Betz, 604 City Hall.

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26 William Rolf..........



8700 Lorain Ave. .5834 Storer Ave.

7915 Madison Ave. N. W. 2185 West 67th St. ..3308 Fulton Rd. 3800 West 33rd St. .2172 West 14th St. .4607 Franklin Ave. 2741 Commercial Rd. 1760 East 27th St. 2171 East 30th St. 2544 East 50th St. 5314 McBride Ave. 3593 East 65th St. 9213 Miles Ave. .9308 Kinsman Rd. .5816 Woodland Ave. 4912 Cedar Ave. 10813 Fairchild Ave. .1679 East 82nd St. 1338 East 81st St. 1739 East 70th St.

1046 East 74th St. 899 Parkwood Dr. .1376 East 112th St. 15322 St. Clair Ave.

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Gentlemen: I herewith submit for your consideration an estimate of the expense of conducting the affairs of the city for the year 1918, which I am required by the charter to present to you.

Information required will be found arranged and suplemented by explanatory data so that each item of proposed expenditure can be considered with reference to previous expenses for the same purposes.

Yours very truly,



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Total council

$38,021.37 $37,524.87 $25,278.32 $10,981.68 $36,260.00 $36,935.00 $ 675.00

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Total clerk of council

$15,411.06 14,269.27 $11,057.77 $ 4,479.23 $15,537.00 $14,190.00





$ 1,347.00

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$58,604.23 $69,428.92 $21,813.15 $37,141.85 $58,955.00 $85,700.00 $26,745.00

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