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File No. 4703.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control that contract No. 11692, with The American Street Lighting Company of Baltimore, Md., for the renewal of the lease of 600, more or less, ornamental gas lamp heads with automatic lighting and extinguishing device, for park and boulevard lighting, for a period of one year, with the privilege of purchase at the end of the leasing period, in accordance with their proposal, as outlined in contract No. 10455, and subsidiary agreement No. 35, be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4704.

By Director Beman.

Whereas, the sale of the property formerly used by the city of Cleveland for the detention of persons afflicted with contagious diseases constitutes an emergency in that said property is now an item of expense to the city, and the money to be realized from the sale thereof is necessary to carry on one of the municipal departments of the city of Cleveland, and a sale thereof at this time is most advantageous, now, therefore.

control of the city of Cleveland, that the commissioner of purchases and supplies be and he is hereby authorized and directed to sell the following described real estate not needed for any municipal purpose, consisting of about eight and fortysix hundredths (8.46) acres of land in Independence township, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, and more fully described as follows:


Situated in the hamlet of Newburgh and in the township of Independence, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as the east end of lot twenty-one (21) of tract number one (1) east of the Cuyahoga river and described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at the southeast corner in the center of the road, thence south 45 degrees west, two and 35100 chains along the center of the road to a stake; thence north 45 degrees west, four and 75-100 chains along the center of the road to a stake; thence west 2 and 70-100 chains along the center of the road to a stake; thence north 61⁄2 in. west 10 and 06-100 chains to the north line; thence easterly eight and 85-100 chains to the northeast corner; thence south along the east line eleven and 70-100 chains to the place of beginning, containing eight and 93-100 acres of land, be and the same more or less, but subject to all legal highways, except such part as have been sold from parcel No. 5, situated in the village of South Newburgh, formerly the township of Independence, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as part of lot 21 in tract number one (1) east of the Cuyahoga river, and bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point in the south line of lot 26 in said tract, 67 degrees west of the southwest corner of said lot 26, which point is also known as its 90 plus 21 of the Lake Erie and Pittsburgh survey line; thence west along said south line 67 degrees to the said southwest corner; thence south along the west line of lot 21, crossing said survey line of station 92 plus 16.5 to a point 50 degrees from said survey line, measured at right angles thereto; thence northwesterly in a line parallel to and 50 feet from said survey line to a point in said south line of lot 26, thence east along said south line to place of beginning, containing forty-seven hundredths acres (0.47).

Be it further resolved that the commissioner of purchases and supplies be and he is hereby authorized to sell said real estate to the highest bidder, according to law

Be it resolved by the board of but for not less than the sum of

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Be it resolved, that resolution No. 4525, adopted by the board of control May 18th, 1917, be and the same is hereby rescinded.

And be it further resolved, that the positions and salaries as above fixed, shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1st, 19. File No. 4708.

By Director Bernstein. Resolved, by the board of control, that contract No. 11699, with Wm. Taylor Sons Company, amounting to approximately $2,041.50, for furnishing and delivering bathing suits for the park department of Cleveland, 56 dozen ladies' bathing suits, sizes 24 to 44 inclusive, and 50 dozen men's bathing suits, sizes 34 to 44 inclusive, be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4709.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that contract No. 11701, with E. L. Phillips, amounting to approximately $2,112.50, for furnishing and delivering to the park refreshment stands in Cleveland approximately sixty-five thousand "Crispette" pop corn balls, be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4710.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that contract No. 11700, with The Weideman Company, amounting to approximately $3,456.00, for furnishing to the park refreshment stands of Cleveland approximately eight hundred gross of "Checkers" pop corn with prizes, be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4711.

By Director Bernstein. Resolved, by the board of control, that resolution No. 4278, adopted March 26, 1917, fixing the number, salaries and bonds of positions in the department of public service, division of parks and boulevards, be and the same is hereby amended as follows:

By striking out "1 foreman of greenhouse at $3.00 per day" and

inserting in lieu thereof "1 park foreman (greenhouses) K. P. 2 at $3.40 per day;" and

Be it further resolved, that this resolution shall relate back to and be effective from and after July 1, 1917.

File No. 4712.

By Director Bernstein. Resolved, by the board of control, that the commissioner of purchases and supplies be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase, jointly, with The Nickel Plate Railroad Company, for a sum not to exceed $3,500.00, the following described property, for use as a permanent street running from W. 53rd st. to W. 55th st. in connection with the grade crossing elimination at W. 53rd st. and W. 55th st. and the tracks of the Nickel Plate railroad:

Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as being the northerly 30 feet of sublot No. 49 in Willard Burnham's subdivision of a part of original lot No. 48, Brooklyn township, being 30 feet front on W. 53rd st. and extending back 132 feet deep.

Section 2. That the commissioner of purchases and supplies be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the owners, John H. Breteler and Lena Breteler, out of the Nickel Plate grade crossing bond fund, an amount not to exceed $3,500.00, as provided for by ordinance No. 33723, passed July 13th, 1914; said sum of $3,500.00 includes both the city's portion of 35% and the railroad's portion of 65%; which said 65% is made as an advance to the railroad company, authorized and provided for by ordinance No. 37373, passed July 12th, 1915; the said sum of $3,500.00 is to be paid to the owners on delivery to the city of Cleveland, or its nominee, of a good and sufficient warranty deed, together with a certificate of title showing said premises to be free and clear of all encumbrances and to the satisfaction of the director of law. File No. 4713.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that the commissioner of purchases and supplies be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase jointly with the Nickel Plate Railroad Company, for a sum not to exceed $2,600.00, the following described property, for use as a permanent street running from W. 53rd to W. 55th st., in connection with the grade crossing elimination from W. 53rd to W. 55th st. and the tracks of the Nickel Plate railroad:

Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as being the southerly 30 feet of sublot No. 49 in Willard Burnham's subdivision of a part of original lot No. 48, Brooklyn township, being 40 feet front on W. 53rd st. and extending back 132 feet deep.

Section 2. That the commissioner of purchases and supplies be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the owners, L. Oblander and Durell Norton, out of the Nickel Plate grade crossing bond fund, an amount not to exceed $2,600.00 as provided for by ordinance No. 33723, passed July 13th, 1914; said sum of $2,600.00 includes both the city's portion of 35% and the railroad's portion of 65%; which said 65% is made as an advance to the railroad company, authorized and provided for by ordinance No. 37373, passed July 12th, 1915; said sum of $2,600.00 is to be paid to the owners on delivery to the city of Cleveland, or its nominee, of a good and sufficient warranty deed, together with a certificate of title showing said premises to be free and clear of all encumbrances and to the satisfaction of the director of law.

File No. 4714.

By Director Bernstein. Resolved, by the board of control, that the commissioner of purchases and supplies be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase jointly with the Nickel Plate Railroad Company, for the sum not to exceed $6,500.00, the following described property, for use as a permanent street running from W. 53rd to W. 55th st., in connection with the grade crossing elimination at W. 53rd and W. 55th sts. and the tracks of the Nickel Plate Railroad Company:

Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as sublot No. 63 in Willard Burnham's subdivision of a part of original lot No. 48, Brooklyn township, being 60 feet front of W. 55th st. and extending back 132 feet deep.

Section 2. That the commissioner of purchases and supplies be and he is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the owners, Carl Heinke and Bust Heinke, out of the Nickel Plate railroad grade crossing fund, the sum of $6,500.00 as provided for by ordinance No. 33723, passed July 13th, 1914; the said sum of $6,500.00 includes both the city's portion of 35% and the railroad's portion of 65%; which 65% is made as an advance to the railroad company, authorized and provided for by ordinance No. 37373, passed July 12th, 1915; said amount to be paid to the said owners upon delivery to the city of Cleveland, or its nominee, of a good and sufficient warranty deed, together with a certificate of title showing same to be free and clear

of all encumbrances whatsoever, and to the satisfaction of the director of law.

File No. 4715.

By Director Bernstein. Resolved, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with The Freshwater Construction Company, the lowest and best bidders, June 27, 1917, for repaving and improving Madison ave. N. W. from W. L. W. 100th st. to Berea rd. N. W., in accordance with their bid for the same, approximately $30,375.20.

Re-assessment will be required.
File No. 4716.

By Director Bernstein. Resolved, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with Roehl Bros., the lowest and best bidders, June 27, 1917, for paving and improving University rd. S. W. from E. L. W. 10th st. to W. 14th st., in accordance with their bid for the same, approximately $9,317.20.

Re-assessment will be required.
File No. 4717.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that contract No. 11604, with The Cleveland Trinidad Paving Company, amounting to approximately $6,800.00, covering the grading, draining and paving of E. 59th st., from Superior ave. N. E. to Prosser ave. N. E., be and the same is hereby approved.



Applications and full information covering the following examinations may now be obtained at the office of the civil service commission, 414 City Hall. Applications should be obtained as soon as possible, and must be filed by applicant in person at that office not later than 12 o'clock noon of the seventh day preceding the date of the examination.

Until further notice all examinations will be held at the examination room, second floor old Court House (Public Square).

PATROLMAN-DIVISION OF POLICE Civil service original entrance examination will be held at 9:00 a. m. Saturday, July 21, 1917, for positions of patrolmen in the division of police, department of public safety, at the Spencerian Commercial School, corner Euclid and E. 18th st. Applicants must not be less than 5 feet 8 inches in height; must weigh not less 148 pounds, and must be not less than 21 nor more than 33 years of age.

Each applicant will be required to un

dergo a preliminary physical examination, to be conducted by the medical officer of the division of police, at the Orange ave. municipal bathhouse, 1611 Orange ave., at a time to be later announced by mail to each applicant. Applicants rejected in the physical examination will be disqualified.

The subjects of the examination will include the following: (1) writing; (2) spelling; (3) arithmetic; (4) a written examination consisting of practical questions, which in the opinion of the commission, tend to demonstrate applicant's knowledge of the duties of a patrolman, good judgment and general fitness for the position; (5) an oral examination to be conducted by the members of the commission or by a committee designated for that purpose; (6) muscular strength test.

In case two or more applicants have the same percentages, the person filing application first will receive the advantage.

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Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, city hall, Cleveland, Ohio, until 12 o'clock noon, eastern time, July 10, 1917.

For condenser discharge line for the division of light and heat and will be opened and read in the city council chamber, city hall, immediately thereafter.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by appying to the office of the division of light and heat.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blank furnished by the division of light and heat and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies previous to 12 o'clock noon, eastern standard time, on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.


Sealed bids will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, city hall. Cleveland, Ohio, until 12:00 o'clock noon, eastern standard time, Tuesday, July 10th, 1917, for the sale of approximately 8.46 acres of land in Independence township, Cuyahoga county, Ohio, known as the old pest house property, department of public welfare, division of charities and correction, and will be opened and read in room 305, city hall, immediately thereafter. Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to the secretary to the director of public welfare, 327 city hall.

No proposals will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the secretary to the director of public welfare and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon, eastern standard time, on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. July 5, 1917.




Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, city hall, Cleveland, Ohio, until 12:00 o'clock noon, eastern time, July 17, 1917, for constant current regulators for the division of light and heat and will be opened and read in the city council chamber, city hall, immediately thereafter.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to the office of the division of light and heat.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the division of light and heat and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous 12:00 o'clock noon, eastern standard time, on the day above specified.


The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

June 27, July 5.


Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 218 city hall, until 12 o'clock noon, July 12th, 1917, and will be opened and read immediately thereafter in room 305 city hall, for the excavation of the convention hall and stage of the public hall.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the drawings and specifications, copies of which may be obtained at the office of the city architect, 604 city hall.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the city architect and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and suppiles, previous to 12 o'clock noon on the day specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. June 27, July 5, 1917.



Sealed proposals will be received at the

office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12 o'clock noon eastern time), July 12th, 1917, for the construction of a concrete outfall channel approximately 1,200 feet in length supported on piling, a submerged steel or concrete outfall pipe line approximately 3,000 feet long and connections, and will be opened and read in room 305 immediately thereafter.

Copies of plans and specifications and blank proposals can be obtained at the office of the commissioner of engineering, room No. 618 city hall, after June 18, 1917, upon the deposit of ten ($10.00) dollars, the same to be refunded upon the return of the plans in good condition, or if a bid is submitted.

The proposal must contain the full name of the party or parties making the same and all persons interested therein and must be accompanied by a proposal bond signed by a surety company authorized to do business in the state or Ohio or by a certified check for ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars payable to the city of Cleveland on a solvent bank, as a surety that if the bid be accepted a contract will be entered into and the performance of it properly secured.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the commissioner of engineering and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room No. 219 city hall, previous to 12 o'clock m. (eastern time) on the day specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. June 27, July 5, 1917.


Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12 m. July 19, 1917, and will be opened in the council chamber immediately thereafter, for the construction of sewers in the following named thoroughfares, to-wit:

E. 116th st., from Farringdon ave. S. E. to Corlett ave. S. E.

E. 171st st., from Saranac rd. N. E. to St. Clair ave. N. E.

Corlett ave. S. E., from E. 116th st. to E. 131st st.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be seen at the office of the commissioner of engineering. room 618 city hall.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on blanks furnished by the commissioner of engineering and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12 m. on the day specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids, July 5 11, 1917.


Thursday, June 26, 1917.

At this meeting of the board, the following improvements were disposed of:

E. 104th st, paving, from Union ave. S. E. to Eliot ave. S. E. Not approved. Jefferson ave, repaving, from W. 3rd st. to W. 5th st. Approved.

Corlett ave. sewer, from East blvd, to E. 131st st. Approved.

E. 116th st. sewer, from Corlett ave. S. E. to Farringdon ave. S. E. Approved.

The following improvements will be considered at the next regular meeting of the board, Thursday, July 5, 1917:

E. 110th st. paving, from St. Clair ave. N. E. to Glenview rd. N. E.

Glenview rd. N. E. paving, from E. 108th st. to E. 110th st.

E. 106th st. sewer, from Sandusky ave. S. E. to Aetna rd. S. E.

E. 108th st. sewer, from Sandusky ave. S. E. to Aetna rd. S. E.

Aetna rd. paving, from E. 103rd st. to 516 feet westerly.

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MONDAY, JULY 4, 1917



Cleveland, O., July 2, 1917. On account of the absence of the president, W. F. Thompson, the regular meeting was called to order by the clerk.

Present, Messrs.:





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Kadlecek Smith







Fleming and

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Stand No. 2- Hollenden Hotel-Superior ave. entrance. Parked diagonally with radiator to curb. 6 cars only.

Stand No. 3- Hollenden Hotel-E. 6th st. entrance, east curb. Cars to be headed north. 6 cars only.

Stand No. 4-Hollenden HotelVincent ave. entrance, north curb. Cars to be headed west. 4 cars only. Stand No. 5-Olmstead Hotel-E. 9th st. entrance-west curb. Cars to be headed south. 5 cars only.

Stand No. 6-Center of Triangle space, junction of Payne and Superior ave. Cars to be headed west. 6 cars only.

Stand No. 7-Statler Hotel, E. 12th st. entrance, west curb. Cars to be headed south. 7 cars only.

Stand No. 8-Statler Hotel, Euclid ave. entrance, north curb. Cars to be headed west. 4 cars only.

Stand No. 9-Gillsy Hotel, E. 9th st. entrance, east curb. Cars to be headed north. 5 cars only.

Stand No. 10-Colonial Hotel, Prospect ave, entrance, north curb. Cars to be headed west. 2 cars only. Stand No. 11-North curb Bolivar rd. from E. 9th st. to Prospect ave. Cars to be headed west. 15 cars only.

Additional Stands from 7 p. m. to 6 a. m. only

Stand No. 12-Center of W. 6th st., Superior ave. to St. Clair ave, cars to be headed south. 15 cars only.

Stand No. 13-Superior ave., north curb, 100 feet from west crosswalk of public square to within 100 feet of east crosswalk of W. 3rd st. Cars to be headed west. 6 cars only. Stand No. 14-West curb E. 9th st. 100 feet from north crosswalk of Euclid ave. to within 100 feet of south- crosswalk at Vincent ave. Cars to be headed south. 10 cars only.

The ordinance establishing public taxicab stands should require:

That all cars occupying these public stands should bear the name of the person or company owning same together with a number furnished by the commissioner of assessments and licenses of conspicuous size upon at least one door on each side of car;

That, all owners and drivers of taxicabs be licensed and bonded; That all taxicabs should carry a the rate card plainly visible to the passenger;

Relative to resolution No. 44266, by Mr. Kadlecek, requesting chief of the division of police to recommend locations where taxicabs for hire may be stationed I herewith attach a copy of the chief's report on the same.


Director of Public Safety.
June 23, 1917.

Mr. A. B. Sprosty,
Director of Public Safety.
City Hall.

Dear Sir:

Complying with your request for a report on the city council resolution introduced by Mr. Kadlecek, regulating taxicabs, I would respectfully recommend that in case the city council desires to pass an ordinance establishing taxicab stands that the stands be located at the following places under the restrictions and regulations also recommended: Regular Taxicab Stands for all Hours.

Stand No. 1-Center of E. 6th st., from Rockwell to St. Clair ave. Cars to be headed south. 15 cars

That all drivers of taxicabs be required to remain on their cars at all times and that they be prohibited from soliciting passengers or employment by word or gesture; That owners of taxicabs be permitted to display a "for hire" sign on their cars:


That only the number of listed for each stand should be allowed on any of the public stands; That cars be compelled to head in the direction specified in the ordinance;

That all drivers be required to keep their cars within the limits described for each stand;

That the first car arriving on the stand be compelled to take the head of the line and to accept the first engagement for service and that each other car move successively to the head of the line in its regular order;

That drivers of cars obtaining employment move out of the line and not be permitted to call other

taxicabs in order to hold a favorable position on the stand;

That persons other than the driver of a car and manager of company be prohibited from congregating about the cars or on the stands;

That the license of owners and drivers of taxicabs found consorting or operating in the interest of women of ill repute, or criminals, or suspicious persons shall be revoked;

That all taxicabs occupying stands where the distance is not specially mentioned, be required to remain 30 feet from a crosswalk; and

That, all drivers of taxicabs be required to observe the ordinance in regard to fire hydrants.

In conclusion permit me to say that, public interest and the police department demand that adequate penalty be attached for the violation of any section of the ordinance, I am,

Respectfully yours,
(Signed) W. S. ROWE,

Chief of Police. Received and referred to the com mittee on streets, police, judiciary. File No. 44767.

June 27, 1917.
To the Honorable City Council,
Cleveland, Ohio.

In answer to resolution file No. 44538, requesting a report as to the reason for delay in abolishing the grade crossing along the line of the Pennsylvania Company, between Cedar ave. and Holton ave., I beg to state that the ordinance relating to this project has not yet been accepted by the Pennsylvania Company.

Mr. Hoffman has been in communication with representatives of the railroad company, and has been assured that the matter was having the consideration of the railroad company's executives.

Respectfully submitted,
Director of Public Service.

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Resolution of council file No. 44556, transmitted us on the 29th instant, requests us "to report to council why section 3 of ordinance No. 30863-A is being violated by the transportation of package freight through and over the city streets at times other than the hours imposed by the terms of said ordinance." The Cleveland, Southwestern Columbus Railway Company been notified by us that they must comply strictly with the time provisions of ordinance No. 30863-A, and we have instructed our dispatchers at the Lorain station to check the operation of this company's cars to see that it does comply. For your information, Mr. Schneider advises us that shortage in his equipment

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