has been responsible for the operation of cars at times other than the hours imposed by this ordinance. Very truly yours, JOHN J. STANLEY, Received and referred to the com mittee on street railways. File No. 44769. Cleveland, O., July 2, 1917. To the Honorable Council, Gentlemen: It has come to our knowledge that some members of your honorable body do not feel that the Telephone Company is doing all that is possible to furnish adequate and efficient service to our subscribers. We welcome this opportunity to present to your body a very earnest invitation to, at this time, visit one or more of our exchanges and acquaint themselves with the unprecedented traffic which we are now handling under extreme conditions which never before have obtained. The interest of this company in serving its patrons is always uppermost and we feel that a visit at this time to our exchanges would go far toward a better co-operative spirit between this company and you, the people's representatives, and will work out greatly to our mutual advantage. We would prefer to have this inspection made during the busy hours say at ten o'clock in the morning or two o'clock in the afternoon, and await with interest your decision in the matter. R. G. PATE, Received. File No. 44770. From The Cleveland and Youngstown R. R. Co., accepting terms and conditions of Ord. No. 43493. (Amend and supplement Sec. 2-15 of Ord. No. 34976-A). Received. File No. 44597. From commissioner of purchases and supplies, a report on emergency purchase of 2125 bushel oats for the garbage collection dept, $1,668.12. Also 600 tons of coal for the garbage disposal plant. Approved by th ecommittee on finance. Received. File No. 44598. From the commissioner of pur chases and supplies, a report on emergency purchase of 6,000 gallons gasoline for garbage disposal plant. Approved by the committee finance. Received. on Of The Realty and Rental Co., $6,000.00 for damages by reason of the grade crossing at Ivanhoe rd. N. Ε. Received. PETITION AND WAIVER File No. 44772. To vacate Ruple rd. N. Ε. Received and referred to the director of public service and the board of revision of assessments. REMONSTRANCE File No. 44510. Against the paving of Wagner ave. S. E. The board of revision of assessments report adversely, the board deeming the improvement a necessity. Received. File No. 44601. Against laying sidewalks on north side of Holmes ave. N. E., from E. 152nd st. to St. Clair ave. Ν. Ε. The undersigned board of revision of assessments having met at the time and place designated in the notices served for the following improvements, after careful consideration approved the estimated assessments as they now stand, and the improvements being deemed a necessity recommended that the necessary legislation to proceed and asa tax therefore be enacted. Corlett ave. S. E., from East blvd. to E. 131st st., sewer. G. R. 10178. E. 116th st., from Corlett ave. S. E. to Farringdon ave. S. E., sewer. G. R. 10180. Jefferson st. S. W., from W. 3rd st. to W. 5th st., repaving. G. R. 10182. W. S. FITZGERALD, Director of Law. C. J. NEAL, ALEX BERNSTEIN, Of the Wolfe Sill Realty Co.'s St. Clair-London rd. subdivision No. 2, being a resubdivision of Block B., of Thomas & Abber Crosby subdivision, recorded in vol. 8, page 3 and also being a part of O. L. 160 Ac. lot No. 42 tract 16 Euclid township, Cuyahoga county and state of Ohio, now in the city of Cleveland. The commissioner and chief engineer reports as follows: there are no new streets dedicated by this plat and those shown are sufficiently defined by monuments. The director of law reports as follows: there are no legal objections to the approval of this plat. Approval recommended by the director of public service and the committee on streets. Plat approved. Yeas 23, nays 0. Of F. W. Wheeler's Spring rd. subdivision. Situated in original Brooklyn township lot 76 now in the city of Cleveland, Cuyahoga county, O. The commissioner and chief engi neer reports as follows: W. 12th st. and that part of W. 11th st., the streets proposed to be dedicated to public use by this plat as shown hereon in yellow shade, are sufficiently defined by monuments. The director of law reports as follows: the land embraced in W. 12th st. and that part of W. 11th st. and proposed to be dedicated to public use by this plat as shown hereon in yellow shade, is free from all incumbrances save the taxes for the last half of 1916, and all of 1917, which are a lien, title thereto being good of record in the dedicators as appears per certificate of title dated June 11, 1917. Approval recommended by the director of public service and the committee on streets. Plat approved. Yeas 23, nays 0. DEED File No. 44780. From W. W. Wheeler and Sarah Wheeler to the city of Cleveland, (,W. 12th st. dedication). Bearing the approval of the director of law, and the committee on city property. Approved. Yeas 23, nays 0. THIRD READING ORDINANCES Ord. No. 44352. An ordinance granting to The Cleveland Galvanizing Works Co. the right to lay a switch track across Cooper ave. N. E., said track to be used only for the purpose of pushing a loaded truck from one building to the other. Read third time, passed. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of constructing a vitrified pipe sewer in E. 133rd st., between Miles ave. S. E. and Marston ave. S. E. as per estimated assessment No. 2778. (G. R. 10158). Read third time, passed. Yeas 23, nays 0. Ord. No. 44666. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading, draining, setting curbs, repaving and improving Scranton rd. S. W., from Parafine ave. S. W. to Clark ave. S. W., as per estimated assessment No. 2471. (G. R. 9544). Read third time, passed. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading, draining, setting curbs, repaving and improving Broadway S. E., from E. 34th st. to a point 1,145 feet westerly, as per estimated assessment No. 2779. (G. R. 10160). Read third time, passed. Ord. No. 44668. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading, draining, setting curbs, paving and improving E. 106th st. and Hanks ave. N. E., from St. Clair ave. N. E. to Parkwood dr. N. E., as per estimated assessment No. 2780. (G. R. 10162). Read third time, passed. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading, draining. setting curbs, paving and improving W. 44th st., from Marvin ave. S. W. to Bush ave. S. W., as per estimated assessment No. 2781. (G. measure. an Read second time. Passed as an emergency measure. Yeas 24, nays 0. Ord. No. 44704. An ordinance to transfer the following: $750 from 53-B-10-A to 53F-15, $650 from 53-B-10-B to 53-F15 and $100 from 53-B-10-C to 53F-11. Passage recommended by the director of public welfare, committee on charities and correction, finance, director of finance, director of law, as an emergency measure. Read second time. Ord. No. 44705. An ordinance to transfer the following: $2,000 from 71-A-3 to 71-E7, $1,500 from 71-A-3 to 71-Y and $200 from 71-A-3 to 72-B. Passage recommended by the director of public safety, committee on finance, director of finance, director of law, as an emergency Passed as an emergency measure. Yeas 24, nays 0. Ord. No. 44706. An ordinance to transfer one hundollars from fund 75-E for equipment maintenance to 75-B for supplies, department of buildings. dred fifty ($150.00) Passage recommended by the director of public safety, committee on finance, director of finance and director of law as an emergency An ordinance to issue bonds in anticipation of special assessments to be known as street improvement bonds in the sum of two hundred eighty thousand dollars, for the purpose of paving streets. Passage recommended by the director of public service, committee on finance, director of finance, director of law, as an emergency measure. Read second time. The rules were suspended. Read third time, passed as an em ergency measure. An ordinance to authorize the director of public utilities to expend a sum not to exceed two thousand six hundred seventy ($2,670.00) dollars for the purchase of two (2) 54inch valves for the purpose of extending the water works system. Read first time. Referred to the director of public utilities, committee on public works finance, director of finance and director of law as an emergency measure. Ord. No. 44782. An ordinance to transfer the following: Ord. No. 44785. By Mr. Damm. An ordinance to authorize the expenditure of five hundred thousand dollars for collecting and treating at the southerly sewage treatment site, the sewage from the southeastern section of the city and lying easterly of the Cuyahoga river. Read first time. Referred to the director of public service, committee on finance, director of finance, director of law as an emergency measure. Ord. No. 44786. By Mr. Damm. An ordinance to authorize the expenditure of one hundred thousand ($100,000) dollars for collecting and treating at the W. 58th st. and Lake Erie treatment site, the sewage from that section of the city lying westerly of the Cuyahoga river. Read first time. Ord. No. 44580. An ordinance granting to The American Steel & Wire Co., the right to lay a 20-inch cast iron gas pipe across E. 59th st. and across E. 71st st., Broadway S. E. and Harvard ave. S. E. said pipe line to be placed on the Newburgh & South Shore Ry. bridges which cross said E. 71st st.. Broadway S. E. and Harvard Passage recommended by the director of public service, committee on streets and director of law. Read second time. Ord. No. 44660. An ordinance to establish the grade of the curb lines of E.,119th st., from Kinsman rd. S. E. to Union ave. S. E. Passage recommended by the director of public service, committee on streets and director of law. Read second time. Ord. No. 44662. An ordinance to name the first alley west of E. 55th st. and extending from Luther ave. N. E. to the first alley southerly-E. 53rd pl. Passage recommended by the director of public service, committee on streets and director of law. Read second time. Ord No. 44663. An ordinance to change the name of Lampson path, extending from the southerly end of Lampson rd. S. E. to Hillsboro rd. S. E. to Lampson ct. S. E. Passage recommended by the director of public service, committee on streets and director of law. Read second time. Ord. No. 44664. An ordinance granting to The Standard Oil Company of Ohio, the right to lay water pipe Broadway S. E. across Passage recommended yb the director of public service, committee on streets and director of law. Read second time. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading, draining, setting curbs, paving and improving West blvd., from Lorain ave. to Madison ave. N. W., as per estimated assessment No. 2787. (G. R. 10176). Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law. Read second time. By Mr. Dickerson. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading, draining, setting curbs, paving and improving West blvd., from Lorain ave. to S. L. of Adelaide ave.. as per estimated assessment No. 2786. (G. R. 10174). assessments Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and and the director of law. Read second time. Ord. No. 44762. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading. draining, setting curbs, paving and improving E. 116th st. and Edith ave.. from E. 115th st. to end of E. 116th st., as per estimated assessment No. 2785. (G. R. 10172). Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading, draining, setting curbs, paving and improving E. 104th st., from Union ave. S. E. to Aetna rd. S. E., as per estimated assessment No. 2784. (G. R. 10170).. Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law. Read second time. An ordinance determining to proceed with the improvement and to levy and assess a special tax to pay the cost and expense of grading, draining, setting curbs, paving and improving E. 103rd st., from Union ave. S. E. to Eliot ave. S. E., as per estimated assessment No. 2783. (G. R. 10168). Passage recommended by the committee on taxes and assessments and the director of law. Read second time. finance, in concurrence with the board of revision of assessments, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to abate all the taxes assessed by ordinance No. 30491, passed Sept. 8th, 1913, G. R. 8616, for Lakeside ave., repaving from Ontario st. to E. 6th st., for the years 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916 and 1917. The reason for this abatement is that the building of a new Union depot will necessitate a change in grade for a permanent pavement; therefore the city has decided to build a temporary pavement until such time as the permanent improvement can proceed. Read third time. Adopted. of Resolved, that the director finance in concurrence with the board of revision of assessments be and he is hereby authorized and directed to abate all the taxes assessed for Havel ave. S. E., sewering, from E. 116th st. to E. 118th st. of the Crawford-Woodhill subdivision, for the years 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919 and 1920, on the property listed in the name of the Crawford Realty Co., and described as follows: Subdivision, The Crawford-Woodhill, original lot No. 436, sublot 334, 139.0 feet on Havel ave. The reason for this abatement is, Whereas, the council is satisfied that there is good cause for vacating the portion of Congo ave. S. E., and the portion of the alley between and substantially parallel to E. 30th st. and E. 31st st., southerly of Congo ave. S. E., as hereinafter described and that it will not be detrimental to the general interest of the public that such vacations ought to be made, now, therefore, be it Resolved, by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: that it hereby declares its intention to vacate the portion of Congo ave. S. E. lying between the westerly line of the Taylor & Hoyt subdivision as recorded in vol. 1 of plats, page 1, Cuyahoga county records, and a line parallel with and ten (10) feet easterly at right angles from the present easterly line of E. 30th st., forty (40) feet wide and all that part of the alley between and substantially parallel to E. 30th st., and E. 31st st., lying between the northerly line of Congo ave. S. E. and the westerly prolongation of a line parallel with and twelve (12) feet northerly at right angles from the southerly line of sublot No. 67 in said Taylor & Hoyt subdivision recorded as above mentioned; that the mayor be and he is hereby authorized to serve notice of the adoption of this resolution upon all persons whose property abuts upon the portion of Congo ave. S. E. and said alley affected by this resolution. Read third time. Adopted. Yeas 24, nays 0. File No. 44562. By Mr. Schwartz. Whereas, this council has received a petition signed by owners of all the property abutting upon Peshek ave. S. E., affected by the proposed vacation of a part of said Peshek ave, S. E., hereinafter described, and waiving notice of the passage of the resolution declaring the intention of the council to vacate said part of said Peshek ave. S. E., and of the time and place at which objections can be heard before the board of revision of assessments and consenting to the vacation as prayed for in said petition, and Whereas, this council is satisfied that there is good cause for vacating the portion of Peshek ave. S. E. hereinafter described, and that it will not be detrimental to the general interest and ought to be made, now, therefore, Be it resolved by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: that it hereby declares its intention to vacate the following described part of Peshek ave. S. E.: All that part of Peshek ave. S. E. so-called, lying between the easterly line of E. 37th st. and the southerly prolongation of the easterly line of sublot No. 44 in the Harvey-Rice proposed subdivision, said easterly line of sublot No. 44 being also the easterly line of a parcel of land conveyed to Frank B. Carpenter by deed recorded in vol. 1182, page 443 of Cuyahoga county records. GENERAL RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED File No. 44468. By Mr. Michell. Whereas, many citizens residing in the vicinity of W. 61st st. and the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad right of way have requested that there be constructed a temporary bridge in the vicinity of W. 61st st. over said railroad's right of way in order that pedestrians and school children may have some means of exit from this street, which is torn up and closed on account of grade crossing work; And whereas in the opinion of this council this request is reasonable and just and should be granted; a Now, therefore, be it resolved by the council of the city of Cleveland state of Ohio, that the director of public service be and he is hereby directed to cause temporary bridge to be erected in the vicinity of W. 61st st., over the right of way and tracks of the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad. Adoption recommended by the director of public service, the committee on grade crossings, streets, when amended as follows: in lines 3 and 12, strike out the word "road" and insert in lieu thereof the word "temporary." In lines 4 and 13, strike out the word "at" and insert in lieu thereof the words "in the vicinity of." Amended as recommended. fore adopted a resolution requesting the director of public service to repair the planking on the E. 55th st. bridge over Kingsbury run; and Whereas, on account of a recent accident on the said bridge it seems that no attention has been paid to this request on the part of the council; now, therefore Be it resolved by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: That the director of public service be again requested to repair this bridge so as to make it safe for travel. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets. Adopted. Faulhaber Gahn Michell McGinty Reynolds Horrigan Schwartz. Sledz Smith Stannard Stolte Sulzmann Taylor Wagner Those who voted in the negative are: Messrs. Rolf Resolved, that the director of public service be requested to remove the broken trees on E. 51st st. and E. 53rd st., south of Woodland ave. S. E. Adopted. File No. 44794. By Mr. Rolf. Resolved that the director of public service be requested to round up E. 139th st., from Aspinwall ave. south to end of street. Adopted. File No. 44795. By Mr. Rolf. That the director of public service be requested to round up Topeka ave. N. E., from E. 140th st. to west end of street. Adopted. File No. 44796. Resolved that the director of pub lic service be requested to place an arc light on W. 67th st. south of Denison ave. S. W. Adopted. File No. 44797. By Mr. Dickerson. Resolved, that the director of public service be requested to place the necessary are lights on Parkhurst dr. S. W., between W. 105th st. and Bosworth rd. to properly light said street. SECOND READING RESOLUTIONS File No. 43640. To vacate portion of W. 117th st. from northerly lineof Edgewater dr. N. W. to Lake Erie. Adoption recommended by the director of public service, the committee on streets, city property and director of law. Read second time. To vacate Lake Rd. S. E. and a part of E. 103rd st., and a part of E. 105th st. Adoption recommended by the director of public service, the committee on streets, city property, and the director of law, as a substitute for resolution file No. 44340. Substitute accepted. To construct sewer outlet across private property located between Ambleside dr. S. E. and Chestnuthill ave. S. E. Adoption recommended by the director of public service, the committee on streets and director of law. Read second time. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in Ada ave. N. E., from Linn dr. N. E. to Lakeview rd. N. E. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in Amesbury ave. N. E., from E. 93rd st. to west line of Sharp allotment. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. Mr. Thompson. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in Dunlap ave. S. E., from E. L. of O. L. 449 to E. 103rd st. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. Mr. Thompson. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in Meech ave. S. E., from E. 102nd st. to E. 105th pl. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. Mr. Krueger. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in E. 96th st., from Seminole ave. N. E. to Lowell ave, S. E. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. Mr. Rolf. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in Hartley rd. N. E., from E. 152nd st. to easterly end. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. Mr. Becker. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in Joy ct. S. W., from W. 32nd pl. to W. 30th st. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. Mr. Wagner. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in E. 61st st., from a point 175 feet north of Quincy ave. S. E. to 100 feet north of Quincy ave. S. E. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in Sylvia ave. N. E., from E. 140th st. to E. 152nd st. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. To construct sewer together with its appurtenances in Bessemer ave. S. E., from E. 75th st. to E. 79th st. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. Mr. Dickerson. To grade, drain, curb, pave and improve W. 98th st., from N. L. of Loretta ave. S. W. to south line of Walford ave. S. W. Adoption recommended by the committee on streets, taxes and assessments. Read second time. GENERAL RESOLUTIONS REFERRED File No. 44815. By Mr. Reynolds. Whereas, the council of the village of Cleveland Heights adopted May 28th, 1917, an ordinance No. 1763, a copy of which is hereto annexed, granting to the Cleveland Railway Company the right to construct a double track extension in Cedar rd. from Fairmount blvd. to Lee rd., and Whereas, the board of directors have accepted the franchise granted by the said ordinance, subject to approval of this council of the city of Cleveland, Now, therefore, be it resolved by the council of the city of Cleveland that the said franchise and action of the Cleveland Railway Company in accepting the same be and the same are hereby approved. Referred to the committee street railways. on File No. 44816. By Mr. Reynolds. Whereas, a number of the employes of the Cleveland Railway Company served as registration officers in the booths on military enrollment day, June 5th, 1917, voluntarily at the request of the board of deputy state supervisors and inspectors of elections, Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Cleveland Railway Company be and the same is hereby authorized to pay the said employees their regular wages for the day so spent and that the amount of said wages so authorized shall be approved as part of the operating expense. Referred to the committee on street railways. Resolved, that whereas the franchise of the Cleveland Railway Co., over Hayden ave., heretofore granted by the village of E. Cleveland, now the city of E. Cleveland has expired, and Whereas, it is desirable at this time to renew the said grant as well as the existing grant on Euclid ave. and Whereas, the council of E. Cleveland adopted on June 18th, 1917, ordinance No. 1039, a copy of which is hereto attached, marked "Exhibit A," renewing to the Cleveland Railway Company franchises on Hayden ave. and Euclid ave., and granting new franchises on Superior ave., St. Clair ave. and either Woodworth rd., North Noble rd., Coit rd., E. 152d st., Collamer ave. and Pitney ct., and Ivanhoe rd., which ordinance is to be submitted to the electors of E. Cleveland at a special election July 31st, 1917, Now, therefore, be it resolved that on approval of the said ordinance by the electors of E. Cleveland, that the said ordinance granting said franchises be approved by the council of the city of Cleveland. Referred to the committee street railways. EMERGENCY RESOLUTION REFERRED File No. 44800. on A resolution declaring the necessity to appropriate land for opening Wheelock rd. N. E., through to Ansel rd. N. Ε. Whereas, this resolution constitutes an emergency measure, in that it is necessary for the daily operation of the department of public service that this land be required at once; now, therefore, be it Resolved, by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: that it hereby declares the necessity and its intention to appropriate to public use for the opening of Wheelock rd. N. E., through to Ansel rd. N. E., an absolute estate in fee simple in the following described real estate as indicated in the following descriptions: Parcel No. 1. Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as being the northerly 35 feet of sublot No. 52 in Zenas King's subdivision of a part of original lots No. 367 and 375 as said subdivision is recorded in volume 14, page 41 of Cuyahoga county record of maps and is a parcel of land having a frontage of 35 feet on the easterly side of Ansel rd. N. E. and extends back of equal width a depth of about 125 feet. Parcel No. 2. Situated in the city of Cleveland, county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio, and known as being a part of sublots Nos. 55 and 56 in Zenas King's subdivision of a part of original lots Nos. 367 and 375 as said subdivision is recorded in volume 14, page 41 of Cuyahoga county record of maps and is bounded and described as follows: beginning at a point on the westerly line of said sublot No. 56, which point is the northeasterly corner of sublot No. 52 in said Zenas King's subdivision, thence easterly parallel with the northerly line of said sublot No. 56 about 100 feet to the easterly line of said sublot No. 56; thence southerly along the easterly line of said sublots No. 56 and 55 a distance of 35 feet; thence westerly parallel with the northerly line of said sublot No. 56 about 100 feet to the westerly line of sublot No. 55: thence northerly along the westerly line of sublots Nos. 55 and 56 a dis By Mr. Damm. Whereas, the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) has been deposited with Louise Dewald, supervisor of cemeteries by Louisa H. Keary, executrix of the estate of Christina Scheidler for the purpose of creating a permanent trust fund, the interest thereof to be used for the perpetual care, the filling of vases and planting of a flower bed on sublot 2, section 26 in Woodland cemetery, and known as the Bertha C. Scheidler lot. Whereas, the said sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) is now in the hands of the supervisor of cemeteries, therefore, be it Resolved, by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio, that the director of public service be, and is hereby directed to place said sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) to the credit of a fund to be called "The Scheidler Trust Fund," and that semi-annually upon settlement of the city depositaries with the city of Cleveland for the interest due said city of Cleveland upon its average daily balances in such depositaries the director of finance be and is hereby directed to place to the credit of "The Scheidler Trust fund" an amount equal to the interest on five hundred dollars ($500.00) for the time such money has remained in the city treasury and acquired interest as being a part of the balances at a rate of interest which shall be equal to the average of the rate paid to the city by such depositaries; and Resolved, that such amount of interest or so much thereof shall be used from time to time for the perpetual care, the filling of vases and planting of a flower bed on sub. 1, lot 2, section 26 in Woodland cemetery. Read first time. Referred to the director of public service, the committee on finance director of finance and director of law. File No. 44802. By Mr. Rolf. Whereas, the council is satisfied that there is good cause for vacating the portion of Ruple rd. Ν. Ε., as hereinafter described and that it will not be detrimental to the general interest of the public and that such vacation ought to be made, now therefore, be it Resolved, by the council of the city of Cleveland, state of Ohio: that it hereby declares its intention to vacate the portion of Ruple rd. N. E. described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of original lot No. 42. north 0° 56′ 03′′ east, 196.77 feet from a stone monument at the southeasterly corner of said original lot No. 42; thence north 43° 41' 48" west. 335.79 feet along the southwesterly line of Ruple rd. N. E., as shown on the plat of the Ruple heirs subdivision in vol. 156, page 40 Cuyahoga county common pleas of |