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The City Record

Official Publication of the City of Cleveland

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(Telephones-Unless otherwise stated, call Main 4600 or Central 1 for any of the officials listed below).

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Division of Streets

John G. Tomson, Commissioner, 124 City Hall. Street Lighting, Albert Moritz, Supt., 112 City Hall. Sidewalks, 617 City Hall. Street Signs and House Numbers, Fred P. Troyan, Supt., 617 City Hall.

Division of Parks and Public Grounds

Lyman O. Newell, Commissioner, 436 City Hall. H. C. Hyatt, City Forester, 435 City Hall. Chas. Kibler, Supt. of Markets, Weights and Measures. Central and West Side Markets. Cemeteries, 435 City Hall.

Division of Recreation

J. F. Potts, Commissioner, Room 435.

Division of Engineering and ConstructionRobert Hoffman, Commissioner, 618 City Hall.

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Thomas S. Farrell, Director.

Director's Secretary-Harold S. Weidel.
228 City Hall.
Division of Water-

George B. Dusinberre, Commissioner; J. T. Mar-
tin, Deputy Commissioner, 211 City Hall.

Division of Light and Heat

W. E. Davis, Commissioner, 228 City Hall.

Board of Control - Mayor Davis, President, and
Directors FitzGerald, Bernstein, Beman, Sprosty,
Neal and Farrell. Nathan E. Cook, Secretary.
Room 305 City Hall.

Civil Service Commission-Ralph W. Edwards, L.
A. Deutsch and Benedict Crowell, Commissioners.
E. A. Kline, Secretary, 414 City Hall.

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Alva R. Dittrick..


Charles V. Dickerson.


Sampel B. Michell......


Frank J. Faulhaber


John P. Becker....


Clayton C. Townes.


Jerry R. Zmunt.


W. J. Horrigan..


J. J. McGinty....

10 John W. Reynolds.

11 Thomas W. Fleming... 12 Benjamin H. Schwartz Charles A. Kadlecek.


14 Jos. F. Sledz..... Wm. F. Thompson.


16 R. S. Taylor.. 17 Wm. L. Wagner.

18 Harry C. Gahn.....

19 Wm. Stolte...



Charles B. Stannard. John Sulzmann.


Edward A. Meyers.


Adam J. Damm.

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.8700 Lorain Ave 5834 Storer Ave. 7915 Madison Ave. N. W .2185 West 67th St. ...3308 Fulton Rd. 3800 West 33rd St. .2172 West 14th St. 4607 Franklin Ave. 2741 Commercial Rd. .1760 East 27th St. .2171 East 30th St. .2544 East 50th St. 5314 McBride Ave. 3593 East 65th St.

9213 Miles Ave. 9308 Kinsman Rd. 5816 Woodland Ave. ..4912 Cedar Ave. 10813 Fairchild Ave. 1679 East 82nd St. 1338 East 81st St. .1739 East 70th St. 1046 East 74th St. 899 Parkwood Dr. .1376 East 112th St. 15322 St. Clair Ave.

Clerk-R. E. Collins, 316 City Hall.



Civil Branch

Chief Justice-William H. McGannon.

Judges-Geo P. Baer,

Daniel B. Cull,

Wm. B. Beebe,

Frank C. Phillips,

Samuel H. Silbert,

Samuel E. Kramer.

Pierre A. White.

Bailiff-Chas. L. Selzer.

City Hall. Main 4600, Central 1.

Criminal Branch

Judges-Wm. C. Keough,

David Moylan.

Central Police Station. Main 1330, Central 4021

Clerk-Peter J. Henry.

VOL. 4


The City Record

Published weekly under authority of the Charter of the City of Cleveland Subscription (by Mail)-50 cents a year Address all communications to

R. E. COLLINS, Clerk of Council, 316 City Hall

Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the post-office at Cleveland, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879.


The regular session of the board of control was called to order by Director FitzGerald at 10:00 a. m., Friday, July 13, 1917.

Present: Directors FitzGerald, Bernstein, Beman, Sprosty and Farrell.

Absent: Mayor Davis and Director Neal.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented. There being no new business to bring before the board the meeting adjourned.


The regular meeting of the board of control was called to order by Mayor Davis at 10:00 a. m., Monday of July 16, 1917.

Present: Mayor Davis, Directors FitzGerald, Bernstein, Beman, Sprosty and Farrell.

Absent: Director Neal.

sented and

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as preon motion of the president the following resolutions were adopted:


File No. 4730.

By Director Bernstein. Resolved, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with The Manson Co. the lowest and best bidders for the construction of a sewer in W. 59th st., between Lorain ave. and 800 feet southerly, in accordance with their bid for the same, approximately $12,625.00, received on the 6th day of

July, 1917.

File No. 4731.

By Director Bernstein.


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File No. 4733.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with The Fred R. Jones Co., the lowest and best bidder, for the excavation of public hall, amounting to ap

proximately $44,890.00, in accord

ance with its bid of July 12th, 1917. File No. 4734.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that subsidiary agreement No. 761, Company, making certain additions with American Street Lighting to and amending contract No. 11692, in the sum of $1,388.66, covering the rental of ornamental gas lamp heads for park and boulevard lighting, be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4735.

By Director Bernstein.

that resolution No. 4294, adopted Resolved, by the board of control,

March 30, 1917, fixing the number, salaries and bonds of positions in division of engineering, be and the the department of public service, same is hereby amended by striking out "1 junior clerk (B) at

$720.00 per year" and inserting in

lieu thereof
junior clerk (B) at
$780.00 per year;" and

Be it further resolved, that this resolution shall relate back to and

Resolved, that the director of be effective from and after July 1,


File No. 4736.

No. 185

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that resolution No. 1382, adopted January 5, 1915, fixing the numbersalaries and bonds of positions in the department of public service, division of garage, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out "1 repairman at $780.00 per year" and inserting in lieu thereof "1 repairman at $2.75 per day;" and

Be it further resolved, that this resolution shall relate back to and be effective from and after July 1, 1917.

File No. 4737.

By Director Sprosty.

Resolved, by the board of control, that contract No. 11724 with the Knox Auto & Tractor Company, Cleveland, Ohio, for furnishing and delivering five (5) tractors for steam engines with Archibald wheels for steamers, fitted with rubber tires and bronze boxes, for the division of fire, department of public safety, in the amount of twenty-two thousand, ninety ($22,090.00) dollars, be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4738.
By Director Sprosty.

Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public safety be and he is hereby authorized and

directed to enter into a contract

with the American LaFrance Fire Engine Company, Elmira, N. Y., lowest and best bidder June 29th, 1917, for furnishing and delivering one (1) 65 foot spring hoist aerial ladder, for the division of fire, department of public safety, in accordance with its bid of ten thousand, nine hundred ($10,900.00) dollars.

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of light and heat, in the sum of approximately eleven thousand three hundred and eighty-five dollars ($11,385.00) in accordance with its bid received July 10, 1917. File No. 4741.

By Director Farrell.

Resolved, by the board of control, that contract 11696 with John A. Stewart Electric Co. for sale of one 400 KW turbo generator to them from the division of light and heat, in the sum of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4742.

By Director Farrell.

Resolved, by the board of control, that subsidiary agreement No. 769 modifying contract 11499 with the U. S. Cast Iron Pipe & Foundry Co. for cast iron pipe, special and miscellaneous castings, for the division of water, and providing for additional pipe in the sum of approximately ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4743.

By Director Farrell.

Resolved, by the board of control, that contract 11720 with the Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. for exciter unit for the division of light and heat in the sum of thirteen thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($13,175.00) be be and the same is hereby approved. NATHAN E. COOK, Secretary.


Applications and full information covering the following examinations may now be obtained at the office of the civil service commission, 414 City Hall. Applications should be obtained as soon as possible, and must be filed by applicant in person at that office not later than 12 o'clock noon of the seventh day preceding the date of the examination.

Until further notice all examinations will be held at the examination room, second floor old Court House (Public Square).

PATROLMAN-DIVISION OF POLICE Civil service original entrance examination will be held at 9:00 a. m. Saturday, July 21, 1917, for positions of patrolmen in the division of police, department of public safety, at the Spencerian Commerclal School, corner Euclid and E. 18th st.

Applicants must not be less than 5 feet 8 inches in height; must weigh not less הפלה 148 pounds, and must be not less than 21 nor more than 33 years of age.

Each applicant will be required to undergo a preliminary physical examination. to be conducted by the medical officer of the division of police, at the Orange ave. municipal bathhouse, 1611 Orange ave., at

a time to be later announced by mail to each applicant. Applicants rejected in the physical examination will be disqualified.

The subjects of the examination will include the following: (1) writing; (2) spelling; (3) arithmetic; (4) a written examination consisting of practical questions, which in the opinion of the commission, tend to demonstrate applicant's knowledge of the duties of a patrolman, good judgment and general fitness for the position; (5) an oral examination to be conducted by the members of the commission or by a committee designated for that purpose; (6) muscular strength test.

In case two or more applicants have the same percentages, the person filing application first will receive the advantage.

Edward A. Kline,



Division of Purchases and Supplies


Sealed bids will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, city hall, Cleveland, O., until 12 o'clock noon, eastern standard time, Wednesday, July 25, 1917, for paving approaches Clark ave. viaduct, and will be opened and read in room 305 city hall, immediately thereafter.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to bridge engineer.

No proposals will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by bridge engineer and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12 o'clock noon, eastern standard time, on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

July 11, 18, 1917.


Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12 o'clock M., July 25, 1917, and will be opened in the council chamber, city hall, immediately thereafter, for grading, draining, curbing, paving and improving the following named thoroughfares between the points named.

Arey rd. S. E., from Murray Hill rd. to N. L. Random rd. S. E.

Sauer ave. N. W., from W. 85th st. to W. 93rd st.

E. 141st st., from Nine Mile creek to Aspinwall ave. N. E.

And enlarging, paving and improving the following named intersections.

Fairmount rd. S. E., Fairchild ave. S. E.. Wilbur ave. S. E., and E. 107th st.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be seen at the office of the commissioner of engineering, room 618. city hall. No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the commissioner of engineering and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, previous to 12 o'clock noon, eastern standard time, on the day above specified.

or all bids.

The city reserves the right to reject any
July 11, 18, 1917.


Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, city hall, Cleveland, O., until 12 o'clock noon, eastern time, July 27, 1917, for structural steel supports for locomotive cranes for the division of light and heat, and will be opened and read in room 305 city hall, immediately thereafter.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to the office of the division of light and heat, room 204 city


No proposals will be entertained unless mare on the blanks furnished by the division of light and heat and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies previous to 12 o'clock noon, eastern standard time on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. July 11, 18, 1917.


Thursday, July 12, 1917.

At this meeting of the board, the following improvements were disposed of: Linwood ave. resurfacing, from E. 82nd st. to E. 86th st. Not approved. Carnegie ave. repaving, from E. 22nd st. to E. 55th st. Not approved.

E. 157th st. sewer, from Holmes ave. to Saranac rd. Approved.

St. Clair ave. sewer, from E. 171st st. to E. 175th st. Approved.

Melvern ave. N. E. sewer, from E. 177th st. to 400 feet east. Approved.

Webster ct. N. E., from E. 33rd st. to

E. 37th st. Postponed one week.

Webster ct. N. E., from E. 37th st. to E. 40th st. Postponed one week.





E. 38th pl., from Webster ct. to Kelly Postponed one week.

E. 39th pl., from Webster ct. to. Kelly

Postponed one week.

E. 40th pl., from Webster ct. to Kelly Postponed one week.

Kelly ct., from E. 37th st. to E. 40th Postponed one week.

Franklin ave. resurfacing, from W. 25ht st. to W. 65th st. Postponed one week. E. 143rd st. paving, from Westropp ave. N. E. to Sylvia ave. Approved.

E. 143rd st. paving, from Westropp ave. N. E. to Lake Shore blvd. Approved.

E. 97th st. sewer, from Elwell ave. to 197 feet north. Approved.

Congo ave. vacation. Recommended for adoption.

Peshek ave. vacation. Recommended for adoption.

The following improvements will be considered at the next regular meeting of the board, July 19, 1917:

E. 123rd st. paving, from Ray ct. N. E. to Taft ave. N. E.

E. 123rd st. sewer, from Abell ave. to Imperial ave.

E. 128th st. paving, from St. Clair ave.

N. E. to Penobscot ave. N. Ε.

E. 156th st. sewer, from Holmes ave. N. E. to Saranac rd. N. E.

E. 158th st. sewer, from Holmes ave. N. E. to Saranac rd. N. E.

E. 158th st. paving, from Waterloo rd. N. E. to Calcutta ave. N. E.

Olivet ct. and E. 106th st. paving, from Hathaway ave. N. E. to E. 108th st.

E. 160th st. paving from Trafalgar ave. N. E. to Waterloo rd. N. E.

E. 117th st. paving, from Kinsman rd. S. E. to Ely ave. S. E.

McElhatten ave. N. E. paving, from E. 136th st. to E. 140th st.

E. 157th st. paving, from Calcutta ave. N. E. to Waterloo rd. N. E.

E. 140th st. sewer, from St. Clair ave. N. E. to Castalia ave. N. E.

Korman ave. N. E. paving, from E. 74th st. to E. 79th st.

E. 40th pl. paving, from Webster ct. to Kelly ct.

E. 38th pl. paving, from Webster ct. to Kelly ct.

Kelly ct. paving, from E. 37th st. to E. 40th st.

Webster ct. paving, from E. 37th st. to E. 40th st.

E. 39th pl., from Webster ct. to Kelly ct., paving.

Webster ct. paving, from E. 33rd st. to E. 37th st.

Franklin ave. resurfacing, from W. 25th st. to W. 65th st.


L. C. CUKR, Acting Secretary.

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Your committee on telephones and telegraphs made an inspection of the two local telephone companies.

We find The Ohio State Telephone Company in good shape for handling their present telephone business. We find that The Cleveland Telephone Company is insufficiently equipped to handle its business. The telephone operators apparently are over-worked and the equipment is not of sufficient capacity to handle the business. The company is engaged in enlarging its exchange facilities in two different locations and promises to use every effort by having more help and more equipment to handle the business.

Your committee, however, is of the opinion that the only lasting solution to the problem lies in public ownership of the telephones. Respectfully submitted. JOHN M. SULZMANN, E. A. MEYERS,

Committee on Telephones and Tele

graphs. Received. File No. 44922.

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I am transmitting to you a report from the commissioner and engineer in answer to resolution


MONDAY, JULY 16, 1917

file No. 44674 and resolution file No.
Respectfully submitted,

Director of Public Service.
July 5th, 1917.

Mr. Alex Bernstein,
Director of Public Service.
Dear Sir:

I am returning herewith communication file No. 44674, from the council committee on grade crossings to the council, relative to conditions arising in connection with the grade crossing work along the line of the N. Y. C. & St. L. R. R. between Fulton rd. and Detroit ave.

The committee in its communication refers to ten different headings in connection with which changes of improvements are desired.

In reference to No. 1, referring to temporary foot bridge at W. 44th st. I beg to advise that this location is one at which a permanent bridge is to be constructed and that therefore the existence of a temporary foot bridge would interfere with the permanent work. Furtherfore, as W. 44th st. is to be filled in connection with the permanent work, the approach to a temporary foot bridge would be interfered with just as soon as filling operations begin.

Temporary bridge for traffic in this vicinity has been provided at W. 42nd st., one block east of W. 44th st. There are only a limited number of residents in this immediate vicinity that can be greatly inconvenienced by reason of the W. 42nd st. crossing, the use of which involves the loss of only a couple of minutes in time, in comparison with the time that would be required were there a temporary bridge at W. 44th st.

The various points of crossing which are being provided for temporary use are all more or less points of danger. by reason of the necessity of traffic crossing existing railroad tracks, which are still under operation. To add to the number of foot bridges adds of course to the danger arising from these crossings of grade.

Unless the grade crossing committee on reconsideration of this matter decides that the public necessity of a temporary foot bridge at W. 44th st. is such that its construction is certainly demanded, it would be the judgment of this office that it is better not to build the same for the reasons herein mentioned.

In regard to item No. 2 the grading of earth between W. 45th st., and the temporary bridge at W. 47th st., I beg to advise that such grading has been ordered.

In regard to section 3. referring to the barricading at W. 41st st., the same has been ordered placed.

Section 4, requesting fence railing along the railroad tracks between W. 52nd st. and W. 53rd st., so as to protect pedestrians, I wish to advise that such fence has been ordered placed, although the path which will thereby be provided will be extremely narrow.

Fifth: Legislation is now under way for acquiring property between W. 55th st. and W. 53rd st., so as to provide for a street between these thoroughfares. Approval for the purchase of land desired by the courcil committee has not yet been given by the railroad company.

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Eighth: Regarding bridges in vicinity of W. 75th st., so as to make an intermediate crossing between W. 65th st., and W. 85th st., I wish to advise that a bridge is to be placed at W: 75th st. and W. 79th st., which will adequately take care of the temporary traffic referred to.

Ninth: Regarding barricades at street ends across which excavation has been done by the contractor, I wish to advise that temporary barricade at all such points have been ordered placed. In this connection I wish to advise that temporary barricades are to be placed by the contractor only, and will be followed later by proper fences of a permanent naturе.

Tenth: Regarding approaches to temporary bridges, I wish to advise that Mr. Richards, bridge engineer, reports that all such approaches are all in excellent condition. Yours very truly. (Signed) ROBERT HOFFMAN, Commissioner and Chief Engineer. Received.

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Another location such structure having a 7 ft. by 37 ft. superstructure, which would provide for a waiting station for about 25 persons, could be built on Denison ave. at the southeast corner of Lorain ave. at a cost of $9,000. As the structure would be located 1 ft. 6 in. from the curb, and the width of the sidewalk is 14 ft., the available space for passage between the structure and the building is only 5 ft. 6 in.

An underground comfort station only, with open stairway approaches to same, could be built in either location at a cost of $7,500.00.

However, in the latter location arrangement would have to be made with the abutting property owner for the use of the space occupied by a 3 ft. by 9 ft. area.

Respectfully submitted.
Director of Public Service.


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