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The City Record

Official Publication of the City of Cleveland

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August the Twenty-Ninth, Nineteen Hundred and Seventeen

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VOL. 4


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File No. 4856.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into subsidiary agreement No. 792, with Roehl Brothers, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 11690, in the sum of $145.00, covering the paving of Poe ave. S. W., from W. 32nd st. to W. 39th st. File No. 4857.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that contract No. 11764, with The Poplowsky Plumbing Company, amounting to approximately $1,896.60, covering the installing of the necessary plumbing and heating work in the comfort stations at Sterling park and Clinton park, be and the same is hereby ap



File No. 4858.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into subsidiary agreement No. 791, with Cyclone Fence Company, making certain additions to and amending contract No. 11532, in the sum of $9.60, covering the furnishing and erecting of wire fabric fence around Garfield park.

File No. 4859.

By Director Farrell.

Resolved, by the board of control, that the director of public utilities be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with the Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co., lowest and best bidder, for chloride of lime for the division of water, in the sum of four thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($4,125.00) in accordance with its bid received August 8, 1917.

And, be it further resolved, that resolution 4851, passed by the board of control on August 17, 1917, be and the same is hereby declared void.

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No. 191

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And, be it further resolved, that the resolutions of the board of control fixing the number, salaries and bonds of employes in this subdivision be and the same are hereby repealed; and

Be it further resolved, that this resolution shall be in effect from and after August 16th, 1917. NATHAN E. COOK, Secretary.

The regular meeting of the board of control was called to order by Acting Mayor FitzGerald at 10:00 a. m., Monday, August 27, 1917. Present: Directors FitzGerald, Bernstein, Beman, Sprosty, Neal and Farrell.

Absent: Mayor Davis.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as presented and on motion of the acting president the following resolutions were adopted:

File No. 4863.

By Director Neal.

Resolved, by the board of control, that resolution No. 3788, passed October 16th, 1916, be amended to read as follows:

Resolved, that the director of finance be and he is hereby authorized to employ a special collector at a salary of $1,500.00 per year to investigate and collect the outstanding accounts due the city and this appointment shall take effect and be in force from and after August 16th, 1917.

File No. 4864.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control, that subsidiary No. 790, with R. P. Burnett, making certain additions


and amending contract No. 11478, in the sum of $49.41, covering the grading, draining and paving of Hough ave. extension from Ansel rd. to E. 105th st. and Lower blvd., be and the same is hereby approved.



Cleveland, Ohio, Wednesday, July 25th, 1917. The members of the sinking fund commission met this day at the

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The city of Cleveland offers the sinking fund commission the following described notes and bonds:

Thirteen thousand ($13,000) dollars 5 per cent street improvement notes, dated August 1, 1917, and maturing as follows: $1,100 May 1, 1918; $1,100 November 1, 1918; $1,100 May 1, 1919; $1,100 November 1, 1919; $1,100 May 1, 1920; $1,100 November 1, 1920; $1,100 May 1, 1921; $1,100 November 1, 1921; $2,100 May 1, 1922, and $2,100 November 1, 1922.

Fifty thousand ($50,000) dollars 42 per cent city's portion street improvement bonds, dated August 1st, 1917, maturing as follows: $2,000 August 1, 1918, and $2,000 on the first day of August in each of the succeeding 24 years, the last bonds maturing August 1st, 1942. Very truly yours,


C. J. NEAL, Director of Finance." On motion by Mr. Thompson, to which there was no second, the following resolution was offered:

Resolved, that the foregoing offer of the city of Cleveland of bonds and notes as specified in the above letter, be and the same are hereby accepted.

The secretary presented and read the following letter from the First Trust & Savings Company: "July 12th, 1917.

Mr. J. H. Morris,

Assistant Secretary
Sinking Fund Commission,
Cleveland, Ohio.

Dear Sir:

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Tuesday, July 31st, 1917. The members of the sinking fund commission met this day in the office of the commission, 128 city hall, at 2 o'clock p. m. pursuant to the call of the secretary.

The following members present:


Messrs. Neal, Thompson. Absent: Mr. Davis. Mr. Thompson presided at the meeting.

The minutes of the last preceding meetings of the commission held on June 29th, July 17th and July 25th, 1917, as recorded by the secretary were read, and upon motion duly seconded were approved.

The secretary presented disbursement voucher No. 108, dated July 31st, 1917, showing disbursements to be made August 1st, 1917, in the sum of $157,208.38; also receiving voucher No. 102, dated June 30th, 1917, showing receipts for the month of June in the sum of $37,572.40.

Mr. Neal moved, seconded by Mr. Thompson, that said disbursement voucher No. 103 be and the same is hereby approved, and the amount shown therein ordered paid; and that said receiving voucher No. 102 be and the same is hereby approved.

Roll call.

Yeas. Neal, Thompson. Nays. None.

Motion carried.

The assistant secretary presented and read the following_letters from the First Trust & Savings Company:

"July 26th, 1917.

Mr. J. H. Morris,
Assistant Secretary
Sinking Fund Commission,
Cleveland, Ohio.

Dear Sir:

Kindly permit us to withdraw from securities which you hold to secure your deposit with this company $1,000 Cadillac Investment Co. 46% bond.

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Asst. Secretary. "July 31st, 1917.

Mr. J. H. Morris,

Assistant Secretary
Sinking Fund Commission,
Cleveland, Ohio.
Dear Sir:

We have deposited with you to secure any further deposits you may make with this company, and subject to the approval of the commission, the following securities:

$113,000 par value Anable Avenue Factory Corporation, collateral trust 6% bonds.

$50,000 Bethlehem Steel Co. 2 year 5% secured notes.

$50,000 Erie R. R. Co., 5's due 4-1-1919.

$50,000 Great Western Power Co. of Cal., 6% 10 year conv. debentures due November 1, 1925.

$50,000 Scientific Heater Co., 1st mortgage 6% bonds.

$20,000 Seaboard Air Line Ry. Co., first and consolidated 5% bonds September 1, 1945.

$93,000 Toledo Traction Light and Power Co., 6% second lien bonds due 2-1-1918.

$250,000 West Water Sycamore Co., first mortgage leasehold 6% bonds. Yours very truly, (Signed) R. S. CRAWFORD, Treasurer." On motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Mr. Neal, the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, that the releasing and accepting of the above securities by the assistant secretary be and the same is hereby approved. Roll call.

Yeas. Neal, Thompson.
Nays. None.

Resolution adopted.

There being no further matters of business presented for the consideration of the commission, on motion duly seconded, the meeting adjourned subject to the call of the secretary.

Asst. Secretary.


Applications and full information covering the following examinations may now be obtained at the office of the civil service commission, 414 City Hall. Applications should be obtained as soon as possible, and must be filed by applicant in person at

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Civil service promotion examination will be held at a date to be later announced for the position of senior inspector of public works in the division of streets. Salary-$1,200.00 per annum.

This examination is restricted to civil service employees holding positions of inspector of public works, IW-1, (formerly inspector of street openings), in the division of streets.

The subjects of the examination will inIclude the following: (1) A written examination consisting of practical questions relating to the duties of the position; (2) An oral examination to be conducted by a committee of experts designated for that purpose; (3) Experience as an inspector,

and seniority and record in the department verified to the satisfaction of the commission will be considered and given a weight as a subject of the examination.

Duties: The incumbent of this position assigns inspectors to the various jobs; and personally supervises their work; decides all questions as to street openings and refills, and issues orders for repaving work when openings are ready for same.

Edward A. Kline,


40 41

42 43 44



Dvorak, Edward J., 3298 W. 33rd st.
S. W.

Ehrenfeld, Edward, 4008 Prospect ave.
Rolf, Carl William, 4235 Newark ave.
Giesler, Charles, 5506 Hough ave.
Oehme, Walter L., 3461 W. 49th st.
Hendricks, Steven, 3372 E. 49th st.
Milkowski, Emil, 4846 Wendell ave.
Elliott, William H., 2221 E. 69th st.
47 Moranz, Paul P., 3303 W. 22nd pl.
Krause, Chester Wm., 3306 West blvd.
Cassidy, Roland F.. 1190 E. 80th st.
Bessick, Andrew, 9061 Buckeye rd.
51 White, Edward, 6703 Madison ave.
52 McGuire, John A., 1225 E. 17th st.
Kouyta, Anthony D., 3319 W. 44th st.
Von Lehnden, Frank Carl, 13819 Wood-
worth rd.

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Samuels, William R., 11608 St. Clair


64 Smolka, Joseph, 3737 E. 52nd st.
Cunat, James Wm., 3736 E. 53rd st.
66 Nailor, Albert B.. 472 E. 126th st.
Patton, James, 2329 E. 33rd st.
Peirce, Lester J., 4700 Ravine ave.
O'Malley, William J., 2901 Jay ave.
Leasgang, John S., 2810 York ave.
S. W.

Gates, Ben Franklin. 2622 Scovill ave.

72 Plechaty, Edward George, 3176 E. 49th st.

Cerny, Albert Frank. 3905 E. 55th st. Suchan, Joseph C., 3665 E. 50th st. Naegele, Herman F., 3887 W. 17th st. 76 Healey, Patrick P., 1460 W. 50th st. 77 Quinn, Patrick J.. 2089 W. 61st st. 78 Kane, Eugene William, 3277 W. 84th st. Stonske, Felix, 2034 W. 20th st. Munck, William, 3271 W. 54th st. Beelman, Harry John, 2087 W. 14th st. Maier, Henry J., 1966 W. 44th st. 83 Koehr, Oliver W., 4125 Bucyrus ave. Ansberry, James V., 1378 Marquette ave.


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Williamson, Bert, 7415 Worley ave.

Ryser, John A., 2788 E. 55th st.

Kotek, Whitney P., 3123 W. 56th st.
Timony, Anthony J., 2584 E. 55th st.
Veverka, Alfred, 5207 Fleet ave.
Riehl, William Lawrence, 3919 Cedar


Simera, Joseph, 4533 Sackett ave.
Grady, John J., 7215 Hague ave.
Fort, Yaro, 3332 E. 49th st.
Hovancsek, Joseph M., Jr., 12709 Buck-
eye rd.



Charles, 7121 Ivy
S. E.
Lathy, Harry, 809 Central ave.
Dier, Henry W., 2328 Kinkel ave.
Finnerty, Patrick J., 3523 W. 58th st.
Foote, Frank, 8608 Cedar ave.

27 Lehnert, John George, 14409 Ardenall


28 Rosenthal, Irwin F., 823 E. 93rd st.
Johnston, Clayton H., 9112 Miles ave.
Anyz, Frank A., 2432 E. 84th st.
Glick, Myer H., 1725 E. 89th st.
Tesar, Frank Joseph, 4917 Anson ave.
Bezold, George, 13507 Marston ave.
Walter, Joseph B., 8825 St. Clair ave.
35 Murphy, John H., State Hospital.
Shafranek. Charles, 3463 E. 70th st.
Conway, Harry F., 7023 Whitney ave.
Petite, Paul Leon, 3030 Barber ave.


$5 Skola, Albert, 7050 Morgan ave. Jackson, Walter Edward, 10609 Norman ave.

87 Meincke, Ralph H., 5210 Stickney ave.


Division of Purchases and Supplies


Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, until 12 o'clock m., September 5, 1917, and will be opened in the council chamber, city hall, immediately thereafter, for grading, draining, curbing, paving and improving the following named thoroughfare between the points named:

E. 141st st.. from St. Clair ave. N. E. to a point 500 feet northerly.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the plans and specifications which may be seen at the office of the commissioner of engineering, room 618 city hall. No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the commissioner of engineering and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room 219 city hall, previous to 12 o'clock m., eastern standard time, on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

August 22, 29, 1917.

VENTURI METER INSTALLATION AT THE EASTERLY SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS Cleveland, Ohio. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room No. 219 city hall, until 12

o'clock noon (eastern time), September 13, 1917, for furnishing and installing. complete in place, an eighty-four (84) inch venturi meter, together with all the necessary apparatus and appliances.

Copies of plans and specifications and blank proposals can be obtained at the office of the commissioner of engineering, room No. 618 city hall, after August 28, 1917, upon the deposit of five dollars ($5) the deposit to be refunded upon the return of the plans in good condition, on or before the expiration of ten (10) days from the date of receiving bids, or if a bid is submitted.

The proposal must contain the full name and address of the party or parties making the same and all persons interested therein and must be accompanied by a proposal bond signed by a surety company authorized to do business in the state of Ohio or by a certified check on a solvent bank, for one thousand dollars (1,000) payable to the city of Cleveland as a surety that if the bid be accepted a contract will be entered into and the performance of it properly secured.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the commissioner of engineering and delivered at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, room No. 219 city hall, previous to 12 o'clock noon (eastern time), on the day specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

August 22, 29, September 5, 1917. SWITCHBOARD. OIL SWITCHES AND REACTORS FOR THE DIVISION OF LIGHT AND HEAT Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, city hall, Cleveland, Ohio, until 12:00 o'clock noon. eastern time, September 14, 1917, for switchboard, oil switches and reactors for the division of light and heat, and will be opened and read in the city council chamber, city hall, immediately thereafter.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to the office of the division of light and heat.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the division of light and heat and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon. eastern standard time, on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

August 29, September 5, 1917.


SALE OF SCRAP IRON AND VARIOUS ITEMS FROM THE DEPARTMENT DIOF PUBLIC UTILITIES. VISION OF WATER Sealed bids will be received at the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, city Cleveland, Ohio, until 12:00 o'clock noon, eastern standard time, Wednesday, September 12th, for the sale of scrap iron and various items from the department of public utilities, division of water, and will be opened and read in room 505 city hall, immediately thereafter.

Each bid must be made in accordance with the specifications which may be obtained by applying to the commissioner of water, room 211 city hall.

No proposal will be entertained unless made on the blanks furnished by the commissioner of water and delivered to the office of the commissioner of purchases and supplies, previous to 12:00 o'clock noon, eastern standard time, on the day above specified.

The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

August 29, September 5, 1917.


Thursday, August 23, 1917. At this meeting of the board, the following improvements were disposed of:

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