Imágenes de páginas

(Telephones - Unless otherwise stated, call Main 4600 or Central 1 for any of the officials listed below).

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John G. Tomson, Commissioner, 124 City Hall. Street Lighting, Albert Moritz, Supt., 112 City Hall. Sidewalks, 617 City Hall. Street Signs and House Numbers, Fred P. Troyan, Supt., 617 City Hall.

Division of Parks and Public Grounds

Lyman O. Newell, Commissioner, 436 City Hall. H. C. Hyatt, City Forester, 435 City Hall. Chas. Kibler, Supt. of Markets, Weights and Measures, Central and West Side Markets. Cemeteries, 435 City Hall.

Division of Recreation

J. F. Potts, Commissioner, Room 435. Division of Engineering and ConstructionRobert Hoffman, Commissioner, 618 City Hall.

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Thomas S. Farrell, Director.

Director's Secretary-Harold S. Weidel.
228 City Hall.
Division of Water-

George B. Dusinberre, Commissioner; J. T. Mar-
tin, Deputy Commissioner, 211 City Hall.

Division of Light and Heat

W. E. Davis, Commissioner, 228 City Hall.

Board of Control-Mayor Davis, President, and
Directors FitzGerald, Bernstein, Beman, Sprosty,
Neal and Farrell. Nathan E. Cook, Secretary.
Room 305 City Hall.

Civil Service Commission-Ralph W. Edwards, L.
A. Deutsch and Benedict Crowell, Commissioners.
E. A. Kline, Secretary, 414 City Hall.

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VOL. 4


The City Record

Published weekly under authority of the Charter of the City of Cleveland Subscription (by Mail)-50 cents a year Address all communications to

R. E. COLLINS, Clerk of Council, 316 City Hall

Entered as second-class matter February 18, 1914, at the post-office at Cleveland, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879.


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File No. 4685.

By Director Bernstein.


Resolved, by the board of control that contract. No. 11708, with A. Morra, amounting to approximately $29,000.00, covering the struction of a sewer in Nottingham rd. N. E., from St. Clair ave. N. E. to Dillewood rd. N. E., be and the same is hereby approved. File No. 4686.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control that contract No. 11710, with The River Construction Company, amounting to approximately $28,300.00, covering the construction of a sewer in Ivanhoe rd., from Mandalay ave. N. E., to Euclid ave., be and the same is hereby approved. File No. 4687.

By Director Bernstein. Resolved, by the board of control that contract No. 11704, with Roehl Brothers, amounting to approximately $20,200.00, covering the grading, draining and paving of W. 99th st., from Lorain ave. to the south line of Bertha ave. S. W. be and the same is hereby approved. File No. 4688.

By Director Bernstein. Resolved, that the director of public service be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with The A. M. Pejsa Paving Company, for paving and improving Harris ave. S.E., from E. 90th st. to E. 93rd st., in accordance with their bid for the same, received March 21, 1917, approximately $7,699.35.

No. 183

Re-assessment will be required.
File No. 4689.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control that contract No. 11707, with Sprague and Burkhardt, amounting to approximately $400.00, covering the construction of a sewer in Nelson ave. from E. 93rd st. into city sewer, be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4690.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control that contract No. 11709, with W. T. Stengel & Company, amounting to approximately $5,400.00, covering the construction of a sewer in W. Blvd., from Jasper ave. S. W. to Thrush ave., be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4691.

By Director Bernstein.

Resolved, by the board of control that contract No. 11706, with H. Weseloh, amounting to approximately $1,900.00, covering the construction of a sewer in E. 112th st., from Woodland ave. to the south line of Stastney subdivision be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4692.

By Director Farrell.

Resolved, by the board of control that contract 11711 with the BakerDunbar-Allen Co., for economizers and accessories for the division of light and heat in the sum of fortyfive thousand four hundred and sixty dollars ($45,460.00) be and the same is hereby approved.

File No. 4693.

By Director Sprosty.

Resolved, by the board of control that the director of public safety, be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the Knox Auto and Tractor Company, Cleveland, Ohio, lowest and best bidder, May 18th, 1917, for furnishings and delivering five (5) tractors for steam engines with Archibald wheels for steamers, fitted with rubber tires and bronze boxes, for the division of fire, department of public safety, in accordance with its bid of twenty-two thousand ninety ($22,090.00) dollars.

File No. 4694.

By Director Farrell. Resolved, by the board of control that the director of public utilities be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract with Orton & Steinbrenner Co., lowest

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