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Board of Trade-cont.



Private Bills Board of Trade Reports,
Question, Mr. Waldegrave-Leslie; Answer,
Mr. Stephen Cave April 3, [191] 831
Rule of the Road at Sea, Question, Mr. Hol-
land; Answer, Mr. Stephen Cave April 2,
[191] 705; June 25, [192] 2136

[blocks in formation]

(Mr. Secretary Gathorne Hardy, Mr. Chancellor
of the Exchequer, Sir James Fergusson)
191]c. Motion for Leave (Mr. Secretary Gathorne
Hardy) Mar 24, 196; Bill ordered

[ocr errors]

Read 10 Mar 26
[Bill 78]
Question, Mr. Watkin; Answer, Mr. Gathorne
Hardy April 2, 706

Moved, "That the Bill be now read 20" (Mr.
Gathorne Hardy) April 20, 1014

After short debate, Moved, "That this House
do now adjourn" (Mr. Serjeant Gaselee);
Motion withdrawn; main Question put, and
agreed to; Bill read 2o

Question, Mr. Hibbert; Answer, Mr. Gathorne
Hardy May 5, 1786

192] Committee-R.P. May 14, 248
Committee-R.P. June 8, 1257

. Committee June 11, 1404; after long debate,
Bill reported

Considered June 18

[blocks in formation]

[Bill 165]

(The Lord Privy Seal) June 23
June 25

193] Committee-R.P. July 2, 495

Committee; Report July 6, 710

[ocr errors]

Read 3 July 7

(No. 170)

[blocks in formation]

BOUVERIE, Right Hon. E. P.-cont.
193] 722; cl. 6, 742; cl. 10, 759; cl. 14, 1002, 1007,
1008, 1012, 1015; cl. 15, 1016; cl. 17, 1018,
1020, 1168, 1170; cl. 23, ib.; cl. 41, Amendt.
1175; add. cl. 1875, 1378; Amendt. 1382,
1385, 1451, 1452; Amendt. 1454; Consid.
1617, 1626, 1648, 1676, 1678, 1683
Electric Telegraphs, 2R. [192] 1807; Nomina-
tion of Comm. Amendt. 1978
India-Irrigation Works, Motion for Papers,
[193] 529

Land Writs Registration (Scotland), Comm.
cl. 23, [192] 1529

Marine Mutiny, Consid. [191] 573

Ministerial Statement-Re-construction of the
Ministry, [190] 1120; [191] 1726; [192]634
Mutiny, 3R. [191] 571

Parliament-Business of the House, [192] 1759
Parliament-Divisions of the House, Res. [193]


[ocr errors][merged small]

[190] 884, 1811

Postal-West India Mail, [193] 1669
Promissory Oaths, Comm. cl. 8, Amendt. [193]

Public Schools, Lords Amendts. [193] 1905
Registration, Leave, [192] 1403; Comm. add.
cl. [193] 568

Registration of Voters Act, [192] 371, 379, 380
Representation of the People (Scotland), [190]

1890; [191] 1885; Comm. cl. 3, Amendt.
[192] 473, 484, 486, 634, 840; cl. 5,
856; cl. 8, 872, 890; cl. 9, Amendt. 978,
980, 981, 982; cl. 10, 992; cl. 11, 995; cl. 6,
1010; add. cl. 1236; Lords Amendts. [193]

Roman Catholic Oath, [191] 1582

Supply Civil Service Estimates, [192] 1010

Consular Establishments Abroad, [192] 2172
West Indies-Lords Amendts. [193] 1887
Whitsuntide Recess, [192] 926

BOWEN, Mr. J. B., Pembrokeshire
Ireland-Royal Residence in, Motion for an
Address, [192] 358

Sale of Liquors on Sunday, 2R. [190] 1869

Bow, English Porcelain at

Question, Mr. Schreiber ; Answer, Lord Robert
Montagu Mar 19, [190] 1888

BowYER, Sir G., Dundalk

Abyssinia-Foreign Office, The, [190] 624
Address in Answer to the Speech, [190] 81
Army-Warlike Stores, Res. [193] 780
Boundary, Comm. [192] 285

Brougham, Lord, The Late, [193] 1831
Burials (Ireland), Comm. [192] 1381
Capital Punishment within Prisons, 2R. [190]


County Courts (Admiralty Jurisdiction), 2R.
[190] 1829

Courts of Justice, New, [190] 732; [192] 1050
Egypt-The Viceroy and the Societé d'Agricole,
[192] 1394

Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at
Elections, Comm. [191] 301; cl. 1, [192]
659; cl. 37, [193] 1174, 1175

Established Church (Ireland), Comm. [191]
1422, 1424; Leave, [192] 316; Comm. 1195
Fenian Convicts at Manchester, [190] 118

BOWYER, Sir G.-cont.


India-Case of Sir T. J. Metcalfe, Motion for
a Committee, [191] 1280

Ireland-Spirit Licence Duty, [190] 434

Ireland State of, Motion for a Committee,
[190] 1467

Lee River Conservancy, Leave, [190] 998
Licences, Res. [191] 159

London Coal and Wine Duties Continuance,
Comm. add. cl. [191] 205
Lottery Act, [192] 389

Metropolitan Streets Act (1867) Amendment,
Leave, [190] 109; 2R. 171; Comm. cl. 1,
Amendt. 408, 413, 414; Lords Amendts. 662
Ministerial Statement-Re-construction of the
Ministry, [190] 1125; [191]1745; [192] 641
Municipal Corporations (Metropolis), Leave,
[191] 1863

Navy Estimates-Wages, [192] 91
Navy-Greenwich Hospital, [193] 1401
Parliament-Business of the House, [191] 1680
Peerage (Ireland), 2R. [191] 1564
Poor Relief, Comm. cl. 6, [193] 1611
Postal-Communication with Malta, [190] 801,
1102, 1226

Prison Ministers Act, Res. [193] 381
Promissory Oaths, Comm. cl. 2, [193] 856
Public Accounts, Res. [192] 119
Registration 2R. [192] 1612; 3R. [193] 721
Registration (Ireland), Comm. [193] 1488
Representation of the People (Ireland), Comm.
add. cl. [192] 778, 1780

Representation of the People (Scotland), Comm.
[192] 468, 469

Riots at Ashton, Staley bridge, &c. [192] 830
Roman Catholic Prisoners, [190] 549
Sentences, Remission of, Motion for an Ad-
dress, [190] 570

Supply-British Embassy Houses, [191] 987
Learned Societies, Grants to, [192] 1132
National Gallery Enlargement, [192] 393,


Parliament, Houses of, [192] 303, 310
Post Office Packet Service, [193] 839, 844
Royal Palaces, [191] 1010, 1012
Royal Parks, &c. [192] 300
Volunteer Corps, [191] 277

United States-The "Alabama" Claims, Mo-
tion for an Address, [190] 1183
Ways and Means-The Abyssinian Expedition,
Res. [190] 349

[blocks in formation]

Brazil, War in-Mediation

Question, Mr. Horsman; Answer, Lord Stan-
ley Mar 27, [191] 359

BRETT, Sir H. B., see Solicitor General, The

BRIGHT, Sir C. T., Greenwich

Electric Telegraphs, Purchase of the, [190] 800

BRIGHT, Mr. Jacob, Manchester

Elementary Education, 2R. [192] 1993
Ireland-State of, Motion for a Committee, [190]


Married Women's Property, 2R. [192] 1360
Metropolitan Foreign Cattle Market, Comm.
[193] 639, 1309

Parliament, Motion for Adjournment, [193]
1737, 1738

Supply-University of Glasgow, [192] 402

BRIGHT, Mr. John, Birmingham
Army-Perth Barracks, [190] 330
Barrett, The Convict, [192] 832
Boundaries of Boroughs, Motion for a Com-
mission, [192] 427, 428, 431

Boundary, Comm. [192] 263, 281; Preamble,
1273, 1275; cl. 4, 1409, 1413

Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at
Elections, Leave, [190] 722

Electric Telegraphs, [192] 1231
Established Church (Ireland), Comm. [191]
645, 720, 769; Res. 1, 1649, 1908, 1932,
1941; 2R. [192] 744

Ireland-State of, Motion for a Committee, [190]
1602, 1642

Ministerial Statement, [191] 1730, 1748, 1794 ;
[192] 626

Nova Scotia-British North American Con-
federation, Motion for an Address, [192] 1658,

Postal Subsidies, Res. [190] 2020
Ratepaying Clauses, [190] 1893
Representation of the People (Scotland), Comm.
cl. 3, [192] 477, 485; cl. 8, 875; cl. 9, 966,
971, 972, 980; Schedule A, 1252, 1254, 1256

Bristol Election

Bristol, Representation of, Question, Mr.
Neville Grenville; Answer, Mr. Powell
Mar 27, [191] 359

Petition of Electors of the City of Bristol
referred to the General Committee of Elec-
tions May 12, [192] 175

And, on June 17, Committee nominated as fol-
lows:-Mr. Howes (Chairman), Mr. Bazley,
Mr. Goldney, Lord George J. Manners, Mr.
R. J. More

Report of the Committee "That John William
Miles, esquire, is not duly elected a Citizen
to serve in this present Parliament for the
City of Bristol. That the last Election for
void Election "
the said City is

House further informed that the Committee had
agreed to certain Resolutions. Minutes of
Evidence to be laid before this House (Mr.
Howes) June 25, 2130

(Parl. P. Nos. 372, 372-1)

Bristol New Writ
Ordered, That the Evidence taken before the
Bristol Election Committee having been de-
livered, Mr. Speaker do not issue his War-
rant for a New Writ for the City of Bristol
until three days' Notice of a Motion for the
Writ shall have expired (Mr. Bass) July 13
Moved, "That Mr. Speaker do issue his
Warrant to the Clerk of the Crown to make
out a new Writ for the electing of a Citizen
to serve in this present Parliament for the
City of Bristol, in the room of John William
3 X

Bristol Election-New Writ-cont.


Miles, esquire, whose Election has been de-
termined to be void" (Mr. Noel) June 30,
193] 420

Amendt. to leave out from "That," and add
"the Writ for the City of Bristol be not
issued till seven days after the evidence
taken before the Select Committee on
the Bristol Election Petition has been
printed" (Mr. Bass); Question, "That the
words, &c.;" Moved, "That the debate be
now adjourned" (Mr. Labouchere)
Moved, "That the Report of the Bristol Elec-
tion Committee be read" (Mr. Ayrton)
Report [25th June] read; after short debate,
debate adjourned till Thursday

. Moved, "That Mr. Speaker do issue his War-
rant to the Clerk of the Crown to make out
a new Writ for the electing of a Citizen to
serve in this present Parliament for the City
of Bristol, in the room of John William
Miles, esquire, whose Election has been de-
termined to be void" (Mr. Neville-Grenville)
July 3, 675

shire, N.

Boundary, Comm. el. 4, [192] 1425

County Financial Boards, 2R. [191] 1558
Metropolitan Streets Act (1887) Amendment,
Comm. cl. 1, [190] 412

Peel Statue, The, Res. [192] 2146
Public Schools, Re-comm. cl. 16, [192] 1940

Brougham, Lord, The Late

Moved, "That this House do now adjourn'
(Mr. Roebuck) July 27, [193] 1829; after
short debate, Motion withdrawn

Broughty Ferry Provisional Order Con-
firmation Bill


Amendt. to leave out from "That," and add
"no Writ be issued for the City of Bristol.
until seven days after the evidence taken
before the Election Committee for that city
shall have been in the hands of Members
(Mr. Bass); Question, "That the words,
&c.;" after short debate, Amendt. and Mo-
tion withdrawn

[ocr errors]

. Question, Mr. Serjeant Gaselee; Answer, The
Solicitor General July 16, 1275; Observa-
tions, Mr. Neate; Reply, The Attorney
General July 24, 1744

British Guiana

Clergy Act of, Question, Mr. Candlish; Answer,
Mr. Adderley July 27, [193] 1819

British Museum-Institutions of Science
and Art-Administration of
Question, Mr. Layard; Answer, The Chancellor
of the Exchequer Nov 25, [190] 166
British Museum-South Kensington Museum,
Observations, Mr. Gregory, Mr. Beresford
Hope; Reply, Mr. Disraeli Mar 27, [191]

Accounts-(Parl. P. No. 254)
(See Supply)

British North America-Lake Superior
and the Pacific, &c.

Moved, "That an humble Address be presented
to Her Majesty, praying that She will be
graciously pleased to issue a Royal Com-
mission to inquire into and report upon the
capability for settlement and the best means
of settling Her Majesty's Territory lying
between Lake Superior and the Pacific, es-
pecially as to the provision for Telegraphic
and other Communication through Her Ma-
jesty's Dominions from the Atlantic to the
Pacific Ocean " (Sir Harry Verney) June 9,
[192] 1336; after short debate, Motion with-

Despatches-(Parl. P. No. [4036]
(See title-Nova Scotia)

[blocks in formation]

Read 20 April 23

Committee; Report April 27
Read 30 April 28

[Bill 90]

Read 1a (The Lord Clinton) April 30 (No. 86)
Read 2 May 8

Committee; Report May 11
Read 3 May 12

Royal Assent May 29

BROWNE, Lord J. T., Mayo Co.

Burials (Ireland), Comm. cl. 1, Amendt. [192]

Representation of the People (Ireland), Comm.
cl. 8, [192] 1584; cl. 18, 1590, 1592; add. cl.
1779, 1780, 1797

Representation of the People (Scotland), Comm.
cl. 3, [192] 476, 478


Address in Answer to the Speech, [190] 6
BRUCE, Right Hon. Lord E. A. C. B.,

Richmond Green and Hyde Park, [190] 1223

BRUCE, Rt. Hon. H. A., Merthyr Tydvil
Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings, Consid.
[191] 1567

Boundary, Comm. cl. 4, [192] 1425, 1440
Burials (Ireland), 2R. [191] 1080

County Financial Boards, 2R. [191] 1550
Education-Revised Code, [192] 952

Education, Technical-Mr. Whitworth's En-
dowment, [191] 699

Elementary Education, Leave, [190] 1816;
2R. [192] 1983, 1995

Infectious Diseases, Motion for an Address,
[191] 2011

Metropolitan Foreign Cattle Market, Comm.
[193] 1295, 1319

Mines, Accidents in, [192] 1498
Mines Assessment, 2R. [191] 1868; Comm.

cl. 1. [193] 848, 851, 853; Consid. 1228
Sale of Poisons, &c. Comm. add. el. [193] 1219
Scientific Instruction, Motion for a Committee,
[191] 180, 181

Supply-Education, Public, [192] 1139, 1143,
1160, 1161

Science and Art, [192] 1170
Tancred's Charity, 2R. [191] 234


[blocks in formation]

BRUCE, Mr. C. L. CUMMING-, Elgin &

Representation of the People (Scotland), Comm.
cl. 4, [192] 854; cl. 8, 864; cl. 10, 984;
cl. 11, 996

[blocks in formation]


Burials (Ireland) Bill

(Mr. Monsell, Mr. Sullivan)

[Bill 5]
"That the Bill be now read 2°" (Mr.
Monsell) April 22, [191] 1067
Amendt. to leave out "now," and add "upon
this day six months" (Colonel William
Stuart); Question, "That' now,' &c. ;" A. 74,
N. 51; M. 23; Bill read 2o
Order for Committee read; Moved, "That
Mr. Speaker do now leave the Chair" (Mr.
Monsell) June 10, [192] 1378; after short
debate, agreed to; Committee-R.P.
Committee; Report June 30
Considered July 2
Read 30 July 3

c. Ordered; read 1°* Nov 25

[Bill 204]

l. Read 1a (The Earl of Kimberley) July 6
193] Moved, "That the Bill be now read 2a"
(No. 212)
July 13, 1093; Bill read 2a

[ocr errors]

Moved, That the Bill be committed to a Com-
mittee of the Whole House

Amendt. to leave out from ("Bill") and insert
("be referred to a Select Committee" (The
Archbishop of Armagh); after short de-
bate, Amendt. withdrawn; original Motion
agreed to

Committee July 17, 1361

Report July 20, 1473

Read 3* July 21

c. Lords Amendts.

(No. 269)

[Bill 251]

Royal Assent July 31 [81 & 32 Vict. c. 103]

Burials (Ireland) Bill-Mr. Monsell and
the Dean of Cork

Explanation, Mr. Monsell April 28, [191] 1454

Foreshores, Motion for Papers, [193] 1550, BURRELL, Sir P., New Shoreham


[blocks in formation]

Cotton Statistics, Comm. [192] 918

Gambling in Hong Kong and Heligoland, [190]


Hudson's Bay Company, 2R. [193] 1101

New Forest-Deer Removal, &c. Act, Motion
for a Commission, [192] 696
Newfoundland-Grants of Land on French
Coast, [192] 706, 707
Nova Scotia-Motion for an Address, [193] 690
Parliament Business of the House, [191] 1682
South Africa-Motion for a Paper, [193] 590
Victoria-Appropriation Act, Motion for an
Address, [190]1108; [191] 1967, 1976, 1977
West Indies, 2R. [193] 784, 799; Comm. 1101

BULLER, Sir E. M., Staffordshire, N.
Electors, Registration of, [191] 1458

Burial Societies-Frauds upon
Question, Mr. P. A. Taylor; Answer, Mr.
Gathorne Hardy May 26, [192] 920

Foreign Office and their Agents Abroad, [190]

Metropolitan Foreign Cattle Market, Comm.
cl. 3, [193] 1772

BUTLER, Mr. C. S., Tower Hamlets
Abyssinia-Postage from, [190] 1115
Customs-Examining Officers, [192] 2135


Address in Answer to the Speech, [190] 88
Ireland-State of, Motion for a Committee,
[190] 1697

Navy Estimates-Wages, [192] 91
BUXTON, Sir T. F., King's Lynn
Slave Trade-Zanzibar, [191] 1578
Supply Volunteer Corps, [191] 283

BUXTON, Mr. C., Surrey, E.

Army-Alleged Flogging of Mule Drivers in
Abyssinia, [191] 834

March of Troops from Aldershot to Sand-
hurst, [193] 1828

Brougham, Lord, The Late, [193] 1832
Capital Punishment within Prisons, Comm.
[191] 1039

Established Church (Ireland), Comm. [191]


[blocks in formation]


Metropolis-Westminster Improvements, [190]
Statistical Abstracts, Annual, [190] 1977


[blocks in formation]

CANDLISH, Mr. J., Sunderland
Army-Control Department, Motion for Papers,
[193] 1274

Artizans' and Labourers' Dwellings, Comm.
cl. 8, Amendt. [191] 675; cl. 11, ib. ; cl. 14,
Amendt. ib., 676; Consid. 1567; Schedule,

Assignees of Marine Policies, Comm. [193] 419
Boundaries of Boroughs, Comm. [192] 433
Boundary, 2R. [191] 1014

British Guiana-Clergy Act, [193] 1819
Burials (Ireland), Comm. cl. 1, [192] 1382
Canongate Annuity Tax, 2R. [191] 1098

Capital Punishment within Prisons, Comm.
cl. 4, [191] 1060

Cattle Trade, Foreign, [193] 1755
Compulsory Church Rates Abolition, Comm.
add. cl. [190] 1427, 1428

Election Petitions and Corrupt Practices at
Elections, Comm. cl. 46, Motion for Ad-
journment, [193] 1185; Consid. add. cl.
1680; 3R. 1724

CANDLISH, Mr. J.-cont.

Electric Telegraphs, Comm. cl. 15, [193] 1602
Industrial Schools (Ireland), Comin. cl. 11,
[191] 222, 223

Jamaica-Clergy Act, [193] 1820

London Coal and Wine Duties Continuance,
Comm. Amendt. [191] 196

Merchant Shipping Acts, [192] 1852
Metropolitan Foreign Cattle Market, Comm.
Motion for Adjournment, [193] 1342, 1343;
Preamble, 1521; cl. 3, 1768

Metropolitan Streets Act (1867) Amendment,
Comm. cl. 1, [190] 413

Mines Assessment, 2R. [191] 1869

Navy Estimates-Naval Stores, [193] 1145
Navy-Greenwich Hospital, [193] 1395
Navy-Iron-clad Fleet, Res. [193] 1125
Parliament-Statue of Oliver Cromwell, [190]
1450, 1451

Pilotage, Compulsory, Res. [191] 361, 373, 387
Poor Law, [190] 164

Poor Relief, Comm. cl. 10, [193] 1878; cl. 21,
Amendt. 1881; add. cl. 1885

Poor Relief Assessment Returns, [192] 1470
Postal-Cape Mail, [192] 923
Registration, 3R. [193] 720

Regulation of Railways, Comm. cl. 13, [193]


Representation of the People (Ireland), Comm.
cl. 18, [192] 1594

Representation of the People (Scotland), Comm.
cl. 8, [192] 858; Schedule A, 1254
Rivers, Pollution of, [190] 1072

Spain-Case of the "Tornado," [193] 1820
Stamper, Case of, and the Overseers of Sunder-
land, [193] 904, 905

Supply-British Embassy Houses, [191] 996
Harbours of Refuge, [191] 1000, 1002
Nonconforming, &c. Ministers, [192] 2168
Portpatrick Railway Company Compensa-
tion, [193] 1211

Post Office Packet Service, [193] 840
Science and Art, [192] 1171

Works, Buildings, &c. [191] 296

Supply Government Prisons, [192] 1106;
Amendt. 1107, 1108

Supply-Public Buildings, Amendt. [192] 294

Canongate Annuity Tax Bill

(Mr. M'Laren, Mr. Dunlop, Mr. Baxter)
c. Ordered; read 1°* Mar 11
[Bill 60]
Moved, "That the Bill be now read 2o" (Mr.
M'Laren) April 22, [191] 1087
Amendt. to leave out "now," and add "upon
this day six months" (The Lord Advocate);
after debate, Question, "That now' &c.;"
A. 59, N. 86; M. 27; Division List, Ayes
and Noes, 1107

Main Question, as amended, put, and agreed to;
Bill put off for six months

CANTERBURY, Archbishop of

Army Chaplains, Comm. [192] 1385
Compulsory Church Rates Abolition, 2R. [191]
1123; Comm. [193] 600
Education, 2R. [191] 1309

Established Church (Ireland), 2R. [192] 2089
Ritual Commission, [190] 1880;-Reports of
the, [192] 333

Uniformity of Public Worship, 2R. [193] 878,


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