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[ No. 25. ]

AN ACT to provide for the commencement and maintaining of actions by and against unincorporated voluntary associations, clubs and societies and for the service of process in such cases.

may be



SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That How actions whenever any unincorporated voluntary association, club or brought society, shall be formed in this State, composed of five mem- against bers or more, having some distinguishing name, actions at law porated or in chancery may be brought by or against such association, club or society by the name by which it is known: Provided, Proviso as to That this act shall not take away the right of the litigant to proceed against all the members of such association, club or society, if such litigant shall so elect to proceed.


may be

SEC. 2. In all actions and proceedings brought under sec- How process tion one of this act the process may be served upon the presi- served. dent, vice president, secretary, treasurer, or any other officer of said unincorporated voluntary association, club or society. Approved March 10, 1897.

[No. 26. ]

AN ACT to provide for the completion, printing, binding, dis tribution and sale of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-seven.


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Printing and the compilation of the general laws of the State, prepared by the compiled the compiler elected by the legislature of eighteen hundred laws. and ninety-five in accordance with act number two hundred and sixty-eight of the public acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An act to provide for the collection, compilation and reprinting of the general laws of this State, together with a digest of the decisions of the supreme court relating thereto," shall be printed, bound and distributed as hereinafter provided.


SEC. 2. The said compiler shall, in the proper places and What to manner, incorporate with the text of said compilation the general laws and amendments thereof enacted by the present legislature, as soon as practicable after the close of the present session. And it is made the duty of the Secretary of State to Secretary of furnish to said compiler, upon the requisition of said compiler, ish compiler correct copies of all general laws and amendments thereof with correct enacted by the present legislature, as fast as the approved and amend

State to furn

copies of laws


Annotations. copies thereof are filed in his office. The said compiler shall


ers to examine


also add to the annotations of said compilation notes and digests of the later decisions of the supreme court interpreting the general laws, so that the said annotations may be substantially complete down to the time of printing.

SEC. 3. After the general acts and amendments thereof and certify if enacted by the present legislature shall have been incorporated with the compilation, as provided in the preceding section, the two commissioners heretofore appointed shall examine the work of the compiler and determine whether the same is a correct compilation of the general laws in force at the close of the present session and certify accordingly.

Printing, when and where done.

To be under the supervision of the compiler.

SEC. 4. The printing of said compilation shall be done by the State printer as other State printing is done. It shall be begun immediately after the close of the present session and carried on as rapidly as is consistent with a proper execution of the work. The printing shall be under the immediate supervision of the compiler, who shall personally read the final proofs, comparing them with the original texts of the statutes and verifying all the references and citations in the annotaAuditors may tions. The Board of State Auditors may, in their discretion, electrotyping. make provision for stereotyping or electrotyping the pages of said compilation and for letting the contract therefor to the lowest responsible bidder. And, in case of the electrotyping or stereotyping of the work, the Board of State Auditors may, when the edition of twenty thousand copies is exhausted by distribution and sale thereof, order the printing and binding of such number of copies as may be necessary to meet the future sale and distribution.

provide for


How printed.

How bound.

When index may be in separate vol


SEC. 5. During the printing of said compilation, the compiler shall make a full and complete index of the general statutes contained therein, by the consecutive section numbers, which index shall be printed and bound with the compilation.

SEC. 6. The compilation shall be printed in pages of the size and measurement of Howell's annotated statutes. The text of the laws shall be set in long primer solid, and the side notes and annotations in nonpariel solid. The annotations to each section shall immediately follow such section and shall be set in one-half the measure of the text and arranged in two columns on the page. The style of the rest of the work shall be determined by the compiler after consultation with the State printer. The paper to be furnished by the Board of State Auditors shall be all rag "S. & C. book, tinted," seventy pounds to the ream, twenty-eight by forty-two. When printed, the compilation shall be firmly and substantially bound, by the State binders, in full law sheep, in two volumes as nearly equal in size as possible: Provided, That, if the Board of State Auditors shall determine that the addition of the index to the bulk of the two volumes will make such volumes too unwieldy and heavy for the binding, they may, in their discretion, order that the index be bound in a separate volume by


itself. The volumes, so bound, shall be labelled on the back, "Compiled Laws-Michigan-1897." Every copy of the first To be numvolume shall be distinctly stamped on the back with a large, heavy-faced figure "1" and every copy of the second volume similarly stamped with the figure "2." In case the index is separately bound, it shall be distinctly stamped "Index."


SEC. 7. An edition of twenty thousand copies of said com- Number of pilation shall be printed and bound by the State printer and copies to be printed. binder and shall be delivered to the Secretary of State for distribution. They shall be distributed in the same manner as How distribthe public acts are distributed; and, in addition to the persons entitled to copies under such distribution, one copy each shall be delivered to the Senators and Representatives of the legislature of eighteen hundred and ninety-five who are not members of the present legislature, and one copy each to the compiler and the two commissioners.

SEC. 8. The Secretary of State is hereby authorized and Sale of. directed to sell, from time to time, any number of the copies remaining after distribution, except such number of copies as he may deem it necessary to reserve for future distribution, at such a price per copy, not less than the actual cost thereof, as the Board of State Auditors may determine.

of commis

SEC. 9. The commissioners shall each receive for their Compensation services under this act the sum of two hundred and fifty dol- sioners. lars and his necessary expenses heretofore or hereafter incurred in the performance of his duties, to be audited and allowed by the Board of State Auditors. The compiler shall of compiler. receive for his services under this act the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, payable as follows: Not to exceed one hun- How payable. dred and fifty dollars monthly shall be paid to him upon his making a satisfactory showing to the Board of State Auditors that the work of printing the compilation is duly progressing and the balance of said sum of twenty-five hundred dollars shall be paid to said compiler as soon as the printing of the last volume and the index is completed.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1897.

[ No. 27. ]

AN ACT to amend section one of act number one hundred and eleven of the session laws of eighteen hundred and sixtynine, entitled "An act to prevent the destruction of muskrats and muskrat houses in the marshes along the shore of Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Huron and Michigan," being section two thousand two hundred and sixteen of Howell's annotated statutes, and to repeal all acts inconsistent therewith.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Section section one of act number one hundred and eleven of the ses


Killing of muskrats in certain waters at certain seasons prohibited.


Act repealed.

sion laws of eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, entitled "An act to prevent the destruction of muskrats and muskrat houses in the marshes along the shores of Lakes Erie, St. Clair, Huron and Michigan," being section two thousand two hundred and sixteen of Howell's annotated statutes, be amended so as to read as follows, viz.:

SECTION 1. That no person or persons shall kill, destroy or take by any means whatsoever, within the limits of the marshes bordering on the waters of Lake Erie, Detroit river, River St. Clair, Lake St. Clair, Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, any muskrat found in said marshes, or in or on the banks of any bayous or creeks in said marshes, between the first day of April and the first day of December of each year. Any person violating the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction thereof may be punished by a fine not to exceed five ($5) dollars for each offense, and in default of payment thereof, by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceed ten (10) days or both such fine and impris onment, in the discretion of the court.

SEC. 2. Act number one hundred and three of the public acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-seven is hereby repealed. Approved March 10, 1897.

Act concerning cooperative and mu. tual benefit associations amended.

Sections thirty-two and thirtythree added.

[ No. 28. ]

AN ACT to amend section six of act one hundred eighty-seven of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, approved June seventeenth, eighteen hundred eighty-seven, entitled "An act to revise the laws providing for the incorporation of coöperative and mutual benefit associations, and to define the powers and duties and regulate the transaction of the business of all such corporations and associations doing business within this State," and to add two new sections thereto to stand as sections thirty-two and thirty-three.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section six of act number one hundred eighty-seven of the session laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, approved June seventeenth, eighteen hundred eighty-seven, entitled "An act to revise the laws providing for the incorporation of coöperative and mutual benefit associations, and to define the powers and duties and regulate the transaction of the business of all such corporations and associations doing business within this State," be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows, and that two new sections be added thereto to stand as sections thirty-two and thirty-three.

tion to com

must be


SEC. 6. Such corporation shall not commence business When corporaunless it shall have procured bona fide agreements for insur- mence busiance therein from at least two hundred eligible persons, which, ness. in case of a life insurance company, shall be in an amount of not less than one thousand dollars each, and in case of either a life or casualty insurance company, shall have received at least one assessment thereon in cash from each of such persons, according to the rate and plan set forth in its articles of association, which amount so received in cash shall aggregate at least one thousand dollars; nor until it has fully organized Proper officers by the election of the proper and suitable officers, and the elected. secretary and treasurer shall have given good and sufficient Must give bonds to the association to be held by the president of the association, for the faithful performance of their duties, which bonds shall not be less than two thousand dollars, and shall be at least twice the amount of money liable to come into their hands as such officers at any one time; said bonds to be approved by the Commissioner of Insurance. The president Officers of corand secretary of such corporation shall furnish under oath poration must furnish proof to the Commissioner of Insurance proof of such agreements of agreements for insurance, for insurance, giving the name, residence, age and amount of etc., to Cominsurance applied for by each applicant, and the amount of Insurance. assessment actually paid by each applicant, and also proof of the election and qualification of the officers, and the custodian of the funds of such corporation shall furnish to the Commissioner of Insurance a certificate under oath that he has received and holds in trust for the benefit of the beneficiaries of such applicants, the sum of one thousand dollars or more.

missioner of



SEC. 32. Any corporation, association, organization or Any corporasociety now authorized, or which may be hereafter organized, members bention paying its under the provisions of any law of this State for the purpose efits may reof paying to its members benefits in case of death, accident or under this sickness, which benefits are derived and paid from assessments upon such members, may at any time avail itself of the provisions of, and reincorporate under this act by a resolution Majority of its members may adopted at any regular or annual meeting of such corporation, order reincor association, organization or society, or at a meeting called poration. specially for that purpose by a vote of a majority of its members, authorizing and directing its board of directors to prepare, execute and acknowledge articles of association in accordance with this act, which shall forthwith upon execu- Articles to be tion and acknowledgment as aforesaid be submitted to the Attorney GenAttorney General and Commissioner of Insurance for exami- eral and Com nation, and if such articles shall be found to comply with the Insurance for provisions of this act, said officers shall respectively endorse approval. the same with their approval and said articles shall thereupon be filed and recorded in the office of the Commissioner of Insur Articles filed ance and of the clerk of the county in which the principal office of the corporation, association, organization or society is located.

SEC. 33. Upon the filing of such articles as aforesaid, such corporation, association, organization, or society so reincor

submitted to

missioner of

in office of Commissioner

of Insurance and office of county clerk. Shall be a body politic and corporate.

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