Imágenes de páginas

porated shall become and be a body corporate and politic for
the purposes set forth in said articles and shall be subject to
and governed by the provisions of this act.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1897.

Appropriation for books and equipments for Michigan

State library.

Money to be drawn on warrant of Auditor General.

Amount of appropriation

[No. 29. ]

AN ACT to provide for the purchase of books and equipments for the Michigan State Library and the Michigan traveling libraries.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That the sum of four thousand dollars, to be assessed, levied and collected in the same manner as other State taxes, is hereby appropriated for each of the years eighteen hundred ninetyseven and eighteen hundred ninety-eight for the purchase of books and such other material as is appropriate to be added to the State library. The money so appropriated shall be drawn from the State treasury upon the warrant of the Auditor General and shall be expended by the State Librarian with the advice and consent of the Governor for the purchase of books, pamphlets, papers, documents and other matter for the library and for other purposes of benefit and advantage to said library.

SEC. 2. There shall be appropriated from the treasury of for each year. the State from funds not otherwise appropriated, the sum of two thousand and five hundred dollars, for the year eighteen hundred and ninety-seven, and the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars for the year eighteen hundred and ninetyeight, for the purchase of books and equipment of the Michigan traveling libraries.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 12, 1897.

Section amended.

[ No. 30. ]

AN ACT to amend section thirty-four of chapter one hundred and two of the revised statutes of eighteen hundred and forty-six, being compiler's section seven thousand four hundred and forty-nine, Howell's annotated statutes, relative to authentication of records and other judicial proceedings in courts of foreign countries.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section thirty-four of chapter one hundred and two of the

revised statutes of eighteen hundred and forty-six, being compiler's section seven thousand four hundred and forty-nine, Howell's annotated statutes, relative to authentication of records and other judicial proceedings in courts of foreign countries, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

SEC. 34. The records and judicial proceedings of any court Records and in the several states and territories of the United States in ceedings of judicial proany foreign country shall be admitted in evidence in the courts foreign courts. of this State, upon being authenticated by the attestation of the clerk of such court, with the seal of such court annexed, or of the officer in whose custody such records are legally kept, with the seal of his office annexed.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 12, 1897.

[No. 31.]

AN ACT to provide for the incorporation of the Students'
Christian Association of the University of Michigan.


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Students assothe Students' Christian Association of the University of Mich- clation may igan, now incorporated under the laws of this State, may be reincorporated in pursuance of the provisions of this act.

necessary to


SEC. 2. The directors of the Students' Christian Associa- Two-thirds of tion of the University, when authorized so to do by two-thirds the members vote of the members of said association, may make and execute change artiarticles of association under their hands and seals, which said Articles shall articles shall be acknowledged before some officer of the State set forth. having authority to take acknowledgments of deeds and shall set forth:

First, The names of the persons being such directors and Names of their places of residence;



Second, The name of such association and the place where its Corporate office for the transaction of business is located and the period for which it is incorporated, not exceeding thirty years; Third, The object for which it is organized expressly stated; Object of Fourth, The number of its trustees and regular officers; Fifth, The terms and conditions of memberships. One copy of such articles shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Secretary of State, and a record shall be made of such articles, and another copy thereof shall be filed in the tary of State and county clerk's office of Washtenaw county. clerk.

organization. Trustees. Membership. Copies of articles to be filed

with Secre

body politic

Upon the execution and acknowledgment of such articles Shall be a the signers thereof and all persons then belonging to the Stu- and corporate. dents' Christian Association of the University of Michigan,

Management, board of trustees, etc.

Majority of such board constitute quorum.

Officers of association.

Officers, election of, term of office, etc.

Election of board of

of office, etc.

and such persons as thereafter may be associated with them shall become a body politic and corporate for the purposes set forth in said articles.

SEC. 3. The affairs of such association shall be managed by a board of thirteen trustees, all of whom shall be members of evangelical churches in good and regular standing. Twelve trustees shall be chosen as hereinafter provided, six or more from the faculties or officers of the University, and the remainder from the graduates of the University or friends of the Students' Christian Association not such graduates. The president of such association shall be ex officio a member of said board. A majority of said trustees shall constitute a quorum, and have power to enact, alter and repeal all necessary by-laws.

SEC. 4. The regular officers of said association shall be a president, two general vice presidents, a recording secretary and a treasurer. The persons now holding such offices in the Students' Christian Association shall continue to hold the same until their successors are elected and qualified.

SEC. 5. At each annual meeting such association shall elect by ballot, from the active membership, the regular officers above provided for, to serve for the term of one year, or until their successors are elected and qualified. Such association may elect, from its active membership, such other officers to assist the above regular officers as the by-laws shall provide for.

SEC. 6. At the next annual meeting such association shall trustees, term elect by ballot twelve members of the board of trustees, four to serve for a period of one year, four to serve for a period of two years and four to serve for a period of three years or, in each case, until their successors are elected and qualified. At each annual meeting thereafter trustees shall be chosen by ballot to fill the places of those whose terms of office shall have expired; each trustee so elected shall serve for the term of three years or for the period of an unexpired term when such trustee is elected to fill a vacancy. The persons to be so elected trustees by such association shall be nominated by the board of trustees. In case any person so nominated shall not be elected, said board shall nominate some other person and shall continue to so nominate until there shall be an election either at such annual meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.

Officers of said board.

Annual meeting of association.

Shall have corporate powers.

SEC. 7. The officers of said board of trustees shall be a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, all of whom shall be members of such board.

SEC. 8. The annual meeting of such association shall be held on the last Wednesday of May in each year at four p. m. at Newberry hall in the city of Ann Arbor, or at such other time and place as the by-laws shall prescribe.

SEC. 9. Such association shall be a body politic and cor porate, capable of suing and being sued, and shall be entitled to own and hold such real and personal estate as may be nec

essary or convenient for carrying out the purposes of such corporation, and may sell or mortgage such real estate.

SEC. 10. Such association shall whenever required by the Attorney General or Legislature report a full statement of its affairs to the party so enquiring.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 12, 1897.

Make statement of its affaire to Attorney General or legislature.

[ No. 32. ]

AN ACT to amend section eight, chapter one hundred and twelve, of Howell's annotated statutes, entitled "Water power companies," being compiler's section three thousand eight hundred and eighty-one of Howell's annotated statutes.


SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That Section section eight, chapter one hundred and twelve, entitled "Water power companies," being compiler's section three thousand eight hundred and eighty-one of Howell's annotated statutes be amended so as to read as follows:

SEC. 8. The said assessment shall then be delivered to the Assessment of treasurer of the association for collection, who shall proceed companies, water power forthwith and shall demand payment from each person named how collected. in said assessment of the amount apportioned to him, and if any such person shall neglect or refuse to pay the amount within five days after such demand to the treasurer, the same may be sued for and recovered, as provided for in section eighteen of this act. Or the board of directors of such water Board of dipower company, may, by resolution direct that no member of rectors may prohibit occusaid company or occupant of such power, whose assessment pant from use has been due and unpaid for thirty days after notice in writing assessment is of such assessment, shall be permitted to draw water from the paid. race of said water power company until such assessment is paid, and such board of directors may, after the expiration of thirty days, after notice in writing as aforesaid, board up, or close the gate of flume of such delinquent member, or person, or owner, and keep the same closed until the assessments due as aforesaid, have been paid.

Approved March 12, 1897.


of water until

Section amended.

Application and copy of certificate to

be filled in office of asylum. Contract, contents of.

[ No. 33. ]

AN ACT to amend section eight of act number one hundred and ninety-two of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, entitled "An act to amend act number two hundred and sixty of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, approved June ten, eighteen hundred and eightyone, being chapter fifty-two of Howell's annotated statutes, relative to the protection of children in certain cases by adding thereto four new sections to stand as sections seven, eight, nine and ten of said act," approved June eighteen, eighteen hundred and eighty-seven as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof.

SECTION 1. The People of the State of Michigan enact, That section eight of act number one hundred and ninety-two of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven entitled "An act to amend act number two hundred and sixty of the public acts of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, being chapter fiftytwo of Howell's annotated statutes, relative to the protection of children in certain cases, by adding thereto four new sections, to stand as sections seven, eight, nine and ten of said act," approved June eighteen, eighteen hundred and eightyseven, as amended by the several acts amendatory thereof, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to read as follows:

SEC. 8. That on filing said application and certificate approving said applicant, in the office of such asylum or institution and a copy of such certificate with the judge of probate as herein provided, a contract in writing shall be entered into by and between said applicant and the principal officer of such asylum or institution or such officer or agent of such asylum or institution, as the board of trustees thereof shall authorize, in which it shall be mutually agreed that said child shall remain with said applicant until it is eighteen or twenty-one years of age, as may be agreed upon by the contracting parties; which shall provide that the applicant shall support said child, shall treat it as a member of his or her family, that he or she will keep such child in the public schools, or in some equally good private school, for at least four months in each year, and that he or she will have such child taught some useful trade or occupation. Whenever any child shall be placed in any family the proper officer of such asylum or institution shall at once notify the county agent of the State board of corrections and charities, in counties where there is such agent, and where there is none, the superintendents of the poor, with Agent or sup- whom and where such child is placed. Such agent or superintendents of the poor shall at least once in each year visit such child and carefully investigate its conditions and surroundings and report the same to the officer of the asylum or institution

County agent

to be notified

when child is placed with family.

erintendent to visit child once a year.

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