Imágenes de páginas



to be deeded to State and taxes canceled......
record of, to be kept by register of deeds...
by Commissioner of State Land Office...
subject to homestead, conditions and require-

exempt from taxation until title vest in occupant. money received from sale of, to belong to State.... ABANDONMENT:

of child. penalty for......

swamp land, of homesteaders, granted by United States, title to may be acquired of State...

of cemeteries vacated, to revert to original



use of at elections, acts permitting and authorizing ....

authority for ordering.

tests of before purchase..

description of machine to be used.

how to be used......

manner of arranging ballots..

board or council to provide necessary articles for use of....

position of machine..

position of railing..

inspectors to supply deficiency in arrangements.. instruction cards to be posted.....

register wheels to be set at zero. when doors to be kept open..... voters to be admitted in order...

clerk to keep list of names....

board or council may appoint gatekeepers, etc.... limit of time voter to remain in machine..

provision for voting for candidate not on machine ....

provision for voting in case of challenged.

method of canvassing vote.....

totals to be compared with poll list.

result of canvass of vote to be announced and

triplicate statement prepared....

when general laws to govern....

number of machines may be used.

[blocks in formation]

Public and local acts of the
Legislature of the State of ...

Michigan, Michigan. Dept. of State

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