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heart was ready to force a way through my side. I was for a while fixed to the earth like a statue. At length, recovering, I stepped in, fetched my lamp, and returning, saw the very beautiful face my Patty appeared under in my dream; and not considering that it was only a dream, I verily thought I had my Patty before me, but she seemed to be stone dead. Upon viewing her other parts, (for I had never yet removed my eyes from her face) I found she had a sort of brown chaplet, like lace, round her head, under and about which her hair was tucked up and twined; and she seemed to me to be clothed in a thin hair-coloured silk garment, which, upon trying to raise her, I found to be quite warm, and therefore hoped there was life in the body it contained. I then took her into my arms, and treading a step backwards with her, I put out my lamp; however, having her in my arms, I conveyed her through the door-way in the dark into my grotto; here I laid her upon my bed, and then ran out for my lamp."


Well, thought he, this is an amazing adventure! Patty here, and dressed in silk and whalebone, too! Sure that is not the reigning fashion in England now." But then his dream said she was dead-this cannot, surely, be the place for persons to inhabit after death!-Be that as it would, she felt like flesh and blood.

On re-entering the grotto with his lamp, he found that she lay without motion-and he began to fear that the fall had absolutely killed her; but, laying his hand on her breast, he perceived the fountain of life had still some pulsation, By moistening her lips with some wine, that he had yet remaining, and pouring a few drops into her mouth, he brought her, by degrees, to sit up, and look about her. He then spoke to her --and, in reply, she uttered a few words in an unknown language, but in the most musical tone, and with the sweetest accent he ever heard. Making some motion, as if she would rise, he went to assist her, when she felt to his touch in the oddest manner imaginable; for while, in one respect, it was as though she had been cased up in whalebone, it was, at the same time, as soft and warm as if she had been naked. His dream still ran in his head-and still he could not persuade himself. that this was not his own English wife; though, upon a deliberate comparison, Patty, pleasing as she had been to his taste, "would no more come up to this fair creature, than a coarse ale-wife to Venus herself."

"You may imagine we stared heartily at each other, and I doubted not but she wondered as much as I, by what means we came so near each other. I offered her every thing in my grotto, which I thought might please her; some of which she gratefully received, as appeared by her looks and behaviour. But she avoided my lamp, and always placed her back toward it. I, observing that, and ascribing it to her modesty in my company, let her have her will, and took

care to set it in such a position myself as seemed agreeable to her, though it deprived me of a prospect I very much admired.

"After we had sat a good while, now and then, I may say, chattering to one another, she got up, and took a turn or two about the room. When I saw her in that attitude, her grace and motion perfectly charmed me, and her shape was incomparable; but the strangeness of her dress put me to trumps, to conceive either what it was, or how it was put on."

He then set some eatables before her, and gave her some of his cordials, "for which she showed great tokens of thankfulness, and often, in her way, by signs and gestures, which were very far from being insignificant, expressed her gratitude for my kindness." When he showed her his place of repose, and signified, by signs, that she might rest herself, she evinced some slight degree of discomposure; but on his " making the matter intelligible," she lay down very composedly. He himself rested with perfect security, for he could have no suspicious thoughts, or fear of danger, from a form so excellent. Thus he continued to treat her with every kindness and respect; and it pleased him, to see her endeavouring to learn to talk like himself. It occasioned him, indeed, some wonder, that she showed no symptoms of disquiet at her confinement; for, at first, he kept his door shut through fear of losing her, thinking she might take the first opportunity to run away from him. This thought gives him great concern, insomuch that when, after some days, he found they were in want of water, he cannot muster up courage to leave her. Upon his intreating her, by signs, not to leave him in his absence, she sits down, with her arms across, leaning her head against the wall, to assure him she would not stir. However, for fear of the worst, he thought fit to secure the door on the outside. During the remainder of the dark season, by from morning to night endeavouring to make themselves understood, they acquired knowledge enough of each other's language to hold pretty long conversations. All this time, the modesty of her carriage and sweetness of her behaviour were such as to fill him with the highest regard for her, and to strike him with dread of giving the least offence.

"When the weather cleared up a little, by the lengthening of day-light, I took courage one afternoon to invite her to walk with me to the lake; but she sweetly excused herself from it, whilst there was such a frightful glare of light, as she said; but, looking out at the door, told me, if I would not go out of the wood, she would accompany me: so we agreed to take a turn only there. I first went myself over the stile of the door, and thinking it rather too high for her, I took her in my arms and lifted her over. But even when I had her in this manner, I knew not what to make of her clothing, it sat so true and close; but seeing her by a steadier and truer light in the

grove, though a heavy, gloomy one, than my lamp had afforded, I begged she would let me know of what silk or other composition her garment was made. She smiled, and asked me if mine was not the same under my jacket."

This is the commencement of a dialogue at cross purposes. She appears somewhat indignant at his replying, that he had nothing but his skin under his clothes; but, indeed, I was afraid something was the matter, by that nasty covering you wear." When he tells her that he has no prospect of departing thence" have you not, says she, the same prospect that I, or any other person has? Sir, added she, you don't do well, and really I fear you are slit, or you would not wear this nasty cumbersome coat, (taking hold of my jacket sleeve) if you were not afraid of showing the signs of a bad life upon your natural clothing." As she was so peremptory, he supposed there must be some way out of his dominions, though he could not imagine where; but as to his jacket, and showing himself in his natural clothing, he professed she made him blush. He was extremely puzzled to know what she meant by being slit, and had a hundred strange notions in his head, as to whether he was slit or not. She next inquires how he came there-and on his offering to conduct her to the mouth of the cavern, she tells him, that as she knew all the rocks round, she could understand by his description, from whence he descended, without going to look. Descended!-he descended from no rock at all."Sir, says she, in some anger, it is false, and you impose upon me."


"Bless me, madam! says I, do you think I and my boat could fly? Come over the rock? did you say. No, madam; I sailed from great sea, the main ocean, in my boat, through that cavern into this very lake here.-What do you mean by your boat? says she. You seem to make two things of your boat, you say you sailed with, and yourself. I do so, replied I; for, madam, I take myself to be good flesh and blood, but my boat is made of wood and other materials. Is it so? says she. And, pray, where is this boat that is made of wood and other materials? under your jacket?-Lord, madam! says I, you put me in fear that you was angry; but now I hope you only joke with me. What, put a boat under my jacket! No, madam, my boat is in the lake.-What, more untruths! says she.-No, madam, I replied; if you would be satisfied of what I say, (every word of which is as true as that my boat now is in the lake), pray walk with me thither, and make your own eyes judges what sincerity I speak with. To this she agreed, it growing dusky; but assured me, if I did not give her good satisfaction, I should see her no more."

Being shown the boat, as it lay in dock, she was yet hardly content to believe him, till he stepped into it, and push

ing it from the shore, took the oars in his hand, and sailed along the lake by her, as she walked on the bank. At last she appeared so well reconciled to him and his boat, that she desired he would take her in. He did so, and they sailed a good way.

"Well, says she, I have sailed, as you call it, many a mile in my life-time, but never in such a thing as this. I own it will serve very well where one has a great many things to carry from place to place; but to be labouring thus at an oar, when one intends pleasure in sailing, is, in my mind, a most ridiculous piece of slavery.-Why, pray, madam, how would you have me sail? for getting into the boat only, will not carry us this way or that without using some force.But, says she, pray where did you get this boat, as you call it ?— O, madam! says I, that is too long and fatal a story to begin upon now this boat was made many thousand miles from hence, among a people coal-black, a quite different sort from us; and when I first had it, I little thought of seeing this country: but I will make a faithful relation of all to you when we come home. Indeed, I began to wish heartily we were there, for it grew into the night; and having strolled so far without my gun, I was afraid of what I had before seen and heard, and hinted our return; but I found my motion was disagreeable to her, and so I dropped it.

"I now perceived, and wondered at it, that the later it grew, the more agreeable it seemed to her; and as I had now brought her into good humour again, by seeing and sailing in my boat, I was not willing to prevent its increase. I told her, if she pleased, we would land, and when I had docked my boat, I would accompany her where and as long as she liked. As we talked and walked by the lake, she made a little run before me, and sprung into it. Perceiving this, I cried out; whereupon she merrily called on me to follow her. The light was then so dim, as prevented my having more than a confused sight of her when she jumped in; and looking earnestly after her, I could discern nothing more than a small boat in the water, which skimmed along at so great a rate that I almost lost sight of it presently; but running along the shore for fear of losing her, I met her gravely walking to meet me; and then had entirely lost sight of the boat upon the lake. This, says she, accosting me with a smile, is my way of sailing, which, I perceive, by the fright you were in, you are altogether unacquainted with; and, as you tell me you came from so many thousand miles off, it is possible you may be made differently from me but, surely, we are the part of the creation which has had most care bestowed upon it; and I suspect, from all your discourse, to which I have been very attentive, it is possible you may no more be able to fly than to sail as I do.-No, charming creature, says I, that I cannot, I'll assure you.-She then, stepping to the edge of the lake, for the advantage of a descent before her, sprung up into the air, and away she went, farther than my eyes could follow her."

So, thought he, all is over!-a delusion after all!—a mere phantom! for it is plain she is no human composition. But

yet she felt like flesh too when I lifted her up at the door." Better had it been never to have seen her, than thus to lose her again! Thus ran he sorrowfully on, with the heavy heart and utter self-abandonment which the shades of evil men may be supposed to feel, when, as classic story tells, they chance to catch, through the open gate, a glimpse of Elysium-gay, smiling vallies, populous cities, cheerful and happy groups, and, by the closing of the door against them, are again left to solitude and the darkness of eternal night. And like that same unhappy ghost, unexpectedly admitted to the light of day, was he, when, in about ten minutes after she had left him, in this mixture of grief and amazement, she alighted just by him on her feet. The transport, with which her return fills his soul, he is unable to conceal:-" I was some moments in such an agitation of mind, from these unparalleled incidents, that I was like one thunderstruck; but coming presently to myself, and clasping her in my arms, with as much love and passion as I was capable of expressing-Are you returned again, kind angel, said I, to bless a wretch who can only be happy in adoring you! Can it be, that you who have so many advantages over me, should quit all the pleasures that nature has formed you for, and all your friends, to take an asylum in my arms? But I here make you a tender of all I am able to bestow-my love and constancy."

"All my ambition will in you be crown'd;

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And those white arms shall all my wishes bound,
Our life shall be but one long nuptial day,
And, like chaf'd odours, melt in sweets away:
Soft as the night our minutes shall be worn,

And cheerful as the birds that wake the morn."

Need we add, that vows so feelingly tendered were kindly heard, and blushingly accepted ?-Or that the heart of Youwarkee for so was this winged beauty called-the gentlest heart that ever beat in female bosom-was not insensible to the humanity that had preserved her life, the tenderness that had fostered her with even a mother's care, and the delicacy, that never in thought, word, or deed, had offended against her purity? So, like the first man and woman, in Eden's bowersin the presence of teeming and prolific nature-with the "evening song" of summer breeze for their nuptial chaunt, and the bright host of heaven to witness their espousals, they plighted simple, but most sacred and binding vows of mutual love, and constancy, and protection. "In this manner, exchanging mutual endearments, and soft speeches, hand in hand, we arrived at the grotto; after having entered into "those solemn en

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