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Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

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The Academy met at its House.

The PRESIDENT in the chair.

There were present twenty-three Fellows.

The Corresponding Secretary read the following communications: From the University of Pennsylvania, inviting the Academy to send a representative to the dedication of the new building of its engineering department; from the Curator of the Reale Universita Napoli, offering for sale collections of specimens of the materials ejected in the recent eruption of Vesuvius; from the American Philosophical Society, presenting the medal struck by order of the Congress of the United States in honor of the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin; one from the same Society acknowledging the address presented by the Academy on the occasion of the above celebration; from the Director of the Observatorio Astronomico de la Plata, announcing the annexation of the Observatorio to the Universidad Nacional; from the family of Ludwig Boltzmann, announcing his death, and also the same announcement from the University of Vienna; from the Museo Nacional, Mexico, announcing the death of Manuel Urbina, chief of the department of natural history.

The following deaths were announced by the Chair:

Edward J. Young, Resident Fellow in Class III, Section 2; Bennett H. Nash, Resident Fellow in Class III, Section 2; Ludwig Boltzmann, Foreign Honorary Member in Class I,


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