Imágenes de páginas

Churchill, E. P. See Hall, E. H.,
Campbell, L. L., Serviss, S. B.,
and Churchill, E. P.
Circuit, Long Alternating-Current,
The Process of building up the
Voltage and Current in a, 699,
Cobalt, Canada, Cobalt and Silver
Deposits of, 743.

Cobalt and Silver Deposits of Cobalt,
Canada, 743.
Cole, L. J., An Experimental Study
of the Image-Forming Powers of
Various Types of Eyes, 333-417.
Columbia University of the City of
New York, announcement of
Loubat prizes, 744.
Combustion, Concerning

Isomerism and Heats of, 637,
Combustion of Organic Substances,
especially Sugar and Benzol, Con-
cerning the Adiabatic Determin-
ation of the Heats of, 571, 741.
Committees, Standing, appointed,757;
List of, 771.
Compressibility and Expansion of
Ether and of Alcohol in the
Neighborhood of their Boiling
Points, 419.
Conductivity of Fused Electrolytes,


Conductivity, Thermal, in Soft Iron

between 115° and 204° C., On the
Thomson Effect and the Temper-
ature Coefficient of, 595.
Congdon, E. D., The Hydroids of
Bermuda, 461-485, 739.
Copeland, M.

See Mark, E. L., and

Copeland, M.
Corpuscular Theory, The, as applied
to Electric Conduction in Gases,

Council, Report of, 761; Financial
Report of, 755.
Cross, C. R., Report of the Rumford
Committee, 748.
Cryptogamic Laboratory of Harvard
University, Contributions from,

Current in a Long Alternating-Cur-
rent Circuit, The Process of
Building up the Voltage and,
699, 744.

Cylindrical Magnets of Different
Dimensions, Demagnetizing Fac-
tors for, 745.

Cytology of the Entomophthoraceae,
On the, 175.

Davis, W. M., The Eastern Escarp-
ment of the Mexican Plateau,


Deam, C. C., New Plants from Guate-
mala, collected by, 742.
Delegation pour l'Adoption d'une

Langue Auxiliaire Internation-
ale, Letter from, 738, 743.
Demagnetizing Factors for Cylindri-
cal Magnets of Different Dimen-
sions, 745.

Denny, Letter from, 744; resigns Fel-
lowship, 742.

Density, Conductivity, and Viscosity
of Fused Electrolytes, 758.
Diels, H., elected Foreign Honorary
Member, 743; accepts Member-
ship, 744.

Dolbear, A. E., Letter from, 744.

Edes, H. H., letter from, 739.
Electrolytes, Fused, On the Density,

Conductivity, and Viscosity of,


Electromagnet, On the Magnetic Be-
havior of the Finely Divided Core
of an, while a Steady Current is
being established in the Exciting
Coil, 740.

Electromotive Force, Counter, induced
in a Moving Coil Galvanometer
when the Instrument is used Bal-
listically, On- the Correction for
the Effect of the, 159.
Electromotive Force, High, with its
Application to Spectrum Analy-
sis, 744.

Emerton, E., Delegate, Bologna, 744.
Entomophthoraceae, On the Cytology
of the, 175.

Equations, On Linear Differential, of
the Parabolic Type, 741.
Ether, Expansion and Compressi-
bility of, and of Alcohol in the
Neighborhood of their Boiling
Points, 419.
Eupatorieae, Diagnoses and Synonymy
of, and of Certain Other Compos-

itae which have been classed with | Foster, Sir Michael, Death of, 745.
them, 32.
Franco-American Expedition to Ex-

Eupatorieae, Studies in the, 1-48.
Everdingen, E. van, Director of the

Netherlands Meteorological In-
stitute, 741.

Expansion and Compressibility of
Ether and of Alcohol in the
Neighborhood of their Boiling
Points, 419.

Eyes, An Experimental Study of the
Image-Forming Powers of Vari-
ous Types of, 333.

Fatigue, An Approximate Law of, in
the Speeds of Racing Animals,

Fellows, Associate, List of, 777.
Fellows, Resident, deceased,

Cabot, Samuel, 739.

Nash, B. H., 737.
Young, E. J., 737.
Fellows, Resident, elected,
Baxter, G. P., 758.

Hall, Edward H., 743.
Lane, W. C., 743.
Norton, C. L., 758.
Pierce, G. W., 758.
Ripley, W. Z., 743.
Fellows, Resident, List of, 773.
Fernald, M. L., Diagnoses of New
Spermatophytes from Mexico,

[blocks in formation]


plore the Atmosphere in the
Tropics, Results of the, 261.
Franklin, Benjamin, Certificate of
Membership in the Academy,
739; Medal of Anniversary of, 737.
Frevert, H. L. See Richards, T. W.,
Henderson, L.J., and Frevert, H. L.

Galvanometer, Mirror, A Simple De-
vice for Measuring the Deflections
of a, 171.

Galvanometer, a Moving Coil, On the
Correction for the Effect of the
Counter Electromotive Force in-
duced in, when the Instrument
is used Ballistically, 159.
Gases, Friction and Force due to
Transpiration as Dependent on
Pressure in, 113.

General Fund, 745, 755; Appropria-
tions from the Income of, 756.
Geological Society of London, Letter
from, 744.

Gibson, J. A. See Sanger, C. R., and
Gibson, J. A.

Globular Clusters, Variable Stars in
the, 758.

Goodwin, H. M., and Mailey, R. D.,
On the Density, Conductivity,
and Viscosity of Fused Electro-
lytes, 758.

Graphite, 749.

Gray Herbarium of Harvard Univer-
sity, Contributions from, 1, 519,
738, 742.

Greece, Ancient, On Some Elements
of Conservatism in, 738.

Greenman, J. M., New Species of
Senecio and Schoenocaulon from
Mexico, 742.

Guatemala, New Plants from, col-
lected by C. C. Deam, 742.

Guthzeit Method, The Determination
of Arsenic by the, 741.

Hall, Edward H., elected Resident
Fellow, 743; accepts Fellowship,


Hall, Edwin H., Report of the Coun-
cil, 761.

Foreign Honorary Members, List of, Hall, Edwin H., Campbell, L. L.,

Serviss, S. B., and Churchill, E.

P., On the Thomson Effect and
the Temperature Coefficient of
Thermal Conductivity in Soft
Iron between 115° and 204° C.,

Harvard College. See Harvard Uni-

Harvard University. See Chemical
Laboratory, Cryptogamic Labo-
ratory, Gray Herbarium, Jeffer-
son Physical Laboratory, and
Zoological Laboratory.
Heats of Combustion, Concerning Po-
sition Isomerism and, 741.
Heats of Combustion of Organic Sub-
stances, Concerning the Adia-
batic Determination of the, espe-
cially Sugar and Benzol, 571, 741.
Helogyne, The Genus, and its Syno-
nyms, 27.
Henderson, L. J. See Richards, T.
W., Henderson, L. J., and Fre-
vert, H. L.
Henderson, L. J., Concerning Posi-
tion Isomerism and Heats of
Combustion, 637–647, 741.
Higginson, T. W., Biographical notice
of E. Atkinson, 761.
Hogg, J. L., Friction and Force due

to Transpiration as Dependent
on Pressure in Gases, 113-146.
Honey Bee, Some Stages in the Sper-
matogenesis of the, 101.
Hydroids, The, of Bermuda, 461, 739.

Illumination, On the Physiological

Basis of, 744.
Image-Forming Powers of Various
Types of Eyes, An Experimental
Study of the, 333.
Inheritance, A Study of,- The Optic

Chiasma of Teleosts, 215.
International Language, 738, 743.
Iron Particles, Fine, On the Permea-
bility and the Retentiveness of
a Mass of, 85.

Iron, Soft, between 115° and 204° C,.
On the Thomson Effect and the
Temperature Coefficient of Ther-
mal Conductivity in, 595.

Jamestown Exposition, Board of
Managers for Massachusetts, Let-
ter from, 738.

Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Con-
tributions from, 49, 85, 93, 113,
147, 159, 171, 419, 595, 669.
Jeffrey, E. E., The Ancient Conifer-
ous Flora of New England, 738.
Johnson, D. W., The Volcanic Necks
of the Mt. Taylor Region, New
Mexico, 743.

Kathode-Luminescence of Fluorite,


Kennelly, A. E., An Approximate

Law of Fatigue in the Speeds of
Racing Animals, 273-331; The
Process of Building up the Vol-
tage and Current in a Long Al-
ternating-Current Circuit, 699-
715, 744.

Kingsley, J. S., resigns Fellowship,
Kinnicut, L. P., Report of C. M.
Warren Committee, 754.
Kirchhoff, J. W. A., Death of, 738.

Laboratory of Histology and Embry-

ology, Western Reserve Univer-
sity, Contributions from, 487.
Lane, W. C., elected Resident Fel-
low, 743; accepts Fellowship,

Larrabee, A. P., The Optic Chiasma

of Teleosts: A Study of Inherit-
ance, 215-231.

Law of Fatigue, An Approximate, in
the Speeds of Racing Animals,


Librarian, Report of, 747.
Library, Appropriations for, 755.
Linné, Carl von, Anniversary of
birth of, 745.
Lithobius, Spermatocytes of, 487,

Loudness, The Sensation of, 740.
Lowell, Percival, Temperature of

Mars. A Determination of the
Solar Heat received, 649-667,

Lyman, Theodore, The Corpuscular
Theory as applied to Electric
Conduction in Gases, 740.

Mailey, R. D. See Goodwin, H. M.,
and Mailey, R. D.
Mark, E. L., Delegate to attend 7th

Letter from, 737.

International Zoological Con- Observatorio Astronomico de la Plata,
An Electric Wax-Cutter
for Use in Reconstructions, 627-
636, 740; Report of the Publi-
cation Committee, 754. See
Zoological Laboratory of the
Museum of Comparative Zool-
ogy at Harvard College, Contri-
butions from.

Officers, elected, 756; List of, 771.
Ophryosporus, Revision of the Genus,

Mark, E. L., and Copeland, M.,
Some Stages in the Spermatogen-
esis of the Honey Bee, 101-111.
Mars, Temperature of. A Determi-
nation of the Solar Heat re-
ceived, 649, 739.

Mendeleeff, D., Death of, 743.
Meteorological Observations in 1906

above the Tropical and Equato-
rial Atlantic, 745.
Meteorology, The, of the North and
South Polar Zones, 740.
Mexican Plateau, The Eastern Es-
carpment of the, 758.
Mexico, New or otherwise

worthy Spermatophytes from,

Mexico, New Species of Senecio and

Schoenocaulon from, 742.
Michigan Agricultural College, Let-
ter from, 742.

Moore, A. H., Revision of the Genus

Spilanthes, 519-569, 738.

Morse, H. W., The Kathode-Lumi-
nescence of Fluorite, 742.
Mt. Taylor Region, New Mexico, The
Volcanic Necks of the, 743.
Museo Nacional, Mexico, Letter from,

Museum of Comparative Zoology at
Harvard College. See Zoologi-
cal Laboratory.

Musical Taste, The Accuracy of, in
regard to Architectural Acous-
tics, 49.

Optic Chiasma of Teleosts: A Study
of Inheritance, 215.
Orizaba, Mexico, An ascent of, 738.
Orthogonal Functions of Two Vari-

ables, On the Conditions to be
satisfied if the Sums of the
Corresponding Members of Two
Pairs of, are to be Themselves
Orthogonal, 147.

Peirce, B. O., On the Conditions to
be satisfied if the Sums of the
Corresponding Members of Two
Pairs of Orthogonal Functions
of Two Variables are to be
Themselves Orthogonal, 147-
157; On the Correction for the
Effect of the Counter Electromo-
tive Force induced in a Moving
Coil Galvanometer when the In-
strument is used Ballistically,
159-169; On the Length of the
Time of Contact in the Case of
a Quick Tap on a Telegraph Key,
93-100; On the Magnetic Be-
havior of the Finely Divided
Core of an Electromagnet or of
a Transformer while a Steady
Current is being established in
the Exciting Coil, 740; On the
Permeability and the Retentive-
ness of a Mass of Fine Iron Parti-
cles, 85-91; A Simple Device
for Measuring the Deflections
of a Mirror Galvanometer, 171-

Permeability and the Retentiveness of
a Mass of Fine Iron Particles, On
the, 85.

Myriapods, Spermatogenesis of the, Physiological Basis of Illumination,

487, 741.

Nash, Bennett H., Death of, 737.
New York Academy of Sciences, Let-
ter from, 745.

Nichols, Ernest Fox, presented with
Rumford Medal, 741.
Norton, C. L., elected Resident Fel-
low, 758.

On the, 744.

Pierce, George W., elected Resident
Fellow, 758.

Piqueria, Revision of the Genus, 1.
Pitch, Variation in Reverberation

with Variation in, 49.

Polar Zones, North and South, The
Meteorology of, 740.

Position Isomerism and Heats of

[blocks in formation]

Reconstructions, An Electric Wax-

Cutter for Use in, 627, 740.
Records of Meetings, 737.
Research Laboratory of Physical
Chemistry, Contribution from,

Retentiveness of a Mass of Fine Iron

Particles, On the Permeability
and the, 85.

Retzius, M. G., elected Foreign Hon-

orary Member, 743; accepts
Membership, 745.
Reverberation, Variation in, with
Variation in Pitch, 19.
Richards, T. W., Henderson, L. J.,

and Frevert, H. L., Concerning
the Adiabatic Determination of
the Heats of Combustion of
Organic Substances, especially
Sugar and Benzol, 571-593,


Riddle, L. W., On the Cytology of the

Entomophthoraceae, 175-197.
Ripley, W. Z., elected Resident Fel-
low, 743; accepts Fellowship,

Robinson, B. L., New or Otherwise
Noteworthy Spermatophytes,
chiefly from Mexico, 742; Stud-
ies in the Eupatorieae: (I.) Re-
vision of the Genus Piqueria;
(II.) Revision of the Genus
Ophryosporus; (III.) The Genus
Helogyne and its Synonyms;
(IV.) Diagnoses and Synonymy
of Eupatorieae and of certain

other Compositae which have been
classed with them, 1-48.
Robinson, B. L., and Bartlett, H. H.,
New Plants from Guatemala,
collected by C. C. Deam, 742.
Röntgen Rays through Metallic
Sheets, The Transmission of,
669, 739.

Rotch, A. L., Meteorological Obser-
vations in 1906 above the Tropi-
cal and Equatorial Atlantic, 745;
Report of Librarian, 747; Re-
sults of the Franco-American
Expedition to Explore the At-
mosphere in the Tropics, 261-272.
Rumford Committee, Report of, 748;

Reports of Progress to, 749.
Rumford Fund, 746; Appropriations
from the Income of, 756; Papers
published by Aid of, 233, 419,
571, 595, 637, 649, 669.
Rumford Premium, 792; award of,
741, 754.

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