Imágenes de páginas

if such persons had been duly nominated by a party convention as delegates, with a certificate thereof, filled as required by said general election law.

how filled.

No names of candidates of any political party which is re- Vacancies, quired to make nominations under this act for officers to be voted for, shall be placed upon the official election ballot unless such candidates have been chosen in accordance with this act, except in the case of vacancy оссаsioned by death, removal, resignation or in case the candidate so nominated shall be disqualified from holding office under the general law of the State, and in such event the county or city campaign party committee of the same political party, or if there be no such committee, then mass convention of such party may fill such vacancy, and except in case of a candidate or candidates desiring to be placed on said official ballot, having been nominated in mass convention as an independent candidate or candidates, by at least two hundred electors of said city, before the name or names of such candidates shall be placed upon said official ballot, he or they shall pay to said city clerk the fee required by other candidates for the same office. The name of such new candidate or candidates to fill vacancies to be certified under oath to the city clerk or county clerk by the chairman or secretary of such committee or convention, who shall certify them to the proper election commissioners. SEC. 21. The candidate or candidates nominated under the Nominees to select party provisions of this bill, shall, immediately after their nomi- campaign nation, select a party campaign committee for their respective offices, one to be chosen from each ward or township in their election district, who shall hold office for two years and until their successors are elected and qualified. The candidate or candidates shall also select a chairman of their respective campaign committee, whose term of office shall be two years. The members of the committee so selected shall elect one of their number as secretary of the committee to which they belong. Said committees are to direct the campaign of the office that they are selected to act for.


of nomina

SEC. 22. Any candidate voted for at a primary election in Contesting this city or county may contest the nomination of the candi- tions. date against him at said primary election by filing a petition with the probate judge of the county within twenty-four hours after the close of the polls, in which he shall specify the cause for which such application is made. Such petition shall be brought before the board of examiners created by section nineteen of this act. Said board shall proceed as hereinafter provided:

Provided, That at the time of filing his petition he shall Proviso. deposit twenty-five dollars with the judge of probate, which amount shall be disposed of as hereinafter provided.

(a). Said petition shall set forth that the petitioner was Petition, what a candidate for the office claimed by him, and that he re

to set forth.

When board of examiners to meet.

Certain sections applied.

Penalty for electioneering, buying votes, etc.

ceived votes therefor, and that he has good reason to believe and does believe either

(1). That there was error or fraud in the count or in returns of the inspectors of election.

(2). That there was fraud or error in the count or in the determination of said board of canvassers.

(3). That there was error or fraud in both, and further stating that he believes that unless the ballot boxes are opened and votes counted without unnecessary delay, his rights will be jeopardized.

Said petition shall be in writing and shall be subscribed and sworn to by the person or by some one in his behalf. A copy thereof shall be served upon the person or persons who are candidates for such office at said primary election.

(b). Upon the filing of said petition, the judge of probate shall forthwith notify the members of said board of examiners created by section nineteen of this act, of the filing of said petition, and shall, in the notice, appoint a time and place for the board of examiners to meet, which time shall not be more than twenty-four hours after the filing of said petition, properly verified, and such probate judge shall issue an order causing the ballot boxes to be brought before the board of examiners and at a place and a time specified in the order, and a copy of such order shall be served upon the person or persons whose election is to be contested and also upon the officer in whose custody is kept the ballot boxes of said primary, whose duty it shall be to produce said ballot boxes before said board of examiners at the time and place named in said order.

That sections two hundred thirty-four (e), two hundred thirty-four (f), two hundred thirty-four (g), two hundred thirtyfour (h), of Howell's Statutes, volume three, are hereby made applicable as far as possible to this act.

SEC. 23. Any person who shall, while the polls are open at any polling place on any primary election day, do any electioneering in said polling place, or within two hundred feet of said polling place; any person who shall offer or give to another person any intoxicating liquors, or drink any intoxicating liquors within any such polling place; any person who shall solicit or receive, directly or indirectly, any money or any promise of place or position or any valuable consideration for his vote or support at any primary election; any person who shall offer any voter any money or reward of any kind, or who shall promise any place or position for the purpose of securing such votes or vote, or support at any such primary election; any person who shall knowingly violate any of the provisions of this act, any person who shall refuse to perform any duty enjoined upon him hereby; any person who shall vote or attempt to vote more than once or in more than one election district at the same primary election; any person who shall solicit another person to vote more than once at said primary election, shall be guilty of a misde

meanor. Any person who shall be convicted of any of the acts or omissions which are by this act declared to be misdemeanors, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding one year or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the court.

SEC. 24. All acts or parts of acts in anywise contravening Repealing the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.


submitted to

SEC. 25. This act, except this section, shall not become oper- Question to be ative until after it has been submitted to a vote of the electors electors. of the county of Kent as hereinafter provided, and then shall not become operative unless a majority of the electors within such county, voting on the question, shall vote in favor of its adoption. At the election to be held on the first Monday in April, nineteen hundred three, there shall be submitted to the electors of the county of Kent, in like manner as is provided by law for constitutional amendments, the question of whether the provisions of this act shall become operative, and the Secretary of State is hereby required, and not less than ten days before such election, to certify this act to the clerk of the county of Kent in the manner required by section three thousand six hundred twenty-four of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven for constitutional amendments. The said county clerk shall, upon receipt of such certification, convene the board of election commissioners of such county, and the said board shall forthwith prepare a ballot for the use of the electors desiring to vote upon said question, which shall be substantially in the following form: At the Form of top of each ballot shall be printed in bold-faced words: "Vote on the question of nominating all candidates for office by a direct vote of the electors." Then shall follow: Are you in favor of abolishing legislative and county conventions and nominating legislative and all county officers, excepting members of the school boards and county commissioners of schools, by a direct vote of the electors on the Australian ballot?

[] Yes. [] No.



Such ballots so prepared shall be sent out by said board Conducting of of election commissioners at the same time and in the same manner as the ballot to be used at said election. And it shall be the duty of the board of election inspectors at each voting precinct in the county of Kent, to see to it that each elector is furnished with one of such ballots at the same time he is furnished with the general ballot, and to inform such elector of the nature and purpose of it, and each elector shall be required, on coming out of the booth and tendering his vote to the inspectors of election, to produce and hand such inspectors the ballot relating to the adoption of this act, who shall place the same in the box prepared for that purpose. All votes cast therefor shall be taken, counted, canvassed and returned as provided by law for the election of county offi

cers. And if a majority of the electors of the county of Kent
voting on the question vote "Yes" then the act shall at once
become operative.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 17, 1903.

Action of board legalized.

Board may issue bonds.

Rate of interest.

Tax to be raised.

[No. 327.]

AN ACT to legalize the action of the township board of the township of St. Clair, in St. Clair county, Michigan, in letting a contract to build an iron bridge over Pine River, known as the "Luck Bridge," and to authorize the township board of said township to issue bonds of said township to the amount of twenty-eight hundred and fifty-five dollars for such purpose, and to levy taxes sufficient to provide for the payment of the same and the interest thereon.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The action of the township board of the township of St. Clair, in St. Clair county, and State of Michigan, in letting a contract to build an iron bridge over Pine River, known as the "Luck Bridge," to the Joliet Bridge & Iron Company, be legalized.

SEC. 2. The township board of the township of St. Clair, county of St. Clair, and State of Michigan, is hereby authorized to borrow, for the purpose of paying said contract, the sum of twenty-eight hundred and fifty-five dollars and to issue bonds of said township therefor; said bonds shall be designated as Luck Bridge bonds and shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum and shall be due as follows: March first, nineteen hundred four, nine hundred fifty dollars, March first nineteen hundred five, nine hundred fifty dollars, March first, nineteen hundred six, nine hundred fifty-five dollars.

SEC. 3. When such bonds are issued the township board of the township of St. Clair shall thereafter annually levy a tax, in addition to all other township taxes on all taxable property in said township, sufficient in amount to meet the interest on said bonds promptly as the same mature and also maintain a sinking fund which shall be sufficient to liquidate said bonds at their maturity; such tax shall be collected at the same time and in the same manner in each year as other township taxes are collected.

Approved March 17, 1903.

[No. 328.]

AN ACT to amend section two of act number two hundred eleven of the Local Acts of Michigan of eighteen hundred ninety-one, entitled "An act to incorporate the city of St. Louis in the county of Gratiot, and to repeal act number three hundred seventy-eight of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred eighty-seven," approved March fourth, eighteen hundred eighty-seven, as amended by act number three hundred sixteen of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetynine, and to add new territory.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section two of act number two hundred eleven Section amended. of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-one, entitled "An act to incorporate the city of St. Louis, in the county of Gratiot, and to repeal act number three hundred seventyeight of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred eighty-seven," as amended by act number three hundred sixteen of the local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, be and the same is amended so as to read as follows:

SEC. 2. The city shall be divided into four wards, respec- City divided tively, designated and known as the first, second, third and into wards. fourth wards. The west half of the southwest quarter of the Second ward. southeast quarter of section nineteen in township twelve north of range two west, in Gratiot county, Michigan, is hereby detached from said township and attached to and made

a part of the city of St. Louis, and of the second ward. The First ward. first ward shall embrace all that portion of the city, lying north of the center line of Center street, and west of the center lines of Mill and Berea streets; the second ward shall embrace all that portion of the city, except the west half of block thirty-nine, lying east of the center lines of Mill and Berea streets, and north of the center line of Washington avenue, including the west half of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section nineteen, township twelve north of range two west, in Gratiot county, Michigan; the Third ward. third ward shall embrace all that portion of the city lying south of the center line of Washington avenue, and east of the center line of Mill street, and also the west half of block thirty

nine; the fourth ward shall embrace all that portion of the Fourth ward. city lying south of the center line of Center street and west of

the center line of Mill street.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 17, 1903.


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