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[No. 329.]

AN ACT to detach certain territory from the township of Breitung, in the county of Dickinson, and attach the same to the city of Iron Mountain, in said county, and to the fifth ward of said city.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The northwest quarter of the northwest quaradded to city. ter of section six, township thirty-nine north of range thirty west, in Dickinson county, is hereby detached from the township of Breitung, and attached to the city of Iron Mountain, in said county of Dickinson, and hereafter shall constitute a part of the fifth ward of said city.

Acts repealed.

SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts contravening any of the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 17, 1903.

Section amended.

[No. 330.]

AN ACT to amend section four, act number three hundred sixty-one of the Local Acts of one thousand nine hundred one, approved March twenty-ninth, one thousand nine hundred one, entitled "An act to repeal act number two hundred ninety-one of the Local Acts of one thousand eight hundred ninety-one, entitled 'An act to incorporate the public schools of the township of Ossineke, Alpena county,' approved April twenty-first, one thousand eight hundred ninety-one; as amended by act four hundred thirteen of the Local Acts of one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine, approved May twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, to provide for the disposition of property and the payment of the indebtedness of the corporation hereby dissolved, and to organize and form three separate school districts from the territory embraced within the said township of Ossineke, in the said county of Alpena."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section four of act number three hundred sixtyone of the Local Acts of one thousand nine hundred one, approved March twenty-ninth, one thousand nine hundred one, entitled "An act to repeal act number two hundred ninetyone of the Local Acts of one thousand eight hundred ninetyone, entitled 'An act to incorporate the public schools of the township of Ossineke, Alpena county,' approved April twentyfirst, one thousand eight hundred ninety-one; as amended by

act number four hundred thirteen of the Local Acts of one thousand eight hundred ninety-nine, approved May twentyfifth, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, to provide for the disposition of the property and the payment of the indebtedness of the corporation hereby dissolved, and to organize and form three separate school districts from the territory embraced within the said township of Ossineke, in the said county of Alpena," is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

divided into

SEC. 4. All territory embraced in the said township of Os- Township sineke, in the said county of Alpena, shall be organized and school formed into three separate school districts, embracing the terri- districts. tory, and known by the names and styles hereinafter mentioned, viz.:

First. All territory embraced in township twenty-nine District No. 1. north of range five east, and in sections five, six, seven, eight, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one and thirty-two in township twenty-nine north, range six east, shall constitute school district number one of said township of Ossineke;

Second. All territory embraced in sections one, two, three, District No. 2. four, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, thirtythree, thirty-four, thirty-five and thirty-six in township twentynine north of range six east, shall constitute school district number two of said township of Ossineke;

Third. All territory embraced in township twenty-nine District No. 3. north, range seven east, shall constitute school district number three of said township of Ossineke.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 17, 1903.

[No. 331.]

AN ACT to provide that certain conveyances of lands in the village of Frederic, Michigan, and the records thereof, shall be received as evidence as conveying lands according to the recorded plat of the village of Fredericville and its additions.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

made legal.

SECTION 1. All deeds, mortgages, leases and other convey- Conveyances ances, and the records thereof, in the office of the register of deeds for the county of Crawford, in which the lands conveyed or affected are described as being in the village of Frederic, in McRae's addition to the village of Frederic, or in Dilley's addition to the village of Frederic, according to the recorded plats thereof, shall be received and considered by all courts


as evidence of the same force and effect as if the word "Fred-
eric." in the naming of the village plat in said deeds, mort-
gages, leases and conveyances, read "Fredericville:" Provided,
That whenever it be made to appear in any court that the par-
ties to any conveyance, within the provisions of this act, did
not intend to convey lands according to said recorded plats,
then as to such conveyance this act shall not apply.
This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 17, 1903.

Road district
No. 1.

Districts not to be changed.

Election of highway officers.


[No. 332.]

AN ACT to attach the territory embraced in road districts numbered two and three of the township of Portage, county of Houghton, and State of Michigan, to road district numbered one of said township of Portage, and to disorganize and discontinue said road districts numbered two and three and to embrace in said road district numbered one of said township of Portage, all the territory of said township of Portage, and to prohibit the highway commissioner of said township of Portage, and the highway commissioner and township board of said township of Portage vacating, altering, dividing or consolidating road districts in said township of Portage, and to provide for the election of one overseer of highways in said township of Portage, and to define the powers and duties of such overseer of highways.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. All the territory comprising road districts numbered two and three of the township of Portage, county of Houghton, and State of Michigan, and all the remaining territory of said Portage township, not now included within the limits of said road district numbered one of said township of Portage, is hereby added and attached to road district numbered one of said township of Portage, and said road districts. numbered two and three are hereby disorganized and discontinued.

SEC. 2. The highway commissioner of said township of Portage and the highway commissioner and the township board of said township of Portage shall be without authority to vacate, alter, divide or consolidate road districts in said Township of Portage.

SEC. 3. There shall be elected in each year, in the manner provided by law for the electing of overseers of highways, one overseer of highways for road district numbered one of said township of Portage: Provided, however, That the present overseer of highways of road district numbered one of said township of Portage shall remain as the overseer of highways

of road district numbered one of said township of Portage, during his present term of office and until his successor has been duly elected and qualified as herein provided.


SEC. 4. Said overseer of highways of said road district num- Powers of bered one of the township of Portage shall have all the powers granted to, and perform all the duties required of, overseers of highways by the laws of the State of Michigan. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved March 17, 1903.

[No. 333.]

AN ACT to provide for a uniform system of examination of teachers for the county of Presque Isle.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

have certifi

SECTION 1. It shall not be lawful for any school officer, Teachers to district board or board of education of any school district in cate. the county of Presque Isle, organized under any special act of the legislature, to employ or contract with any person to teach in any of the public schools of said county who has not a certificate in force from proper legal authority and granted in pursuance of the general and public school laws of the State. SEC. 2. All acts or parts of acts contravening the provis- Acts repealed. ions of this act are hereby repealed.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Approved March 17, 1903.

[No. 334.]

AN ACT to provide for two voting precincts in the township of Germfask, in the county of Schoolcraft.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. The township of Germfask, in the county of Township Schoolcraft, shall be divided into two voting precincts, as divided into follows, viz: All of town forty-four north, range thirteen precincts. west, all of town forty-five north, range thirteen west, shall Dist. No. 1. constitute voting precinct number one and all of town forty- Dist. No 2. three north, range thirteen west, shall constitute voting precinct number two.

board to de

SEC. 2. The polling place for the electors resident and being Township in the territory above described as precinct number one shall termine be at such place as the township board of the township of polling places.

Who to be officers of election.

Township board to supply books, blanks, etc.

Election, how conducted.

Germfask shall determine, and the polling place for the electors resident and being in the territory known as precinct number two shall be at the building adjoining the store at Blaney.

SEC. 3. The present officers of the township of Germfask who are by law constituted the boards of registration and election shall be the first boards of registration and election for precinct number one of said township of Germfask. The board of registration for the first election to be held in precinct number two of said township of Germfask, shall be composed of Albert T. Ford, Samuel T. White, Frank M. Veneer and Robert Moore, and the first board of election in said precinct number two shall be Earl Ford, Frank E. McErlaine, James Cooper and William Hesselman.

SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the township board of the township of Germfask to supply the necessary books for registration and election and the necessary blanks for the return thereof, to be used in precinct number two.

SEC. 5. The conduct of the elections in the precincts herein provided for shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the general laws for the conduct of elections, and the canvass and return of votes shall be in accordance with the law governing the canvass and return of votes in townships having more than one precinct.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 17, 1903.

Territory to contain.

First election.

Registration board.

[No. 335.]

AN ACT to incorporate the village of Applegate, in the county of Sanilac.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The following described territory to wit: The south half of section twenty-five and the north half of section thirty-six, all in township eleven, north, range fifteen east, the same being in the organized township of Washington, in the county of Sanilac, be and the same is hereby constituted a village corporate to be known as the village of Applegate.

SEC. 2. The first election of officers in said village shall be held at the store of J. S. Sherman, in the said village of Applegate, on the second Monday in April, in the year nineteen hundred three, due notice of which election shall be given by the board of registration hereinafter appointed, by posting notices thereof in three public places, ten days before said election.

SEC. 3. Benjamin Bond, Ethan F. Ennest and Silas Mark are hereby constituted a board of registration for the said first

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