raised. therefrom shall be appropriated in such manner as said village This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 397.] AN ACT to authorize the city of Ionia to refund certain of its bonds. The People of the State of Michigan enact: issue bonds SECTION 1. The common council of the city of Ionia is here- Council may by authorized to issue its bonds to the amount of six thousand dollars, for the purpose of redeeming and retiring the same amount of general fund bonds, now past due, and which were issued under date of November tenth, eighteen hundred ninetyone; said new issue of bonds to bear a rate of interest not to exceed four per cent, and to run for a period not to exceed twenty years. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. [No. 398.] AN ACT to amend section one of act number three hundred twenty-one of the local acts of eighteen hundred seventyseven, entitled "An act to incorporate the village of Rogers," approved May first, eighteen hundred seventy-seven. The People of the State of Michigan enact: amended. SECTION 1. Section one of act number three hundred twenty- Section one of the local acts of eighteen hundred seventy-seven, entitled "An act to incorporate the village of Rogers." approved May first, eighteen hundred seventy-seven, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: contain. SECTION 1. The following described territory, to wit: En- Territory to tire fractional section fifteen, the north fractional half of section twenty-two and the north half of the southwest quarter and lots three and four of section twenty-three, all in town thirty-five, north of range five east, are hereby made and con- This act is ordered to take immediate effect. When board of health to accept cemetery. [No. 399.] AN ACT to provide for the public care of country cemeteries of Kalamazoo county. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Whenever any country cemetery association of Kalamazoo county, free from debt, through its officers or trustees, shall offer or tender a deed of such cemetery free from all incumbrances, to the local board of health of the township in which such cemetery is located, it shall be the duty of said board to accept such deed in trust for the township; and it shall then be obligatory upon the township to raise by tax each year for every cemetery so deeded, such amount of money as may be necessary to keep it fenced in and in proper condition. Duty of high- And it shall be the duty of the highway commissioner of the township to see that all such cemeteries are kept in a proper condition, he to be paid the same for such work as for other township work. way commis sioner. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Who to con fund com missioners. [No. 400.] AN ACT to provide a sinking fund for the payment of certain indebtedness of the city of Grand Rapids and a board of sinking fund commissioners for the care, custody and disposal of such fund. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The mayor, clerk, comptroller and treasurer of stitute sinking the city of Grand Rapids and the chairman of the committee on ways and means, of the common council of said city, and their successors in office, by virtue of their offices, and two electors who shall be citizens and freeholders of the city of debtedness Grand Rapids, to be elected by said several officials, for two years each, one to be elected each year, on May first, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and one of whom after the taking effect of this act shall first be elected for one year, shall constitute and be a "Board of Sinking Fund Commissioners." SEC. 2. The board of sinking fund commissioners shall from To pay intime to time, upon the best terms they can make, purchase or of city. pay the outstanding bonded debt of said city, or such part thereof as they may be able to purchase or pay, until the full amount thereof be fully purchased or paid. Whenever they When to incannot arrange for the purchasing or paying of said debt, or vest money. any part thereof, they shall temporarily and until they can so arrange, invest the moneys belonging to the sinking fund in such interest bearing securities as they may deem safe and advisable; and all matured bonds and evidences of debt thus purchased shall be delivered to the city treasurer and shall become and be the property of the city of Grand Rapids, held and controlled by said board of sinking fund commissioners, and the interest thereon, as it thereafter becomes due shall be credited to and shall belong to the said sinking fund. The Treasurer to city treasurer shall endorse upon the back of all bonds so pur- bonds. chased by the sinking fund commissioners the following, viz.: "Registered bonds, not transferable without the written consent of the mayor, comptroller and city treasurer endorsed thereon." And such bonds shall only be transferred and sold under the direction of the board of sinking fund commissioners. In making temporary investment of the moneys of the sinking Temporary fund, the said board shall give preference to bonds of the city of Grand Rapids, but may subsequently sell the same and apply the proceeds to the purchase of other securities or to the payment of other bonds of the city, whenever such action is deemed advisable. endorse investment. control of SEC. 3. Said board shall have exclusive control of the Board to have moneys of the sinking fund and shall faithfully apply the sinking fund. same, whenever possible, or it may appear to the city's interest, to the payment of the bonded indebtedness of the city of Grand Rapids, and to no other purpose whatever. The board may temporarily invest any portion of the sinking fund in so-called "Street Improvement Bonds of the city of Grand Rapids," but no portion of the sunking fund shall be applied to the ultimate payment of any of such bonds. to meet. SEC. 4. Said board of sinking fund commissioners shall meet When board from time to time for the transaction of business, and may adopt rules of proceeding for their meetings. A majority of the whole board shall be a quorum for the transaction of business, but they shall not purchase in or pay the outstanding debt of said city, or invest any of the moneys belonging to the sinking fund, as above provided, except under a resolution for such purposes, passed and approved by a two-thirds vote of the whole board by yeas and nays, to be entered of record at a regular meeting or at a special meeting called for such purpose. Officers of board. Treasurer to have charge of moneys. To report to eouncil. Council to levy tax for sinking fund. Proceeds of The mayor of said city, or in case of his absence, some member to be designated by those present, shall preside at meeting of said board. The city clerk shall be the clerk of the board of sinking fund commissioners, and it shall be his duty to keep a true record of all meetings of said board, which record shall be kept on file in and shall be a part of the records of the office of the city clerk. SEC. 5. The treasurer shall have custody of all moneys, securities and evidences of debt belonging to or pertaining to the sinking fund and he shall pay out the moneys of said fund only by order of the board of commissioners on a two-thirds vote of the members thereof directed as aforesaid, and upon the warrant of the city comptroller. The official bond of the city treasurer shall cover any and all funds in his hands belonging to the sinking fund. SEC. 6. Said commissioners shall from time to time but at least annually, and whenever requested by the common council of said city, make report of their meetings, which report shall be made to the common council and be referred to and filed with the city comptroller, and be recorded by him in some proper book to be provided by him for such purpose. They shall recommend to the common council the sum of money that in their judgment should be placed in the next annual budget, and raised by direct taxation for the benefit of the sinking fund. SEC. 7. The common council shall in each year levy and collect a tax for the benefit of the sinking fund of not less than one-fifth of a mill on a dollar, nor more than four-fifths of a mill on a dollar in any one year, upon the real estate and personal property in said city not exempt from taxation by the general laws of the State, and upon all of the personal property of residents of the city, not exempt from taxation by such general laws. Whenever any bonds of the city of Grand Rapids sale of bonds shall be sold for more than par value, all of the premium or amount received at such sale more than the par or face value of the bonds sold shall be credited and belong to the sinking fund. All of the interest paid to the city by the city depository or depositories, as provided for by title four of the revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved March twentyfifth, eighteen hundred ninety-seven, shall belong to and be placed in the sinking fund of said city. credited to. Expenses of board. When certain moneys cred ited to sinking fund. SEC. 8. The necessary expenses of the board in performing any of the duties imposed upon it by this act shall be a proper charge against the city, to be paid by the said common council from the general fund. SEC. 9. Any and all moneys properly belonging to or due the sinking fund of said city, on the passage of this act, shall on the first day of May, nineteen hundred three, or within a reasonable time thereafter be credited to and belong to the sinking fund herein provided for, and shall at once be subject to the order of the board of sinking fund commissioners. SEC. 10. Said board of sinking fund commissioners are au- Board may adopt rules. thorized to adopt rules not in conflict herewith, for the government of their action, and shall be authorized for the purpose of enforcing the collection of any bonds or securities taken by them to bring suit in the name of the city of Grand Rapids, in any court of competent jurisdiction. All acts and parts of Repealing acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved April 2, 1903. clause. [No. 401.] AN ACT to provide a board of library commissioners to have charge and management of the public district library and library property and art gallery property in the city of Grand Rapids. The People of the State of Michigan enact: missioners, etc. SECTION 1. At the annual school election next succeeding Library comthe passage of this act, there shall be elected five library com- when elected, missioners. Of the five persons so elected, one shall hold office for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years and one for five years, and each until his successor is elected and qualified. The five persons so elected, shall by lot, determine the term of each. At each annual election thereafter, one library commissioner shall be elected, who shall hold office for five years, and until his successor is elected and qualified. Notice of the election of such commissioners shall be given in the same manner as that of other city officials. tuted, duties, SEC. 2. The five library commissioners so elected, with the How constisuperintendent of schools, and their successors shall constitute etc. the board of library commissioners of the city of Grand Rapids, but the superintendent of schools shall not have the right to vote on any matter involving the expenditure of money. Such board shall have the entire management and control of the socalled public library of said city, being the district library, and of all property and assets belonging thereto, real or personal, the title to which is now vested in the board of education, and which is devoted to or intended for library purposes, also of all property now or hereafter belonging to the city and intended for or devoted to an art gallery, or similar purposes. SEC. 3. The elections of such office shall be upon a separate Election, how ballot, and in a separate box from all other offices or questions voted upon. Those persons eligible to vote for school officers shall be eligible to vote for library commissioners. The result of the vote shall be canvassed and declared in the same manner as in the case of city officers. conducted. |