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[No. 423.]

AN ACT to authorize the city of Menominee to borrow money for the purpose of paying the cost of paving a part of Main street in said city with brick, and to issue bonds therefor.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

issue bonds.

SECTION 1. The council of the city of Menominee is hereby Council may authorized and empowered to borrow on the faith and credit of said city not to exceed the sum of twenty thousand dollars at a rate of interest not to exceed five per cent per annum and to make. issue, negotiate and sell bonds therefor, payable at Proceeds, such time as the council shall determine, for the purpose of paying the cost of paving Main street in said city with brick from the north line of Ogden avenue to the north line of the bridge, commonly known as the drawbridge.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 16, 1903.

how used.

[No. 424.]

AN ACT to provide for and fix and limit the compensation, and to prescribe certain duties of the sheriff of the county of Wayne.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

of fees.

SECTION 1. The sheriff of the county of Wayne shall receive Salary. a salary of eight thousand dollars per annum; the said salary of said sheriff shall be in full payment for services performed by said officer for said county, or for the patrons of his office, and shall be in lieu of all fees, commissions or perquisites pay- To be in lieu able to said officer or his deputies under the laws of the State for the performance or discharge of any duties required by his office. the duties of which he exercises by virtue thereof; and in lieu of all fees or commissions collectible by said officer or his deputies for the performance of the duties of the said office where the said fees are not fixed by law; and that the said officer shall receive no other or further compensation for the duties imposed upon him, but all fees and commissions made payable to or that may be charged by him by virtue of said office, shall be received by and on account of said county.

to additional

SEC. 2. The officer whose salary is fixed by this act shall not Not entitled be entitled to any fees, commissions or added compensation by compensa reason of any new duties hereafter added to the office held by tion. him.

SEC. 3. The said sheriff of the said county of Wayne shall re- To pay fees ceive or collect no other compensation, except the salary above to treasurer. provided, for the preformance or discharge of any of the duties

Auditors to provide books, etc.

accounts, etc., of sheriff.

of the said office, but he shall pay the fees, commissions or charges provided by law to be paid or that he may fix or charge for the performance of such duties or any duties in the said office to the county treasurer on the last Saturday of every month, and the same shall be for the use of said county and placed to the credit of the general fund. Such payment shall in all cases be accompanied with a statement in writing of said officer, of the services rendered and fees collected, and that the same is true in every particular, which statment shall be verified by the oath of the officer making the same that such statement is true.

SEC. 4. The board of auditors of said county shall provide said sheriff with the proper books, blanks and forms for the regular and systematic accounting of all moneys received by him from whatever source. Said board shall provide said officer with blanks, each having a stub attached, bound in book form and consecutively numbered, for all certificates or certified copies of records on which a fee is collectible. Said blanks shall have entered upon their face the amount of the fee collected and for what purpose paid, and shall be a record of the amounts May examine collected by the said officer issuing the same. Said board of county auditors shall also have the power and they are hereby authorized at any time to examine the books and accounts of the said sheriff, and they shall on demand be exhibited to them by said officer. And as often as said board may require, the accounts and vouchers of the said sheriff shall be audited and allowed by them and after the same shall have been audited by said board, it shall not be requisite that such accounts and vouchers be again audited by the board of supervisors. Whenever any moneys are paid to the sheriff of said county by any office or agent of said county, such officer or agent shall take a duplicate receipt therefor, which shall be filed in the office of Board to keep said board. Said board shall keep an account of all moneys which may be chargeable against said officer, who receives moneys belonging to the said county, and shall keep an account with said officer showing the amounts with which they should be credited, and their accounts shall be so kept that the financial affairs of the county may at any time be ascertained by inspection of the books of said board.

accounts with sheriff.

chase supplies

Sheriff to pur- SEC. 5. Said officer shall purchase all supplies necessary to for prisoners. provide the prisoners in the county jail with food, bills for which shall be audited by the county auditors of said county, and he shall make a sworn itemized report of the supplies purchased and the average cost per prisoner per day, and number of prisoners under his charge each day, to the board of county auditors on the last Saturday of each month.

May occupy residence.

Penalty for failure to comply with act.

SEC. 6. This act shall not be construed to prevent said sheriff occupying, the residence provided for the sheriff at the county jail, free of rent, properly heated and lighted.

SEC. 7. If said officer shall fail to comply with the provisions of this act he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not exceeding

five hundred dollars or imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months.

SEC. 8.

All acts or parts of acts, so far as contrary to this Repealing act, are hereby repealed.

This act is ordered to take effect January first, nineteen hundred five.

Approved April 16, 1903.


[No. 425.]

AN ACT to amend section eighteen of act number three hundred seventy-nine of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetyfive, entitled "An act to reincorporate the city of Charlotte, and to repeal act number two hundred and fifty of the session laws of Michigan for the year eighteen hundred seventy-one, entitled 'An act to incorporate the city of Charlotte,' approved March twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred seventy-one, and all amendments thereof."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. Section eighteen of act number three hundred Section seventy-nine of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-five, entitled "An act to reincorporate the city of Charlotte and to repeal act number two hundred fifty of the session laws of Michigan for the year eighteen hundred seventy-one, entitled 'An act to incorporate the city of Charlotte,' approved March twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred seventy-one, and all amendments thereof," is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

to office.

SEC. 18. No person shall be elected or appointed to any office Who eligible unless he be an elector of the city, and if elected or appointed for a ward he must be an elector thereof: Provided, That Proviso. these provisions shall not affect the appointment of members of the board of the free public library and reading room, which appointments shall be subject only to the provisions of the statute under which said free public library and reading room was established.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 16, 1903.


Section amended.

Time polls opened and closed.

Who to designate witness and challenger.

Inspection, etc., of ballot boxes.

Repealing clause.

[No. 426.]

AN ACT to amend and revise section thirty-five of chapter two of an act, entitled "An act to amend and revise chapters one and two of an act, entitled 'An act to provide a charter for the city of Detroit, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,'" approved June fourth, A. D., eighteen hundred ninety-five.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. Section thirty-five of chapter two of an act, entitled "An act to amend and revise chapters one and two of an act, entitled 'An act to provide a charter for the city of Detroit, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,' approved June fourth, A. D., eighteen hundred ninety-five, is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

SEC. 35. The polls of the election shall be open at seven o'clock, local time, in the forenoon, and shall be continued open until eight o'clock, local time, upon the evening of the same day, and no longer, nor shall any adjournment or recess be taken from the opening of the polls until the canvass shall have been completed, and the returns made and signed, and de livered to the proper inspectors as hereinafter provided. Atevery election the city committee of any party may, by the certificate of its chairman and secretary, in writing, signed by them, designate not more than one elector of said city as witness, and one other elector as challenger, to attend at the election in behalf of such party, and its candidates, whose names are printed on the ticket at each election district, and it shall be the duty of the inspectors of election in every election district to admit the witnesses and challengers so accredited in the inclosure with. themselves and the clerks at such election, and place them so near to themselves and the clerks that they can fully and conveniently watch every proceeding of the inspectors and clerks from the time of opening the polls until the counting, certifying and signing of the final returns of the election. Before the opening of the polls, the ballot boxes shall be opened, if requested by either of them, so that the inside and the locks and keys may be inspected by them. No ballot box nor any ballot when taken from it for counting shall be removed or screened from the constant sight of such witnesses or challengers until the counting has been closed and the certificates of the final return completed and signed by the inspectors, and the ballot boxes locked and sealed. The challengers so designated shall be so placed that they can fully see and meet every person offer ing a ballot to the inspectors, or either of them.

SEC. 2. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed.

Approved April 16, 1903.

[No. 427.]

AN ACT to create a board of water and lighting commissioners for the village of Gaylord.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

create board.

SECTION 1. The village of Gaylord, county of Otsego, is au- Village may thorized to create and maintain a board of water and lighting commissioners. consisting of three members, for the purpose of maintaining its water and electric light works, and the entire apparatus connected therewith.

pass ordinance

SEC. 2. The creating of such a board of water and lighting Council to commissioners, and a provision for their salaries and the man- for. ner of their appointment by the village council shall be done by village ordinance; and the terms of office for each of said Term of commissioners and their duties shall be defined by an ordinance or by ordinances of said village of Gaylord.


of funds.

SEC. 3. The said village of Gaylord is authorized, by ordi- Disbursement nance, to provide for the disbursement of all water and electric light funds by said commissioners.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 16, 1903.

[No. 428.]

AN ACT relative to applications for the locating and establishing of drains in Berrien county.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

by whom

SECTION 1. Hereafter all applications made to the county Applications, drain commissioner of Berrien county, for the locating or estab- signed. lishing of any drain in said county, shall be signed by at least

a majority of the owners of lands liable to an assessment for
benefits to accrue from the construction of the drain asked for.
This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 16, 1903.

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