Imágenes de páginas

Territory de

izing new township.

[No. 429.]

AN ACT to detach township number thirty north, range three east, from the township of Hillman in Montmorency county, as the same is now organized, and to create and organize said township number thirty north, range three east, into a new township to be known and designated as the township of Avery.

The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Township number thirty north, range number tached organ- there east, in the county of Montmorency, is hereby detached from the township of Hillman in said county of Montmorency, as the same is now organized, and created and organized into a new township to be known and designated as the township of First meeting Avery, and that the first township meeting for said township of Avery shall be held at the schoolhouse situate on the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section ten in said township, on the first Monday in April in the year nineteen hundred three.

in, where held.

Who to constitute board

SEC. 2. Hugh McKinzie, Foster Cameron and James Camerof inspectors. On are hereby made and constituted a board of inspectors of election for said township election, and at such election the qualified electors of such township shall choose by ballot, persons to fill the various offices in manner and form as provided by the general laws of the State in case of township elections. If for any reason the township meeting provided for in section one shall not be held at the time specified herein for holding the same, it shall be lawful to hold the same at any time thereafter by giving at least fifteen days notice of the time and place of holding such meeting, by posting notices thereof in four of the most public places in said township, which notice may be given by said board of inspectors of election or a majority of them.

Provisions as to time of holding first meeting.

When voters may choose inspectors.

Who to constitute board of registration.

SEC. 4. If for any reason all or either of the inspectors hereby appointed shall neglect or be unable to attend the first township meeting at the time specified, it shall be lawful for the electors of the said township who shall be present at the time specified for the opening of the polls of said election, to choose from the electors present, suitable persons to act as inspectors of said election in place of such inspectors who shall neglect or be unable to attend such meeting, and to elect any clerks or officers to serve on the board of inspectors as provided by the general laws for townships.

And the said Hugh McKinzie, Foster Cameron and James Cameron, or a majority of them, shall constitute a board of registration with like powers and duties of township boards of registration in other cases, and the first session of such board of registration shall be held at the said schoolhouse on said section ten in said township at the same time as is provided by the general law of the State in relation to the meeting of boards of registration.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 22, 1903.

[No. 430.]

AN ACT to divide the township of Ida, in the county of Monroe, into two election districts.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

divided into

SECTION 1. The township of Ida, in the county of Monroe, is Township hereby divided into two election districts, as follows: Dis- election district number one shall consist of sections sixteen to thirty-six tricts. inclusive, and the south half of sections thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of the said township of Ida; and district number two shall consist of sections one to twelve inclusive, and the north half of sections thirteen, fourteen and fifteen of the said township of Ida.

tion, where

SEC. 2. The first election to be held on the first Monday in First elecApril, nineteen hundred four, in said district number one, shall held. be held at the place where the town meetings and elections in said township heretofore have been held; and said election to be held in district number two at some convenient and appropriate place on the west half of the northwest quarter of section two, or on the east half of the northeast quarter of section three, in what is known as Ida village, in said township of Ida.

SEC. 3. Said election district shall be subject to all the provisions of chapter ninety-five of the Compiled Laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, except the first section thereof, and all elections therein shall be conducted in the manner and by the officers prescribed by said chapter, and the votes cast thereat shall be canvassed in accordance with the requirements of said chapter.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved April 23, 1903.

Subject to

provisions of

general law.

[No. 431.]

AN ACT to authorize the city of Wyandotte in the county of Wayne to borrow money to be used in the construction and maintenance of a general sewerage system in said city, consisting of main and trunk sewers, and to issue bonds therefor.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. The common council of the city of Wyandotte Bond issue by in the county of Wayne, shall be and is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow on the faith and credit of said city and issue bonds therefor, to an amount not exceeding one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars which shall be expended in the construction and maintenance of a general sewerage system in said city, consisting of main and trunk sewers within the


Question to be submitted to electors.

Form of ballot.

When bonds may be issued.


how used.

limits of said city: Provided, That two-thirds of the qualified electors of said city voting at any annual charter election, or at any special election called for that purpose, after due notice required by law, shall vote therefor.

SEC. 2. The question of borrowing said sum of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars and issuing the bonds of said city therefor, shall be submitted to the electors of said city at any annual charter election, or at a special election called for that purpose as hereinbefore provided. Those who favor the borrowing of said sum and issuance of said bonds shall vote a ballot with the words written or printed thereon: "Sewer loan -Yes," and those opposed thereto shall vote a ballot with the words written or printed thereon: "Sewer loan-No." Such ballots shall be cast, canvassed, and the result thereof certified to in the same manner as is provided by law respecting ballots cast for the officers of said city. If a two-thirds majority of such ballots so cast shall be in favor of borrowing said money and the issuance of said bonds the common council shall be authorized to make and issue said bonds in such sums, not exceeding the aggregate amount hereinbefore limited, and payable at such times, with such rates of interest not exceeding five per cent per annum, as the common council shall direct, and shall be signed by the mayor and city clerk and sealed with the seal of said city, and negotiated by or under the direction of said common council; and the money arising therefrom shall be appropriated in such manner as said common council shall determine, for the purpose aforesaid, and the said common council shall have power and it shall be their duty, to raise by tax upon the taxable property of said city, such sum or sums as shall be sufficient to pay the amount of said bonds and the interest thereon as fast as the same shall become due. Approved April 23, 1903.

Township may

[No. 432.]

AN ACT to authorize the township of Springwells, Wayne county, Michigan, except that part of the territory of said township which lies within the corporate limits of the vil lages of Delray and Woodmere, to grade, pave, plank, gravel, Macadamize, curb and otherwise improve the highway known as Michigan avenue in said township, and to provide by issu ing township bonds and pledging the faith and credit of that part of said township which lies without the corporate limits of the said villages of Delray and Woodmere, the necessary funds therefor.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The township of Springwells, Wayne county, Michpave certain igan, except that part of the territory of said township which lies within the corporate limits of the villages of Delray and


Woodmere, is hereby authorized to grade, pave, plank, gravel,
Macadamize, curb, drain and otherwise improve the highway
known as Michigan avenue in said township, and for the pur-
pose of defraying the expenses thereof to issue township bonds
upon the faith and credit of that part of said township which
lies without the corporate limits of the said villages of Delray
and Woodmere, and levy taxes in the manner hereafter specified,
for the repayment of the money obtained upon the sale of said
bonds, and the interest thereon: Provided, That not more than Proviso.
fifty thousand dollars worth of such bonds shall be issued for
the purpose aforesaid.

SEC. 2. Whenever the township board of said township of Who to make Springwells shall by resolution duly passed, declare that it is mates, etc. expedient to grade, pave, plank, gravel, Macadamize, curb and otherwise improve said Michigan avenue, the said township board and the commissioner of highways of said township, acting together shall cause to be made plans and specifications for the improvement of such highway in the manner declared to be expedient in the resolution aforesaid, and to cause estimates to be made of the cost of such improvement or improvements. From such estimates, said township board and highway commissioner acting together shall determine and fix the amount necessary to be raised for the purpose of improvement or improvenients, not exceeding the sum aforesaid.

be submitted

election, what to contain.

SEC. 3. The township board shall then submit to the electors Question to of said township who reside without the limits of the villages to electors. of Delray and Woodmere, at a special meeting to be called and ordered by the township board in the manner provided by law, the question of issuing bonds for the purpose of making such improvements as are specified in said resolution. The notice of such township meeting shall contain a true copy Notice of of the resolution of said township board. declaring the expediency of the proposed improvement and the manner thereof, and the amount determined by said township board and highway commissioner to be necessary for such purpose, not exceeding the sum aforesaid; said notice shall also state the time and place of holding such meeting, and copies thereof shall be posted by the clerk of said township in five conspicuous places in that part of said township which lies without the corporate limits of the said villages of Delray and Woodmere. Special ballots Form of shall be provided for such election or meeting in the following form: "Shall that part of the township of Springwells lying without the corporate limits of the villages of Delray and Woodmere issue bonds to the amount of fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of improving Michigan avenue-Yes." "Shall that part of the township of Springwells lying without the corporate limits of the villages of Delray and Woodmere issue bonds to the amount of fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of improving Michigan avenue-No." The town meeting shall be held and the mode of proceeding at such meeting and the method of canvassing the ballots cast upon said question shall be in the manner provided in the general act relative to township meetings.


When bonds

may be issued.

Rate of interest.

How negotiated.

Board to ap

ment committee.

Powers of.

SEC. 4. If a majority of the electors of said township, voting upon said question when so submitted, who reside in that part of said township which lies without the limits of the villages of Delray and Woodmere shall vote in favor of issuing said bonds, the township board shall at any regular or special session thereafter determine the form and denomination of the bonds, the length of time they shall run, not exceeding thirty years, the rate of interest they shall bear, not exceeding four per cent per annum, and shall cause such bonds with interest coupons attached, to be issued, signed by the supervisor and the clerk of said township. Such bonds shall be negotiated under the direction of said township board at not less than the face value thereof, and the money received from the sale thereof shall be paid to the treasurer of said township, and there kept in a special fund to be used only for the purpose mentioned in this act.

SEC. 5. Said township board shall before advertising for point improve- bids for furnishing the material and doing the work of making the improvement declared to be expedient as aforesaid, appoint three citizens who reside in and who are freeholders in that part of said township which lies without the corporate limits of the said villages of Delray and Woodmere, to act with said township board and highway commissioner in making the improvement aforesaid, and who shall be known as, "The Michigan Avenue Improvement Committee." When said committee shall have been thus appointed, each of the members thereof shall have a vote and voice in advertising for bids and letting the contract or contracts for the making of said improvement, and the powers and duties of each of the members of said committee in making said improvement shall be the same as each of the members of the township board or highway commissioner, and they shall act with the township board and highway commissioner in auditing the claims for the making of said improvement and doing all things else in relation thereto not otherwise specially lodged in the township board or highway commissioner. The members of said committee shall serve without pay or compensation, and their duties shall cease when the improvement is made and the contract accepted.


When to advertise for bids.

SEC. 6. After the bonds so issued shall have been sold and the proceeds thereof paid into the fund aforesaid, said township board, highway commissioner and committee aforesaid, shall advertise for bids for furnishing the material and doing the work of making the improvement declared to be expedient as aforesaid in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor, as herein before provided, and shall let the contract Contractor to there for to the lowest responsible bidder. The successful bidder shall be required to give a bond in such sum as the township board, highway commissioner and committee aforesaid acting together shall require, conditioned for the furnishing of the material necessary and the doing of said work, in accordance with said plans and specifications and subject to the approval of said township board, commissioner of highways

give bonds.

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