Imágenes de páginas

No. 6.

No. 7.

said township, shall constitute a single school district to be known and designated as school district number five of North Star; so much of said Township of North Star as would be included in the following descriptions, to wit, entire sections one, two, eleven and twelve, the east half of sections three and ten of said township, shall constitute a single school district, to be known and designated as school district number six of North Star; so much of said Township of North Star as would be included in the following descriptions, to wit, the entire sections twenty-five, twenty-six, thirty-five and thirty-six of said township, shall constitute a single school district to be known and designated as school district number seven of North Star; and so much of said Township of North Star as would be included in the following descriptions, to wit, entire sections twenty-seven, twenty-eight, thirty-three and thirty-four of said township, shall constitute a single school district to be known and designated as school district number eight of North Star. Powers, etc., Such school districts shall have all the powers and privileges conferred upon primary school districts by general law, and hereafter, all schools organized therein, in pursuance of this act, under the direction and regulation of the several school boards, shall be free to all children actual residents within the limits thereof, between the ages of five and twenty years, inclusive.

No. 8.

of districts.


attached to

District No. 9 changed to No. 1.

SEC. 2. The north half of the southwest quarter of section district No. 5. ten, and the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section ten, of said Township of North Star, is hereby detached and set off from graded school district number nine of the Township of North Star, aforesaid, and attached to and made a part of school district number five, organized and incorporated under the terms of this act. The number of said school district number nine is hereby changed to number one. So much and such parts of act number four hundred fifty-six of the local acts of Michigan for the year eighteen hundred ninetyAct repealed. seven, entitled “An act to incorporate the public schools of district number nine of North Star, and to enlarge its boundaries,” approved May twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred ninety-seven, aud of all other acts as in any way contravene the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed.



Spc. 3. All territory in the Township of Washington and all of districts by territory in the Township of Hamilton, in said County of Gratiot, now forming a part of fractional school district number one and number seven, or either of them, of said Township of North Star, is hereby detached from said school districts, and shall remain unorganized territory to be organized into school districts, or attached to other school districts by the boards of school inspectors of the respective townships in which such territory is situated; and the territory of fractional district number nine of Emerson and North Star, situated in said Township of North Star is hereby detached from said fractional school district number nine, and organized

and incorporated into districts in North Star, as above provided.

ment of prop


SEC. 4. The township board of school inspectors of the town- Apportionship of North Star, and in case of fractional school districts, erty, etc., then the joint board of school inspectors of the several town- among disships affected hereby, in said County of Gratiot, shall have, and they are hereby granted full power and authority touching the apportionment of property and money among the several school districts, in any way affected by this act, and shall have all of the powers and perform all the duties with reference to such apportionment and the sale of the schoolhouses in said. districts, and all other things pertaining thereto, as are provided by the general school law of this State, in the case of the formation of new districts, in whole or in part, from one or more districts possessed of a school house, or entitled to other property. It shall be the duty of the clerk of said board of Duties of school inspectors of North Star Township, and in case of frac- inspectors. tional districts, of the clerk of the several boards of school inspectors of the townships interested, to call a meeting of said board, giving notice thereof as provided by law upon the written request of ten taxpayers who are interested therein, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section.

clerk of school

interfere with

cers to remain

SEC. 5. This act shall in nowise interfere with the schools Act not to in any of the school districts in the said Township of North certain disStar, as now organized, prior to the first day of July, nineteen tricts. hundred and three, and the school district officers of school districts numbers three, four, six and eight, as now organized, shall continue to hold their said offices and act as school district officers for school districts numbers three, four, six and eight, as organized herein, until their successors shall be elected and qualified; the school district officers of graded school dis- District offtrict number nine, as now organized, shall continue to act as in office. school district officers of school district number one, as organized herein, until their successors shall be elected and qualified; and the school district officers in said school district number two, as now organized, shall continue to act as school district officers of school district number two, as organized herein, until the first day of July, nineteen hundred three, at which time the electors of school district number two, as organized herein, shall meet as herein provided at a special meeting to be called for that purpose and elect a director to succeed the present director. The said director so elected together with the other two officers of said district, shall constitute the school officers of said district number two, as organized herein, until their successors shall be elected and qualified. The school district officers in district number five, as now organized, shall continue to act as school district officers of said district number five, as organized herein, until July first, nineteen hundred three, at which time the electors of district number five, as organized herein, shall meet at a special meeting to be called for that purpose as herein provided, and elect a successor to the present director. The said director so

Meetings, when held.

Notice of.

Districts sub


elected together with the other two officers in said district shall constitute the district officers of said district number five, as organized herein, until their sucessors shall be elected and qualified. The school district officers of districts number one, fractional, and number seven, fractional, as now organized, shall continue to act as officers of the respective districts until July first, nineteen hundred three, at which time a special meeting of the electors of district number seven, as herein organized, shall be called as herein provided for the purpose of electing a director, moderator and treasurer of said district number seven, as herein organized, to take the place of the officers of districts number one, fractional, and number seven, fractional, residing in the limits of district number seven as herein organized. The said meetings for the elec tion of officers as herein provided shall be called in districts numbers two and five, as herein organized, by the officers of said districts respectively residing within the limits of each, and the special meeting for the election of the officers in district number seven, as herein organized, shall be called by all the officers of fractional district number seven, as now organized, who shall reside within the limits of district number seven, as now organized. Each of said special meetings shall be held after the giving of ten days' notice in the same manner as is provided by general law for the holding of special meetings in primary school districts. In case of the failure or neg lect of the said several officers to call said meetings, then said school districts shall be organized and officers elected in the same manner as is provided by law for the organization of new school districts.

SEC. 6. Each new school district, as organized and described ject to school herein, shall from and after the first day of July, nineteen hundred three, constitute a primary school district in the Township of North Star, subject to all the provisions of the general school laws of this State relative to primary school districts; and all the provisions of the general school laws of this State, relative to the organization of new school districts, the apportionment of money and property between school districts, and the sale of schoolhouses and other property, and all division of the proceeds thereof, shall, so far as not inconsistent with the terms of this act, apply to and govern the reorganization of the several school districts of the said township of North Star.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1903.

[No. 296.]

AN ACT to amend section seven of title two of act number three hundred seventy-four of the Local Acts of the State of Michigan of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, as amended by act four hundred seventy-four of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, entitled "An act to revise the charter of the city of Grand Rapids."

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. That section seven of title two of the charter of Section the city of Grand Rapids, being act number three hundred amended. seventy-four of the Local Acts of the State of Michigan of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, as amended by act number four hundred seventy-four of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, be amended to read as follows:

SEC. 7. That the aldermen elect of the common council, on Council to elect highway the first Monday in May nineteen hundred four, or within a commissionreasonable time thereafter, and on the first Monday in May ers. every second year thereafter, or within a reasonable time thereafter, shall elect three highway commissioners whose term of office shall be two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified, and whose duties and salary shall be prescribed by the common council.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1903.

[No. 297.]

AN ACT to create and govern school district number five fractional of Mt. Haley township in the county of Midland.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

trict to con

SECTION 1. That the northwest quarter of section thirty- Territory, disthree; all of west half of section twenty-eight south of Chippewa tai river; east half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-three; southeast quarter of section thirty-three; south half of the southwest quarter of section thirty-four; all of southwest of southeast of section thirty-four north and south and west of Pine river, all in township fourteen north, range one east, now in school district number one of said Homer township, be detached from said school district. And that the west half of section twenty-five, and all of section twenty-four south of Chippewa river, all in township fourteen north of range one west, now in school district number four of said Lee township, be detached from said school district. And that the east half of section two; all of section one and the east half of the southwest quarter of section two, all in township thirteen north,

May organize as graded

district. Proviso.

Election of officers.


Annual meeting, when held.

Officers to be elected at.

When district may borrow money.

Report of director.

Moneys, to whom paid.

range one west, now in school district number six of said Porter township, be detached from said school district. And that the said foregoing described territory be attached to the territory now comprising school district number five fractional of Mt. Haley, in the county of Midland, and the whole to be and is hereby organized into a school district to be known as school district number five, fractional of Mt. Haley, and said district shall be subject to all the provisions of and shall have all the powers and privileges conferred upon school districts and union schools by the general laws, except as otherwise provided herein.

SEC. 2. Said school district may, by a majority vote of the qualified electors present at any annual or special meeting, organize as a graded school district: Provided, That the intention to take such vote shall be expressed in the notice of such annual or special meeting. When such change in the organization of the district shall have been voted, the voters at such annual or special meeting shall proceed immediately to elect by ballot from the qualified voters of the district, one trustee for the term of one year; two for the term of two years, and two for a term of three years, and annually thereafter a successor or successors to the trustee or trustees whose term of office shall expire: Provided, That in the election of the trustees and all other school officers, the person receiving a majority of all the votes shall be declared elected.

SEC. 3. The annual meeting of said school district shall be held on the second Monday of July in each year, and the trustees and officers of the district shall date their terms of office from said date and until their successors are elected and qualified. The school year shall commence on the first Monday in September in each year.

SEC. 4. At the first meeting in said school district there shall be elected by ballot, a moderator for the term of three years; a director for the term of two years, and a treasurer for the term of one year, and on the expiration of their respective terms of office and regularly thereafter at the annual meetings, their several successors shall be elected in like manner for a term of three years each. The time intervening between the first meeting of said school district and the first annual meeting thereafter, shall be reckoned as one year.

SEC. 5. Said school district may, by a two-thirds vote of the qualified electors of said district, present at any annual meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose, borrow, not to exceed seven hundred dollars, and may issue bonds of the district therefor, to pay for a schoolhouse site or sites, and to erect and furnish school buildings. The rate of interest on said borrowed money shall not exceed five per centum per annum. SEC. 6. The director of said district shall make his annual report to the clerk of Mt. Haley township.

SEC. 7. All moneys accruing to said district, whether from taxes, primary money or other sources, shall be paid over to the treasurer of Mt. Haley township.

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