SEC. 5. The interest upon such bonds shall be payable by when paid. the treasurer of said township after the same shall become due on presentation to him of the proper coupons, and the said principal shall be payable by the said treasurer after the same shall become due upon presentation to him of the proper bonds. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved May 7, 1903. [No. 456.] AN ACT to authorize the township of Au Gres in the county of Arenac, and state of Michigan, to borrow money and issue its bonds therefor for the purpose of building a bridge or bridges across the Au Gres river in said township, and to repair the East Saginaw and Au Sable state roads in said township, and to provide a tax for the payment of said bonds and the interest thereon. The People of the State of Michigan enact: bridge by SECTION 1. The township board of the township of Au Gres Bond issue for in the county of Arenac, and state of Michigan, is hereby au- township. thorized and empowered to borrow a sum of not exceeding twenty-five hundred dollars, on the faith and credit of said township, and to issue its bonds therefor, payable at such times and in such manner as the township board of said township shall direct and bearing a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, payable annually, which money shall be expended for the building of a bridge or bridges across the Au Gres river in said township, and to repair the East Saginaw and Au Sable state road in said township. submitted to SEC. 2. Such money shall not be borrowed nor such bonds Question to be issued, unless a majority of the qualified electors of said town- electors. ship voting at a special township meeting in said township called or ordered by the township board of said township, at any time after the taking effect of this act shall vote in favor of said proposition; and the said township board is hereby authorized and empowered to submit the question of said loan to the qualified electors of said township, at such special township meeting, giving due notice thereof, by causing the date, place of voting, and object of said election to be stated in printed or written notices, posted in at least five public places in said township not less than twelve days prior to said election, which notices shall state the amount of money proposed to be borrowed. ballot. SEC. 3. The proposition of issuing the said bonds provided Form of for in section one of this act, shall be submitted to the electors by ballot, which ballot shall be written or printed, or partly written and partly printed, and of the following form: For issuing township bonds-Yes. [] For issuing township bonds-No. [] Canvass of votes. Tax to pay bonds, how raised. When paid. Said vote shall be canvassed the same as the ordinary vote cast at township meetings, and if, upon the canvassing of said vote, it shall be found that a majority of the electors voting upon said proposition have voted in favor of said proposition, the said township board shall be authorized to issue the bonds of said township as provided for in the first section of this act. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the township board of said township, to raise by tax upon the taxable property of said township, in each year thereafter, in addition to any taxes now authorized by law to be assessed and collected in said township, an amount sufficient to pay all interest upon such bonds, accruing and becoming payable thereon, and to pay the principal when due. SEC. 5. The interest upon such bonds shall be payable by the treasurer of said township after the same shall become due on presentation to him of the proper coupons, and the said principal shall be payable by the said treasurer after the same shall become due upon presentation and surrender to him of the said bonds. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. To constitute single district. Election of members of board of education. [No. 457.] AN ACT to reincorporate school district number one of the city of Ann Arbor. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The city of Ann Arbor, and such contiguous territory as is now, or hereafter may be, thereunto annexed for school purposes, shall constitute a single school district and shall be known and designated as the Public Schools of the City of Ann Arbor, and such district shall have all the powers and privileges conferred upon school districts by the general law, and in addition thereto such powers and privileges as have by special enactment been conferred upon it, under the name "School District number eleven of the city and township of Ann Arbor," and of school district number one of the city of Ann Arbor, to all the rights and obligations of which districts it shall succeed. SEC. 2. At the annual meeting of the said district, to be held on the second Monday of September next, the qualified voters thereof shall elect, by ballot, three members of the board of education for the term of three years, who with the six members holding over will constitute a board of nine, and annually thereafter, in the same manner, they shall elect three members who shall hold their office three years, and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. duties of SEC. 3. Within ten days after each annual meeting of the Powers and board of trustees, hereafter to be known as the board of educa- board. tion, shall meet to elect from their own number president and appoint a person or persons to act as secretary and treasurer, who shall severally hold their office one year, and until their successors are duly elected, and whose powers and duties shall be the same as those conferred upon and required of the moderator, director and assessor of school districts in this state, except so far as the same are varied by this act, or other acts relating to said district, and who shall be ex officio school inspectors of the city of Ann Arbor, with the powers and duties of school inspectors of townships, and shall make their reports directly to the clerk of the county of Washtenaw. Said board of education shall have the power to fill any vacancies which may occur in their number, by resignation or otherwise, or in the officers elected by them, and the secretary of said board of education shall, within five days after such election, or the filling of any vacancy, file with the city clerk of the city of Ann Arbor a certificate of such election or of the filling of such vacancy. Said board of education shall, before hiring any teacher, examine into his or her qualifications, and all teachers employed by said board shall be considered legally qualified teachers, without further examination by the school inspectors. SEC. 4. Said board shall have power to appoint a superintendent of schools, and to define his powers and duties, to hire all necessary teachers and fix the amount of their compensation; to classify and grade the several schools, and to determine the ages and qualifications for admission thereto, and the conditions for remaining therein, and which schools or departments pupils shall attend; to adopt courses of study and text books; to make such rules and by-laws as they may deem necessary for the preservation of the property of the district, for the government of the schools thereof, and in reference to all other business connected therewith; and also to levy and collect such sums as they may deem proper for the tuition of each and every pupil taught in said schools who is not actually a resident of the district; and for the tuition of each and every pupil taught in the high school whose parents or guardians have not actually resided in said district three months previous to the beginning of the current school year; but school taxes paid by non-resident parents or guardians upon property in said city shall be deducted from such tuition charges made against them. Idem. school purposes, how SEC. 5. The qualified voters of said district may, by a ma- Tax for jority vote of those present and voting at any annual meeting, or at any special meeting called for such purpose, raise raised. by tax upon the taxable property of the district such sum or sums as shall be necessary to purchase lots, build school houses, and furnish the same, provide apparatus and fuel, pay for repairs and all incidental expenses and make the several schools of the district free of tuition in all English branches to the resident scholars thereof; and at any annual meeting or regularly called special meeting by a majority vote, such qualified voters Proviso. Treasurer to give bonds. Secretary to collect tuition, etc. To keep records. Forfeit for office. may authorize the board of education to borrow money on the bonds of the district for such term of years, and at such rate of interest, as the meeting may direct, not to exceed six per cent per annum, for the purpose of building school houses and making additions thereto, or for the payment of bonds to become due: Provided, That such indebtedness shall at no time exceed three-fourths of one per cent of the valuation of the district. SEC. 6. The treasurer of said district shall give bonds in such sum as the board of education shall annually direct, and the secretary shall have power, in the name of the district, to collect all moneys due for tuition of scholars who are not actual residents thereof, or for tuition of resident scholars in such branches and studies as the board of education shall make chargeable against them, and for any damage done to the property of the district, by suit at law, under the direction of the board of education. SEC. 7. The board of education shall require the secretary to keep a record of its proceedings, and of the rules and bylaws it may from time to time enact, and shall cause the rules and by-laws it shall make for the government of the schools, and also notice of their alteration or repeal, to be published for one week, in at least one paper printed and circulated in the city of Ann Arbor. SEC. 8. Any person elected to the office of the member of the not accepting board of education who, without sufficient cause, shall neglect or refuse to accept such office and discharge the duties thereof, shall forfeit, for the use of said district, the sum of ten dollars: Provided, That no person shall be compelled to serve two terms successively; and said board of education shall have power to make all needful rules and regulations relative to its proceedings. Proviso. Repealing clause. SEC. 9. All acts and parts of acts, general or special, conflicting with the provisions of this act, shall not be binding upon said district. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Action of board legalized. [No. 458.] AN ACT to legalize the action of the township board of the township of Egleston, Muskegon county, in voting to issue certain orders on the treasurer of said township in payment for money loaned said township, and to declare said orders legal and proper claims against said township, and to provide for the payment of the same. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The action of the township board of the township of Egleston, Muskegon county, Michigan, in voting to issue order number one hundred seventy, dated September second, eighteen hundred ninety-five, due March first, eighteen hundred ninety-seven, payable to Anthony Christian or bearer, the sum of two hundred dollars, with interest at eight per cent per annum, signed by W. E. Moore, supervisor, and Charles Barry, clerk, and in voting to issue order number four hundred forty, dated May twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, payable to Anthony Christian or bearer, the sum of one hundred and thirty-five dollars with interest at seven per cent per annum, signed by W. E. Moore, supervisor, and Geo. A. Garvey, clerk, and in voting to issue order number four hundred fortynine, dated June tenth, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, payable to Anthony Christian or bearer, the sum of one hundred dollars with interest at seven per cent per annum, signed by W. E. Moore, supervisor, and Geo. A. Garvey, clerk, and in voting to issue order number four hundred seventy, dated April third, nineteen hundred, due February first, nineteen hundred one, payable to Muskegon Savings Bank at Muskegon, or bearer, the sum of four hundred dollars, with interest at seven per cent per annum, signed by W. E. Moore, supervisor, and Charles Barry, clerk; all of said orders being directed to the treasurer of said township, and for money loaned to said township, and having been delivered to said payees named therein, is hereby ratified and declared legal and binding upon said township, and said orders are legal and proper claims against said township. treasurer. SEC. 2. The township treasurer of said township of Egles- Duty of ton shall pay and discharge said orders out of the funds drawn against, in said orders named. borrow SEC. 3. The township board of said township of Egleston Board may may negotiate a loan for the amount necessary to pay and dis- money. charge said orders, and issue its order or orders on the treasurer for the same, payable not more than three years from the date thereof, and with interest at seven per cent per annum. This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Approved May 7, 1903. [No. 459.] AN ACT to provide a salary and to prescribe certain duties of the circuit court commissioner of Iron county. The People of the State of Michigan enact: vide docket, etc. SECTION 1. The board of supervisors of the county of Iron Who to proshall provide a docket for the circuit court commissioner of said county, and also all necessary books, blanks and stationery for the use of such commissioner. tion, how SEC. 2. From and after the first day of January, in the Compensayear one thousand nine hundred three, the said commissioner fixed. shall receive from the treasury of the county of Iron such |