ments to ments due. Proviso. improvements under the provisions of title five of the present charter of the city of Grand Rapids, known as the revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved March twentyfifth, eighteen hundred ninetv-seven, with amendments passed by the legislature; and such assessments shall become due When assesswhen the assessment roll containing the same shall be placed become due. in the hands of the city treasurer, and all the provisions of section eleven of the said title five shall be applicable thereto and in case of non-payment of said installment, or any installment on any such assessment roll, the premises upon which the same is assessed shall be returned and sold for non-payment thereof, as in other cases of assessments for public improvements, under the provisions of said title, and with the same force and effect. Said installment when collected, shall be placed by the city treasurer to the credit of the West Side Big Ditch bond and interest fund. The other installments of the said assessment When installshall become due and payable as follows: The first in one year, the second in two years, the third in three years, the fourth in four years, the fifth in five years, the sixth in six years, the seventh in seven years, the eighth in eight years and the ninth in nine years, as the common council shall have provided next after the date of the confirmation by the common council of the assessment roll containing the same with interest annually at the rate of five per cent per annum: Provided, however, That said assessments, with the interest thereon up to time of payment at the rate aforesaid, may be paid to the city treasurer at any time after the confirmation as aforesaid of the assessment roll containing the same; and if not paid when due seven per cent shall be added thereto and collected thereon with the said assessments. Said bonds or any of the avails thereof shall be used only in defraying the expense of the said improvement for which they were issued except in the case of surplus after the payment of said bonds and interest thereon. The powers herein granted, relative to the issue of the West Side Big Ditch bonds, shall be construed to be permissive, and their exercise within the discretion of the common council, and if the said common council shall not order the same to be issued, or if issued shall be unable to negotiate the same under the provisions of this act, then and in such case the expense of said West Side Big Ditch improvements shall be defrayed, provided for and raised in the same manner as the expense of other public improvements, under the provisions of title five aforesaid, as though no authority had been given to issue such bonds: Provided further, That all provisions of title five of Further the revised charter of the city of Grand Rapids, approved March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred ninety-seven, as amended, relative to streets and public improvements, so far as the same does not conflict with this act or are not inconsistent with this act, shall apply and govern said West Side Big Ditch improvement and be construed in conjunction with this act: Pro- Further vided further, That bids may be received and contract let for that part of said improvement known as the pumping station either separately from balance of the said improvement or in proviso. proviso. connection therewith, and that said pumping station portion This act is ordered to take immediate effect. Sections amended. [No. 462.] AN ACT to amend sections one, five and seven of title two; section seventeen of title three; sections twelve and fifteen of title four; section six of title five; sections five and nineteen of title six; sections two, five, six and eight of title ten; section four of title eleven; sections nine, eleven, twelve and thirteen of title twelve; section one of title fourteen; section nineteen of title seventeen, and sections two and three of title nineteen of act number four hundred sixty-five of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, entitled "An act to revise and amend the charter of the city of Saginaw, as existing under an act, entitled 'An act to annex the territory embraced within the city of East Saginaw to that of of the city of Saginaw, and to consolidate the city of East Saginaw with Saginaw under the name of the city of Saginaw; to specify and fix the boundaries of the consolidated city; to provide for the assuming and payment of the indebtedness and liabilities of the present cities of East Saginaw and Saginaw, and for the ownership of all their corporate property and rights; to define the corporate rights, powers and privileges of said city of Saginaw as so consolidated, and to repeal all acts inconsistent herewith,' and acts supplementary and amendatory thereof, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith," as revised and amended by act number four hundred thirty-one of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, approved June first, eighteen hundred ninety-nine; and as further revised and amended by act number four hundred nineteen of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, approved May eighth, nineteen hundred one, and acts numbers four hundred sixtynine, four hundred eighty-two and four hundred eighty-four of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, approved June sixth, nineteen hundred one, and acts amendatory thereof; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. That sections one, five and seven of title two; section seventeen of title three; sections twelve and fifteen of title four; section six of title five; sections five and nineteen of title six; sections two, five, six and eight of title ten; section four of title eleven; sections nine, eleven, twelve and thirteen of title twelve; section one of title fourteen; section nineteen of title seventeen, and sections two and three of title nineteen of act number four hundred sixty-five of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, entitled "An act to revise and amend the charter of the city of Saginaw as existing under an act, entitled 'An act to annex the territory embraced within the city of East Saginaw to that of the city of Saginaw, and to consolidate the city of East Saginaw with Saginaw under the name of the city of Saginaw; to specify and fix the boundaries of the consolidated city; to provide for the assuming and payment of the indebtedness and liabilities of the present cities of East Saginaw and Saginaw, and for the ownership of all their corporate property and rights; to define the corporate rights, powers and privileges of said city of Saginaw as so consolidated, and to repeal all acts inconsistent herewith,' and acts supplementary and amendatory thereof, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith," as revised and amended by act number four hundred thirty-one of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetynine, approved June first, eighteen hundred ninety-nine; and as further revised and amended by act number four hundred nineteen of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, approved May eighth, nineteen hundred one, and acts numbers four hundred sixty-nine, four hundred eighty-two and four hundred eighty-four of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, approved June sixth, nineteen hundred one, and acts amendatory thereof, be and the same are hereby amended so as to read as follows: TITLE II. A Elections, when held. of officers to expire. SECTION 1. Annual city elections are hereby abolished. biennial city election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in the year nineteen hundred and two, and every second year thereafter in connection with the general State election held on the same day and be conducted by the same officers. A biennial spring election shall be held on the first Monday of April in the year nineteen hundred three and every second year thereafter in connection with the State judicial election held on the same day, and be conducted by the same officers. If not otherwise provided in this When terms act. all the officers whose official terms will expire before the election and qualification of their successors, under the provisions of this section, as hereby amended shall continue to hold their respective offices until their successors have been elected as herein provided and they have qualified, and the terms of all officers elective and appointive, including members of boards, unless otherwise provided, whose official terms would otherwise extend after January first, A. D. nineteen hundred three, are hereby limited and all shall expire at midnight, December thirty-first, nineteen hundred two, or when their successors have been elected as herein provided and they have qualified: Proviso. continue. Mayor and treasurer, when elected. Proviso as to recorder and justice. Provided, however, That on the first Monday of April, A. D. nineteen hundred and two, at the expiration of the term for which the present police judge was elected, the recorder shall be and is hereby thereafter invested with the authority and shall perform the duties and receive the compensation now perAldermen to taining to the office of police judge. The aldermen who are members of the common council December thirty-first, A. D. nineteen hundred one, shall be and are hereby declared to be members of the common council as aldermen at large, during the year nineteen hundred two, and the fact that any alderman changes his residence within the city or resides in a different ward from that for which he was elected, shall not vacate his said office. The following officers of the city of Saginaw shall be elected at the biennial city election held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in the year nineteen hundred two, and every second year thereafter, by the qualified electors of the whole city, voting in their respective wards, and election districts on a general ticket, namely, one Term of office. mayor and one treasurer. Their term of office shall commence on the first day of January one thousand nine hundred three, and every second year thereafter: Provided, That at the same time a recorder and a justice of the peace shall be elected, who shall each perform the duties of his office as soon thereafter as he shall file the requisite bond and oath, and he shall hold his office until July fourth, nineteen hundred three, or until his successor shall be elected, and shall qualify as hereinafter Ward officers. provided. The following officers of the corporation shall be elected at said election, on a ward ticket in each ward, and election district by the qualified voters thereof, namely, one alderman and one constable. Their term of office shall commence on the first day of January, one thousand nine hundred three, and of every second year thereafter. At the biennial spring election in the year nineteen hundred three, and quadrennially thereafter, a justice of the peace shall be elected to hold office for the term of four years from and after the fourth of July succeeding his election. At the biennial spring election, in the year one thousand nine hundred three, a recorder shall be elected to hold office for the term of two years from and after July fourth, nineteen hundred three. At the biennial spring election in the year one thousand nine hundred five, and quadrennially thereafter, a recorder shall be elected to hold office for the term of four years, from and after the fourth of Supervisors July succeeding his election. At the biennial spring election in the year one thousand nine hundred three, and every second year thereafter, the following officers of the corporation shall be elected at said election on a ward ticket in each ward, by the qualified voters thereof, namely, one supervisor, whose term of office shall begin as soon as he is elected and has qualified, and one school inspector, whose term of office shall commence on the third Monday of July, one thousand nine hundred and three, and every second year thereafter: Provided, That no school inspector shall be elected within the western taxing district on Term of office. Justice of peace. Recorder. and school inspectors. Proviso. such ward ticket. Also, provided, That the inspectors elected Further in the odd numbered wards shall serve for two years and the proviso. inspectors elected in the even numbered wards shall serve for four years. elected by proviso. SEC. 5. The common council shall, at the first regular meet- Officers to be ing in the month of January, A. D. one thousand nine hundred council. three, or as soon as may be thereafter, elect by viva voce vote, one city assessor, one city attorney, one city physician, one controller, one city clerk, one director of the poor, and all members of the board of public works, board of police commissioners, board of assessment and review, and board of estimates. as provided in this act. And as vacancies occur, fill the same by like election of persons who shall hold office as follows, viz.: city clerk, city controller, city assessor, city attorney, director of the poor and city physician, each for two years, their terms of office to commence in January, A. D. nineteen hundred three and every second year thereafter: Provided, The members of Proviso. said several boards shall be elected for the period stated in the other titles of this charter. All the officers appointed under this section shall enter upon their duties as soon as elected and qualified: Provided, further, That the terms of all city officers Further heretofore or hereafter elected by the common council or nominated or appointed by the mayor or confirmed by the council prior to January first, nineteen hundred three, shall expire at midnight December thirty-first, nineteen hundred two, or when their successors are elected and have qualified as are herein provided. The assessor and controller may each appoint a deputy for whose acts they shall respectively be responsible, and who shall have power to perform the duties of said officers respectively in case of the death, absence or disability of either of said officers. The common council may also appoint one Council may board of building inspectors, one factory inspector, one keeper tain officers. of the work house, alms house, or hospital, one inspector of gas or gas meters, clerk of city markets or for city officers, inspectors of fire, wood, hay or provisions, pound masters, sealers of weights and measures, weighmasters, harbor masters, fire wardens, scavengers, and such other officers or boards of officers as are herein provided for, or the common council may deem necessary, or as may be created by law or the ordinances of said city, made pursuant to the provisions of this charter; and such appointments shall be made in such manner as the common council shall authorize and direct, and all such appointees shall hold their office during the pleasure of the common council. appoint cer remove SEC. 7. All officers, clerks and members of boards appointed Council may or confirmed by the common council, by virtue of the power officers. conferred by this act, may each be removed from office by the common council for incompetence, for official misconduct, or for the unfaithful and inefficient performance of the duties of his office, or for disobedience of the ordinances or resolutions of the common council lawfully made: Provided, That no officer Proviso. who is required to be elected, or who is required by this act, or by the common council, to give bonds, shall be removed without |