Bond issue by township. Money, how used. Tax for interest on. Payment for, how provided. Interest, when payable. Right to issue, when to terminate. Amount limited. Denomination. Question to be submitted to electors. [No. 476.] AN ACT to authorize the township board of the township of Posen, Presque Isle county, to borrow money to pay its outstanding indebtedness and to issue bonds for the payment of the same. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. The township board of the township of Posen in Presque Isle county is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow a sum of money not exceeding three thousand dollars on the faith and credit of said township and to issue its bonds therefor payable at a time or times not exceeding six years from the date thereof and at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent per annum, which money shall be expended for the purpose of paying the indebtedness of said township of Posen upon certain judgments rendered against the township of Rogers on certain bridge bonds when the said township of Posen was in part incorporated in the said township of Rogers and for no other purpose. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the township board of said township to provide by tax for the payment of the interest on the bonds so issued as the same shall accrue each year, which tax shall be certified, levied and collected in the same manner as other township taxes. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the township board of said township of Posen to provide for the payment of said bonds at the time or times when the same shall become due and payable by the levying of a tax for that purpose upon the taxable property of said township; the moneys collected on such levy shall constitute a separate fund and shall be applied to the payment of said bonds and to no other purpose. SEC. 4. The interest on said bonds shall be payable annually on the first of May in each year. SEC. 5. The right to issue bonds under the provisions of this act shall terminate on the first day of January, nineteen hundred four. SEC. 6. The aggregate amount of the bonds issued by such township board shall be strictly limited to the amount owing by said township of Posen upon such judgment, indebtedness as the same has been awarded to said township and the accrued interest thereon at the time of such issue. SEC. 7. Such bonds shall be issued in denominations of one hundred dollars each and not more than five of such bonds shall mature in any one year nor shall any of them mature before May first, nineteen hundred four. SEC. 8. No such bonds shall be issued unless a majority of the tax paying electors of said township voting at a township meeting, a general election or a special election duly called at a time to be fixed by said township board which election shall be held at the same place as the last preceding township election was held and conducted in the same manner herein after provided, shall so determine and the said township board is hereby authorized and empowered to submit the question of said bonding to the qualified voting taxpayers of said township, giving due notice thereof by causing the date, place of voting and object of said election to be stated in writing or printed notices to be posted in five public places in said township at least twenty days before the time fixed by the said board of such election, which notice shall state the amount of money proposed to be raised by such bonding and the purpose to which it shall be applied. SEC. 9. The vote on such proposition shall be by a printed Form of ballot and shall be in the following words: "For the issuing of township bonds for the payment of indebtedness-Yes. []" "For the issuing of township bonds for the payment of indebtedness-No. []" ballot. The election shall be conducted and the votes canvassed in Election, how conducted. all respects as in other township elections, and immediately upon the conclusion of such canvass the inspectors of election shall make and sign the certificate showing the whole number of votes cast upon such proposition and upon each of them and the number for and against each of said proposition re spectively. And said inspectors shall endorse upon such certificate a declaration in writing of the result of such election which certificate and declaration shall then be filed with the clerk of said township and a copy of said certificate and declaration certified to by said township clerk shall be filed by him with the county clerk of the county in which such township is located. SEC. 10. If such loan be authorized by a majority of the tax when bonds paying electors voting at such election said bonds may be may be issued, issued as provided in section one of this act. Said bonds shall be signed by the township board, countersigned by the treasurer etc. [No. 477.] AN ACT to amend section fifteen of an act, entitled "An act supplemental to the charter of the city of Detroit, and relat ing to parks, boulevards and other public grounds in said city, and to repeal act number three hundred and seventyfour of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, entitled 'An act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of a broad street or boulevard about the limits of Section amended. When com missioner may make map. May receive certain lands. May convert certain street into boulevard. When bonds may be issued. the city of Detroit and through portions of the townships of Hamtramck, Greenfield and Springwells, in the county of Wayne;" approved May twenty-one, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, as amended. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Section fifteen of an act, entitled "An act supplemental to the charter of the city of Detroit, and relating to parks, boulevards and other public grounds in said city, and to repeal act number three hundred and seventy-four of the Local Acts of eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, entitled 'An act to provide for the establishment and maintenance of a broad street or boulevard about the limits of the city of Detroit and through portions of the townships of Hamtramck, Greenfield and Springwells, in the county of Wayne,'" approved May twenty-one, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, as amended, is hereby amended so as to read as follows: SEC. 15. If at any time it shall appear that the lines of said boulevard, authorized by said act approved May twentyone, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, have not been legally laid out, or established as provided by said act, the commissioner may make and certify a map or plat showing the lines or location of said boulevard, and cause the same to be recorded in the office of the register of deeds for said county. The commissioner may receive conveyances granting to the city of Detroit lands for said parks, public grounds or boulevards, and with the approval of the common council, may agree with any person having an interest in any such lands for the purchase and conveyance to said city of the same. And with the consent of said common council may acquire by purchase or by legal proceedings in the manner hereinafter provided any lands or interest in land which may be found necessary for the opening of any park and enlargement or extension of any park or boulevard which may hereafter be laid out, located or established; and may, whenever the common council shall so determine, take charge of and convert into a boulevard any portion, or all of the street known as Lafayette avenue as it is now laid out or as it may be opened at any future time. And upon such acquisitions being made, to cause the proper conveyances to be made and recorded, and the purchase price thereof, as well as for any compensation to be paid for any lands which may be taken or condemned by proceedings taken therefor, as hereinafter provided, may be paid from the contingent fund of said city, or may be raised, if the common council shall so determine, by issue of bonds, to be known as park and boulevard bonds, and which shall be signed, numbered, recorded, sold and issued in like manner as Detroit sewer bonds are by the city charter required and authorized to be made and issued. And the moneys so paid or raised shall be exclusive of the amounts raised for maintenance and improvement as hereinbefore provided: Provided, however, That no expenditures for the purchase of any such lands or interest for park or boulevard purposes shall be made, nor shall there be issued any bonds or [No. 478.] AN ACT to amend section one of chapter four; to amend subdivisions eleven and fifty-two of section seven of chapter ten, and to add one subdivision to section seven to stand as subdivision sixty eight; to amend sections one and four of chapter twelve; to amend section one of chapter nineteen; to amend sections one and three of chapter thirtyeight; to amend section three of chapter forty of act number four hundred thirty of Local Acts of eighteen hundred ninetynine, entitled "An act to amend and revise the charter of the city of Battle Creek," approved June one, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, as amended by act number four hundred fiftytwo of the Local Acts of nineteen hundred one, approved May twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred one. The People of the State of Michigan enact: SECTION 1. Act number four hundred thirty of the Local Act amended. Acts of eighteen hundred ninety-nine, entitled "An act to amend and revise the charter of the city of Battle Creek," approved June first, eighteen hundred ninety-nine, as amended by act number four hundred fifty-two of the local acts of nineteen hundred one, approved May twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred one, is hereby amended by amending section one of chapter four; by amending subdivisions eleventh and fifty-second of section seven of chapter ten, and adding one subdivision to said section seven to stand as subdivision sixty-eighth; by amending sections one and four of chapter twelve; by amending section one of chapter nineteen; by amending sections one, two and three of chapter thirty-eight; by amending section three of chapter forty, so that said added sections and said amended sections of said chapters shall read as follows: CHAPTER IV. istration, how SECTION 1. The aldermen of the city shall compose the board Board of reg of registration. All meetings of the board of registration of composed, the several wards for the purpose of registration shall be held when to meet, hereafter in the council chamber of said city. Said board of registration shall meet on Friday and Saturday next preceding etc. Powers and duties of council. Ordinances may enact. Relative to etc. each election, and shall continue in session from eight o'clock a. m. to nine o'clock p. m. of each day; and the chairman of the board of registration, or in his absence the board of registration shall fill any vacancy by the appointment of any elector of the ward or voting precinct. CHAPTER X.. SEC. 7. The common council, in addition to the powers and duties especially conferred on them in this act, shall have the management and control of the finances, rights and interests, buildings and grounds, and all property, real and personal, belonging to the city, and may make such ordinances and by. laws relating to the same as they shall deem necessary and proper; and further, they shall have power to enact, make, continue, establish, modify, amend and repeal such ordinances, bylaws and regulations as they deem desirable within said city, for the following purposes: First, To prevent vice and immorality; to preserve the pubpublic peace, lic peace and good order; to regulate the police of the city; to prohibit, prevent and quell riots, disturbances, disorderly noises or assemblages in the street, or elsewhere in said city; Disorderly houses. Gambling. Lotteries. Selling of liquors. Nuisances. Second, To prohibit, prevent and restrain disorderly and gaming houses, to destroy all instruments and devices used for gaming and to prohibit all gaming and fraudulent devices, and regulate and restrain billiard and pool tables and bowling alleys; Third, To prohibit, restrain or prevent persons from gaming for money or other valuable things with cards, dice, billiards, nine or ten pin alleys, tables, ball alleys, wheels of fortune, boxes, machines or other instruments or devices whatsoever, in any grocery, store, shop or in any other place in said city; to punish the persons keeping the buildings, place, instruments, devices, or means for such gaming, and to provide for the destruction of the same; Fourth, To prohibit, prevent and suppress all lotteries for drawing or disposing of money, property or valuable things whatsoever, and to punish all persons maintaining, directing or managing the same, or aiding in the maintenance, direction or management thereof; Fifth, To forbid and prevent the vending or other disposition of liquor and intoxicating drinks in violation of the laws of this State, and to forbid the selling or giving to be drank any intoxicating liquors to any minor or drunkard; Sixth, To prohibit, prevent, abate or remove nuisances of every kind, and to declare what shall be considered nuisances, and to compel the occupant or owner of any grocery, provision store, tallow chandler shop, butcher stall, soap factory, tannery, stable, privy, hog pen, sewer or other offensive or unwholesome house or place, to cleanse, remove or abate the same from time to time, as often as they may deem necessary for the health, comfort and convenience of said city; |