houses, Seventh, To direct the location of all slaughter houses, Slaughter markets and buildings for storing gun powder or other com- explosives. bustible or explosive substances; also to make regulations concerning the buying, caring, selling, keeping and using gun powder, fire crackers or fire works, manufactured or prepared therefrom, or other combustible, explosive or dangerous articles, and the exhibition of fire works, and the discharge of cannon or firearms, and the use and kind of lights or lamps to be used in barns, stables, and all buildings, cellars and establishments usually regarded as extra hazardous in respect to fire, and to regulate, restrain or prevent the making of bon-fires in streets, lanes, alleys, yards or public places; Eighth, To prevent the cumbering of streets, sidewalks, cross- Obstructions walks, lanes, alleys, bridges or aqueducts in any manner what. in streets. ever, and to remove any obstructions therefrom; to regulate or prevent the exhibition of signs on canvas or otherwise, in or upon any vehicle, standing or traveling upon the streets of said city, or held or carried by any person; to control, prescribe or regulate the mode of constructing or suspending awnings, and the exhibition and suspension of signs; to control, prescribe and regulate the manner in which the streets, lanes, avenues, alleys, public grounds and spaces within said city shall be used, and to establish the grades thereof, and to provide for the preservation of, and the prevention of wilful injury, the gutters in said streets, alleys, lanes and avenues; to direct and regulate the planting, and to provide for the protection and preservation of ornamental trees therein; horses, racing, Ninth, To require any horse, horses, mules or other animal Hitching of attached to any vehicle or standing in any of the streets, lanes, etc. alleys or public grounds or places in said city, to be securely fastened, held or watched; and to prohibit the hitching or standing of horses, mules or other animals whether attached to vehicles or not, in such streets and public places as the common council may prescribe; and to prevent and punish horse racing and immoderate driving or riding in any street, lane or alley, and to authorize the stopping and detaining of any person who shall be guilty of any immoderate riding or driving in any street, lane or alley; Tenth, To determine and designate the route and grade of Railroads. any railroad to be laid or constructed in said city, and to regulate the use and speed of locomotives, engines and cars upon the railroads within said city, and to compel the railroad companies, their officers, agents, managers and employes to station flagmen at street crossings, and to prescribe the length of time that engines or cars may stand on said streets or otherwise obstruct them, or to prohibit the same, and to make such other rules or regulations concerning the same as to secure the safety of the citizens or other persons; drunkards, Eleventh, To restrain and punish drunkards, vagrants, mendi- Vagrants, cants, and street beggars soliciting alms or subscriptions for te any purpose whatever; and to restrain and punish any person from knowingly purchasing or obtaining any spirituous, malt, brewed, fermented or vinous liquors, or any beverage, liquor or Public waters. Pounds. Dogs. Offensive sustances. Cleaning of side walks. Disturbing noises. liquids containing any spirituous, malt, brewed, fermented or vinous liquors, at any drug store, saloon, hotel, tavern or other place where spirituous, malt, brewed. fermented or vinous liquors or any beverage, liquor or liquid containing spirituous, malt, brewed, fermented or vinous liquors or liquids are sold or kept for sale, when the proprietor, clerk or agent of said drug store, saloon, hotel, tavern or other place where such liquors are sold or kept for sale has been forbidden, in writing, by the husband, wife, parent, child, guardian or employer of such person, or the supervisor of the city, mayor or director of the poor, superintendent of the poor of the county where such person shall reside or tempoarily remain, or by the chief of police, or any policeman or patrolman of the city of Battle Creek, to furnish such person any spirituous, malt, brewed, fermented or vinous liquors or liquids, or any bever, age containing any spirituous, malt, brewed, fermented or vinous liquors or liquids; Twelfth, To regulate or prohibit bathing in any public water, to provide for clearing of rivers, ponds, and streams in said city, and the races and canals connected therewith, of all driftwood and noxious matter, and to prohibit and prevent the depositing therein of any fifth or other matter tending to render the waters thereof impure, unwholesome and offensive, or drawing the water therefrom at such times and to such an extent as to make localities near them unhealthy, or to cause the atmosphere in their vicinity to be unwholesome or offensive; Thirteenth, To establish and regulate one or more pounds, and to prevent the running at large of horses, cattle, swine and other animals, geese and poultry, and to authorize the impounding and sale of the same for the penalty incurred, and the cost of keeping and impounding; Fourteenth, To prohibit and prevent the running at large of dogs, to require them to be muzzled, and to authorize their being killed when running at large in violation of any ordinance of the common council, and to prohibit any person from placing, exposing or administering any poison to any dog or other animal not his own, and to punish such person for so doing; Fifteenth, To prohibit any person from bringing into or depositing in said city any dead carcass or other unwholesome or offensive substances, and to require the removal or destruction of same; and if any person shall have on his premises such substances or any putrid meats, fish, hides, or skins of any kind, and shall neglect or refuse to authorize the removal or destruction of the same, the same may be done by some officer of the city. Sixteenth, To compel all persons to keep sidewalks in front of or adjoining premises owned or occupied by them clear from snow, ice, dirt, wood or obstructions; Seventeenth, To prevent or regulate the ringing of bells, and the crying of goods and other commodities, or other disturbing noise on the streets, lanes, or alleys or in any public place, or on or in private property adjacent thereto; police. Eighteenth, To prescribe the powers and duties of the police- Duties of men and watchmen, and to impose fines and penalties for their delinquencies, and to require them to be uniform and to fix their compensation; Nineteenth, To regulate and establish the line upon which Building lines. buildings may be erected, upon any street, lane or alley in said city, and to prevent such buildings being erected nearer the street than such lines, and to impose a fine upon any owner or builder violating this provision, not to exceed five hundred dollars; Twentieth, To regulate all graveyards in the city and burial Cemeteries. of the dead; Twenty-first. To regulate the markets, the vending of hay, Markets. wood, meats, vegetables, fruit, fish, grain and provisions of all kinds, and of other goods or property in the streets, lanes, alleys or public places in said city, and to prescribe the places for selling the same; draymen, etc. Twenty-second, To establish, regulate and preserve public Water works. reservoirs, wells and pumps, and to prevent the waste of water; and also to construct reservoirs and wells and to provide waterworks for the extinguishment of fires and for other purposes; Twenty-third, To prescribe rules to govern and to license Licensing of cartment and their carts, draymen and their drays, hackney carriages and their drivers, scavengers, porters and chimney sweeps, and bill posters and their fees and compensation and the fees to be paid by them into the city treasury for license; to prescribe and designate the stands for carriages of all kinds which carry persons for hire, and for carts and carters, drays and to prescribe the rates of fare and charges, and the stand or stands for wood, hay, produce and other property exposed for sale in said city; guests. Twenty-fourth, To regulate the soliciting of guests for hotels Soliciting of or other places and passengers and others to ride upon any railroad, boat, street car, omnibus or stage. Twenty-fifth. To regulate the lighting of streets, alleys and Lighting. public places and the protection and safety of the public lamps, and to employ a suitable person to superintend the same, to prescribe his duties and to fix his compensation therefor; Twenty-sixth, To license and regulate, or restrain, or pre- Peddling. vent hawking and peddling in the streets, lanes, alleys and public places, and to regulate pawnbrokers; Twenty-seventh, To prescribe the duties of all officers ap- Duties of pointed by the mayor and their compensation, and the penalty oicers. appointive or penalties for failure to perform such duties, and to prescribe the bonds and sureties to be given by the officers of the city, for the discharging of their duties, and the time for executing the same in cases not herein or otherwise provided for by law; Twenty-eighth, To fill up, level or drain any lot or premises, Drains, etc. whenever the common council shall deem it necessary to abate, prevent or remove any nuisance, and to assess the cost and expenses thereof on the said lot or premises or on the district to be benefited thereby, in the same manner as other special assessments may be made, enforced and collected: Fees of certain off cers. Parks. Disposal of street clean ings. Certain posts, poles, etc. Hack stands, etc. Obscene exhibitions. Water works. Bridges, drains, etc. Twenty-ninth. To fix and regulate the fees of sheriffs, constables, jurors and witnesses in any proceeding under this act, or under any ordinance of the common council, in cases not herein or otherwise fixed or regulated by law; Thirtieth, To provide for public parks and squares, either within or without said city, and to take and hold real estate both within and without the limits of said city, for that purpose, and to make, grade, improve and adorn the same. and all grounds belonging to or under the control of said city, and to control and regulate the same consistently with the purposes and objects thereof; Thirty-first, To sell or otherwise provide for the disposing of all dirt, filth, manure, cleanings, lying in or gathered from streets, avenues, lanes, alleys and public spaces and grounds of said city, in grading, paving or otherwise improving the same; Thirty-second, To provide for and regulate the lighting of public lamps, and the erection of lamps and lamp posts and suitable hitching posts; to regulate the erection and maintenance within the streets of said city of poles and wires for telegraph, telephone, electric light and other purposes; Thirty-third, To preserve quiet and order in the streets and other public places in said city, at the arrival and departure of railroad trains, and to prescribe and regulate the manner and places in which drivers, porters, runners, solicitors, agents and baggage collectors, for hotels or public houses or places of public resort, or express companies, draymen, cabmen, cartmen, hackmen, omnibus drivers, and solicitors for passengers or baggage, with their drays, carts, cabs, carriages, sleighs or other vehicles, shall stand, and to prohibit or prevent them from entering or driving within any railroad depot to solicit passengers or baggage; Thirty-fourth, To prohibit and prevent in the streets and elsewhere in said city any lewd and lascivious behavior or indecent exposure of person, the show, sale or exhibition for sale of any indecent or obscene pictures, drawings, engravings, paintings, books or devices, or any written or printed paper or other thing containing obscene, opprobrious, scurrilous, scandalous, libelous or defamatory matter and all indecent or obscene exhibitions and shows of any kind; Thirty-fifth, When and as warranted in so doing by the votes of the electors, as provided by the law, to establish and provide for the continuation, keeping up, and in perfect operation, a good and efficient system of water-works to supply the city and its inhabitants with wholesome water from such source as selected, whether situated within or without the city limits; Thirty-sixth, To establish, construct, maintain, repair, enlarge and discontinue within the streets, avenues, lanes, alleys and public places of said city, such bridges, culverts, sewers, drains and lateral drains and sewers as the common council may see fit with a view to the proper drainage and sewerage of said city; to compel the owners or occupants of all occupied lots, premises and subdivisions thereof within said city to construct private drains and sewers therefrom, to connect with . streets, etc. some public sewer or drain; said private drains and sewers shall be constructed in such manner and of such form and dimensions and under such regulations as shall be prescribed; Thirty-seventh, To survey and establish the boundaries of Boundaries of the city, and all streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, public parks, grounds, squares and spaces in said city, to prevent and remove all incumbrances and encroachments upon the same by buildings, fences or in any other manner, and to number the buildings, and to assess and collect the expense of such numbering to the owner or occupant; Thirty-eighth, To provide for the preservation of the general Public health. health of the inhabitants of said city; to make regulations to secure the same; to prevent the introduction or spreading of contagious or infectious diseases; to prevent and suppress the causes of diseases generally, and if deemed necessary to establish a board of health, and prescribe and regulate its powers and duties; ill fame. Thirty-ninth, To prohibit, prevent and suppress the keeping Houses of of houses of ill-fame or assignation, or for the resort of common prostitutes, disorderly houses, and disorderly groceries; to restrain, suppress, and punish the keepers thereof and the persons found therein; to punish and restrain common prostitutes, vagrants, and drunken and disorderly persons; to prohibit, prevent and suppress mock auctions and every kind of Mock fraudulent game,, device or practice, and to punish all persons managing, using, practicing or attempting to manage, use or practice the same, and all persons aiding in the management, use and practice thereof; auctions, etc. etc. Fortieth, To prohibit, prevent and suppress the sale of every Sale of meats, kind of unsound, nauseous or unwholesome meat, poultry, fish, vegetables or other articles of food and provisions, and to punish all persons who shall knowingly sell the same or offer or keep the same for sale; Forty-first. To prevent the violation of the Sabbath, and Sabbath. the disturbance of any religious congregation or any other public meeting assembled for any lawful purpose; etc. Forty-second, To secure said city and its inhabitants against Fires, thieves, injuries by fire, thieves, robbers, burglars and other persons violating the public peace; Forty-third, To direct and regulate the construction of cel- Private drains, lars, slips, barns, private drains, private sewer pipes and etc. fixtures, and cesspools, sinks and privies; to compel the owner or occupant to fill up. remove, drain, cleanse, alter, relay or repair the same; Forty-fourth, To prohibit and prevent within certain limits Explosives. or districts in said city, to be determined by the common council, the location and construction of buildings for storing gunpowder, powder factories, tanneries, distilleries, buildings for the manufacture of turpentine, camphene and dangerous or explosive substances, slaughterhouses and yards, butchering shops, soap, candle, starch and glue factories, establishments |