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First election, where held.

Township meetings,

where held.

General law to apply.

SEC. 2. The first election to be held on the first Monday in April, nineteen hundred three, in said district number one shall be held at the grange hall or some other convenient or appropriate place to be selected by the township board of the said township of Hudson, at or near the center of said township; and said election to be held in district number two at the village of Clayton in said township of Hudson.

SEC. 3. The annual and special township meetings of said township shall severally be held at the place of election of district number one at or near the center of said township.

SEC. 4. Said election district shall be subject to all the provisions of chapter ninety-five of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred ninety-seven, except the first section thereof, and all elections therein shall be conducted in the manner and by the officers prescribed by said chapter, and the votes cast thereat shall be canvassed in accordance with the requirements of said chapter.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1903.

Township may raise money for bridge.

Question to

to electors.

[No. 304.]

AN ACT to authorize the township of Spring Lake, in the county of Ottawa, to raise by taxation the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars to pay for the building of a bridge over and across Hammond Bayou, on the north and south quarter line of sections eleven and fourteen in town number eight, north of range sixteen west, in said township.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The township of Spring Lake in the county of Ottawa, is hereby authorized to raise by taxation, in addition to all other sums now authorized by law to be raised, the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars to pay for the building of a bridge across Hammond Bayou, on the north and south quarter line of sections eleven and fourteen in town number eight, north range sixteen west, in said township, said sum of money to be raised as follows: Two thousand dollars in the year nineteen hundred three, and one thousand five hundred dollars in the year nineteen hundred four.

SEC. 2. It is hereby made the duty of the township board be submitted of said township to submit the question of raising said sum of three thousand five hundred dollars by taxation, to the qualified voters of said township at the annual township meeting in said township in the year nineteen hundred three, giving due notice thereof by causing the same to be published in some newspaper generally circulating in the township and by posting said notices in at least six public places in said township at least ten

days before the time fixed for such election, which notice shall state the amount of money proposed to be raised in each of said years and the purpose to which it shall be applied.


SEC. 3. The vote upon such proposition shall be by printed ballot in the following words: "For the raising by taxation Form of of the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars to pay for building a bridge across Hammond Bayou.-Yes." "For the raising by taxation of the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars to pay for building a bridge across Hammond Bayou.— No." Said election shall be conducted and the votes thereat Election, how conducted. canvassed in all respects as in other township elections and immediately upon the conclusion of such canvass the inspectors shall make and sign a certificate showing the whole number of votes cast upon such proposition and the number for and against it. Said inspectors shall endorse upon such certificate a declaration of the result of such election, which certificate and declaration shall then be filed with the clerk of said township.

visor to as

SEC. 4. If a majority of all the votes cast are in favor of When super-
the proposition, the supervisor of said township is hereby au- sess and levy
thorized, and it shall be his duty to assess and levy upon the tax.
taxable property of said township the said sum of three thou-
sand five hundred dollars as follows: The sum of two thou-
sand dollars in the year nineteen hundred three, and the sum of
one thousand five hundred dollars in the year nineteen hundred
four, and the said money when collected, shall be kept in a
separate fund and applied only to the purposes specified in this

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1903.

[No. 305.]

AN ACT to change the name of Anders Gommesen Skrader to Andrew Gommesen.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. The name of Anders Gommesen Skrader, of the Name city of Grand Rapids, State of Michigan, is hereby changed changed. to Andrew Gommesen.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1903.

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Territory to contain.

Powers and duties of village.

First election.

Board of registration.

When to meet

Notices of election.

[No. 306.]

AN ACT to incorporate the village of Wolverine, in the county of Cheboygan.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

SECTION 1. All that territory situate in the townships of Nunda and Wilmot in the county of Cheboygan, and described as follows, viz.: the west half of the southeast quarter, and the southwest fractional quarter of section six, and the west half of the northeast quarter and the northwest fractional quarter of section seven, all of town thirty-three north of range two west, township of Nunda; also the east half of the southeast quarter of section one, and the east half of the northeast quarter of section twelve in town thirty-three north of range three west, township of Wilmot; all said descriptions composing one square mile of territory according to the United States survey thereof, said territory including the recorded village plat of Torrey and the recorded village plat of Wolverine, and all the sub-divisions thereof, be and the same is hereby organized, incorporated, made and constituted a village by the name of Wolverine.

SEC. 2. The inhabitants of said village shall be and constitute a body corporate and politic, to be known and dis'tinguished by the name and title of the village of Wolverine, and the said village shall be vested with all the powers and privileges and subject to all the restrictions and liabilities of villages organized under an act, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages within the State of Michigan, and defining their powers and duties," approved February twentieth, one thousand eight hundred ninety-five, and all acts amendatory thereof or in addition thereto.

SEC. 3. The first election of officers for said village shall be held on the first Monday in April, one thousand nine hundred three, at the C. W. Taylor building situated in said village.

SEC. 4. J. C. Shier, George H. DePew, A. J. McKillip and H. V. Griffin are hereby constituted the board of registration and election for the purpose of registering voters for the first election, to be held in said village, and of acting as inspectors of election at said first election, and said board of registration is hereby directed to meet on the Saturday preceding the said first Monday in April, in the said C. W. Taylor building in the said village of Wolverine, and register the names of all persons, residents of said village presenting themselves for registration and having the qualification of voters under the constitution and laws of this State.

SEC. 5. Notices of said first election of officers of said village shall be posted in three of the most public places in said village at least five days before the date of said election, which notice may be signed by any five electors in said village.


SEC. 6. The said village of Wolverine shall in all things Village, how not herein otherwise provided be governed by the said act, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of villages within the State of Michigan, and defining their powers and duties," approved February twentieth, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five, and the acts amendatory thereof and in addition thereto.

hold special election.

SEC. 7. In case the officers of said village are not elected at when may the time designated in section 'three of this act, the election for such officers may be held at any time within one year from the time designated in said section, notice thereof being given as provided in section four of this act.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.
Approved March 10, 1903.

[No. 307.]

AN ACT to amend sections three, twelve and eighteen of an act, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of slack water navigation companies for the improvement of rivers in the counties of St. Joseph, Cass, Berrien and Cheboygan, and defining their powers and duties," approved March twenty-fifth, eighteen hundred sixty-seven.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:


SECTION 1. Sections three, twelve and eighteen of an act, Sections entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of slack water navigation companies for the improvement of rivers in the counties of St. Joseph, Cass, Berrien and Cheboygan, and defining their powers and duties," approved March twentyfifth, eighteen hundred sixty-seven, are hereby amended so as to read as follows:


SEC. 3. There shall be a meeting of the stockholders to be Notice of held at the principal office of the company, for election of meeting of directors to serve for the ensuing year, notice of which, appointing a time and place shall be given by the directors then in office, which notice shall be published not less then twenty days previous thereto, in a newspaper published in said county, through which the improvement on such rivers may extend, and in case no newspaper is published in said county, the same shall be published in some newspaper published in the City of Detroit. Three judges of election shall Election of be chosen by the board of directors previous to the first regular or annual meeting thereof of stockholders, who shall be stockholders but not directors at the time of such election, whose duty it shall be to receive the votes of stockholders at such election, and who shall openly count the votes and


by ballot.

declare the result, and shall furnish the directors elected at such meeting with a certificate of their election, which certificate shall be evidence of their authority to act as such directors; not less than three nor more than thirteen directors Election to be shall be chosen at such meeting. The election shall be by ballot, and by a majority of the voters present, in person or by proxy; any stockholder present shall be entitled to give one vote for any share of stock he may have owned for ten days next preceding such election, but no stockholder shall vote at such election upon any stock except such as he shall have owned ten days next prior thereto; no person shall be a director unless he shall be a stockholder, owning stock absolutely in his own right, and qualified to vote for directors at the election to which he shall be chosen. There shall be an annual meeting of the stockholders in each year after the one above mentioned, to be held, governed and conducted in the same manner. The directors elected by the stockholders shall hold their office for one year, and until others are elected and qualified to fill their places.

Annual meetings.

May hold

real estate.

SEC. 12. Such company shall have power to purchase and hold all real estate necessary for it for the construction of one or more dams, locks and embankments' and it may also purchase and hold all lands that may be overflowed by the backwater from any dam or dams that it may own or acquire, and it shall also have power to purchase, hold and convey any other real estate necessary in procuring and utilizing hydrauMay construct lic power directly or indirectly, and it shall be lawful for such company to construct canals and races from any dams owned by it, and to occupy, rent or sell the power so created upon such terms at it may deem proper, and it shall also have power and authority to use the water power so owned by it for the manufacture and generation of electrical current and may then vend such electrical current to all persons and corporations for light, heat and power purposes.

dams, etc.

May hold and convey real estate.

May sell power.

May do electric lighting.

SEC. 18. It shall be lawful for such company to purchase in fee, hold and convey, any real estate that it may deem desirable upon which to use for manufacturing purposes, all the surplus water that may be afforded by the dams erected by said company, in such river; and said company, through its directors or agents, shall have full power to sell, lease or rent, for any determinate period, any portion of said power, and to regulate the use of the same, and by its by-laws provide a mode to enforce such contributions from lessees or purchasers of such water power as said company may deem necessary, to maintain and keep in repairs its dams, and the flumes and races that may issue therefrom, and said company is further authorized to use any water power owned by it in generating electrical current and selling the same for light, heat and power purposes, and such company may, with the consent of the corporate authorities of any county, city, village or township, erect poles and string thereon wires, or may lay conduits, and maintain the same, in, over and upon

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